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September 13, 1988 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-09-13

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, September 13, 1988

Continued from Page 1
problems for some students and fac-
"We stressed understanding to
the faculty during this time period
- and not to hold it against them,"
'said School of Business
Administration Dean Gilbert
Residential College Professor
Ruth Smith decided to cancel her
Read -

classes for the religious observance.
"For freshmen it would be nicer
if they had more information about
the holidays, but by the time they are
seniors they've figured it out," she
Symbolizing a period of intro-
spection for the Jewish people, Rosh
Hashanah marks the beginning of
the Jewish New Year and begins a
10-day period of atonement that
culminates with Yom Kippur.
Most Jewish holidays are family
oriented and are especially hard on
first-year students who can't return
home to relatives and friends.
"I didn't know of the University
policy," said first-year student Jason
Sindler at services conducted by
Hillel at the Michigan Union last
night. "I'm just observing Rosh
Hashanah as best I can."
When Rosh Hashanah fell on the
first two days of classes in 1983,
similar policies were issued to the

Continued from Page 1
causing effects in humans.
With guitars in hand, Dolgan and
Hawkins will take off for sites in
Lenowee County, Jackson, and Bat-
tle Creek this week.
Next month, Dolgon and

Hawkins will visit the worst toxic
waste site in Washtenaw County in
Scio Township, where the water is
so contaminated that residents must
buy bottled drinking water.
"Butthere's poison in my water,
and there's poison on my sand. But
we can come together, And we can
make a stand," the two University
students sang.

Continued from Page 1
you don't agree with someone, screw
them over."
In his July proposal to the re-
gents, Fleming said the protest pol-
icy - drafted last spring by the
Civil Liberties Board, a committee
of students, faculty, and staff - was
an "even-handed" treatment of
speakers and protesters' rights. He
said the University Council was un-
able to draft regulations, so it should
be suspended. One reason for
deputization, he said, is that all other
Big Ten and Michigan colleges have
similar policies.
Only Regent Veronica Smith (R-
Grosse Ile) voted against the policy,
echoing some of the students' con-
cerns during last month's meeting.
Phillips said the purpose of last
night's protest was to provide in-
formation about the new University
policies before another rally Thurs-

day afternoon.
With that in mind, said Julie
Murray, chair of MSA's Student
Rights Committee, the protest was a
success. "We expected half as
much," she said. "We just got this
together (last) Friday... If somebody
takes the time to come to this, they
might come Thursday, and we can
get something started."
Many of the protesters were
members of the Campaign for a
Democratic Campus, a coalition of
student leaders from various campus
groups, including MSA,
SANE/FREEZE, the Revolutionary
Workers' League, and Lesbian and
Gay Rights on Campus.
The CDC has been meeting since
early August, and met again last
night in a session closed to the press.
UM News in
The Daily

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Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports
Burmese cry: elections4
RANGOON, Burma - Thousands of anti-government demonstrators
marched here yesterday, with opposition leaders demanding that an interim
government be appointed to supervise multiparty elections.
In other developments, more than 1,000 school children fasted in
support of the protesters, and the military said it would shoot demon-
strators spreading a report that two armed forces commanders had threat-
ened to join the protest.
President Maung Maung, who Saturday bowed to weeks of nationwide
protests and announced plans for Burma's first multiparty elections in 18
years, has rejected the call for an interim government. 4
TWA jet pilot testifies
FRANKFURT, West Germany - The pilot of a TWA jetliner hi-
jacked by Arab terrorists in 1985 testified that Mohammed Ali Hamadi
took pleasure in torturing the passengers and fired the shot that killed a
U.S. Navy diver.
Capt. John Testrake told the court that Hamadi was the more violent
of the two hijackers who invaded the jetliner's cabin and later shot Robert
Stethem. "Looking at this man now, I was struck that... this is the man
who I recall had stood in the forward entry way and shot Stethem." 4
But under questioning by defense lawyers, Testrake said he did not act-
ually see Hamadi pull the trigger.
Hamadi is charged with murder and air piracy. Though he has admitted
to hijacking the June 14, 1985 Athens-to-Rome flight, he has denied kil-
ling Stetham.
. -
Pope encourages peace
at Mass in Zimbabwe
BULAWAYO, Zimbabwe - Pope John Paul II preached peace an '
reconciliation yesterday during an open-air Mass in Matabeleland, a pro-
vince where tribal warfare ended only four months ago.
"No more training for war," the pontiff told 50,000 people at Ascot
horse track in Bulawayo, the provincial capital.
John Paul was met at Bulawayo's heavily guarded airport by Joshu
Nkomo, former rival of President Robert Mugabe and now a senior gov
ernment minister. In December, Nkomo and Mugabe signed an accord that
merged their feuding political parties, ending nearly eight years of fight;
ing between Nkomo's armed dissidents and Mugabe's government troops.
Quayle plays K-zoo
KALAMAZOO - Republican vice presidential candidate Dan Quayle
yesterday defended the job training program he helped write, saying most
of its participants in Michigan have found jobs.
The Indiana senator toured the American Instruments Corp., where
about half of its 75 workers have participated in programs through the
Job Training Partnership Act. The 1982 federal law encourages businesses
to train disadvantaged or dislocated workers and place them in local jobs.
The Governor's Office for Job Training reported that about 54 percent
of the 59,050 Michigan residents who went through such programs
during the 1986-7 fiscal year found employment.
Need a Scholarship?
If the tuition increase has you forging for new and unusual financial ai
possibilities, these suggestions might come in handy.
We're not David Letterman, but here are The Top Ten Most
Unusual Scholarships for 1988:
1. David Letterman Telecommunications Scholarship Program
- offers full tuition scholarships for undergraduate telecommunications
majors at Ball State University.
2. Harvard Radcliffe Scholarships - available for all areas of
study, but only for students with the last names Anderson, Baxendale;
Borden, Bright, Dowen, Pennoyer, or Murphy.
3. Association of Former Agents of the U.S. Secret
Service/J. Clifford Dietrich - Julie Y. Cross Scholarship offer
$1000 for undergraduate law enforcement or criminal justice students.
4. International Women Helicopter Pilots Scholarships -r
offers $4000 for women helicopter flyers.
5. Beckley Scholarship Foundation - $700 for left-handed firs
year students at Juanita College.
6. Mycological Society of America - has graduate fellowships for
$1000 for P.H.D. candidates studying fungus.
7. G.J. Deppen and Voris Auten' Teetotaling Non-Athletic
Scholarship Fund - for graduates of Mt. Carmel High School at
Bucknell University who don't smoke, drink, or play rough sports.

8. The countess of Munster Musical Trust - has scholarships for
British and Commonwealth citizens studying music.
9. Descendents of the Signers of the Declaration of
Independence/Scholarship Grant Program - grants for students
whose ancestors put their John Hancocks on the Declaration of 4
10. John Gatling (Inventor of Gatling Gun) Scholarship
Program - $7000 for high school seniors and undergraduates at North
Carolina State University with the last name Gatlin or Gatling.
-Source: National Scholarship Research Service
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the.
National Student News Service.

1 -


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Editor in Chief..................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN
Managing Editor........................MARTHA SEVETSON
News Editor.......................................EVE BECKER
City Editor..............................MELISSA RAMSDELL
Features Editor...................ELIZABETH ATKINS
University Editor.............................ANDREW MILLS
NEWS STAFF: Victoria Bauer, Dov Cohen, Donna
Iadipaolo, Steve Knopper, Kristine LaLonde, Eric Lemont,
Michael Lustig, Alyssa Lustigman, Lisa Pollak, Micah
Schmit, Anna Senkevitch, Marina Swain, Lawrence
Rosenberg, David Schwartz, Ryan Tutak, Lisa Winer.
Opinion Page Editors.............JEFFREY RTHERFORD
OPINION STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Elizabeth Each,
Noah Finkel, Amy Harmon, I. Matthew Miller, Henry
Park, Sandra Steingraber.
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ARTS STAFF: Sheala Durant, Michael Fischer, Brian!
Jarvinen, Juliet James, Mike Rubin, Beth Sedin, Lauren.
Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Marie Wesaw.
Photo Editors..........................KAREN HANDELMA-
PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Baez, Jessica Greene, Ellen
Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebel, Lisa
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Display Sales Manager ...............JACKIE MILLER
Assistant Display Sales Manager ..........Tamara
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