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December 08, 1988 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-12-08

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Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, December 8, 1988

Orbison dies at 52!



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Roy Orbison's (far left) last major project before his death was Volume One, an album he
recorded with fellow classic rockers (from left) Jeff Lynne, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, and
George Harrison.
Singer-songwriter Roy Orbison, aged 52, died of a Perfect paeans for dedicated romantics, these ballads
heart attack on Tuesday night in Hendersonville, have had an enduring appeal and fascination. David"
Tennessee. Orbison was most famous for melancholic Lynch used Orbison's greatest song, "In Dreams," in
ballads such as "In Dreams," "Only The Lonely," and his movie Blue Velvet, eliciting all the obsessive-
"Crying." Elvis called him "the greatest singer in the connotations of the song.
world," and Springsteen saluted him in his song This interest in his work produced a revival in hiss
"Thunder Road." He was a member of both the Rock
T'nder Ro.' Hallf e wan the Hall of Famef the career. Orbison re-recorded his hits canon, and also had
n' Roll Hall of Fame and the Hall of Fame of the . igerlaedo h T aeli nln.I-
Nashville Songwriters Association. a single released on the ZTT label in sngel .
Orbison, who grew up in Wink, Texas, had his first September 1987, he gave a concert at Los Angeles'-
major recording break with Sam Phillips's Sun record Coconut Grove nightclub, called "Roy Orbison &
label in Memphis. He was one of the first proponents Friends"; the friends included Springsteen, Elvis
of rockabilly, recording such classics of the genre as Costello, Tom Waits, and T-Bone Burnett. Earlier this
"Ooby Dooby" and "Domino." year Orbison collaborated with Bob Dylan, George
But his most influential material was recorded for Harrison, and Tom Petty on a supergroup album billed
the Monument label in the '60s. These records made as The Traveling Wilburys -now number eight or
perfect use of his unique three-octave voice, which the Billboard Charts.
squeezed out every painful moment from each song. - Nabeel Zuberi with AP reports




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a fun
Ok. It's Saturday night and
wrestling is on television instead of
Saturday Night Live., so you decide
to see a movie. You don't want to
strain your brain, and you want to
have the bejeezes scared out of you.
Child's Play fits this requirement
perfectly. It's a fun and scary film
that doesn't stand up to close
scrutiny, but is still entertaining.
The unoriginal story is about a
murderer, Charles Lee Ray (as in -
Manson, -Harvey Oswald, and
James Earl-), who transfers his soul
via voodoo into a "Good Guy" doll
before he is shot by detective Mike
Norris. A little kid named Andy gets
the doll for his birthday and then
mayhem and murder ensue. This
plot has been done more effectively
and with more style in such films as
Magic , Trilogy of Terror ,and in a
scene from Spielberg's Poltergeist ,
but this is not to say that Child's
Play is a failure.
Director Tom Holland effectively
builds suspense by not revealing the
doll as the true killer for the first 45
minutes. Murders happen, but in an
interesting twist, six- year-old Andy
is suspected of committing them.
When we finally see the doll
Chucky come to life, it is truly
scary. He changes from a cherubic
little doll who will be Andy's
"friend 'til the end" to a balding,
twisted doll who comes to life
kicking, biting, and swearing a blue
Most of the scary scenes are done
with a lack of gratuitous gore -
quite remarkable for a film of this
genre. Child's Play does take some
cheap shots in order to scare the
viewer though. For example, Andy,
played by "cute-as-a-button" Alex
Vincent, is subjected to forced
innoculations and various harras-
sments from Chucky which rival
the electro-shock treatment Dorothy
receives in Return to Oz . A six-
year-old in peril will make anyone
uneasy. Let's just hope that Alex


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Chucky, who ain't no Cabbage
big wet one on his new owner
Vincent is not so scarred from being
in this horror movie, as Linda Blair
was in The Exorcist, that he will
resort to making a future movie
akin to Blair's Roller Boogie .
Alex Vincent, in his first film, is
really quite good, as are all the other
supporting characters. Catherine
Hicks (Star Trek IV ) portrays
Andy's mother in a cute and realistic
way - the type of mother who
would give her kid lots of
TwinkiesTM. Chris Sarandon (The
Princess Bride ) is the detective on
the case and aptly plays his part
without flash or cliche.
Under close scrutiny, however,
there are a few major faults that
keep this film from being com-
pletely successful. The gaping plot
holes disrupt the mood that the
movie attempts to create. For
example, Chucky tells Andy to
leave his day care center and take a
bus to skid row. No adults or
teachers see him leave, and the bus
driver lets him out on a remote
street by an abandoned house. Also,

Patch Kid, is about to plant s
Andy, in the new film Child's
it is never explained how Chucky,
gets around town. Does he use
public transportation, too?
Child's Play also falls prey to
common affliction in recent film(
,- the "Terminator Ending." This
is defined by a concluding horrifig.
event followed by foreboding musiS
which is interrupted by somethins
scary and unexpected. This technique
can be permitted in Carrie and Th&*
Terminator but Child's Play litW
erally "ends" five or six times. BX,
the last segment, Chucky is no
more than a few scraps, but, like the
Black Knight in Monty Python '&
The Holy Grail , he still has spunkt
Child's Play makes no prey
tenses to being a cinematic classiog+
It knows what the audience wants
- action - and it delivers i!
quickly and colorfully without
taking itself too seriously. Child's
Play is a worthwhile time-(ands

CHILD'S PLAY is showing aC
Briarwood and Showcase Cinemas.

Continued from Page 7
After the breakup in the summer of
'87, Stevens returned to L.A. and
worked on projects with various

cut of the door and not only do they
charge you like three bucks a beer
when you're in the band, but then
they say 'well, we didn't make
enough money, so you're not going
to make any money, so get lost."'
Ctpipn C nnn rina..-n .A .o

point I'd go for a new-kid-on-thu-
block independent and I'm not ruling
out a major label.
Stevens is looking forward to a
return to recording, but in tie
meantime he is "writing a lot of new

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