Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 121 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 30, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
rape law
By the Associated Press
LANSING - The House voted
102-0 yesterday to remove an ex-
emption in Michigan law that al-
lows men to rape their wives and
escape prosecution.
Currently, Michigan prosecutors
can not bring rape charges against a
husband unless the wife is living in
a separate home and the couple is
legally separated or divorced.
The legislation, sponsored by
Rep. Shirley Johnson (R-Royal
Oak) will now move to the Senate,
where it appears to be headed for op-
"IT'S AN outrageous exemp-
tion," Johnson said. "It's something
that shouldn't exist. There's no so-
cial or justifiable position for con-
tinuing to allow that type of an ex-
See Rape, Page 2
Dole drops
out Of
By The Associated Press
Republican Sen. Bob Dole quit
the presidential race yesterday, three
weeks after being buried in George
Bush's Super Tuesday landslide,
calling himself "bloodied but un-
bowed, as the poet says."
Dole, who has been without a
primary win for more than a month,
tipped his hat to Bush.
The Kansas senator offered his
congratulations to Bush, who beat
him in a solid majority of primaries
and said, "Keeping the White House
Republican, that's the bottom line."
With eight percent of the pre-
cincts reporting in yesterday's Con-
necticut primary, Bush had 71
percent of the GOP vote to Dole's
20 percent and three percent for
Bush's nominal chal-lenger, former
TV evangelist Pat Robertson.'
Reports from 79 percent of the
Connecticut precincts showed Du-
kakis was gaining 59 pr;rcent of the
vote, ending a recent series of poor
performances. Jackson, landslide
winner last weekend in Michigan and
the man with momentum in the
race, had 28 percent.
Sen. Albert Gore trailed with
eight percent, and Sen. Paul Simon,
who ignored the state, was receiving
slightly more than 1 percent.
Connecticut's primary offered 35
delegates to the Republican National
Convention, and 52 on the Dem-
ocratic side. Bush was winning 25 to
10 for Dole on the GOP side and
Dukakis led for 36 and Jackson 16
among the Democrats.
After updating based on final
Michigan results and a redistribution
of some of Gephardt's delegates,
Dukakis held a slim seven-delegate
lead over Jackson.
Dukakis hoped his win in Con-
necticut would be solid enouh to
reassure the skeptics after his land-
slide loss to Jackson in the Mich-
igan caususes last weekend and his
third-place finish in the Illinois
primary on March 15.
Tai-Chi duo Doly Photo by JESSICA GREENE
Karen Downing and Rich Wilhelmsen of Ann Arbor practice taijiquan in Regents' Park. Unlike other martial.
arts, taijiquan does not emphasize combat.
Cases of sexually transmitted
diseases still prevail on campus
By ALYSSA LUSTIGMAN than 80 percent of those cases, the pregnancy was un-
Despite increased publicity about the AIDS virus - prepared for.
publicity that urges condom use and safe sex - the Fifty percent of the women who tested positive were
spread of sexually transmitted diseases and the occur- using contraception, and of this group, 30 percent were
rence of unwanted pregnancies continue to be high on using it on a regular basis or correctly, Breifer added.
campus, health officials say. "When you consider the population we're dealing
University Health Services saw more than 3,000 with - bright, educated people -- these are alarming
cases of sexually transmitted diseases last year, and ran statistics," he said.
more than 1,500 pregnancy tests, said Dr. Caesar Briefer also noted that a distinction must be drawn
Briefer, director of University Health Services. between contraception and protection against sexually
"I'm concerned people have lost cite of the fact that transmitted diseases. A birth control method such as
there are a lot of other sexually transmitted diseases the pill can be an effective means of contraception, but
which may not kill you, but you are a lot more likely will not protect either partner from contracting a dis-
to get if you engage in unprotected sexual intercourse," ease.
Briefer said. "THE MOST important thing is to get out the
"SEXUALLY transmitted diseases are real, they information in an open and honest way, such as how to
are here, and they are now," he said. use condoms and why. We have to overcome the
The biggest problem, Briefer said, is practicing the stigma attached to some methods of birth control, es-
knowledge most people have in their personal activity. pecially condoms," said Polly Paulson, AIDS educa-
"It's hard to go out prepared for a sexual encounter. tion coordinator at University Health Services.
As a result, people find themselves in a compromising Using condoms and spermicide is the most effective
situation," he said. "The use of alcohol, especially on way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and un-
weekends, also clouds people's judgment." wanted pregnancies, Paulson said.
The high level of long. term unwanted pregnancies Last year, venereal warts - which are caused by a
and sexually transmitted diseases also suggests that virus and may grow large and have a cauliflower-like
most people are using contraception ineffectively, he appearance - was the 23rd most common diagnosis at
said. Health Services, accounting for 1.8 percent of all vis-
FOR EXAMPLE, of the pregnancy tests per- its. Without treatment, venereal warts can disfigure
formed last year, 25 percent were positive, and in more See S.T.D.s, Page 2
Sheldon challenges
Hlrshorn in Ward 2
Ann Arbor's 2nd Ward, which contains some of the city's most af-
fluent areas, has been Republican-controlled since it was drawn up six
years ago.
But in 1986, Democrat Seth Hirshorn ousted then-Republican in-
cumbent Jim Blow, and became an exception to the rule.
Hirshorn, a professor of public administration at the University's
Dearborn campus, will seek re-election Monday for another two-year
term. If defeated by Republicans, their hopes of regaining control of
city council - where they are currently outnumbered seven to four by
Democrats - will be bolstered.
WITH THAT in mind, Republican Ingrid Sheldon, a longtime
resident of Ann Arbor who in the past has run for school boy , will try
to pose a "tough challenge" to Hirshorn.
arwulf arwulf, one of WCBN's most offbeat DJs, is known for his somewhat unusual outlook on life and society.
DJ arwulf arwulf airs profound
thoughts on life to listeners
works to prevent off-campus crime
"All work and no play makes
Jack a compulsive sociopath prone
to sudden acts of brainless violence."
These are the words by which
Theodore Grenier - better known to
the public as arwulf arwulf - lives.
"It came out of the sky one night,"
arwulf said of his unusual name, "it
just seemed like the right name at
the time.'
Truly an original, this beatnik-
jazzhead-guru, almost impossible to
characterize, describes himself as "a
57 Chevy, creme with red interior."
MANY people know arwulf as
a DJ at WCBN, the University's
student-run, free-form radio station.
Arwulf uses his cynicism, intelli-
gence, and music as an antedote
against societal ills like racism and
He also hosts a jazz show titled
"Sunday Best" on WEMU Sunday
mornings and every week he sends a
-r~~ndf ch..u hP rnli "Thn-
arwulf arwulf was recently -pub-
lished and is on sale at local stores.
Arwulf also currently has acting
roles in two Performance Network
plays, and works six days a week at
Nielsen's flower shop.
HE SAID being a florist and DJ
is a great combination for him; first
he tries to make people happy all
day with flowers, and then he tries to
do it again later with music.
"I like to entertain people," he
explained. "My self-imposed job is
to give this music to people while
they're still on the planet."
"Radio is communication, and
arwulf is great at communicating on
the radio and with people," said Kate
Gordon, a Residence College
sophomore and WCBN staffer. "He
can express what he is thinking and
anyone will understand him. Also.
of rhythm and blues which stemmed
right out of jazz."
ARWULF has strong feelings
about commercial radio. "I think ra-
dio has been really abused and turned
into a really tedious thing by a lot of
people," he said. He believes radio
should be more community oriented,
saying that WIQB (an Ann Arbor
radio station) is mostly programmed
out of Los Angeles like any other
See arwulf, Page 3
See Ward 2, Page 5
Candidates face close
Srace in 3rd Ward
The tug of war between Democrats and Republicans for control of
city council may be decided by the victor of next Monday's election in
Ann Arbor's 3rd Ward, in which Democrat Liz Brater and Republican