Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 120
Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, March 29, 1988
Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
close off
occ upied
raeli army yesterday imposed its
broadest clampdown yet on the 1.5
million Palestinians living in the
occupied territories, sealing the re-
gions for three days to combat a
PLO day of protest.
The army also announced it was
barring journalists from the territo-
ries for the first time in the four
months of unrest that have left 119
Palestinians and one Israeli soldier
Under the measure, the 650,000
Arabs in Gaza will be banned from
leaving their homes, while the
850,000 Palestinians on the West
Bank will be confined to their vil-
lages and towns, the army said.
The restrictions also forbid
Palestinians living in the territories
from entering Israel, affecting about
110,000 Arab workers. The 65,000
Jewish settlers who live in the
occupied territories will be permitted
to move freely.
In Washington, the State De-
partment criticized Israel for sealing
off the territories.
"We regret the decision because of
the impact it will have on com-
merce, on visits with family mem-
bers and the press," said spokesper-
son Charles Redman.
The closure of the territories fol-
lowed a mass arrest campaign aimed
at preventing violence tomorrow,
when Palestinians mark Land Day,
the 12th anniversary of a 1976 clash
between soldiers and Arabs over the
confiscation of Arab land. S ix
Palestinians were killed.
Israel's ability to deal with ex-
pected unrest on Land Day is viewed
as a major test of the military's
muscle to quell the uprising that be-
gan Dec. 8.
with draws
from race
Jackson campaign
gains momentum
The shanty erected on St. Patrick's Day to commemorate the struggle of the Irish Republican Army was found
torn down yesterday morning.
Medicaie abortions to continue
with wire reports
Richard Gephardt's withdrawal
from the Democratic presidential
race yesterday intensifies uncertainty
about what lies in store for the
party's national convention this
Gephardt announced his with-
drawal yesterday in a Capitol Hill
news conference, saying, "It's been,
said the opera isn't over until the fat
lady sings. Last Saturday in
Michigan, I think I heard her walk-
ing to the microphone."
Gephardt's exit from the race
leaves his delegates with the option
to vote for another candidate. It also
increases speculation over the possi-
bility of the Rev. Jesse Jackson en-
teringthe convention as the fron-
JACKSON won Michigan's
Democratic caucus Saturday, receiv-
ing 76 of the state's 136 delegates,
according to the most recent count.
Massachusetts Gov. Michael Du-
kakis ran a distant second, receiving
53 delegates.
Jackson yesterday questioned par-
ty leaders who want to give the
nomination to another candidate be-
cause they believe he cannot win the
general election.
"If by the end of California we
have the most popular votes, the
most delegate votes, becoming the
nominee is logical and proper. If I
win the nomination from the people,
I expect the party to embrace me,
and to embrace those principles."
Local Jackson campaign leader
Dean Baker said Jackson captured the
constituency that Gephardt had
sought in the Michigan caucus.
"What it came down to was Jackson
was credible on the issues and
Gephardt wasn't."
BUT SEAN Jackson, co-coor-
dinator of the Dukakis' campaign on
campus, said Gephardt's departure
will not significantly change the
candidate race. Gephardt "hasn't been
much of a force since (he won the)
Iowa (caucus)," Sean Jackson said.
But University Political Science
Prof. Greg Markus predicted strong
Jackson showings in New York and
Wisconsin,hand gave him a fifty-fifty
chance of having the most delegates
going into the convention. Notgiv-
ing Jackson the nomination if he is
the leader, would be "suicidal for the
party,"' Markus said.
He added that the Democratic
party faces a dilemma in choosing a
candidate when no one has come out
as a strong leader. Giving the nomi-
nation to an unannounced candidate,
such as New York Governor Mario
Cuomo, has become a possible
solution, he said.
Daily Staffer Michael Lustig
contributed to this story
Medicaid funded abortions in Michigan - which
were in danger of being banned beginning today - will
be extended until November when their fate will be put
before state voters, Attorney General Frank Kelley
ruled yesterday.
Last summer, a Michigan Right to Life petition
called for a ban of state funded abortions effective to-
day. But Kelley's decision marked a victory for the
People's Campaign for Choice, which submitted
230,000 signatures to the state legislature earlier this
month in an effort to postpone the ban
Kelley accepted the PCC's petition -even though
the state Board of Canvassers has not finished validat-
ing the necessary 120,000 signatures - because they
appeared to have a legitimate number of valid names,
said Chris DeWitt, spokesperson for the attorney gen-
Kelley's action carries the force of law unless it is
overturned in circuit court.
"There is no doubt in my mind that we will qualify
for the ballot," said Molly Henry, a coordinator of
PCC's nine-month petition drive. She added that,
without yesterday's ruling, the ban would have contin-
ued for several weeks until PCC's signatures were
"I'm disappointed by the decision," said Pat Rose, a
member of Washtenaw County's Right to Life. "It
means that more babies are being killed with state
funds. It's not a personal thing, it's about civil rights
- a child is being denied life," Rose said.
Despite winning the temporary victory, PCC, an
umbrella organization for the state's pro-choice groups,
is still trying to educate the public about the issue be-
fore the November election, said PCC spokesperson
Judith Frye.
See Abortions, Page 3
'B' school project
satisfies appetite
If you're the kind of person who
starts a five-page paper the week af-
ter it was due, John Ivanko is going
to annoy you.
Ivanko took his class project for
last fall's Retail Management 311
class - a sixty-page restaurant con-
cept and business plan he co-au-
thored with classmate Judith
Salzberg - and officially made it a
reality. The French Market Cafe
opened on S. Fourth Avenue yester-
He and Salzberg began working
on the project during the second
week of fall term. At the time,
Ivanko didn't plan on going any fur-
ther than handing in the assignment,
he said.
But in doing research for the pro-
ject, Ivanko talked to many .Ann
Arbor restauranteurs, especially
David Kaplan, owner of Kaplan's
Cafe. The deli was eventually con-
verted into the French Markey Cafe.
Kaplan, a 1983 graduate of
Michigan State University's Hotel,
Restaurant, and Institutional Man-
agement school, had been running
his store for six months before
Ivanko came to him.
Business wasn't as good as Ka-
plan had hoped, and upon meeting
Ivanko, he became interested in the
project. The two sat down during
winter break and seriously talked
about implementing Ivanko's pro-
ject. They became partners.
"(John) brought an interesting
proposal that had a lot of ethnicity
and I felt that it was something Ann
Arbor would appreciate," Kaplan said
of his decision to renovate his
restaurant. Although the renovations
cost Kaplan "a significant amount of
money," the site already had the
ventilation and the plumbing neces-
sary for a restaurant. They also saved
money by doing some of the work
See Project, Page 3
Students, staff
rally for gay,
lesbian rights
Speakers overcame rain and a malfunctioning speaker
system at a noontime Diag rally yesterday to charge the
University with neglecting the rights of gays and les-
bians on campus.
Addressing about 40 students, who crowded together
at the base of the graduate library steps, the speakers
specifically demanded that the University condemn dis-
crimination based on sexual preference in regental bylaw
14.06, which now prohibits most other forms of dis-
They also urged student groups -to unite in pressing
the University to combat all types of discrimination.
"We can't get the bylaw by ourselves... we need to
seek coalition-building with other groups on campus,"
including UCAR and other minority groups, said Billie
Edwards, lesbian advocate for the University's Lesbian
and Gay Male Program Office.
The University Board of Regents has consistently op-
posed the bylaw change, which students have pushed for
during the past decade.
Edwards also criticized the administration's support
for her office, saying that its refusal to increase the bud-
get when the office went from operating part-time to
full-time indicated that the University does not consider
See Rally, Page 3
LaGROC member Alicia Luckstad, an LSA junior,
Week at yesterday's kickoff rally on the Diag.
Daiy rnoto oy DAV IDLUBLINuE
reads the events of Gay and Lesbian
Libertarian opposes Democrat in city council race
The results of city council races
in Ann Arbor's First Ward are rarely
a surprise. And this year is no ex-
The ward, which encompasses
most of Northwest Ann Arbor, in-
cluding the Bursley and Couzens
dormitories, is so dominated by the
Democrats that the Republicans
A FORMER administrator at
the Ypsilanti Resource Center,
Hunter says his most pressing Con-
cern is increasing the city's human
services. He is currently starting a
janitorial business.
His opponent, Krebaum, is a
land-use planning graduate student at
Eastern Michigan University. Like
his Libertarian cohorts, Krebaum
to make whatever problem they're
attacking worse," he said.
Hunter contends that city efforts
at providing affordable housing have
been successful. Although it was
later defeated by city council last
fall, he strongly supported a pro-
posal to open a single-room-occu-
pancy facility on Liberty Street.
Currently, Hunter is preparing a
nronosa to exnpand the YMCA by
inexpensive housing in Ann Arbor.
"The regulations (and) the bureau-
cracy that a developer has to go
through almost forces them to shoot
for the higher priced development,"
he said.
The Libertarians have also pro-
posed eliminating city housing in-
spections, saying that tenants can
seek damages in court if their units
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