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March 28, 1988 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-28

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The Michigan Daily Monday, March 28, 1988 Page
Mondays come alive with performance art
contains milk, the other contains to define art. The focus is on the streets of Ann Arbor, and Arwulf Mayhem is a suspense piece with discontinue its run for the first two
y MauraTroester Rice Krispies. You are then in- discovery, not on what is discovered. Arwulf continues to shock and amaze a dreamlike quality. The plot is a weeks of April, but it will resume
By structed to pour the milk into the Performance art has played an ac- visitors to the Ann Arbor Street Art simple chase scene in a forest, but on April 18 with a mixed-media per-
cup of Rice Krispies. Everyone in tive role in the Ann Arbor art scene Fair with anti-art art performances. Clipson cuts the forest into two formance created by Donna Roe and
Imagine, if you will, that you are the audience does so. The Rice for the past 25 or more years. In the The pieces shown last week at the pieces: the forest is shown on a Chris Reising based on the Knights
sitting in an audience, waiting for a Krispies snap, crackle, and pop in late '60s the Once Group, a perfor- Performance Network are revivals f continues on to the stage as an ex- and Sir Gawain. On April 25 one of
show to begin. A person begins unison. The performance is over. mance art group, was formed in Ann earlier works by local artists in- tes o t he st ade up of real AndSrG.n aroAst patrEise Brynt,
passing out two styrofoam cups to This may sound like a dream you Arbor by artists and writers such as volved in performance art from its tension of the forest, made up of real Ann arbors top actors, Elise Bryant,
each audience member. One cup had last night, but actually it's a John Cage, Robert Rauchenberg, earlier days in Ann Arbor. Howvir trees. A soundtrack of natural sounds and other local women.
piece by John Cage performed last Gordon Mumma, and Harold Borkin. the piece performed tonight, May- and one of dialogue from clips of old MONDAYS ALVE
week at the Mondays Alive perfor- They developed pieces similar to the h the Dark, developed by hes csmbiationuof ie an vin. a Performances
mance art series at the Performance one with Rice Krispies and per- filmmaker Paul Clipson, is contem- The combination video and live begin at, 408 . at the Performance
Network. The series was designed by formed them anywhere from side- porary. It is a live video performance performance, and familiar sounds in Network, 408 W. Washington.
Robert Curry and Linda Kendall of walks to the top of parking ramps. which focuses on the moments ofi naliat arates s f iesA nd$w o rstd
the Performance Network to offer an Pat Olseko became widely-known discovery, what Clipson calls "thedmsn p
outlet for Ann Arbor artists inter- in the '70s for her wild soft-sculpture moment when you know something 'should call Performance Network at
ested in performance-based art. costumes and performances on the is there but can't say what it is." The Mondays Alive series will 663-0681.
Performance art is anarchic. Its
goal, if it can be said to have one, is
to discover art in places were it isn't
thought to be. Yet it doesn't attempt
ROOMMATES ROOMMATES Various Artists niche in the market - in the base- well, most others - such as Love handedness can be a main virtue -
The Big Time Syndrome ball vernacular, a sort of double-A Tractor or Dumptruck, displayed here asin the hilarious "Rebecca Wants
Big Time Records farm-team next to I.R.S.'s semi-ma- - play too marginal a brand of that Her Bike Back," by The Jazz Butcher
FEMALE NONSMOKER wanted to share 1 MALE ROOMMATE needed to share lrg jor status. typically collegiate brand of garagey Conspiracy, or Alex Chilton's funny
. $May7-Aug. Great location. Call 0 74794after lCpus MayAug. Big Time Records treads an elusive Despite a roster of critically ac- American guitar rock to make a paean to the nuthouse, "Rubber
ROOMMATE WANTED, female, non- line between the "big-time" market- claimed acts, Big Time have never- breakthrough. Room." Even better, The Lucy
OUSEMATE NEEDED for 6 bedroom Rok.Gre oN D uet house, ing of the major labels and the al- theless found their only real chart Love and Rockets' slow version of Show's remix of "New Message" is
house. 2 baths laundry, parking. Avail. May cheap rent, great loc., parking - Joel 764- most intentional obscurity of so success with England's Love and "Mirror People," is mere self-con- brilliant pop, a real breath of fresh
88. Call 996-2067. Leave msg. --Dave 8825 or Pete 764-3800.
IT. CNOT 99TO267 LATEtoave s. --ae U-TWRS. Pete7M . amany independent labels, and lately Rockets. While a few label artists scious pseudo-Swans drivel and a real air, as is The Dream Syndicate's in-
IT'S NOT TO LATE toetapt. at U-TWRS. SPRINGSUMM. SUBLET woman needed mayidpnetlbes n aeyP
I need roommatw to s are bdrm.-4 pers. for 1 bdrm. in 4 bdrm. apt. great price, call they have carved out an unusual have the talent to make it big as let down. But with some bands, off- See RECORDS, Page 8
apt. Call Josh - 764-4866. 996-4303 Helen.

The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by 5 p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
-cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.
March 28
Women'sOkinawan Karate Club--Beg class, 7:45-8:30 pm (new
stds welcome); adv class, 6:30-7:45 pm, Martial Arts Rm
IM Bldg. 996-5634,668-6280.
Christian Science Org--Mtg, 7:15 pm, 3rd fl Mich League.
Integrity--Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division, 665-0606.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn --Bible study on
. "Romans," 6 pm; disc, "Why Would a Christian Resist
Draft Registration?" 7 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881.
Guild House--Writers Series, M Asciutto & G Garcia, 8 pm,
802 Monroe St. 662-5189.
Intl Ctr--1988 European Travel Series, J Dickson & B Denman,
"Surviving and Thriving in Europe," 3 pm, 603 E Madison.
Coalition for Democracy in Latin Amer--Symp: MR Harbut,
"Humanitarian Aid for Solidarity in Poland" & BA Miller,
"The Struggle of Democratic Trade Unionists in El Salvador
andNicaragua," 8 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm.
Sch Art--Lec, C DePaul, 'Trends in Artistic Metal Objects:
Context and Content," 12:30 pm, 2216-19 Art & Arch Bldg.
Cognitive Sci & Mach Intel[ Lab--Colloq series on Human
Computer Interaction: J Carroll, "Ecological Computing: A
Common Sense Paradigm for Psychology in Technology,"
4:15 pm, Mich Rm, Bus Sch Assembly Hall.
U-M-Flint--Law Day, 7 pm, Uni- Ctr Mich Rms C & D.
Germanic Studies--Brown-bag colloq, E Paslick, "Die
Sichtbarmachung des Ungrundes im Werk Caspar David
Friedrichs und Phillip Otto Runges," 12:10 pm, MLB 3rd fl
Sch Music --Perf, Campus Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud; Honors
Assembly, 8 pm, McIntosh Theatre. 763-4726. Std recital,
flutist J Sills, 6 pm, Recital Hall.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies--Brown-bag lec, K Bennoune,
"The Policy and Practice of Human Rights in North Africa,"
noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm; Middle East Fac Sem, J
Fine, "Where Have All the Arians Gone?" 4 pm, Rackham
E Conf Rm.
Landscape Arch Prog--Lec, GL Smith, "The New Design
Challenge: A Personal Perspective," 3 pm, 1036 Dana Bldg;
recep follows.
Compar Lit --Lee, W Hamacher, "But--Must (A Lecture on
Derrida andhlegel)," 4 pm, Mich League Rm D, 3rd fl.
Macromolecular Res Ctr--Colloq, IV Yannas, "Polymeric
Matrices for Regeneration of Skin and Peripheral Nerve," 4
pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
Career Plan & Place --Educ Career Conf Prep: Mock Interview
reg, 3200 SAB.
Engr--Res sem in communications, A Kayrallah, 4 pm, 3433
EECS Bldg. -
Lesbian & Gay Organizing Committee (LaGroc)-Lesbian &
Gay Awareness Wk: LaGroc info booth, 10 am-noon,
Fishbowl; kick-off rally, noon, diag; gay rap sess, 6:30-8:30
pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm; *benefit dance, 9:30 pm-2
am, Blind Pig. 763-4186.
March 29
Ctr for Human Growth & Devp/Sch Publ Hith--Lees: I
Rosenberg: "Recommended Dietary Allowance for the
Elderly and Public Policy," 3 pm, Sch Publ Hth Aud 1I;
"Metabolic Bone Disease Complicating Hepatobiliary
Disorders," 4:30 pm, 6530 Med Sci Res Bldg.
Hillel Fdn--Std wkshp, "Last Chance Before Final Exams,' 7-9
pm, 339 E Liberty. Reg req. 663-3336.
Blopsychol--Colloq, H Moises, "Dynorphin in Hippocampus:
What's My Line?" 12:30 pm, 1057 MHRI.
Ctr for Chinese Studies--Brown-bag lec, B Naughton, 'Macro-
Economic Policy and the Chinese Economic Reform," noon,
Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Betsy Barbour/Helen Newberry --Disc, "Can Women Survive

Germanic Lang & Lit --Lec, Netherlands Amer Univ League
presents A Limburg, '"The Role of Midwives in the Dutch
Health Care System," 8 pm, Intl Ctr, 603 E Madison.
*HRD--Wkshp, "Computer Security: A Practical Approach to
Personal Computer Security Standards & Procedures," 1-
4:30 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Sch Music--Perf, Univ Symph Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud. 763-
4726. Std recital, oboists L King & S Knoop, 8 pm, Sch
Music Recital Hall.
Dept of Near East Studies--Lee, E Reiner, "Drawing Down the
Moon," 4 pm, Rackham Amphi.
Women's Studies Prog--Lec, CT Mohanty, "Decoding
Domesticity--The Politics of Space in Feminist Cross-
Cultural Research" & awards presentation, Dorothy Gies
McGuigan Prize competition, 4 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm.
Engr--Artificial intell sem, M Weaver, "A Connectionist
Perspective on Problems of Categorization," 4:30 pm, 1001
EECS Bldg.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Undergrad std
fellowship, "Talk from the Heart," 7 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Dollar dinner & devotions, 6 pm;
"Family" Bible study, 7 pm; choir, 8 pm, 1511 Washtenaw
Ave. 663-5560.
TAR DAA-Dr Who Fan Club--Mtg, 8-11 pm, 296 Dennison
Karate Club--Beg practice, 7:30-8:15 pm; adv class, 8:20-10
pm, Martial Arts Rm CCRB.
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC)--
Lesbian & Gay Awareness Wk: info booth on AIDS, 10 am-
noon, Mich Union MUG & Fishbowl; Lesbian/Gay Male
Prog Ofc open house, 3-5 pm, 3100 Mich Union; lec,
Wellness Networks, 7 pm, Rackham 4th fl Amphi. 763-
4186. LaGROC mtg; .8:30 pm, 3100 Mich Union. 996-
Fencing Club--Mtg/practice, 7:30-10 pm, CCRB small gym.
Christians in Action --Mtg, Fundamentals of Faith Series, 8:30
pm, 1407 Mason Hall.
WCBN (88.3 FM) --Talk show, "Closets Are for Clothes," 6-7
pm; free forn music, "Better Blatant than Latent," 7-8 pm.
Call in requests to Lesbian & Gay Radio Collective, 763-
Wels Lutheran Campus Ministry--Bible disc, 7-9 pm, Mich
March 30
Inst for Humanities/Sch Music--Lec/demo, AL Becker,
"Entering Another Esthetic," 8 pm, Rackham Amphi.
Project Community--Info fair, 7 pm, Mich Union Pond Rms.
*M-CARTLec, C Walbom, "Playground First Aid," 7:30 pm,
2200 Green Rd. To reg, 763-7485.
MedSport--Training clinic for runners, joggers & walkers, 7 pm,
Domino's Farms. 763-7400.
Linguistics--Colloq, N Wiegand, "Historical Evidence in
Synchronic Syntax: Let Me Say This About That," noon,
3050 Frieze Bldg.
Statistics--Sem, R Gonin, "Outliers in Physical Processes: Li-
or Adaptive Lp-Norm Estimation?" 4:05 pm, 451 Mason
Pea-e Corps/Intl Ctr--Slide lec/info sess, "Bringing the Word
Back Home," 7:30 pm, 603 E Madison. 764-9310.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess I, 3-5 pm,
SAB, 763-4025.
*Guild House--Beans & rice dinner, 6 pm, 802 Monroe St. 662-
Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Ctr-Bagging the Rape
Culture disc series, perf by Talk to Us, "Hey Baby! Fighting
Everyday Sexism," noon, Rm 2444 Mason Hall. 763-5865.
Psychiatry--I Marks, "Advances in Anxiety Disorders": 10:30
am-noon, Child & Adoles Psych Aud; sem, 2:30-4 pm,
MHRI Waggoner Conf Rm.
Intl Folkdancing Club--Scandinavian dancing, 8 pm; Balkan
dancing, 9-10:30 pm, Mich Union Anderson Rm (live
Biol--Sem, MD Rausher, "The Evolution of Resistance to
Herbivores in Morning Glories," 4 pm, MLB2.
*Men's Athletics--Baseball, U-M vs Western Mich, 2 pm,
Fisher Stadium.
Anat & Cell Biol--Sem, M Halpem, "Structural and Functional
Studies of the Vomeronasal Organ Pathways," noon, 5732
Med Sci 11.
Arch & Urban Plan --Sem series, S Kostof, "Culture and the
Built Realm: The Limits of Architectural History," 8 pm,
Chrysler Aud.
Botanical Gdns--Friends board mtg, 7:30 pm, Aud, 1800 N
Bioengr--890 sem, M Ciarelli, "Meniscal Strains and
Displacements Under Normal and Abnormal Conditions," 4
pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
C'areer Plan & PIce--See March 28: Making Your First Job a

*Galens Med Soc--Benefit, 70th Annual Galens Smoker, Damn
Flexies (spoof of Damn Yankees), 8 pm, Mich Theater.
*HRD --Wkshp, "Positive Attitudes for Better Stress
Management," 9 am-3 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-
Sch Music--Guest recital, pianist L Bates, 8 pm, Rackham
Amphi. Std recitals: conductor R Garrett, 6 pm, Sch Music
Recital Hall; carillonneur R Schneider, 7:30 pm, Burton
Tower, organist G Atkinson, 8 pm, Hill Aud; soprano J
Wright, 8 pm, Recital Hall.
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies--Hungarian symp: brown-bag
lee, C Gombar, "Ideas for Political Reform: Political
Science in Contemporary Hungary," noon, Lane Hall
Commons Rm; lec, M Sukosd, 'The Media in Hungary:
Changes in the Structure of Public Discourse," 4 pm,
Rackham W Conf Rm; wine & cheese recep, 5-7 pm, Lane
Hall Commons Rm; lee, K Attila Soos, "An Economist's
Perspective on the Current Hungarian Scene," 8 pm,
Rackham W Conf Rm.
Residence Hall Repertory Theatre Troupe--Perf, I Know You
Are, But What Am I? 10 pm, Stockwell, Blue. Hall.
*UAC/Special Events--Folk festival, U-Club. For time, 763-
Women's Studies Prog--Brown-bag disc, CT Mohanty,
"Women's Studies Pedagogy," noon, 238A W Engr Bldg.
Lesbian & Gay Organizing Committee (LaGroc)--Lesbian &
Gay Awareness Wk: letter writing campaign to support
bylaw, noon, Fishbowl; Lesbian/Gay Male Prog Ofc brown-
bag lunch, noon, 3200 Mich Union; perf by Talk to Us, 7
pm, Angell Hall Aud B; LGLS/MGU talent show, 8 pm,
Law Sch Lounge, 763-4186.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Mid-wk infomal
communion svc, 9:30 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Mid-wk Lent svc, 7:30 pm, 1511
Washtenaw Ave, 663-5560.
Turner Ctr--Wellness Day, for appt, 764-6831; For Men Only
support grp, 7:30 pm, 1010 Wall St. Reg req. 764-2556.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church --Worship, 7:30-8 pm, 801 S
Forest, 668-7622.
Dissertation Support Grp--Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich Union.
Karate Club--Senior practice, 6:30-8:30 pm, Martial Arts Rm
IM Bldg.
Mich Gay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St, 763-4186.
Romance Lang & Lit--French conversation club, "La Parlotte,"
3-5 pm, MLB 4th fl Commons. Everyone welcome.
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee--Mtg, 8 pm, 2435 Mason
March 31
Inst for Humanities/Sch Music--Lees: R Scheckner, "Masks and
Shadows of Knowing," & L Sears, "Theater of the Eternal
Return: Shadows of a Javanese Past," 7:30 pm, Rackham
Amer Assoc of Univ Professors--Open mtg & panel disc, CJ
Nesbitt, F Beutler & N Seghers, "Issues Related to TIAA-
CREF," 12:30 pm (tray lunch avail), Mich League Conf
Mich Arts & Progs--April Fools Tacky Gift Sale, 11 am-4 pm,
Mich Union ground f; Arts at Midday, Women's Glee Club
Madrigal & Hannonettes, 12:15 pm, Mich Union Pendleton
Engl--Visiting Writers Series, J Hughes, 5 pm, Rackham E
Conf Rm.
Atmos, Oceanic & Space Sci--Sem, RP Fiegel, "Photoacoustic
Spectroscopy and Line Profiles of the Atmospheric Oxygen
Bands," 3:30 pm, 2231 Space Res Bldg.
Std Woodshop--Safety class for new shop users, sess 11, 3-5 pm,
SAB, 763-4025.
Devp Biol & Genetics Grp--Sem, JJ Bonner, "Genetic Analysis
of Heat Shock Response inDrosophila," noon, 1139 Nat Sci
Ctr for Afroamer & Afr Studies--Mini-course 324, Black
Educational Achievement Over the Life Course: WR Allen,
"Institutional Context, Interpersonal Relationships,
Personality Orientation and Black Student Academic
Achievement in College," 4-6 pm, Angell Hall Aud B.
Career Plan & Place--Educ Career Conf Prep: Pre-Conf Wkshp,
noon-1:30 pm, Sch Educ Schorling Aud.
Computer Vision Res Lab--Sem, K Skifstad, "Minimal Motion
Stereo," 4 pm, 1200 EECS Bldg.
Compar Study of Soc Transformation--Brown-bag lec, P
Somers, "Mysteries Against Markets: The Place of the
Public Sphere in the History and Theory of the English
Working Class," 12:10-1 pm, 4051 LSA.
U-M.Dearborm-Film, Adventures in Babysitting, 7:30 pm, Rec
& Orgs Bldg.
E n g r --750 sem, I Rubin, "Theory and Practice of
Communication Networks: Match and Mismatch," 4 pm,
1001 EECS.
Evol & Human Behav Prog--Sem, M Gross, "Evolution of
Parental Care: Evidence From the First Vertebrates," 4 pm,
Rackham E Lee Rm.
U-M-Flint--Women's History Month, "A Festival of Diversity":
lec, A Mansour, "The Feminization of Poverty," 11:30 am-1
pm, Univ Ctr Brewery, Short Film Flicks Old Time
Comedy Festival, Little Rascals & Three Stooges, 4 & 5:30
p, Univ Ctr Brewery. Lee, "Hispanics in Education," 6
pm, Univ Ctr Mich Rms; dinner, 7 pm. Reg req. 762-3362.
*Fim, Suspect 7 & 9 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva.
*Galens Med Soc--See March 30.
! . fs rw C..liia _Rmav-}a r M uccV "., ho nnd

Chem Engr--Sem, V Manousiouthakis, 11:30 am, 1017 Dow
Lesbian & Gay Organizing Committee (LaGroc)--Lesbian &
Gay Awareness Wk: films: Pink Triangles, 7 pm & lec, T
McKlain, 8 pm, -Angell Hall Aud A; *My Beautiful
Laundrette, 7:30 & 9:15 pm, Nat Sci Aud. 763-4186.
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--See March 28.
Intl Ctr--World Travelers' (brown-bag) Lunch Break, noon, 603
E Madison.
Alcoholics Anonymous--Mtg, noon, 3rd fl Mich Union (by
Counseling Svcs).
Karate Club--See Mardi 29.
*Mich League--Intl night, Czechoslovakia & Yugoslavia, 4:30-
7:30 pm, The League Buffet.
Agape Camp'us Fellowship--Nondenom Bible study, C
Hawthome, 6:30 pm, S Quad Ambatano Lounge.
Germanic Lang & Lit--Conversational German club,
"Kaffeestunde," 3:30-5:30 pm, MLB 3rd fl Conf Rm. 764-
UAC/Impact Jazz--Dance wkshp, 7-8:30 pm, Mich Union
Anderson Rm.
*Univ Lutheran Chapel --"Seder Supper" from a Christian
Perspective, 6 pm, 1511 Washtenaw Ave. 663-5560.
Palestine Solidarity Committee (formerly Nov 29th Committee
for Palestine)--Mtg, 7 pm, Rm 4203 Mich Union.
April 1
Inst for Humanities/Sch Music--Javanese shadowplay,
Mahabharata, 8 pm-mdngt, Rackham Amphi.
Mich Arts & Progs--See March 31.
Guild House--Forum, R Sam, "Women in Prison,"'noon, 802
Monroe St, 662-5189.
Career Plan & Place--See March 28.
CEW--Adult Devp Res Sem, K Kauppinen-Toropainen, "Ft
Model: Solos and Innovators," noon-1:30 pm, basement
Conf Rm, 350 S Thayer. Everyone welcome.
U-M-Dearborn-Nat sci colloq, S Simkin, 'The Largest Known
Galaxy," 3 pm, Classroom-Admin Bldg; film, Bring Up
Baby, 7:30 pm, 138 Classroom-Admin Bldg.
Tenure Committee--Mtg, 1 pm, Rackham 2nd fl W Council. J
Gindin, 764-5303.
*UAC/Comedy Co--See March 31.
Nucl Engr--Colloq, G Moses, "Inertial Confinement Fusion
Research at the University of Wisconsin," 3:45 pm, Cooley
Bldg White Aud.
Engr--Control sem, T Runolfsson, "Output Feedback Aiming
Control," 4 pm, 1200 EECS Bldg.
Lesbian & Gay Organizing Committee (LaGroc)--Lesbian &
Gay Awareness Wk: Blue Jean Day, wear jeans to show
support; civil rights wkshp, "Visions Toward a National
Agenda," noon-3 pm, Mich Union Pond Rm; *April fool
dance, 9 pm-1 am, Law Sch Lounge. 763-4186.
Gay Liberation--Brothers coffee house, 8 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St. 763-4186.
Overeaters Anonymous--Mtg for bulimics (others welcome),
noon, 3rd fl Mich Union (by Counseling Svcs).
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Bible study, 7:30 pm, 3150
Glacier Way, 761-7503.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Chapel open for private meditation,
noon-3 pm; Tenebrae svc, 7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw Ave.
*United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Good Friday
gathering, 602 E Huron. For time, 668-6881.
April 2
Inst for Humanities/Sch Music --Post-Javanese shadowplay disc,
10:30 am, Rackham Amphi; lunch follows.
Women's Athletics--Tennis, U-M vs Ohio State, 11 am, Track
& Tennis Bldg or outside courts.
*AAFC-Films The Exterminating Angel, 7 pm; Viridiana, 9
pm, Nat Sci Aud.
*U-M-Dearborn-Body Image Wkshp, F Sheeter & M Flannery,
9 am, Gabriel Richard Ctr. 593-5430.
*UAC/Comedy Co--See March 31.
*UMS--Pianist A Watts, 8 pm, Hill Aud. 764-2538
*Ruthven PlanetariumTheatre-Shows: "A Starry Night," 10:30
& 11:30 am; "Voyager 2 at Uranus," 2, 3 & 4 pm. Loc 4th
fl Nat Sci Mus, corner Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Karate Club--Practice, 3-5 pm, CCRB small gym. All
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Easter vigil, 11 pm, 1151 Washtenaw
Ave, 663-5560.
April 3
*Ofc Major Events--Perf, M Makeba & H Masekela, 5 & 8 pm,
Power Ctr, 763-TKTS
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, "Voyager 2 at Unus,"
2, 3 & 4 pm. Loc 4th fl Nat Sci Mus, comer Geddes-
Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Zen.Buddhist Temple-Meditation svcs: in Korean, 10-11:30 am;
in English, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard. 761-6520.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 10 am, 801 S Forst.



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