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December 12, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-12-12

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Ninety-,nine years of editorialfreedom
Vol. ICjNo.66 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, December 12, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

MSA pres.

0 0
MSA President Michael Phillips
has authorized a former assemblyI
member to investigate possible
ethics violations by Zachary Kittrie,
an LSA junior and chair of the as-
sembly's External Relations Com-
mittee. But several assembly mem-
bers said Phillips should have told
the assembly before pursuing the
Phillips has alleged that Kittrie
spoke for the assembly without
official permission, had assembly
mail addressed solely to him, and
took a seat on the Board of Studentl
Publications without proper ap-
The only allegation that clearly1
violates MSA's Compiled Code is
Kittrie's unauthorized role at the
October Board meeting.
Kittrie voted on the Board, which
governs the Daily, the Ensian and
the Gargoyle, as an MSA-appointed
representative without going through
official channels.
Student Board members are
elected by the student body bi-annu-
ally, but when a seat becomes va-
cant, MSA's Campus Governance
Committee nominates representa-
tives, who must be approved by the
assembly. Temporary Board mem-
bers may also be nominated by-the
MSA president.
"What [Kittrie] was doing is say-;
ing 'I'm from MSA; I'm the person
MSA sent,"' Phillips said.
Kittrie was unavailable for com-;
The assembly had not appointed a
representaive to the Board and at the
Daily's request, Kittrie, a member of
Campus Governance at the time, at-
tended the meeting as a temporary
LSA Rep. Virginia Chang,
Campus Governance chair at the
time of the violation, said Kittrie didI
not tell anyone he was attending the
meeting. "He should have checked it

with someone, me or Mike
[Phillips] to save his own tail... He
had no right to do this on his own."
Phillips said he will present the
investigation results in his executive
report at the first MSA meeting next
term. The assembly will then decide
whether to conduct further inves-
tigation, which could result in di-
sciplinary action ranging from a
verbal reprimand to removal from
the assembly.
Most assembly members inter-
viewed said that although Kittrie
may have overstepped his bounds, he
had not acted out of mal-i1tent.
"I'm sure nothing [Kittriej has
done was out of maliciousness," said
LSA Rep. Gretchen Walter. "[It's] a
case of Zach being overzealous and
wanting to do too much."
Phillips first told the assembly
about the investigation at last
week's Tuesday night meeting, and
several representatives questioned
Phillips' authority to investigate
without assembly knowledge and re-
quested that a procedure be imple-
mented for such conduct if none ex-
"In my opinion too often the
president of MSA follows his own
personal policies without any input
from the assembly," said Commun-
ications Chair Robert Bell. "In this
case in particular, the assembly
should have been notified before-
hand... If the situation warrants an
investigation it should be up to the
assembly to conduct an investigation
and choose the investigator."
According to the compiled code,
if the assembly wishes to conduct an
investigation of a representative, it
must appoint a five-member com-
But Phillips says this is not an
investigation, but merely ground-
work before any formal investigation
gets underway, and such preliminary
work is within his executive officer

Michigan defenseman Brad Turner (left) and goalie Warren Sharples try to stop Michigan State's Danton Cole from scoring
during Friday night's game. The Spartans scored seconds later when Cole's shot rebounded off the wall to Steve Beadle,
who tallied State's third goal.
Icers dron two to State

-EAST-LANS ING -: The Central
Collegiate Hockey Association
season is only half over, but the
league's other eight coaches might be
ready to raise the white flag,
surrendering the regular-season title
to Ron Mason's Michigan State
The No. 1 Spartans (17-1, 15-1 in
the CCHA) swept a determined

Michigan team this weekend, giving
them a commanding 10-point lead
over their nearest CCHA rivals.
"I don't see anybody catching
them unless they have a complete
reversal or lose some key players,"
Michigan head coach Red Berenson
said after Sunday's 5-3 loss.
"Everything is working for them.
They have great depth and a lot of
momentum right now."
Michigan (7-8-3, 7-6-3) has not

s v

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won a game in four weeks and has
slipped from second place to a
precarious grip on fourth place, two
points ahead of Ferris State.
SUNDAY'S game was scoreless
until Michigan defender Doug Evans
tipped the puck out of goalie Jason
Muzzatti's glove and set up center
Don Stone for Michigan's first goal
of the weekend late in the first period.
"Usually they give you about a
half-second grace to make sure (the

goalie has) got complete control of
it. I just knocked it loose behind the'
net and threw it out to Stoney and he
put it in there," Evans said.
Late in the second period, with
Michigan State up by a goal and on a
four-on-three power play, Michigan
goalie Tim Keough and the Spartans'
Danton Cole got into a pushing
match in front of the net. The puck
bounced loose and Cole put it in,
See Sweep, Page 11

'U' increases research
programs for undergrads

Undergraduates across the campus
ark collecting primary data, conduct-
ing experiments, and helping write
articles and books as they turn the
University's emphasis on research to
their own advantage.
Research has long been recog-
nized by the University as a crucial
counterpart to education, but grow-
ing attention is now being paid to
how first-hand research benefits
By introducing students to re-
search early, the University hopes
not only to enhance students'
undergraduate education, but hope-
fully, to influence them to continue
on to researching or teaching pro-
"Research is almost a necessary
complement to classroom activity,"
said LSA Associate Dean Richard
Ford, who has taken an active role in
encouraging undergraduate research.

Research "has always been part of
the Michigan tradition," Ford said.
But until recently there has been
little effort to make information
about research opportunities access-
ible to all students, he said.
Ford has been using his office to
coordinate the various research op-
portunities on campus and hopes to
have the first draft of a student
research guidebook finished by the
end of spring. The book will detail
where to apply for summer grants
and list the departments and
instructors in the University looking
for research assistants.
The College of Engineering is
similarly compiling a central doc-
ument to detail opportunities for
engineering undergraduates, which
should be published this winter, said
Jack Lohman, chair of a 1988 com-
mittee on strengthening the under-
graduate engineering program.
In addition, several campus

programs have been developed spec-
ifically for undergraduate researchers.
"The sneaky idea behind it is that
they'll [the students] like it so much
they'll go on to become a college
professor," said Marilyn Gordon,
coordinator of the Summer Research
Opportunity Program for minority
sophomore and junior students.
The summer program, run by the
Rackham School of Graduate Stud-
ies, will sponsor 75 students this
year, 57 more than it started with
three years ago.
"The students love it, the pro-
fessors love it, and preliminary
results show that almost all.[in the
program] have gone on to graduate
schools," Gordon said.
A year-round undergraduate
research program for first-year and
sophomore minority work-study stu-
dents began this fall in LSA.

Don Demetriades (holding champagne) and members of the Graduate Employees Organization
rally Friday before presenting their 1989 contract demands to the University.
GEO presents contract demands

See Students, Page 2

Students raise
quake relief funds

Last Friday, 15 members of the Graduate Employ-
ees Organization marched in the snow to the Fleming
Administration Building to present the University with
a holiday wish list.
The list, which includes a salary increase, paid
training, and limited class sizes for the union's 1800
teaching and student assistants, is the TAs' first step
in contract bargaining with the University before their
current agreement expires March 1.
The ralliers' signs and graffiti-covered car publicized
other proposed contract changes and additions: TA

they are requesting over the next two academic years.
But, he said, "the money issues will be the hardest to
win," adding that the GEO had to concede a requested
salary increase to win full tuition waivers from the
University two years ago.
The proposed contract also includes a limit of 20
students per TA class unless the University can prove
"need" for more - a request Demetriades said has been
denied in the past. It also includes a "job security"
clause, which would allow TAs to work beyond the 10
terms currently allowed by LSA.
"You overshoot a little when you ask for a pay

The Armenian Student Cultural
Association raised $800 in a bucket
relief drive Friday to help aid the
victims of the devastating earthquake
that struck Armenia last Wednesday.

Blanchard declared a week of mourn-
ing for the victims of the tragedy,
and an Armenian club on campus
has sent a check for $1,300 to the

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