0 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Monday, December 12, 1988 Breakfast in bed hits the spot BY ALEX GORDON I was a deprived child. For years I watched the Brady Brunch, and it seemed that every morning," before Greg, Marcia, and company headed off to Millard Fillmore Jr. High, Alice would be up cheerfully cooking them a nice hearty breakfast.' 'The breakfast I usually got was a bowl of Coco-Krispies, and I had to pour the milk myself. However, thanks to a new local business, all those years I was neglected at the breakfast table are a distant memory. In fact, for this breakfast I didn't even have to leave bed, except to answer ttie door. Breakfast-In-Bed has been operating for a little over a month, delivering and serving gourmet breakfasts to customers in the privacy of their own homes every Sunday morning. The knock on my door came at 10 a.m. yesterday. By joint decision, my dining partner and I concluded we should have our breakfast at the kitchen table instead of in bed. I've heard poached eggs are impossible to wash out of sheets. Our waitress, like Cinderella's fairy god- mother, then magically transformed the barren table into an incarnation of my dream breakfast table. Before us, on a linen table cloth, lay a place setting of real china and silver, a rose, a lit candle and most importantly, food, food, and more food. Denny's Grand Slam was clearly not the inspiration for this fare. To quote the menu, my companion had the Healthy entree: "layered torte of open-faced egg-white omelettes, alternating with purees of avocado/watercress, red roasted pepper, and mushroom/shallot... with almond/se- same/pistachio tofu/spread and mixed roasted pepper salad." There are five entrees diners can select from when phoning in their reservations. The dishes - range from the aforementioned "healthy" one, to an "elegant" poached eggs dish, to a traditional breakfast of waffles, eggs and bacon. Diners also choose accompaniments such as croissants, berries and cream, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. Kent Wagner, a 1987 University graduate, is the president and founder of Breakfast-In-Bed. He said he got the idea to start the business "lying in bed on a Sunday wishing someone would do it for me." - All this elegance comes at a price though - $19.00 per single order, $34.00 per couple. "The price is extremely reasonable for what they're getting," said Wagner. "There's no line, they don't have to'stand in the cold, they don't even have to get out of bed.' The highlight of the meal? For us, it was not having to clean up afterwards. Even the Brady kids had to help Alice with the dishes. Armenia Continued from Page 1 send to the area, he said. The first check was sent to the Armenian Relief Society in Water- town, Mass., an' agency sponsored by the American Red Cross. The blankets and clothing collected are taken to St. John's Armenian Church in Southfield, which sends them to Armenia. "If I had the medical background and the funds, I would go to Armenia to help," Najarian said. r U.S. officials said a plane would >e chartered to send medical supplies and canine search teams to Armenia. "It seems so frustrating since collecting money is all that we can do," said Armen Asherain, a Rack- ham graduate student. "When I heard about the earthquake, I was stunned. I couldn't even cry. We Armenians began the century pretty badly, and it looks like we'll end it badly." "I really don't even know how to express the gratitude I feel, knowing that people cae," he said. Earlier in the year the group sent petitions to the Soviet mission in Washington, D.C., requesting the return of Karabagh to Armenian control. Students Continued from Page 1 The students could select from 24 research projects, then talk with the faculty mentor and, if hired, set up their own work schedule. Ford said LSA hopes to expand the program, but first wanted to evaluate its success. The number of students involved in such programs on campus was not available. Long-standing research programs, such as the LSA Honors Program, are also encouraging students to get an earlier start on independent re- search. Every Honors Program concen- trator must develop an original re- search.project as a junior or senior and work on it with a faculty mentor. However, to help students get an early start on their thesis, the Honors program hopes to implement a pilot Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program that would in- volve first- and second-year students. "We're just getting started on the program," said Nancy Kushigian, associate director of the Honors Pro- gram. "We've been working on getting the faculty to do it," she said. The Honors Program currently has 60 faculty who serve as mentors for juniors and seniors, she said. Much of the work to get younger researchers involved in projects falls on the students themselves, Ford said. Many of the programs require that students contact the faculty members or develop the projects themselves. That is one of the benefits to researching, said Brad Katz, a senior in the Honors Program. "I'm working on a large project by my- self, under my own guidance. I picked my own advisor... and I can approach it in whatever way I want." IN BRIEF Compiled from Associated Press and staff reports i Prop. A takes effect today DETROIT - The voter-approved ban on Medicaid-funded abortions in Michigan, labeled Proposal A in the November 8 election, takes effect today promoted a rush on abortion clinics by poor women hoping to beat the deadline. Dr. Abraham Hodari, whose Womancare clinics perform more Medicaid-funded abortions than any other facilities in the state, said doctors and nurses worked double shifts to perform all scheduled abortions over the weekend. The clinics were prepared to perform 120 abortions Friday and Saturday, about 50 percent more than the normal two-day total, he said. - "A lot of pro-lifers say this is going to hurt us, but I don't think it will," said Dave Williams, a spokesperson for Women's Health Services of Detroit. "I've had women tell me they've sold crack to get the money... If they know they want to terminate it, they'll get the money," he said. Democratic leader says tax increase is necessary WASHINGTON - The Democratic co-chair of the National Economic Commission said yesterday that spending cuts alone won't reduce federal budget deficits and that new taxes will be needed to balance the books - a possibility not ruled out by his Republican counterpart. "I must tell you that in my judgment I have not found sufficient spending cuts to make up the shortfall," said Robert Strauss, one of two leaders of the high-level advisory panel seeking solutions to the deficit problem. Such a finding by the panel would be directly at odds with President- elect George Bush's campaign pledge not to raise taxes. Democrats are turning up the heat for Bush to show how he would close the $35 billion gap in meeting the next year's deficit-reduction goal. "I haven't seen a way to get there without some increased revenue.. Hopefully we'll find it. If we don't, I'm going to be for some increased revenue," Strauss, a former Democratic national chair said on NBC's "Meet the Press" program. Scores die in Mexican blast MEXICO CITY - Illegal fireworks exploded in a crowded street market Sunday, setting off a chain reaction and a fire that spread to five buildings, witnesses said. At least 51 people were killed, the Red Cross commander said. At least 45 others were injured, and 11 of them were hospitalized, said" Jose Tinajero, the official on duty at the Red Cross. Six adults and two children died in the explosion, said Hugo Ramirez, a rescuer with one of the government health systems. The shops "were full of people buying," said Luis Contreras, another rescue worker. After the explosions began, aa estimated 500 people streamed from the building screaming, "Get out, get out," said Fernando Dominguez, who was working in a shoe store less than 100 feet away. Windows shattered throughout the block. Spent Chinese firecrackers, charred wood and comic books, twisted metal and tangles of high tensiorn wires littered the street. Families cope with deaths WALKER, Mich - Relatives of those who have died at a nursing.. home in this Grand Rapids suburb say they're trying to ignore: investigators' theories that their loved ones might not have passed away peacefully. Results of blood tests were expected today on the bodies of two Alpine Manor Nursing Home residents that were exhumed earlier this month. Police said the results could help confirm whether two former nurse's aides killed the two elderly patients and as many as six other Alpine- Manor residents. But Ed Chambers, whose wife Marguerite died there in January 1987, said Saturday that he couldn't bear the thought that his companion of 40 years might have been murdered. 6 0 q ISTARZoQ9VD Ig I ATTENTION TALENTED PEOPLE! Do you want to "show off?" STARBOUND, a campus-wide talent competition, is looking for you! Come find out all about us and sign up for auditions on Sunday, January 8 in room 2105 at the Michigan Union. If you want to be a part of what goes on behind the scenes--no experience neccessary--come on out, we'd love' to have you! STARBOUND could very well prove to be the time of your life, and there's only one way to find out! If you want more details, call us at 763-1107, or stop by! Corner of Packard & State hours - 7:30a.m. - 2:30p.m. All week Phone number 761-7540 '. i ------ ,.._.. .o.. BIG TEN DELIGHT Waffle Sausage Links & Southside Potatoes until Jan. 15, 1989 $2.49 Good Mon.-Fri. Tip Not Included UNIVERSITY BREAKFAST 2 eggs any style Hash Browns & Toast until Jan. 15, 1989 $2.49 Good Mon. - Fri. Tip Not Included EXTRAS Nay-sayers mask nude art e! L THE UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER -U Tickets Av ab Sou er if r a/ Ticket rvi (818) 57 7 (213) 681- 134 Pasadena's Old tand Most Reliable Ticke gency ;Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific S a dard Time 1 _______________________________________________________ I LOVELAND, Colo. - How do you make a nude statue respectable?, Stand it against a wall, according to the Loveland Visual Arts, Commission. The commission was caught in a controversy that broke out over "Moulding Our Future," a proposed 7-foot-tall bronze monument meant to celebrate love, the town's namesake. Last Thursday, the commission wriggled out of the problem, tentatively approving the statue of a mother with a child at her breast for a new park, but ordering the sculpture to be turned toward a wig shop wall so it won't offend passers-by. The woman's breasts will also be covered by trees, hiding them from unsuspecting strollers. About 600 residents signed a petition against the statue, saying they like love and Loveland, but wanted the statue to have another home. Customers at the wig shop also protested. The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for fall and winter (2 semesters) $25.00 in-town and $35 out-of-town, for fall only $15.00 in-town and $20.00 out-of-town. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. PHONE NUMBERS: News (313) 764-0552, Opinion 747-2814, Arts 763-0379, Sports 747-3336, Cir- culation 764-0558, Classified advertising 764-0557, Display advertising 764-0554, Billing 764-0550 .4 EDITORIAL STAFF: Edtor in chef Managing Editor News Edito University Eitor Opiion Page Editors Associate Op. Page Editors Photo Editors Sports Editor Rebecca Rmnensoin Martha Sevetson Eve Becker Jeftey Ruhrford Caie Sthwortr Elzabeth Esch, Amy Harman Karen Handelman, John Munson Jeff Rush Associate Sports Editors Arts Edirors Books Fihit Theatre weekend Editor A..ocims weekend Edter Jule K4*nan, Adam Scheller, Adam Schrager, Pete Stainert Dourg Volan Lisa Mag*ro, An Pviewozk Maie Wsatw Mai Samn Cheri. Cu" Steve Gregoy Bran oe '4 News Stilt: Victoria Bauer, Scott Chapin, Laura Cohn, Mguel Cruz, Marion Davis, Pad De Roal, Noah Finkel, Kelly Gaford, Alex Gordon, Stacy Gray, Tara Gruzen, Kristin Hotnan, Danaladipado, Steve Knopper, Mark Koar, Ed Krachmer, Scott Lahde, Rose Lghtboum, Kristine LaLonde, Michael Lustig, Ayssa Lustigman, Fran Obeid, usa POdlak. Mcah Sdmidt, Davd Schwar. Jonalhan Scott, Anna Son kevith, Noelle Shadwick, Monica Smith, Nathan Smith, Vera Songwe, Jessica Stck,L Usa Winer. Opinion Staf. Mzzamil Aned. 9 Gladstone, Rolle Hudson, Marc Klein, Karen Mler, Rebecca NoikM. Marcia Odoa, Eizabeth Paige, L Matt Miler, Sandra Steingraber, Sue Van Halttm. Sports Staff: Adam Benson, Steve Blonder, Steve Cohen, Richard Eisen, David Feldman, Lisa Glbert, Mike Gil, S' ev Geins, Andy Gouesman, Karen Gromala, David Hyman, Mark Katz, Bethany Klpec, Lory Knapp, Jod Leditnar Eric Lemont, Taylor Uncoin, Josh Mhtick, Jay Moses, Wachael Salinsky, John Samnick, Jeff Sheran. Arts Staft Greg Baise, Mary Beth Barber, Beti Col tt, Sheala DWant, Brent Edwards, Greg FadandM ichael Pad Rsher, Mkle Fischer, Rebert Flaggert, Liam Raherty, Andrea Gacid, Lynn Getdeman, Darin Greyerbiehi, Margie Heiren, Briar Javiven, D. Mara Lowenstein, Kim Mc Ginnis, Me Rubin, M Schneider. Lauren Shapiro, Tony Siber, Chuck Skarsaune, MarkSwartz. UshaTummi a, Pam Warshay, Nabee Zube. 11 vI m r m i