0 Select One: QI Citibank MasterCard® or oI Citibank Visa® Please use ballpoint pen. " " " s" "- e Prit ul ame Frst Midle IitalP Last ameofS chol I ( Brnc appear n ad Yur AddessatSchool ScrtNu rI I (I ' I l' II 'Bit I I I I if dffren fop ermannt adress)I p I I IPp I L Pem an n I ( ' I I I I I' ( ( I I I I I rP , fic I I I I I I I ( 1 11I I dp tillo PemnetPhn f ( I I INm ha and Area Code AppearsDpppponpPhone]pBill NpaeTat phpp~ I II I I I I (I iI I I I Your dFreshman Q Sophoor QJuor Q Senior Ap5pars onPhon Bll lasPsGadat Sudnt ElFauly/taf Ohe U..Ctzn l Ys IfuNo, Are YuupQ []Yes0 No- APPermanent Resident? Q No " INFORMATIPOyPp~PPPPPPPOPdPPdaaY (Joint or Indiidual) I: 17TI7.-1"1771 CheckingppAccount ppNumberpBank Nme y5sinin belwIauthorizeCitibank (South DakotPa), N.A to checkPmy crdit hstor an excang (Joint orIndividual)PifomaionPabouthow I handlePPmypaccount pp withPproe erosad ihcrdtbreu fIam isud a _____________________________________________card._____ Ip ~autoie yployer~P, Py bank. and any other references listedaov t rlasead/or veify (Joint orIndividual) the crdit card acout a dy rene al orpfutre exten ionofcrdit II ask. IwillIbetodpwhthr o no cosuerrprt onme erereuetad the nPP p P p pame ftecrdtbr a, wih teiraPddresss, a t P Annual Q Soucus:alalLAlloanceSa vinpgs QLSummerJob providedth p orts.f Ip ermitPPmyPspuse to use my ard, I uderstandthat accountinform aiwilalso Income $ Q SaarySipend be reported to crdit buraus in myspouse' nam . I certiy thatI am 18Pyars of age.orPolderand that the Name fEploye (Present. my account within PPdapys PPP paftr Prceveth pardthe Citibanpk AgreementPSentPp me with Phepard il EmployerapTlephoe( II I I In ordr tbe cPoidefo alCtiba~kMasteCad or aitibaksPard you must co~plete ad and AraaCodea Jasgn hsioapplication.aOmissiaioofayaofthiforaion reqestd inhi appliation maybegrounds ____________________________________________for denial.Iaverify that PhaveO read auderstadhedisosure boxappon ebackPlease do notsend PYou pneed pnot inclde spouse's incomeP, aimony, pchpid asuppPrt Pp separateaintna ncepaPPPpayments~ paid payment of$20 annalfee; you will beabilledlater. p~pppd~lppo~pp~yigPPp~PP~~aaab~PPad~PPPl~a.Taenuretat uyour appicuatinsprocPsseadaunquickly aspossaiblP, pleuse completeall the inforinre quasted and mail to Citibank (Soath Dakota) N.A., Citicorp Credit Services, lnc. (MD), One Citicorp Drive, Hagerstown, Marylaand 21748-0002. EC9421-12 X Applicant's Signature Date