0 0 0 r Graduation is three weeks away, and you have no idea what you're going to do after college. You've got. .. SENIOR good reason to be nervous about their futures after they leave the University. "15 years ago there were more jobs that re- quired a college education than college graduates," she said. ."Today it's more competitive. I worry about it for them. Sometimes the pressure of the job market can immobilize students." As an indication of the increased pressure, May said that use of the center has tripled in past years. Five years ago the office saw mostly seniors in their last semester. "Today we see incoming freshmen and their parents," she said. According to May, the senior flood at the office usually occurs after winter break - after most parents are likely to ask about their children's graduation plans. "It's not unusual to find people sitting on the floor in January and February. Use of the office has grown. There's a lot of anxiety in the residence halls and where you live - it's real," she said. But office traffic isn't the only thing that has changed, May said. "The way we look about what we do has changed a lot," she said. May said 15 years ago college offices such as the CPP saw themselves as brokers. She said students would walk in and have the office literally place them in a job. "We made the decisions for students." Now CPP is seen as a job-finding resource. One of the its most prominent job-finding programs is on-campus recruitment. Students register with the office to meet with representatives from corporations and agencies who schedule appointments with the University to interview perspective employees. "Three years ago 700-800 students went through (the program)," May said. "Now there's 2,000 (a year), and they register in the Fall." "There are a lot of jobs out there for t'he person that pre- pares themselves," she said. "The key isn't the job market but the amount of responsibility a person's willing to take in their job search." According to May, the costs for the visiting companies are very high. In 1984, she said recruiting corporations spent an average of $4369 per hire. As a result, most of these vis- iting companies are large institutions - retail and invest- ment firms, school districts, and government agencies. lthough the Bureau of Labor Statistics' last report predicted that there would be 15 percent more college graduates than available jobs through 1995, some within the department have recently taken a more optimistic position. Every two years the BLS lists projections in its Occupational Outlook Quarterly. While in' 1986 there was a surplus of roughly 200,000 college 'It's been real safe, you've been with friends and are preparing the next step. The anxiety comes when you realize the next step is just around the corner. The immediacy is frightening.' - A volunteer at 76-GUIDE " graduates, officials now expect to say in their 1988 edition that this number has fallen to 100,000. "The gap between supply and demand is narrowing, which makes sense in a rapid growth of occupations which require a college degree," said Chester Levine, a supervisory economist at BLS. Levine feels the outlook for college graduates is on the upswing. "Getting a degree from this school does mean something in the outside world," said Judith Chapman. "It's very help- ful in terms of the job market." While students are cramming into the CPP during the early winter months, many of them are also rushing to the local copy shops to prepare their resumes. A further sign that typewriters are a thing of the past, Macintosh-styled, laser-printed resumes are a must-have for an employment- seeking graduate. Kinko's is one shop familiar with this demand. "As the year progresses they tend to be much more nervous about their future," said Nathan Allen, Macintosh coordinator at the Liberty Street branch. Allen said the pre-professional students tend to start the rush early in the fall term in time for November interviews, while by April and May he sees "mostly LS&A students." He also estimated that Kinko's makes between 2,000 and 3,000 resumes a year. But the CPP and copy shops aren't the only places stu- dents anxious to prepare for their futures go. East Quad's Alternative Career Center also feels the flux of job-seeking students. "I think students are too money conscious more than job conscious," said Center coordinator Phillis Engel- bert. "It's only natural for people to want to find a means to support themselves." "The kind of people who come to us are looking for something to do once they get out of school that they'll feel good doing," Engelbert said. "They have the same concerns of finding a job and putting their college education to use - but they don't see themselves fitting into the corporate America job structure." Located in East Quad, t dents two days a week and o ture, and resource books to careers in fields ranging fror ternative learning. Office hot the success of the annual Altu A t the University' Engineering, appli students are headc programs in both c more popular with student national reputation of the p year, a U.S. News and W Business and Engineering spectively, in the country. Joe White, associate dea the main way the school's ur is in terms of the number ol Last year's entering class of cants. Ten years earlier, the s for 250 spots. Students, one interest in business. "There are two reasons w White explained. "One is l about jobs. They feel the Bi them get a job. Also, 400 yearly to interview our stude path to the job market. "Second, I think it's rec school itself - in terms of f - has gone up in the 1980s According to White, the a last year was $24,700 - w average reported by the Cer 18-24 year-olds with four y aren't nervous," said White. they take it very seriously, t spend a lot of time on it." One can see a similar pat Last year the program receiv a class of over 800 first-yea received only 2,400 applicati See COVERS Z Q aA O Z Z W wr3 4 ANIEY By Beth Fertig njoy it now because these are the best years of your life." The average college student hears this phrase at least once a term from a parent or concerned family member. The weight of these words alone can be difficult for some to grasp. Coupled with the harsh realities that will surface upon graduation, it is no wonder that many students are anxious about leaving their "best years" behind. While college graduation itself marks a major turning point bound to cause anxieties, the '80s have brought students some unusual worries of their own. According to studies conducted by The Job Market for College Graduates, the nation's number of college graduates increases by almost one million each year. This enormous growth in the number of people receiving degrees, which now accounts for almost 30 percent of the young adult population, has led the Bureau of Labor Statistics to estimate that through the '90s, possi- bly 15 percent more college graduates will be seeking jobs than there will be suitable openings. If these are the "best years," one can only wonder what will follow. Doreen Murasky, a clinical social worker at the Univer- sity's Counseling Services Office, has heard the "best years" cliche many times. "I think it's a very provocative state- ment," she said. "I've heard it with many students because sometimes college isn't. If they are left believing this, it leaves them at a loss to what the future will bring." She also said movies like The Big Chill reinforce the Fertig is a former Daily arts editor and current staffer notion that college years "are glorious and the rest of your life doesn't compare to it." "It's a very harmful notion," she said. "The pressure it puts on'students to have a good time is tremendous... Not only are you sorting out your own identity and developing competency in relationships, academic life, just a sense of autonomy - it's a very stressful time of your life." In her years with Counseling Services, Mursasky has talked to many seniors troubled by leaving college. Al- though she said the problems vary, many of them are precipitated by the fears of graduation. "This is the first time for many students that they don't know what they're going to be doing in the fall," she said. "Sometimes it's students who have applied to graduate schools and don't know if they got in, or students who are worried about getting a job, or financial decisions. They don't know if they can support themselves. "There's a loss that their college y ii. t them - their undergraduate years - and that they are moving beyond their peer network into something unknown. At 76-GUIDE, the University's peer counseling hotline, volunteers receive calls from nervous seniors. "Calls in general are concerns of having been with friends and having enjoyed this environment," said Kate, a graduate student who preferred to withhold her full name. "It's been real safe, you've been with friends and are preparing the next step. The anxiety comes when you realize the next step is just around the corner. The immediacy is frightening." Kate said 76-GUIDE usually receives the soon-to-be- graduate phone calls after spring break. She said she tries to help the students by getting them to identify their problems and to think of goals. "It's a big change, even going to graduate school," said Judith Chapman, an administrative assistant in LSA Aca- demic Counseling. She said most students who use the of- fice are worried about fulfilling distribution requirements. "Most of the anxiety we see is to make sure they've not goofed up somehow... They worry near the end if all the re- quirements are in order," she said. However, Chapman also feels students as a whole have become extremely career conscious. "They're very anxious to get out and get jobs," she said. "Our whole student popu- lation, not just here, reflects the politics of the country. Students are more conservative, more job conscious. We've probably swung from one continuum to another. "To a large extent this society as a whole and their fami- lies want them to get a degree to get good jobs." ob-hunting pressure is definitely the order of the day at the University's Career Planning and Placement Office. With shelves stacked full of how-to-get-a-job books and graduate school pamphlets, the office offers students a wealth of information to help them in their search for their life after college. Other services include resume counseling, seminars, and on- campus recruitment opportunities which allow students to meet representatives from some of the country's largest companies. Deborah Orr May, director of CPP, feels students have PAGE 10 WEEKEND/APRIL 8. 1988 Three atnxious seniors await interviews wiith prospective employers at the Career Planning and Placement Office. WEEKEND/APRIL 8, 1988