4 OPINION Tuesday, September 13, 1988 Page 4 The Michigan Dolly Academic freedom and military research By Daniel Axelrod The big issues on campus these days are militarism and racism. And as these issues continue to play out, we hear a lot about what various individuals on the campus have the right to do or not to do with regard to weapons research or racist behavior, and so the whole discussion be- comes wrapped up in the notion of what's called academic freedom. I want to exam- ine the close relationships among these topics of campus militarism, racism, individual freedom and collective responsibility. This whole issue of militarism on campus arose again a couple of years ago when Republican Regent Deane Baker an- Uounced at the Regents meeting as to how enamored he was of the Star Wars Pro- gram and how he worried that the Univer- sity guidelines might stand in the way of ;accepting the Star Wars money that was jvaiting in Washington to be showered Qpon research institutions. Those univer- sity guidelines, you may recall, prohibited .research that was harmful to human life, at ;least if the research results could not be ,ublished within a year. Strangely ,enough, there was never any restriction against research harmful to human life as "long as it was rapidly publishable. As weak and ambiguous as they were, those guidelines were a compromise in response to mass opposition to the Vietnam War on this campus in the late sixties and early seventies. But three years ago, the Regents dis- covered a double opportunity beckoning them: first, a whole new wave of money to be had from the military, as the Rea- ganites greatly expanded military funds, and second, an apparent increase of student apathy as concerns foreign policy. The University then seized the opportunity by setting up a committee to reexamine the old guidelines. The committee members, who of course were carefully selected by the administration, scrupulously avoided discussing the issue that created the com- mittee in the first place, namely the pos- Axelrod is a Prof. of Physics in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. sibility of Star Wars money, and instead confined the discussion to something called "academic freedom." To make a long story short, the committee suggested some even more watered-down guidelines. The Regents then proceeded to immediately and totally reject the official committee's rec- ommendations out of hand and replace with their own formula, which is basically watered-down water. The Regents packed their formula with such exquisitely mushy language that it is essentially no guideline at all. In other words, after two years of de- bate, the Regents did what they originally wanted to do anyway, which was take the Star Wars money and run. By running a fruitless debate and sinking months of faculty, student, and administrator time on committees and forums, they didn't make a long story short; they made a very short story two years long. So the door is now open to the University greatly increasing its research services for the U.S. military. It has not done so yet; military funding still ac- counts for less than 10% of all outside re- search money here, but there is always a delay in these things. Other universities that got an earlier start have already been drafted by the military: more than half of the funding at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh comes from the military. They are already addicted. So with less than 10%, what's the problem? Well, take a look at some of the projects that have recently been carried on at the University. There was recently a project in the Pharmacology Dept. funded by the Army's main lab for Chemical and Biological warfare, Fort Detrick, to study the effects of known nerve gases. To do this, hundreds and hundreds of laboratory animals were poisoned by nerve gases, some at lethal doses, and some at sub- lethal doses, causing immense suffering, just to see the effect. This established a baseline. Then, in the later years of the grant, various antidotes were to be tested on hundreds more poisoned animals. Finding antidotes to nerve gas sounds fine at first until you consider how such an antidote is likely to be used in the bat- tlefield. It is completely unfeasible to dis- tribute it to civilian populations caught near a battle in a timely fashion. Even if the civilians already had it in their pock- ets, there is no time to give notice that they must consume it in the precious few seconds before vomiting, and paralysis, and asphyxiation set in. It is not even fea- sible for the defending military force to protect its troops with an antidote because of the short time between a surprise nerve gas attack and death, and the fact that the defenders probably won't even know which nerve gas was being used against them in time for them to make a judicious selection of antidotes. By far the most likely use for nerve gas antidotes, and the only use that has enough military value to interest the military, is to protect the aggressors: the side that is applying the nerve gas. In other words, antidotes in the hands of the U.S. military, antidotes developed by UM researchers, are most likely to be used by U.S. soldiers against unprotected popula- tions while making themselves immune to its effects. The side using nerve gas must be equipped with an antidote. The nerve gas project at U of M may not be just what the doctor ordered, but it is what the military ordered. It is a research project that tortures and kills animals so that the military may figure out how to best tor- ture and kill people. Of course, one could argue - as did a congressional aide quoted in the Detroit Free Press - that "...(nerve gas) is the ti- diest way to wage war. Nothing is good. At least this spares the buildings." Just as with nerve gas antidotes, Star Wars seems peaceful at first glance. Isn't it just a technological system for making nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete? Unfortunately, that view of Star Wars has no technological basis whatsoever, and the only reason that view is even presented is for pure public relations. The actual pur- pose of Star Wars, in fact the only pur- pose it could have technologically, is by no means peaceful. Star Wars is an offensive system. It is designed not for defense at all, but for making a first strike nuclear attack safe for the attacker. It is for making the threat to start a nuclear war look good. Even the knights of old, mindless as they were, knew enough to suit up in heavy armor to protect themselves should any of their opponents attempt to retaliate. Star Wars is the shield that goes with a sword. Every single scientist in the coun- try who has taken a public stand on Star Wars knows that the system cannot possibly protect the American people from a full scale Soviet nuclear attack. Even a slight leak in the nuclear umbrella and all American cities would be destroyed. But as a shield against a Soviet retalia- tion - now that's a aifferent story. A Soviet retaliation is likely to be quite fee- ble, after they have been hit by several thousand first strike MX and Trident mis- siles. Star Wars can shoot down most of a feeble retaliation. The U.S. would then lose only 20 million - according to gov- ernment nuclear strategists - a quite ac- ceptable loss. Star Wars is the missing link to a first strike. This is not a strange idea, not even to Reagan. He said only last year that a Soviet Star Wars system would be very threatening to the U.S.: "America can't afford to take a chance of waking up in 10 years and finding that the Soviets have an advance defense sys- tem ...and our deterrence is obsolete be- cause of the Soviet defense system." Of course, the possibility that the So- viets might see our Star Wars system in just this way was not mentioned by Rea- gan. I guess you just can't say everything in one speech. Weinberger knows the true meaning of Star Wars too: A U.S. Star Wars system "would pro- vide insurance against a world in which the Soviets - and the Soviets alone - could brandish their sword from behind the protective shield they are continuing to develop." Again, no mention of how this works in reverse. A first strike capability is impossible without Star Wars. Sure, it is a bonanza for military contractors; sure Reagan may think it is his personal crusade or he's confusing astronomy with astrology; sure, University administrators see it as a feather in their caps as they praise nonviolence and the neutral pursuit of knowledge as they promote one-sided high tech violence; but fundamentally Star Wars is an essential part of a first strike nuclear offense. People say, look, it's only research. Maybe research on Star Wars or radar in- visible missiles will lead to something good of it. Anything is possible. Perhaps consumer electronics items - home stereos - that can withstand accelerations equivalent to smashing into a brick wall at 25,000 miles an hour. That sounds like;a joke, but the kinds of projects worked on for Star Wars have few immediate peaceful applications. The professor who works on radar in- visibility for missiles was once asked if hie thought his Air Force funded project had any military applications. No, he said, but he could think of a civilian application. You see, when planes land at the airport, they disrupt TV reception in the local area, and his research results might fix that. Was he trying to make commercial jets an not nuclear missiles radar invisible? Was his research sponsored by CBS and not the Air Force? Who is he kidding? The fact is, these are weapons projects. Perhaps there will be some useful spin-off someday. 'But why not put the money into peaceful research and student fellowships today to work directly on products useful to people? This siphoning off of talent and making their work classified does little for keeping this country at the'forefront of useful civilian technology. What you can or cannot do in univer- sity research is not just an abstract or philosophical question. It is not just a question of wasting or not wasting money or talent. We are talking about research which has an impact on real warfare, an impact which can literally kill thousands or millions of people. The text is from a speech to doctoral students given on May 13, 1988. It is the first of three part series. 4 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vo. IC No.4 420 Maynard St. Vol. IAnn Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Do not ignore ethics I Retainstudent IN THE OPPRESSIVE heat of late July, According to delegates from two dozen progressive policies are th student organizations began holding campaign by th weekly meetings in the sweltering its sovereign au chambers of the Michigan Student As- and silence dis sembly. Only one item was on the administration': agenda: the University Regents' approval the concerns a of a five-point plan to restrict political and workers,r expression on campus. This plan agreed on andi included approving potentially repressive mands to the U guidelines on free speech and protest; gents: deputizing security officers; and - that it imme suspending the regental bylaw that gave tization of camp students a voice in the establishment of .ithat it ii campus policies. guidelines on By the end of the summer, the various adopted at its Ju delegates found they had ample common . that it abid ground for a powerful coalition. They and use the Un have emerged this September as the nism for establi highly visible Campaign for a Democratic Campus (CDC). From the Guild House campus. Campus Ministry to the Black Student CDC also w Union and from the Michigan Alliance possibility of for Disarmament to Ann Arbor Tenants which could be Union, CDC now represents over 500 violations of t students, faculty and workers. All actions are pres indications are that its ranks will grow CDC convinc larger as alarm and outrage over the new form these act conduct rules mount. administration In spite of the diverse political agendas control over the of the individual organizations in the History indic coalition, CDC has formulated a clear and can be fragile a principled platform which represents the in response t interests all parties involved. discriminatory Their position papers and educational formed from program promise to provide concerned organizations pi members of the University community This coalition1 with both an understanding of the current the issue of developments and a means for expressing protection or opposition to the new policies. Their First Amendme planned activities include informational However, re rights CDC's analysis, the new e culmination of a long e administration to assert uthority at the University ;sent. In response to the s increasing disregard for nd opinions of students members of CDC have issued the following de- University Board of Re- ediately rescind the depu- pus secunity; mediately rescind the free speech and protest ly meeting; e by its own bylaw, 7.02,- niversity Council mecha- ishing any and all policies iarns students about the formal punitve actions c levied against them for he new guidelines. Such sently undetermined. But, ingly argues, whatever ions eventually take, the will likely retain arbitrary ir implementation. ates that student coalitions nd transitory. Last winter, to the administration's acts policy, a united front many of the same resently comprising CDC. broke down in part over racial slurs and their non-protection under the -nt. strictions on protest and By Maria Comninou Academics and scholars in general, commonly hold the view that academic freedom implies unrestricted license to pursue any field of inquiry they please. This view is not only unrealistic, but it may also lead to disastrous results, and this is the reason that already some types of scientific or engineering research are regulated, and new restrictions are sought for others. Some claim that research is neutral, and it is the way people use it that makes it good or bad. There are others who claim that we should examine the purpose of re- search to determine its ethical significance. According to this view, research that leads to the development of a gun is bad, be- cause the purpose of a gun is to kill, al- though it may also be used to blast a locked door and save a child's life in an emergency. This type oftresearch is de- bated frequently by the university community in the context of weapons or classified research. Indeed, the university seems periodically to go into convulsions and produce one policy, if only to reject it at its next convulsion. However, there is another kind of re- search which is prevalent at the university of Michigan, and its stated purposes are all good, but its execution most often in- volves suffering, loss of freedom and loss of life. Every year, 100,000 lives are taken at the university in the name of scientific research that has exemplary goals. We all know that life is cheap in our society. When the lives in question are those of other species, life seems to have no value at all. Ethical issues related to the use of ani- mals by humans have been raised in all aspects of their use by individuals usually characterized as "fanatics", "people haters", "misguided do-gooders" and so on. It is impossible to discuss all the separate is- sues here. The use of animals in research is, however, of special significance for the university community, since we do engage in animal research and experimentation, and not in veal production, for instance. Pb ilcmirnrbi"l rnrci tnrcn 'imnin r to r n-?if however). This position has been called speciesism. On the other extreme, there are those who claim that animals have in- trinsic worth, and should not be deprived of their rights to life and freedom, merely for the benefit of humans. Finally, a mid- of-the-road position aims at balancing the benefits to be derived for humans with the harm done to animals. As most people tend to agree with a moderate position, this position will serve as the underlying principle in the following discussion. To ensure the proper use and care of an- imals in laboratories, the federal govern- ment has enacted the Animal Welfare Act. This act covers those warm-blooded ani- mals designated by the Secretary of Agri- culture. Currently mice, rats and birds are exempted. In addition to minimum stan- dards of care stipulated for each projected species, this Act requires each institution receiving federal funds to establish a committee to oversee the process. It is specified that such committees will include at least one member of the com- munity (not affiliated with the institu- tion), and a veterinarian. At the University of Michigan this committee is called Uni- versity Committee on the Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA). Currently UCUCA has sixteen members. At least eleven of the members are animal experimenters. The members are appointed by the Vice- President for Research. The rationale for appointing so many animal experimenters seems to be that they are better equipped to understand the experimental uses of animals. Accepting this assumption at face value, and going even further to con- cede that animal experimenters are equally well-equipped in identifying and requiring the best care for animals, we may still raise the following question: Are they the best judges to hold the scales that balance human benefits and animal harms? Even allowing that they have the best inten- tions, the answer cannot be an unequivocal yes. Justice, as we perceive it and try to practice it in the United States, requires the absence of potential conflict of inter- ests, and requires a jury as free of con- scious or unconscious prejudice as possi- ble. Psychology Dept. lab rats surface). If, however, we wish to adhere to a code of costs to animals/benefits to hu- mans, we cannot take such a casual view. What is to be done? Given that our powers of prediction have not substantially im- proved since the time of ancient oracles, we must examine the results and conclu- sions reached by the experimenter at the end of the project period; we must look for measures that point to potential impact, such as dissemination of results in confer- ences, publications, or citations of work published. Although the means of accom- plishing this goal are best left to the ex- perts, the decision to proceed or not along the goal rests with everybody. Failure to act: perpetuates the claim that animals do not matter. This proposal has been criticized by UCUCA on the grounds that it is not necessary: the funding agencies will not fund a project unless it ranks high in sci- entific merit, and will not fund a scientist unless he or she has produced adequate re- sults. There are the following flaws with this argument: a) it confuses the issue of scientific merit with the ethical question of harms and benefits; b) it leaves the door open for blaming the individual investiga- tor for what may very well be a shortcoming of animal experimentation, and allowing similar research to continue