PERSPECTIVES The Michigan Daily Thursday, December 8, 1988 Page 5 r,. SDudergrinch and the Talking BY ROLLIE HUDSON On the old. plantations which helped build this "kinder, gentler" nation, the law was not always fol- lowed to the strictest letter. And I'll let you in on a secret. It isn't here at the old "U" either - the way the new Prez was chosen violated the State of Michigan's Open Meetings Act. But don't tell anyone I told you so. You see, I might already be going to jail for saying too much about it (despite the first amend- ment). Back to the plantations. Every once and a while, a "helper" might happen to have been beaten to death. Technically this was illegal. As a result, the owners would sneak the bodies out into the woods and leave them there, without a burial. They did it all in secret. Concordant, an old Afro-American folk tale relates the story of the Talking Bones: John was walking through the woods one day and wandered across a human skeleton. Curious, he won- dered aloud as to how it ended up there. "Tongue is the cause of us being here," it said. Understandably frightened, he ran back and told The Man he "helped" that there was a talking skeleton at the edge of the woods. Skeptical, The Man, and many others, went to see. "Make the bones talk," they said. But the bones were silent. So they beat John to death and left him there. And then the bones talked. They said, "Tongue brought us here, and tongue brought you here too." As to the hard working, yet "ethical" researchers on campus we should sincerely tip our Christmas hats to their ingenuity. After all, they bring us gadgets! "Give us con- venience or give us death." But for those military researchers who would give us convenient death by building weapons which kill and maim and burn and melt (flesh from peoples' eye sockets) - all in the name of academic freedom -we have then, as an imperative, a bone to pick with the establishment. As Duderstadt and Vest, these current champions of the ever encroaching "corporate marshal law," or "high-tech feudalism," move through their first one thousand days in office, we must watch them closely. But they don't want any trouble they tell us, they just want to meet and shake hands with everybody. "Don't worry, be happy." Swallow this, we'll call it the "Michigan Mandate" despite the fact that it mandates nothing; the administration continues the trend of hiring mostly non-professional people of color; the administration has jimmied minority reports which fabricate data and bias statistics to the University's expedi- ence; it continues to support a hos- tile social atmosphere by not includ- ing the white Greek system under its anti-discrimination policy; and it continues its failure to create a repre- sentative minority enrollment on campus. The other day I was walking past the President's Palace (prepared for him at $500,000.00 expense in order that Ann Arbor's 1,500 homeless might marvel at it and coincidental with the latest twelve and a half per- cent tuition hike - ask the (pa- )"rents" about that one if you're not working your way through school) and I saw that the emperor had no clothes! There he stood, off in the distance, bear-legged and wearing only his maize shorts and blue tee- shirt, unloading boxes from one of his cars. I speculated on their con- tent. Maybe they contained presents for the little kiddies. But maybe they were really cannisters of mustard gas disguised as academic research mate- rial. (That goes on here, you know.) I got to thinking. Now if Jimmy's unloading presents for the kids that's probably okay. But if he's continu- ing to "upgrade" this place to an institution which will do 30 percent, 40 percent, and might even someday (like Carnegie-Mellon) do up to 50 percent military research, he will sure as the dickens be visited by those three ghosts of Christmas... The ghost from the past, possibly in the form of a Black student with an afro, will remind him of the early 1970s BAM strikes in which Black and white students and faculty actually shut down the University because of its low minority enrollment. That ghost of X-mas past might point to the "no kill/maim" clause (regental bylaw 7.02) which was passed then because t this country was - and still should be - sick of supporting, either di- rectly or indirectly, the jelly-red, splattered brains of crying men, women, and infants (usually of color) crushed to death in their straw huts by U.S. Army bulldozers. The ghost of Christmas present could come in the form of a woman injured while trying to stand up for her rights during Duderstadt's inauguration (aka Sandra Stein- graber); a doctoral student in biology who cares enough about this society to get out and attempt to give a voice against those who are determined to milk it dry for their own gain. The ghosts of Mike Fischer and Cale Southworth and myself will follow. Cale is one of the school newspa- per's editors who was suspiciously singled out of the crowd to be beaten and arrested by FBI-trained campus security and the police. I am a former orientation leader, once useful but no longer needed (After all, one can't use regular currency on the subway.). And what might the ghost of Christmas future look like? Maybe his name will be General Ripper; President of the University of Michigan - Institution of Marginal Bones Learning and Secret Research - Pentagon'Branch. He'll come amidst a party of Borks, Rehnquists, and Scalias mingling over castor-oil cocktails at a law school party (coming this February) for people who would roll-back the constitution if given the chance. They'll cast amoral eyes to the "niggers-keep out, except a few" signs hanging from the de facto walls of the institution. I can only speculate as to what the price of all this greed will be. And; if I end up in jail there will be more time to think of the talking Bones' words, "Tongue brought us here..." maybe tongue can get us out? PLASMA DONORS S$ Earn Extra Cash$ - Earn $20 on your first donation. You can earn up to $120 a month. Couples can earn up to $240. Repeat donors who have not donated in the last 30 days receive an additional $5 bonus for return visit. Plasma donors are people helping people. #s "*e r v ,Y } ,. t YPSILANTI PLASMAI CENTER 813 W. 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