OPINION Page 6 Wednesday, April 6, 1988 The Michigan Daily ed t antMichigan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan VarianMisrepresents Dept. Vol. XCVIII, No. 126 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Possible scenarios involving U.S. troops: The Panama connection YESTERDAY 300 U.S. Marines, 500 military police, an army aviation unit, and three Air Force ground defense units prepared to leave U.S. soil for Panama. The official purpose of this deployment is to safeguard the canal, protect U.S. citizens and "shore up" the morale of Panamanians hoping for the ouster of General Manuel Noriega, infamous military tyrant and drug traf- ficker. Panamanians and Americans alike have grounds for concern. Sending in the marines under the guise of safe- guarding U.S. citizens has been a tool to maintain U.S. military hegemony. The Dominican Republic in 1965 and Grenada in 1980 are just two recent examples. Since U.S. supertankers and air Tprce carriers are now too large to fit through the canal, Reagan's assertion t at the canal zone is a geo-strategically vital conduit, to be defended at all costs is difficult to believe. Moreover, de- spite Reagan's anti-drug crusade, it is clear the CIA has known about - and indeed participated in - Noriega's drugs and guns games for years. The official justifications for sending in thvops and attempting to engineer the deposition of Noriega are little more than flimsy excuses. It is important to ask what the real tgenda is. Reagan desperately needs a foreign policy victory during his last tew months in office, if only to absolve himself of his past failures. Signifi- cantly, Reagan's State Department has been the main instigator of the current maneuvers, as opposed to the military hierarchy. The Pentagon has actually urged re- straint - even leaking to the press a dramatic State Department plot to kid- nap and forcibly extradite Noriega to the U.S. Such schemes are reminiscent of President Carter's foiled eleventh- hour plot to rescue the American hostages in Lebanon via helicopter. Safeguarding the canal may be less important than safeguarding the U.S. Southern Command, the military and CIA headquarters for all of Central and South America. Noriega has demanded that the Southern Command abandon its strategic position on Panamanian soil. Sending in troops may serve to prevent Noriega from fulfilling this demand. Nicaragua is a likely item on any Reagan agenda. With the fighting fu- ture of the contras looking dim, Reagan may wish to flank Nicaragua with U.S. troops. Sending combat troops to the unglamorous and already occupied country of Panama - with north-south military roads through Costa Rica to Nicaragua - may be an easy way to break the ice. Through his dealings with Cuba, Nicaragua and Salvadoran rebels, Noriega has proved himself an un- faithful bedfellow. Exposing him to the world as a corrupt and bloodthirsty tyrant and forcing his ouster may well be designed to send a blunt message to all the other American-backed, blood- thirsty tyrants in the hemisphere: cross the CIA and expect to be screwed. With Ecuador's upcoming elections likely to yield a socialist leadership with ideas of its own, such a message might be, from the administration's point of view, well-timed. Another possible scenario is that Reagan is hoping to discredit Noriega and force him from power before the next U.S. election. One of the gen- eral's aides has already testified that Noriega has information about high- level involvement by certain U.S. officials in the drug-gun-contra connection that might influence the Finally, however events play them- selves out, the ongoing hearings in the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee offer a rare glimpse into the secret and macabre world of dollars, drugs, and dictators in which members of our own government play key roles. The hearings should be watched closely as they will surely indicate to the public the actual intentions of the Reagan administration policy in Central and South America, both past and pre- sent. By Dean Baker and Mark Greer We were pleased to see that Professor Varian, one of the most distinguished members of our faculty, took the time to reply to our criticism of the economics profession and the department here at the University. Before addressing the specific issues. raised by Varian, it is worth pointing out the extent to which he misunderstood the nature of our criticism. Our point was not that economists are despicable people who plot to make life miserable for the poor, working people, women and minorities, but rather that the basic assumptions held by the mainstream within the field tend to support world views and policies that have this effect. Also, many well-intentioned individuals may find themselves arguing for such policies because of an unwilling- ness or inability to critically examine these basic assumptions and theories. The fact that economics can have this effect makes it far more pernicious than the view of economists which Varian mocks, where they write papers on how to exploit mi- norities and help the rich. Taking Varian's specific points one at a time, we can begin with his claim that the Economics Department has sought to fos- ter alternative or critical views. Varian ar- gues that two of the fields we claimed, were under attack, Economic History and Political Economy, actually enjoy strong support within the department. This is a surprise to those of us who have seen fac- ulty attendance at the Political Economy seminar dwindle to only one person who will be here after this year, or who have had our intelligence questioned for doing work in this area. As for Economic His- tory, the fact remains that two of the de- partment's three economic historians have been lost andnot replaced in recent years. Varian says nothing about History of Economic Thought, which recently lost its only faculty member. He also says nothing about the departure or marginal- ization (not being allowed to teach gradu- ate classes) of faculty members in other Baker and Greer are doctoral candidates in Economics fields who do less orthodox work. As to Varian's citation of work being done to investigate the persistence of in- equality based on race or gender, we noted this in our original article when we said, "Although there are some models within the mainstream of how such inequality could persist, for the most part they are somewhat suspect within the discipline." We stand by this. The material Varian cites would be seen by a tiny fraction of the students taking either undergraduate or graduate level economics. The prevailing view, one embodying strongly racist and sexist overtones, is that a market cannot sustain discrimination. Many mainstream economists infer from this that the lower average earnings of women and Blacks compared to white men can likely be at- tributed to the lower productivity of women and Blacks relative to white men. Any examination of textbooks or course syllabii will readily bear this out. We find it difficult to believe that Var- ian would contend that one learns much about the institutional structure of the economy in graduate courses. In these courses, money comes from "helicopter drops" and individuals and firms are omni- scient about everything that can ever pos- sibly happen. Investment in plant and" equipment is sometimes referred to as putty-putty, which means that it can be changed from one type of machine to an- other. In most models it can also be eaten. We even work with Robinson Crusoe economies where there is one worker who is also the economy's only employer and consumer. Perhaps we were absent the day institutions were discussed. As to our comment about the right- wing bias of funding sources in eco- nomics, we'll acknowledge that we have carried through no independent investiga- tion, but rather have relied on the advice of faculty members who have warned us of the types of work which will not receive funding or get us a job. The funding sources cited by Varian certainly give no reassurance that work outside the main- stream will find sponsors. As to the last point, on the numbers of women and Black faculty, we will simply refer to the department's most recent handbook on graduate study in economics. Twenty two full time faculty members are listed. This list includes one Black and no women. Thirty faculty members are listed as having joint appointments. This list includes four women and no Blacks. We regret if our original article was in- terpreted in any way that might denigrate the status of faculty members with joint appointments; this was certainly not our intention. It does seem, however, that something other than random chance must account for the fact that none of the twenty-two faculty members with full ap- pointments are female. The handbook also lists one woman as an adjunct professor, three as lecturers, and one as an assistant research scientist. Only women are listed in these last three cate- gories. What these categories have in common with other jobs commonly held by women is that they involve low pay and little potential for advancement rela- tive to tenure-track appointments. It is interesting that one of Varian's main defenses of the Economics Depart- ment's hiring policies is to point out sev- eral times that offers have been made to desirable candidates (for example, to an Economic History Ph.D. and to women and minorities). Anyone who has been in- p volved in the academic hiring process knows that there are many ways of "making an offer," some of which are sig- nificantly more attractive than others. If the Economics Department has been mak- ing unsuccessful offers year after year to women and minorities, we suggest that they need to either make more attractive offers, or go after candidates who would more seriously consider coming to teach here. After all, job candidates aren't judged by the places they would like to work, but by the job they land. Why should Varian expect the Economics Department to be judged by any less stringent a standard? We hope that the rest of the economics faculty do not share Varian's view that making offers which are seldom accepted and hiring only women to fill the Depart- ment's least prestigious and lowest-paying jobs fulfills their responsibility to ag- gressively "explore diversity.". We appreciate Varian's call for considering arguments with skepticism. We eagerly await the day when such skep- ticism towards the prevailing neoclassical economic assumptions becomes acceptable as a basis for research in the economics department. Wasserman, NATi ONNUST HM / 7~AU ?"PIN N ILNE MSII N4cE . t y rp N y STUDSNT DTI Lt.EAi N F. To H.-G6Ti~VIm W O ONE To TRi- PALESIMIAiS,.. TALK (TO 0 6 rA 4 Bring back the bottles LETTERS: Turkish Kurds still treated unfairly IN 1976, THE STATE of Michigan passed the Bottle Bill, putting into effect a ten cent deposit on cans and bottles sold in Michigan and obligating vendors to provide for the return of cans and bottles. Vendors in Ann Arbor have abused this responsibility by ma- nipulating the law. Stores are required by law to accept returnables of the type which they sell and must accept per person per day up to 250 cans, a refund of $25. Campus area businesses make it ex- tremely difficult to return large numbers of cans and bottles. Many stores set return limits of either five or ten dollars; a rate they arbitrarily raise or lower. Vendors justify this by claiming they do not have the employees or facilitiesto handle large returns, particularly on such "busy days" as football Saturdays. Some vendors will not accept more than one dollar in returnables from an individual on these days. The restrictions of the campus area stores make it necessary for people to transport their retumables to many dif- ferent stores. This particular practice has serious implications for homeless people and poor people, although it may seem an inconvenience to customers. The Stop and Go chain, for instance, has a store- wide policy, asking customers to provide their initials and phone number themselves from employees altering return slips and stealing funds from the store. This is an outrageous policy, only serving to deny poor people and home- less people proper access to a service the store is compelled by law to pro- vide. Due to economic conditions many people in the Ann Arbor community do not have the resources which these ar- bitrary return policies require. They have neither telephone services nor homes. Further, signing one's initials requires an ability to read and write. Literacy should not be a requirement to return bottles. Though different in degree, the policy instituted by Stop and Go is not unlike the arbitrary rules other stores set for themselves. These businesses are breaking the law and in so doing are making Ann Arbor a community inac- cessible to people who cannot write and who cannot afford phones, homes, or cars to transport their retumables from store to store. The burden is on the vendors to pro- vide a can and bottle return service. If stores are understaffed and do not have the people power to handle large re- turns, they must hire more people. If they do not have adequate storage facilities, they must create them. The motivation of vendors is profit, and profit is an inadequate and wrong justi- To the Daily: Last week, on Monday March 21st, I attended a Brown Bag talk on "The Kurdush Struggle Against Human Rights Abuses." The speaker, who was an Iraqi Kurd, spoke mainly of the atrocities com- mitted against the Kurds in his native Iraq, and he briefly mentioned the treatment of the Kurds in the Republic of Turkey, where most of the Near East's 16 million Kurds live. He was very kind to the Turkish government, merely mentioning that the Kurds in Turkey are not recognized as an ethnic minority, are not al- lowed to speak their language, and are persecuted if they insist on their national or cultural rights. However, the most amazing aspect of the talk was not what the Kurd speaker said, but the manner in which some Turk- ish students produced a propa- ganda booklet pertaining to an outrage committed last year in Turkish Kurdistan by a particular Kurdish organization, and how the Turkish students shouted down the speaker with It is sad to observe such be- havior in this University, which ostensibly believes in giving minorities a n d "underdogs" a fair say. Consid- ering that the forum was a "Brown Bag" and not an in- flammatory debate, I felt the moderator of the talk did not do her job in keeping the subject at hand, and this was a serious shortcoming on her part as well as the University's. I am personally struck by the paral- lel between the treatment of the Kurds today and the treatment of the Armenians in the past at the hands of the Turkish gov- ernment and its supporters. And we all know what hap- pened to the Armenians. -Richard Najarian LSA Junior A Marijuana laws should be enforced To the Daily: Reading the headline today I want to express great concern in the Daily's editorial staff. I am trying to figure out what was the significance of writing about the so-called "hash- bash." Instead of reading about the hash-bash in the headline, I was looking for something more important like, for example, an article covering today's election or an article covering the progress o f Michigan's regents. Are we promoting civil dis- obedience and disregard for the law? Are we trying to idolize criminals? People who partici- pated in the hash-bash are vio- lating a law, a law that was created in the first place to diseases related to smoking, it is shown in all medical reports that marijuana causes brain damage. Banning marijuana is within the jurisdiction of law- makers. We should enforce all laws no matter how trivial some might seem. The campus security and the Ann Arbor police should have been sent in during the hash-bash to eradi- cate the Diag of these offend- ers. I feel a harsher penalty, from a $5 fine to a $500 fine and 5 days in jail, is needed to curb the growing dependence on this marijuana drug. By participating in last year's hash-bash, Perry Bullard demonstrated how much regard he has for laws created by the people. As an elected public official, I feel he should be thrown out of office for his lewd conduct. * _ ..# 4 ' , -Marcus Ma April 4 Daily Opinon Page letter policy Due to the volume of mail, the Daily cannot print all the letters and columns it receives, although an s . nf ; mna t% -ri~ ,a mir. xY^fw tP--1 n r,