OPINION Page 4 Friday, September 9, 1988 The Michigan Daily i1 te mbsrt a nerichigan Edited and managed by students at The Un iversity of Michigan Ignore the 'U' computer 'kickoff' \ / i Vol. IC No.2 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorial. represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Protest as a cnminal act OVER THE SUMMER, the University administration took- dramatic steps to reduce student power and freedom of expression. The University made ar- rangements for its top two security officers to be deputized through the Washtenaw County Sheriff. It also implemented new rules of conduct to control student behavior at public events and protests and curtailed democratic review of policies govern- ing the University community. .Under the previous system, all rules governing the behavior of students outside of the classroom were subject to review and modification by a com- mittee designated in Regental Bylaw 7.02. The Bylaw stipulated that the committee would be made up of three students, three faculty members, and three administrators. This summer the University of Michigan Board of Re- gents - the governing body for the University - removed the students and the faculty from this committee by placing the power to create rules of conduct in the Office of the President. In the memorandum "to deal with disruption of presentations," the Re- gents adopted the position that calling in the police to deal with student protest is detrimental to the University; both because it is less expedient and because the University loses control of the situation. The memo notes that: "if and when the police are summoned to re- move disrupters, they may, on some occasions, use excessive force." The administration claims to allevi- ate the risk of excessive force by depu- tizing two of its own Public Safety of- ficers. Both expediency and moderate police behavior rely on the untested as- sumptions that the University deputies Will be the first on the scene and are somehow less prone to abusive be- havior than the Ann Arbor Police. It seems unlikely that the two security officers would be able to control a demonstration of fifty to a hundred people. The bottom line is that for arrests to be made, the Ann Arbor Police, Washtenaw County Sheriff, or State Police would be called anyway. University officers are as likely to use excessive force as any other police force. One of the Public Safety officers - Robert Patrick - recently kicked University graduate student Harold Marcuse in the groin at a protest against How studer AS FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS settle into their dormitories and make new friends, many ponder why the Uni- versity admitted them. Some students will mistakenly conclude that they are here because they are intelligent. Intelligence is a concept of question- able value. What once represented intelligence becomes irrelevant over time, especially as technological advancement puts more and more information and computing power in the hands of everyone. For instance, the ability to learn arithmetic calculations is certainly less essential now due to the calculator. The smartest person in the world 30 years ago had difficulty making the calculations that a child with a calculator makes in seconds today. Then there is the issue of measuring iptelligence. Tests can measure test- taking abilities, cultural biases or socio- economic background, but not neces- sarily intelligence. For instance, whatever Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests do measure, IQ tests seem to have little to do with deter- mining economic success, supposing one accepts high income as indicator of success. Among people with the same family backgrounds and years of schooling, those in the top 10 -percent by IQ scores are only two times more likely than the hnttnm 10A nerrant of TO the CIA. Similarly, the director of Public Safety, Leo Heatly, has challenged student protestors to assault him. Since the policy does not prevent the involvement of the city police ad involves officers with a proven record of violence, there must be reasons for deputization other than those stated. More ominous is the amount of dis- cretionary power which Washtenaw County Sheriff Ronald Schebil will bestow on the University. The only constraint on the University's deputies is the limit of their powers of arrest to the time when they are on duty and in uniform. The University has the ability to define all the powers of the deputies through their job descriptions. Although the deputies are charged to uphold state law, the University can specify what portions of state law are to be enforced and when and where they will be applied. Unlike the Ann Arbor Police, Uni- versity Sheriff's deputies would only be accountable to the Regents and the county Sheriff. With Ann Arbor city police, grievances can be redressed through city hall or citizens' police review, but with the Regents, who have eight-year terms, or the Sheriff, the only recourse is through elections. The new rules of conduct outlaw an undefined "undue interference" with a University event at the discretion of University security officers. These limitations on free speech came in response to disruptions of University speakers Vice President George Bush and ex-United Nations Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick. At both events student protestors carried banners and shouted slogans to voice disapproval of Reagan administration policies and the University for inviting such people. Conspicuously absent from the entire proposal are concerns for the protection of the University community or con- crete reasons for deputization. Sheriff Schebil said that the University had given him no specific reason or justifi- cation for deputizing the two top Public Safety officers. The University has chosen to end student participation in the governing process of the community. Deputization is just a necessary part of the ad- ministration strategy for a clampdown on students. its get here be better to possess rich parents than to have a high IQ. These statistics might mean that some people of high intelligence are pre- vented from "succeeding" due to the current economic structure of society. Some find this difficult to accept ideologically because of the widespread but currently unsupported belief that intelligence is inherited and social or environmental factors do not matter. However, it is now widely known and accepted that the largest and most influential study of this issue done by Cyril Burt was a complete fraud. Burt believed that heredity explained about 80 percent of the story of intelligence, implying that one's environment did not make much difference in terms of intelligence. In the book Not in Our Genes, the authors destroy many ideological pre- sumptions concerning IQ. They show that there is a possibility that heredity accounts for 0 to 50 percent of intelli- gence, but as of yet there is no hard evidence of heredity's role. Stephen Jay Gould, who authored T h e Mismeasure of Man , reaches similar conclusions regarding IQ. When students ask themselves why they got in to the University of Michi- gan, they would do well to consider the overall picture and not just themselves ,ac in in A l,4.a Rl a nip. a a .a ,nAo ..nr By Bert G. Hornback Welcome to the University! The func- tion of a university in a society is to help young adults learn how to live the best and fullest lives they can in that society. I hope the University of Michigan can help you toward that end. The society which a university serves is the human society - and one of the things it teaches is that humans, as the most powerful species on this planet, have a responsibility to all of the other life on this planet. Power always involves responsibility. Unfortunately, technologists often seem to forget that: you have recently received a pamphlet from the office of the Vice- Provost for Information Technology Dou- glas Van Houweling, which demonstrates this point quite clearly. Worse even, the "Computer Kickoff '88 Information Booklet" argues the opposite of social re- sponsibility. Hornback is .a Prof. of English in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Your "Kickoff '88" pamphlet urges you to buy a personal computer. I'm not sure why the University of Michigan is en- gaged in the business of selling comput- ers, but it is. We didn't try to sell your predecessors pencil sharpeners in the old days, or typewriters. Whatever the source of this outrage against the idea of a university, it's there: the Vice-Provost for Information Technology is urging you with all the coarseness of a hard-sell confidence person to buy a personal computer. "Some professors on campus require that students use microcomputers to com- plete assignments," according to Mr. Van Houweling. If that is true, and you run into such a requirement, you should call your family's lawyer, or the Michigan Consumers Council, or the local Legal Aid Society. Don't put up with such non- sense. The Computer Czar also advises you that, "regardless of how many Campus Computer sites are built, they are still likely to be crowded with people waiting in queues during the final weeks of each term." President Duderstadt has spent three years - and a great deal of taxpayer's and students' money - building computer ac- cess sites around campus for those who want to use computers. The Chief Tech* nocrat, using the sleaziest of advertising techniques, says that even if the President gives you 20,000 computer terminals, you'll still have to stand in line. If you. want to get ahead he argues, invest in a personal computer. That's perverse, to start with. It contra- dicts University policy and practice as well. And either the Personal Computer Pusher is wrong or President Duderstadt is wrong - and I'll bet that the President4 isn't wrong! The perversity of the ploy is that it tellĀ§ you that if you or your parents will invest a further $1,363 to $4,516 this fall, you will get ahead of the students who don't - or can't - so invest. If you have the money, Mr Van Houweling suggests, you'll get the prize. President Duderstadt has argued for three years that the University has a responsibility to make its computing sys- tem available to students. You pay $100 a term to make that access possible.? According to the Vice-Provost, the "access" argument is just a come-on: which says that President Duderstadt is a liar, a fraud. Let me suggest to you that you trust President Duderstadt, and learn what social responsibility is while you're at the Uni- versity of Michigan. If you want to use a computer, use one of the terminals pro'- vided by the University. If you don't want to use a computer, don't use one. The world has managed quite well - betters perhaps, on some occasions - without computers; and there is no evidence that the use of computers makes for a more humane or decent world. If you have an extra $1,363 to $4,516 at your disposal, let me suggest that you give it to Oxfam, or UNICEF, or some other worthy charity. There are lots of people around the world - and here at. home, too - who need your excesg money more than Apple, Zenith, or IBM: Please ignore the .scurrilous proposals of Mr. Van Houweling, and instead join a real university. And welcome - welcome to the Unil versity of Michigan! If you really need a computer and the lines on campus are too long, you can come use the one that the University has provided for my use. University Public Safety officers contain protestors in the East Engineering Building in February 1984. ,T AIL EU.~4&9MGN -. 3UT G A 1116US ALLOT %A{W ORLY Ybug WAMS, I .. A D - E W RD "Y S " ND " " O 1S ?"Y E " I Y r ToKE 1MC2C Women: By Cheryl Weaver On reading the article here in the Daily about the women being attacked outside the Nectarine and then being badly treated by the police, I began to think, "I almost know how this woman feels." You see, I also had a somewhat similar experience with the police in May. The biggest dif- ference in the two instances was that I was not attacked by another person, but a car while on my bicycle. I was riding up the sidewalk on Washtenaw to work. I saw the car up in front of me stop well behind the sidewalk crossing and wait. Cars were coming from both directions on Washtenaw, so I con- tinued to go. Just as I was riding in front of the car, it took off. It of course did not get far.. My bicycle was laying in front of the car and I was completely on the other side; I had gone across the hood. A man that I believe was University security (he had a radio with him) was there instantly holding my head and telling me not to move since I had a head injury. The police and ambulance came and I remember the officer's asking for my name and address and asking what I had been doing. I told him that I was riding to work and the driver had pulled out in front of me. He said he would take care of my bicycle and I was taken to the hospital. At the time, I was a boarder at a frater- nity and the officer took my bicycle to the house and told one of the guys that one of the boarders had been in an accident. On being asked what the boarders name was, know your bicycle and being scarred for life, I would be able to forget about the accident. Wrong. The police report had my name and address on it and absolutely nothing else about me. The officer had never both- ered to get my statement so the report said that the car had made a complete stop and had made no violations. In the violations box by my name, there was a 9. I called to find out what the 9 meant and was told it was a "catch-all" for violations that did not fit in any other code. In other words, the accident was my fault. I had no idea what to do about every- thing so when a friend suggested Student Legal Service I took the police report to ' them. I found out some interesting things about the police from the lawyer I talked to. The officer probably did not bother to get my statement because I had a few things working against me. I was a stu- dent, strike one. The police do not like the t students so in anything involving a stu- dent,. it must be the student's fault. The lawyer was surprised that I was not issued a ticket, which he has seen happen several times. He has also had to get tickets dis- missed for U-turns and jaywalking, neither S of which are illegal in Ann Arbor. I am a woman, strike two. No one ever came out and made any comments to this, effect, but just think about it. Why should that officer bother with some dingy female student that just was not watching where she was going? Then the officer could give himself an even better excuse by saying that I had head injury and was irrational. It gets the same number of "Brownie points' on his record whether he arrests a rapist o% writes a speeding ticket. With this are rangement why should they put in the ex, tra effort? r I know of at least three women that; were raped and never pressed charges be cause the police told them they did not, have enough evidence to make the charges stick. I wonder just how hard those police officers worked to find the evidence thaC would have made a difference. In Ann Ar- bor, if a woman wants to press charges; by law the man must be arrested. If you are a women who has been raped or as-0 saulted, please do not forget this. Do noC let anything the police or the man mighC say change your mind. If charges are pressed, you have time to think and your know information about the man will be- on file. An organization like Safe House. can help you in dealing with any problems! and can help protect you if the man- threatens your life since I am sure the pd- lice will not offer their protection. We must be aware of the problems that can arise when dealing with the police and must not let our rights be further violated because we are students, women or homo- sexuals. The police probably think we students are trying to take over the town, but we have every right to the same pro- tection that every other person gets. Many police still hold the old mythical belief that the woman is the cause of the assault as well as other oppressive beliefs about Ir A