30 U_ THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Student Body APRIL 1988 Death, paralysis spark tough restrictions on cheerleading By Anne Upson of 1986, two unrelated but tragic acci- tragic incidents, said Triveline. allowed," Underwood said. The Daily Iowan dents attracted the attention of While the Michigan cheerleaders "p U. of Iowa national and state committees and were acquainting themselves with "These rules were put in place pri- caused them to propose guidelines for their school's demands, the Big Ten manrly to decrease the potentiality of Many people are entertained by the cheerleading. conference formed a committee in injury and to protect the individual tumbling stunts of cheerleaders, but Although these two accidents were February 1987 to lookintothe dangers schools i the conference," Underwood there is more to the craft than just gymnastic skills. Cheerleading, like any athletic activity, is not without certain risks. In the past 18 months, guidelines have been adopted by several super- visory boards, including the Big Ten conference, that have changed the tra- ditional form of cheerleading. Now it's more than just rooting a team to victory. During a one-week period in the fall not caused by specific problems in cheerleading, they led to restrictive action on the part of the U. of Michi- gan. "The rules we put into effect were ... nothing built above two (persons) high, no throwing and basically no- thing three feet off the floor," said Michigan cheerleading adviser Don Triveline. These measures were formed par- tially to insure 'he safety of the squad and partially as an outcome of the two of cheerleading and to provide the con- ference with official restrictions. "There are no pyramids in basket- ball (allowed)", Big Ten Commissioner Clarence Underwood said. "Football pyramids are reduced from two-and-a- half to two persons high. The number of travelling cheerleaders in football is reduced from 12 to six and there is no travelling for the basketball squads. "Split catches, front and back exten- sions, and toe pitches are also not The findings of the Big Ten ad-hoc committee have gotten mixed reac- tions. Iowa cheerleading adviser Lee Steenlage said the safety factor is in portant but the restrictions may be toa rash. "The restrictions have their advantages," Steenlage said. "It seems, though, that the Big Ten over- reacted." On the other hand, Triveline said he was positively in favor of the legislation. 1 , t U. of Texas, Austin senior Vernon Tippen keeps a close eye on the target in preparation for hunting Freestyle waterskier Vic Mosby, U. of Kansas senior, takes to the air on a sunny day. Senior Jay Cushman, U. of Texas track team member, pushes his limit even in practice. 4 Rice U., TX rugby player Brian Holmes fights to keep his shirt on while evading two defenders. A ort Texas u. women s soccer ciua memer tries to keep the ball away from a defender.