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December 12, 1988 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-12-12

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 12, 1988 - Page 3

tries to
clean ash
Officials at the Jackson County
Resource Recovery Facility are
usily searching for methods to de-
toxify ash from their mass burn
garbage incinerator so that they can
ieopen the facility early in January.
The facility, which incinerated
garbage from Jackson County, was
shut down voluntarily last month af-
ter tests revealed that ash from the
plant had such high concentrations of
Dead and cadmium that it had to be
classified as hazardous waste, said Dr.
ILani Lee, district supervisor for the
MVichigan Department of Natural Re-
opened a year ago, was burning over
X50 tons of garbage a day. The
approximately 80 cubic yards per day
of ash produced was stored in a sealed
landfill near the plant until the tests
Gould be completed. Originally it was
Oought the ash would be classified
s non-hazardous and could be taken
to a normal landfill, but now it will
either have to be de-toxified or sent
to a special hazardous waste landfill.
The tests, completed in Novem-
ber, indicated that the ash had a lead
concentration of over 5 milligrams
per liter, said Norm Bather, the facil-
ity's director. He said the DNR may
permit them to treat the already ac-
cumulated ash by mixing it with ce-
ment dust or limestone, which would
Help prevent the lead and other haz-
ardous substances from leaking into
the ground water.
, Although the state does test ash
for lead, cadmium and several other
pollutants, many other toxins, in-
cluding the highly carcinogenic
Sioxins, are not tested for under law.
REMOVING metals, batteries
and other materials from the waste
stream would help to reduce the
toxicity, Bather said. "Someday we
vill have to make recycling [of these
naterials] mandatory," he said.
Currently; -the facility does not
tecycle any materials. There is a very
Small recycling program in the
county that relies entirely on volun-
teers to help collect newspapers,
glass and aluminum at a site open 4
hours each month. The program,
balled Recycle Jackson, was formed
in 1983 and has received no govern-
ment support.
"It's very difficult to get a recy-
cling program going when there is an
incinerator in a community and no
government support," said Jann
I(upa, a board member of Recycle



burst floods
Maynard St.

A water main break at the corner
of Maynard and East William Streets
prompted the city's water department
to shut down water service in the
area last night.
Apartments and business along
Maynard from Thompson to State
St. were without water late last
night, but officials expected to have
service restored by early this morn-
The break, which police said oc-
curred at 6:50 p.m., caused the side-
walk in front of Tower Plaza to col-
lapse. Neither Tower Plaza officials
nor police could estimate the cost of
Both water and heat service in the
building were turned off, said Robert
Fagerlund, the condominium's secu-
rity guard.
Tower Plaza residents began re-

porting water loss at about 6:45
p.m., Fagerlund said.
The water department had trouble
shutting of the water valves, a pro-
cedure which they at first thought
would first take "about 15-20 min-
After about two hours, workers
shut off the main valve which feeds
water to houses and businesses along
Maynard St.
The pipe which broke was con-
nected to the main water valve feed-
ing the rest of the street, workers
said. Officials were unsure whether
the actual break would be the re-
sponsibility of the city or Tower,
Police officers said the water
washed down Liberty to Thompson
and on to Division.
Salt trucks were sent to the scene,
to prevent icing of the roads, police,

Ann Arbor Police officers Steve 'Johnson and Chris Heatley pull
South Maynard Street. The flood occurred when a water main broke

a car out of a flood on
around 7 p.m. last night.

Ralliers celebrate one-year


Nearly 100 people gathered at the
steps of the graduate library Friday
to celebrate the one-year anniversary
of the Palestinian Intifadah (up-
rising). The Intifadah is the culmin-
ation of 21 years of Palestinian re-
sistance to Israel's military occupa-
tion of the West Bank and Gaza
Palestine Solidarity Committee
member Daniel Kohns opened by
telling the participants they are not
alone in commemorating this year's
first anniversary. "We and millions
of people around the world, at this
moment, are united in affirmation of
Palestinian steadfastness."
"Our community must know that
our presence here is a celebration and
our expression of love for the chil-
dren of the stones in Gaza and West
Bank, and for the Palestinian Arabs
living as second-class Israeli citi-
zens," he said.
Representatives from five other
campus groups also spoke in sup-
port of the Intifadah, offering their
solidarity to Palestinians on campus

and those in the West Bank and Gaza
"We have to demand that the U.S.
stop funding the oppressive Israeli
government. And we have to demand
that the U.S. give moral support to
the self-determination of the Pales-
tinian people," Pam Nadasen, a
member of the United Coalition
.Against Racism, said. "The Pales-
tinians are not waiting to be granted
a homeland, they are demanding it."
Marcella Harb, a member of the
General Union of Palestinian Stu-
.dents, said the military occupation is
against international law. "The bla-
tant disregard for Palestinian human
rights must stop," she said.
English Prof. Alan Wald, a
member of Concerned Faculty, said
that within the past two weeks 16
poets and writers in the occupied
territories and inside Israel have been
imprisoned by the government be-
cause of their outspoken support of
the Intifadah. He said this recent ac-
tion by Israel must be protested by

Ralliers march down Liberty St. in commemoration of last week's one-year anniversary oT-
the Palestinian Intifadah (uprising). Last Friday's demonstration in front of the Graduate
Library attracted a crowd of nearly 100 people.


The weather outside was bitter cold, but a
group of 27 women endured arctic temperatures
to warm the hearts of some Ann Arbor residents
last night, as they strolled through the city
singing Christmas carols -and collecting for
Members of the Angel Club collected dona-
tions of non-perishable food, blankets, new toys,
and clothes for poor families that the club has
adopted from Safehouse, a place for battered
women and their children in Ann Arbor.
"I think it's a great experience. Carolling is

our way of spreading joy throughout the
community," said Tracy Hudson, club member.
Last year the Angel Club, the "female
counterpart" of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity,
received the 1987 Student Recognition Award for
community service from the University.
"Our main purpose is to serve the community
by volunteering for organizations in Ann Arbor
such as the Ronald McDonald House and the
Madelon Pound House nursery school," said Joy
Calloway, the group's president.
Club members also tutor teenagers at Peace
Neighborhood Center, a juvenile support center.

They tutor about 45 teenagers, and have also
started "Project Teen Workshop," providing
information on choosing a college, teen preg
nancy, and career options.
The Angel Club also sponsors an annual
scholarship awarded to an incoming minority,
female first-year student from Washtenaw County
who they feel has superior academic achievement.
Started in 1982 by 15 women, Calloway said
the purpose of the original chapter was "to fill
the void of community service in the Black
community at the University of Michigan."



Pre-Kwanzaa program teaches
students to observe holiday

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

"Techniques for Examining
Survival in Wild Populations"
- Scott Winterstein, MSU, 1046
Dana, 4-5 pm. Tea, coffee, and cook-
*ies at 3:30 pm.
"Qui, Quand Ou et Pour Qui:
Tout sur la Farce de Maitre
Pathelin" - B. Roy, Rackham
West Conference Rm., 4 pm.
"Educational Technology in
Colleges & Universities: A
Research Agenda" - R. Kozma,
2219 School of Education, 12 noon-1
World Hunger Education-Ac-
tion Committee - 4202 -Michigan
Union, 6 pm.
Christian Science Organization
- Third Floor, Michigan League,
7:15 pm.
U of M Archery Club - Coli-
seum, 7-10 pm. Info call 764-4084.
U of M Taekwondo Club -
2275 CCRB, 6:30-8:15 pm.
SACUA - Rackham Amphitheatre,
3:15 pm.

Lunch - Michigan Union Univer-
sity Club, 12 noon.
"Graphics: The Workshop" -
1111 Kipke Dr., 1-4:30 pm.
"%F2 The Price of Change" -
Ctr. N. Eastern and N. African Studies
Film, Lane Hall Commons, 12 noon.
University Lutheran Chapel -
Caroling Party, 1511 Washtenaw, 6
Payroll Check Distribution -
On Friday December 30 from 10 am-2
pm, the Plant Business Office will
distribute Dec. 30th bi-weekly payroll
checks, 1201 Kipke Dr., West door by
Human Resource Development.
Women's Crisis Center
Volunteer Information Session
- Learn about WCC and how you
can join. At WCC, 306 N. Division,
12 noon. Call 761-9475 or 994-9100
to sign up.
English Peer Counseling -
4000A Michigan Union, 7-9 pm.
Help with papers and other English
related questions.
Mortar Board Book Exchange-
"Don't get mad, get even!" --
Come to the Fishbowl Dec. 12-13,
the Union Dec. 14 or the Tau Beta Pi
office on N. Campus starting today to
register. Then check the listing the

Holiday celebrations for some
Afro-American University students
won't climax on Christmas Day this
year if a special educational program
is successful.
For the past week, the Housing-
Special Programs Office of Student
Services has been promoting its fifth
annual "Pre-Kwanzaa" awareness
program to educate students about
Kwanzaa, a seven-day Afro-American
holiday that begins Dec. 26, and
encourage them to celebrate it at
The project, which simulated the
week-long festival for students and
Ann Arbor area families, attracted
more than 150 participants.
"It's been extremely successful,"
said Judy Sturgis Hill, coordinator of
Project Awareness, who planned one
of the events. "We haven't had a
volume of people necessarily, but

the students have come (to the
LSA sophomore Vanessa Middle-
ton, who attended several of the Pre-
Kwanzaa days, said she had never
celebrated Kwanzaa before. "I
thought it was an excellent oppor-
tunity for Afro-Americans to cele-
brate their own heritage," she said "It
has taken on very well."
Kwanzaa began when Maulana
Ron Karenga, Founder-Chair Emeri-
tus of the U.S. Cultural Organ-
ization, established the holiday,
which was derived from the tradi-
tional African harvest festival.
Beginning the day after Christ-
mas, the "Festival of the Fruits" -

Kwanzaa in Swahili - culminates
Jan. 1 in The Feast, a party with
food, drink and music. Each of the
seven days highlights one of the
seven "Principles" for the Afro--
American community to live by:
Unity, Self-Determination, Collect-
ive Work and Responsibilty, Co-
operative Economics, Purpose, Crea-
tivity, and Faith.
A party last night at Mary
Markley was the final event in the
University's celebration. But stu-
dents who plan to observe the actual
Kwanzaa holiday said they will put
up red, black and green decorations
this week.


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