OPINION Thursday, April 7, 1988 % ePage 4 The Michigan Doily re Uirtgan 1an Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVII, No. 127 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor. MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other r cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion 0 of the Daily. End legalized rape LEGALIZED RAPE IS another term for legal abortion and illegality of rape in sexual assault committed upon women marriage give women power and by their husbands. In 22 states, in- ownership over their own bodies, cluding Michigan, a husband cannot be thereby challenging this Victorian prosecuted for this act, although one oppression of women. out of every seven wives in this coun- The right-wing in Michigan has other try is raped by their spouse. criticisms of the bill. State Senator Last week the Michigan House of Rudy Nichols (R-Waterford) wants the Representatives voted 102-0 to remove Michigan law to state that a woman can t the exemption of rape in marriage from not bring rape charges against her hus- currently existing state rape statutes. band unless she has a third witness to The bill is expected to go to the State the crime. He contends that this Senate, where it may meet some oppo- stipulation is necessary to prevent sition. women from bringing false charges of Michigan residents must voice sup- rape into divorce cases. Nichol's port for the move to end marital rape, provision would make it nearly primarily because a number of religious impossible for women to bring rape groups and politicians on the right op- charges against their husbands, and pose the exemption removal, ostensibly demonstrates that the senator 'A on the grounds that it invades the pr- subscribes to the myth that women too vacy of married couples. often lie about rape, causing many Those attacking the illegality of mari- "innocent men" to suffer. tal rape are many of the same people The real problem with rape in mar- contending that a woman's right to an riage is exactly the reverse. Only one to abortion is not a private choice. They two percent of all rape reports are false, argue that decisions regarding abortion a statistic similar to most other crimes. should be forcibly regulated by the Furthermore, only two percent of all government, rapes are even reported because of the Though support of government inter- trauma of bringing such cases to the vention in abortion matters but restraint authorities and the courts where men with marital relations seem contradic- like Senator Nichols could preside on *t tory, the philosophies have a common the jury. history. The exemption of rape in mar- Those who believe that we should riage originated in the 19th century, a revert to the "good old days" of the time when women in this country could Victorian era and support legalized rape not vote and had legal rights equal to in marriage and the ownership by men children. Rape in marriage was accept- of women's bodies. However, those able because a woman was the property who do not hold this view should write :" of her husband. Generally, a husband to Senator Lana Pollack in support of ; expected two things from his wife: to the bill, asserting the idea that people in have children and sleep with him Michigan believe wives are not property- . whenever he wished. and should have equal protection under However, in the 20th century, both the law. S;PLQ presence in U.N. threatened with extinction: Keep PLO mission open : OVER the past few months, Congress respect the consensus of the U.N. has been trying to remove the Palestinian Assembly; the Assembly recently passed Liberation Organization (PLO) observer a resolution by an overwhelming margin mission in the United Nations. These condemning U.S. attempts at removing actions, prompted by the Anti-Terrorist the PLO. Act passed by Congress last year, are Our congressional representatives in merely further attempts to strip the Washington should realize that the PLO Palestinians of what little voice they is an internationally recognized voice of have, the Palestinian people, and it has the The Anti-Terrorist Act targets support of the Palestinians. This has organizations committed to "terror." The been demonstrated time and time again PLO has not been charged with one by elections and polls run by everyone count of terrorism within the United from the Israeli authorities to Palestinian States, yet the State Department has and U.S. magazines. already closed their information offices Critics of the PLO need to realize the in Washington and Congress is now PLO is a conglomerate of various looking to throw out their U.N. offices. Palestinian groups of many political persuasions, and it cannot be given one On the other hand, Congress chooses label. to ignore organizations like the Jewish The United States cannot expect the Defense League, with 14 counts of ter- conscientious world to buy its ronsm in the United States according to denunciation and singling out of the the FBI, and the Ku Klux Klan, with PLO, considering it has supported the numerous other counts. The focus on presence of tyrranical and fascist the PLO is a political ploy to make con- regimes, like Somoza's Nicaragua and gressmembers look good to the pro-Is- Botha's South Africa, in the UN. rael lobby near election time. The United States is trying to force its The PLO has a right to be in the U.N. beliefs upon the rest of the world by because the U.N. General Assembly removing the PLO from the United voted to give it observer status. The Nations in New York; it is hypocritical United States must abide by its treaty and unjust and the efforts should be obligations with the U.N., and it must halted. Dems hurt by rent issue RENT STABILIZATION became the result of a bad gamble made by the central issue of Monday's elections to Democrats. Most of them allowed Ann Arbor City Council, with Republi- themselves to be identified with the pro- cans against and Democrats generally in rent control forces and they got burned. favor. Since rent stabilization was The loss can also be explained by the soundly repudiated by voters, the heavy spending by the anti-rent control Democrats were also. group, Citizens for Ann Arbor's Fu- Proposal C, the rent stabilization ture. They outspent the pro-rent control ballot initiative, lost by a two to one forces by more than 18-to-1. The voters margin and city Republicans powered brought out by the landlords' heavy to a 6-5 majority of seats on city coun- advertising tilted the city council cil, reversing the Democrats' former 7- balance in favor of the GOP. 4 advantage. But the loss for the Democrats must The election was marked by a higher also be blamed on the public's concep- turnout than usual due to the explosive ion and on the media's depiction of the issue of rent control. The newly mobi- issues of the race. Since there has been LSA patronizes its students By Lars Langsrud Some time ago I read an article in the about students' writing abilities. Some of the faculty in the LSA expressed their concern about the poor quality of the papers they received. There were several proposals to changes. The m o s t significant was to change the writing requirements and to make the students take yet another course of English. This was to my surprise the best they could come up with, and I find it strange that LSA has not seen that the whole school system needs review. The source of the problem is to be found in the way the University administers the students, both in and outside class. The reason-why the Univer- sity fails to improve the students' writing skills, is that little attempt is made to develop analytical thinking and responsibility among the student. I say that since the students do not have to develop a certain sense of responsibility for themselves, they will not learn how to think with the necessary perspective. The idea is that as the students make progress, they should be left more to themselves. By increased responsibility the students will mature to become good writers. A student must be able to think independently to write a good paper, and I think the answer to LSA's problems lie in realizing this. Since I have experience from a foreign university, I happen to know h o w differently universities can operate. The university from which I transferred was also quite large, and it offered a variety of possibilities. Still there is one major difference. While students there used their time as they wanted to, students at Michigan do not. Since grades are based Lars Langsrud is a LSA sophomore. Wasserman. partly on participation, they have no choice. Staying away from class one day might involve missing a quiz. Material might be passed on concerning the next two-hour test, leaving "the truant" without it. Teachers also tend to favor those who show up, drawing the conclusion that those who didn't were uninterested. All this makes the student meet to class whether he thinks he will benefit from it or not. This creates a harmful sense of compulsion, and the student sits with the feeling that he is forced to study. This kills whatever interest he might have had for the class besides the grade, and school becomes a drudgery.. It seems as if the university doesn't believe that a student is capable of learning anything by himself. I.think it is very important that it is up to the student to meet to class. If a college student is not ready to take care of himself, then when will he be? The essence is that with the responsibility, the necessary maturity will develop, and the student's independent thinking with it. One who does not know how to take responsibility for his schoolwork cannot be expected to write with profound knowledge on a topic concerning the decline of morals. I am quite sure studies on different methods have led the University to believe that first-year students behave better when led by the hand. Quizzes and multiple choice questions come very handy when teachers want to check if they do what they are supposed to. But I think it would be worthwhile to sacrifice some advan- tages of these methods just to make the students realize it is their own decision whether or not to learn. Maybe the results will not show at first, but he would gradually be taking on an increasing responsibility for his work. By leaving him to his own, he would find pride. in acquiring knowledge without its being pushed on him. From my own experience, I can tell that it gives a good feeling to study if one has one's own pure interest in the subject taught. An increased interest in the courses would lead to better results and a broader understanding of the ,whole concepts in the subjects. As it is now, people tend to focus on memorizing the material for the tests, leaving whatever else there might be untouched. That is not the way to do it in a university. Several changes are necessary, but the most ruinous device is the quiz. Nothing can make a student dislike a class like an unexpected quiz, and if it were up to me I would ban them today. The teachers obviously think a quiz once in a while will increase the student's interest in a class, but the result is exactly the opposite. When teachers give quizzes, they betray their distrust in the students. And as long as the students are not treated as grown-ups, they will not behave as such either. Give the students the opportunity to decide when to learn the material, and teachers will find a different attitude among them. As another part of my quest for responsibility, I think the faculty should put an end to all assigned work, and leave the students to their fate. In most of the classes I take, I go through a couple of two-hour exams "just to make us catch up." Since the student is supposed to catch up to the final also, what is the point with the two-hour tests? The final should be the only test throughout the term, and the grade should be based wholly on this test. This would eliminate any biased judgement from the teachers and coming to class would be voluntary, adding to the students' freedom. The students would come to class of pure interest in the subject taught, and it would put some pressure on the teachers to create interesting classes. -0 ) CAN NV G~a AE F tG'W$2A . LNOS... Qan2 kG 80JT ONLY lE YOU NEVER, EVE12 SAYt "MAE WORD "p$o~RION" we $EEFAMI~LY LAHNING AS -Me. BEST WO YTo PREVENT ABO'RION You SAIDIT!' You SAID T 17' / 4 i f 1 S , Y/!f f/fI1 LLLLX i LETTERS: Summer orientation ,only frustration 0 To the Daily: The sight of those yellow folders roaming around campus in organized little groups brings back mixed feelings about the student orientation I went through just one summer ago. I'm not talking about Campus Day, but instead the three day orientation program geared to give incoming first year students the chance to meet people, acquaint them- selves with the campus, learn about how to cope with the pressures of a totally n e w environment, and pick their classes for fall. Each element of the program was set up well excluding any- thing to do with picking classes. The student counselors were completely ambiguous about which road to success we should set foot on; they gave us the enlightening advice to take only those classes we were sure we would enjoy. What a great idea - however unrealis- tic it was. I felt that the coun- selors did very little for the student except frustrate them and add to the confusion of having to CRISP; an event, as we all know, that needs no el- ement of frustration or confu- CorreCtion: Yesterday's editorial, "The Panama Connection," should have said the engineering of (7! cnnrn 1 NnrTrtr no o&- n t sion added to it. More direction in the pro- gram, and some counselors that are willing to be honest and realistic about trying to meet the needs and questions of the students would make summer orientation here fun, informa- tive, and complete - every- thing it should be. -M. Proli March 29 Self-destruction fuels race tensions To the Daily: The Michigan Student As- sembly has announced a novel, if somewhat bizarre, strategy for improving race relations on campus: scuttle minority re- cruitment efforts. MSA's deci- sion to use student money to publish newspaper advertise- ments warning Michigan high school students that the Uni- versity is a racist institution is an astonishingly self-defeating response to a genuine problem. For 20 years, University students and administrators have been struggling to attract more Black students to this campus. Those efforts have been frustratingly slow to pro- duce results, but it is no an- swer to destroy what inroads have been accomplished. That is, however, precisely what MSA's latest folly will do. It will send a message to minority high school students across the state - and to all students, for that matter - that they will be unhappy at the University of Michigan. MSA no doubt believes that this is a clever way to get back at its perceived foes in the adminis- tration. But, in doing so, it is betraying the efforts and hopes norities on campus. MSA's plan promises to do deep, possibly irreparable harm to the University's long-term efforts to achieve a more equi- table and representative population of students. It is the product of emotionalism and Police disp To the Daily: My anger and disgust toward the Nazis rallying at the Post Office on March 19, quickly extended toward, the Ann Arbor Police. The Ann Arbor Police supported the Nazis not only by allowing them to rally but by repressing those demonstrating against the Nazis. They brutalized and ar- rested four anti-Nazi protestors. They smiled as the Nazis saluted Hitler. They threatened, knocked over, and beat the Black, Jewish, Palestinian, Latino, Asian, and progressive white community members frustration. MSA has every right to be frustrated with the Uniyersity's recruitment pro- gram. The answer, however, is , reform, not self-destruction. -David Meyer March 31 lay bigotry who did not want the racist, anti-semitic rally to occur. Though the police smiled as they aided the Nazis and smashed the face of a Black anti-Nazi protestor into the street, they and the Nazis were defeated. Despite policeen- dorsement and protection, the Nazis were forced to leave within ten minutes. The police behavior displayed their racism and anti-semitism. The strug- gle against racism, anti- semitism and other oppression continues here in Ann Arbor and throughout the country. -Brett Stockdill March 21 Advice back next fall To the Daily: The Michigan Student As- sembly (MSA) has been this mistake. We are taking immediate steps to insure that Advice comes out next fall. We *