In- Weekenld Magallie' Frustrated Latino students seek
I 'U' recognition- 'Tequila Sunrise'
RO} BOW/L %9, A portrait of Bo - 2 and 3 for 'M'.
4 - - USC'sdeep threat - (page 14-15)
Ninety-nine years of editorial freedom
Vol. IC, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, December 9, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
Dems. seek mayoral candidate
'It would take a very big BY NOAH FINKEL ing the right candidate," said LSA Senior Pierce, who was unseated as mayor in said although the committee's formation is
and vigorous campaign to In an eleventh-hour scramble to find a Jesse Levine, a member of the search com- April 1987 by Jernigan, said "It would take a "certainly a concrete step," the current lack of
unseat the incumbent challenger to incumbent Ann Arbor Mayor mittee. very big and vigorous campaign to unseat the a candidate could spell trouble for the
Gerald Jernigan, city Democrats met last Early speculation about possible candidates incumbent mayor, and I'm not up to that Democrats.
mayor, and I'm not up to night to discuss and agree upon a possible centered on former Mayor Edward Pierce and now... I don't have the fire in my belly." University political science professor
that now... I don't have candidate for the April election, former Second Ward City Councilmember George Sallade, a long-time Democratic Samuel Eldersveld, an Ann Arbor Democrat
the fire in my belly.' But no candidate came forward to accept Seth Hirshorn, but both ruled themselves out activist, said, "I was hoping someone would who ran for mayor in 1957, said the lack of a
t the job, so the Democrats formed a five- of the race earlier this week. (step forward)... I'm disappointed." mayoral candidate "is a little unsettling."
member search committee for a mayoral can- Those announcements left the city Montague, the party chair, said that she is Eldersveld said that Democrats used to
- former Mayor didate. Democrats without any obvious candidates, not worried about the lack of a candidate. "It's have such troubles "all the time." He said that
Edward Pierce The filing deadline for the candidacy is Jan. since veteran Democratic City Councilmem- not really a big deal... There are many candi- in 1957 when he was party chair, the
3. bers Larry Hunter of the First Ward, Jeff Ep- dates who we have been talking behind the Democrats could not find anyone to run for
Christina Montague, chair of the Ann Ar- ton of the Third Ward, and Kathy Edgren of scenes with." mayor, so the party asked him to run.
bor Democratic Party, said the committee the Fifth Ward all previously stated that they However, Montague said, "(The candidate) "We must have talked to 25 people, but no
will begin to meet next week to discuss pos- would not run. First-term Councilmember might be a person who is not as easily one would do it," Eldersveld said.
sible mayoral candidates. Liz Brater (D-Third Ward) also ruled out run- recognizable." -Daily staffer David Schwartz contributed
"We will be serious and quick about find- ning. Democratic Party member Edward Surovell to this story.
to get'
Nebraska Book Co., owner of
two campus bookstores, announced
yesterday that by next fall's book
rush, they will move- Michigan
Book and Supply to the Kresge
building at State and North Univer-
Mark Opplegard, the vice presi-
dent of retail for Nebraska Books,
said his company decided to lease the
Kresge Building because- "we just
like the location better... price didn't
come into play."
The price of the lease was un-
available yesterday.
The lease for the current Michi-
gan Book and Supply location, in
the old University Cellar Building
on Liberty Street, has three and a
half years left. The store, which sells
primarily textbooks, will join sev-
eral bookstores already on State St.
including Shaman Drum and Bor-
Opplegard said his company has
been negotiating for the lease to the
Kresge building for the last half year
even though it had only been at
Liberty St. for one year. Opplegard
said the company, which also owns
Ulrich's, has no current plans for the
former University Cellar building.
Michigan Book and Supply's
acting General Manager Fred Ullrich
explained that the transfer will not
take place until next summer, so
that renovations can be made to the
Kresge Building. He said the store
will continue to operate at its pre-
sent location until the new store is
open for business.
Ullrich described the motivation
behind the move as "a need to be
closer to the heart of campus" since
"students are a big part of our cus-
The store will occupy all of the
Kresge Building, including the
basement and the first and second
floors. A-1 Typing Service, Behav-
ioral Data Services, Campus Jewel-
ers, and several dentists currently
lease the second floor, but their
leases will expire at the end of this
year. All have found new locations.
See Books, Page 7
quake kills
Associated Press
Families mourn in rubble after Armenian earthquake kills several thousands.
Gaza violence continues
on uprising anniversary
MOSCOW (AP) - Soviet au-
thorities rushed military surgeons
and tons of medical supplies yester-
day into Armenia, which had been
rocked by an earthquake that officials
said virtually destroyed several cities
and killed tens of thousands of peo-
Armenian journalists said a
Politburo commission led by Pre-
mier Nikolai Ryzhkov received pre-
liminary estimates that up to 50,000
people died in the Wednesday earth-
quake, which measured 6.9 on the
Richter scale. Soviet officials re-
ported thousands of people were
killed, but provided no death toll.
Soviet President Mikhail Gor-
bachev cut short his trip to the
United States and flew home to lead
a worldwide emergency rescue effort
in southern republic.
"Urgent measures are being taken
to help all those affected by this ter-
rible tragedy, and I have to be there
in this effort," said Gorbachev, who
planned to fly to Yerevan, the Ar-
menian capital, after arriving in
President Reagan offered emer-
gency humanitarian aid, Cuban
President Fidel Castro pledged to
send construction workers, and
Britain dispatched London firefight-
ers to join the rescue effort.
The Armenian Students Cultural
Association will be collecting dona-
tions in the Fishbowl today from 9
a.m. until 5 p.m. and will have up-
dated information about the, earth-
quake. The association president,
LSA senior Richard Najarian, said
the financial support of the Univer-
sity community is strongly needed.
"There are 150 Armenian students
here," Najarian said. "We make up a
small percent of the University, but
nevertheless are a part of the
Najarian said that previously his
group had not sent funds to Armenia
for fear that they would not be used
properly, but he is sure that Gor-
bachev will get the relief aid to the
appropriate places.
The earthquake destroyed two-
thirds of Leninakan, Armenia's sec-
ond-largest city with a population of
250,000 people.
The Tass News Agency reported
that Soviet authorities dispatched
doctors, engineers, food and medical
supplies to the areas.
The newspaper Komsomolskaya
Pravda said soldiers were working
under spotlights in the wreckage of a
Leninakan school where two
sergeants-pulled the bodies of more
than 50 children from the ruins.
Army General Vladimir Arkhipov
said soldiers were setting up tent
cities to house evacuees in the
devastated regions, and restoring
electricity and water supplies. Bon-
fires burned in the shattered cities to
warm the homeless in the December
-Daily News Staffer Marion
Davis contributed to this report.
GAZA CITY (AP) - Israeli soldiers killed a teen-
ager by shooting him in the heart, and 1.5 million
Palestinians held a general strike in the occupied lands
yesterday, the first anniversary of their uprising.
The death of Yussef Mohammed Sbaith, raised the
number of Palestinians.killed to at least 320 since the
rebellion began Dec. 8, 1987, in the West Bank and
Gaza Striop. More than 7,000 Palestinians have been
wounded and 11 Israelis also have been slain.
An army spokesperson said Sbaith was shot in the
heart when troops were stoned during a sweep in the
West Bank village of Kafr Rai.
Soldiers also wounded a 22-year-old woman in the
leg after meeting "violent resistance" from stone-
throwing youths in Kafr Rai, said the spokesperson,
whose name cannot be revealed under army rules.
Hospital officials said a 23-year-old man suffered
head injuries from a beating by troopers.
Army gunfire wounded six other Palestinians in
Nablus, the West Bank's largest city, and in Gaza
City, Arab doctors said. One of those wounded in
Nablus was a 14-year-old boy shot in the stomach,
they said.
Arab witnesses said two of the wounded were hit by
bullets fired from the window of a house the army used
as a lookout post in the open-air Nablus market, the
center of many clashes between soldiers and Arab
Palestinians closed businesses and halted public
transportation throughout the occupied territor-ies.
The underground leadershiop, which the Palestine
Liberation Or-ganization supports, called the strike for
the aniversary of the revolt in the West Bank and Gaza,
which Israel catpured from Jordan and Egypt in the
1967 Middle East war.
Israeli military authorities put all eight Gaza Strip
refugee camps under curfew, confining more than
250,000 Palestinians to their homes.
Throughout the coastal strip, Palestinians erected
roadblocks and burned tires in sporadic acts of defiance.
About 20 Paelestinian youths were seen lobbing rocks
from a barricaded alley in Gaza City.
Five die in U.S. military
helicopter crash in Honduras
- A U.S. military helicopter par-
ticipating in maneuvers crashed in
northern Honduras yesterday, killing
all five Americans aboard, a U.S.
Embassy official said.
Embassy spokesperson Charles
Barclay said the CH-47 Chinook
helicopter crashed at 1 p.m. (2 p.m.
EST) near La Ceiba, 235 miles north
of Tegucigalpa.
Barclay refused to identify the
victims until their relatives are
Honduran and U.S. military
personnel formed a search team "to
look for the other body" in the area,
he said.
Barclay said the Chinoo, which
took off earlier yesterday from Pal-
merola, was flying a supply mission
and taking part in join Honduran-
U.S. military exercises.
Missile attack downs
two Moroccan planes
RABAT, Morocco (AP) - A
missile attack downed one of two
African country suggested that rebels
of the Marxist Polisario Front were