OPINION Page 4 Monday, March 28, 1988 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVIII, No. 119 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. The dolphin holocaust Stabilize students' rents DOLPHINS ARE BEING MASSACRED by the thousands in the eastern tropic Pacific Ocean by tuna companies; this has prompted the Earth Island Institute (ElI) to call for a boycott of all tuna products. Tuna companies, such as Star-kist and Chicken of the Sea, have killed over six million dolphins since the early 1960s according to the conservative figures of the U.S. National Marine Fishery Service. A boycott of tuna should be respected in the hopes that the tuna fishing industry ends its carnage against dolphins. The threat to the dolphins arises when tuna fishing companies net dolphins along with their catch of tuna. Schools of'tuna often follow the dolphins, so fishing fleets look for their tuna around dolphins. Since dolphins are mammals, they must come to the surface to breathe air, and therefore are much easier to see than the tuna. The fleets employ helicopters to search out the dolphins and direct the fishing fleets to those locations. This method of searching tuna used by selected tuna fishing fleets usually results in horrendous massacres of dolphins. The dolphins get caught in the nets the boats set out for the tunas, and end up drowning because they can't get to the surface for air. Other dolphins die from being crushed in nets filled with tons of tuna. Special holes in the nets are designed to let dolphins out, and, according to the U.S. tuna fishing fleet, a very dubious figure of 95 percent of the dolphins are 'saved. The "success" rate, however, is misleading. A CBS News documentary showed that in the last two years, over 200,000 dolphins were killed by this fishing method. The ElI says the U.S. Fleet alone is responsible for about 20,000 deaths a year. Clearly, the Support L ESBIAN AND GAY awareness week kicks off at noon on the Diag with a rally for gay and lesbian rights. These events should be strongly supported and attended by all students interested in ending the anti-gay and lesbian big- otry rampant at the University. Gays comprise at least ten percent of American society and thirteen percent of the University community and deserve inclusion in the regental bylaw 14.06 against discrimination. The University of Michigan Board of Regents, however, has refused to include sexual orientation as a form of discrimination prohibited openly by the University. The remarks made by Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) at several past regents meetings are even more vicious. Baker has said, "I know of instances of homosexuality on this campus which I cannot and will not tolerate...." It is outrageous that the regents are unwilling to protect more than ten percent of the student population from open attacks and discrimination. The administration is dead set against advancing gay and lesbian rights. Not only did Interim President Robben Fleming prevent a conference on gay rights from taking place on campus during his previous reign as University attempts made by the tuna companies to save the dolphins are nowhere near enough. Legislation to protect the dolphins has been in affect for over a decade. The Marine Mammal Protection Act sets quotas on dolphins killed by the U.S. fleet. Currently, the quota is 20,500, but it has declined from the much higher figures originally set. It is a strange coincidence that as the quota became more stringent, the number of boats in the fishing fleet has declined. In 1982, there were 100 boats, now there are only 35. The missing boats weren't sunk by Moby Dick, but have just switched flags, so they are no longer under U.S. jurisdiction. This allows tuna companies to kill dolphins without fear of retribution. The ElI is a non-profit organization comprised of scientists and researchers working to preserve our environment. It has international credibility, and its warnings about the threat to dolphins should be heeded. Most of the tuna caught in the world is caught without the aid of dolphins, so it is not unreasonable to ask the tuna fleets of the Pacific to switch tuna catching methods. Until the change, all tuna should be boycotted in protest of the horrendous dolphins massacres, which have resulted in 6 million killed. Save the dolphins. To voice your protest to the tuna companies involved please contact the ElI at the following address for a list of the murderers: Earth Island Institute Save the Dolphins Project 300 Broadway, Suite 28 San Fransisco, CA 94133 Attn: David R. Brower, Chair ga rights President, but the current administra- tors won't follow through on their promise to include anti-lesbian and ga attacks in the Tell Someone campaign against discrimination. T h e administration does not considergay and lesbian rights legitimate, nor are they interested in the welfare of these students. Thus, it is up to students to come out in support of gay and lesbian rights. People should voice their disgust at the patronizing and bigoted opinions of the regents and other administrators and attend the letter writing campaign to have the bylaw changed. This is hap- pening on Wednesday at noon in Fishbowl. In addition, LaGROC is providing a wide range of interesting and informa- tive events each evening this week; students are urged to attend and support. In a society which represses sex, blocks equality between gender and at- tacks those with different sexual orien- tation, students need to fight for lesbian and gay rights. Harvy Milk, San Fran- sisco city council member and one of the first gay rights activists, pointed out that no struggle can be isolated and that progress toward gay and lesbian rights was progress for human equality. By Lisa Russ The landlords' "just say no" to rent sta- bilization campaign has flooded campus housing with red-lined propaganda about the horrors of rent control. Landlords as- sume that students who, according to landlord Randy White are all the "kid(s) of a plastic surgeon in Detroit," will listen like robots to their landlords, pay any rent that landlords dish out, and vote against rent stabilization. But the landlords are wrong. With yearly tuition increases and financial aid cut- backs, students have less money to spend for basic necessities such as food and housing. Landlords have taken advantage of a low campus-area vacancy rate (rarely rising above five percent) to jack up rents to an average of $487 for a one room apartment. This is up 67 percent from 1983-84. High rent inhibits the ability of students from lower or middle income families to attend school in Ann Arbor. High rent also takes a significant bite out of the pockets of students who can afford to at- tend university here. While students may feel they have little control over tuition increases, or federal financial aid decisions; students can take a very simple step on April 4th to control a big part of their semester expenses by voting on proposal C to stabilize Ann Arbor's rents. Jim Morris, an Ann Arbor landlord and spokesperson for the opposition to rent stabilization said in the Ann Arbor Ob- server that he "doubts that the 'kids' who rent from him will support 'anything that Lisa Russ is a member of Ann Arbor Students for Fair Rent. stupid."' U-M junior Tom Kemp re- sponded in the article: "We pay $480 and electricity for a one bedroom apartment ....Yeah, I'm going to vote for rent con- trol." Rent control may sound stupid to Jim Morris who pockets the profits from his rents; but it is the only sensible plan being presented to students to control their high rents. Landlords like Jim Morris through the guise of an organization entitled "Citizens for Ann Arbor's Future" have spread a lot of misinformation about rent stabilization. Its time for the truth. Rent Stabilization The rent stabilization proposal on the ballot for April 4 will keep landlord's in- creases to 75 percent of the national infla- tion rate. Landlords will also be allowed to charge increased rents in case of a rise in property taxes, to cover the increased cost of heating fuel, and in cases of capital im- provement or economic hardship. These rent increases added together cannot amount to more than 15 percent. Essen- tially the rent stabilization proposal al- lows landlords to continuesto make their current rate of high profits. It also pro- vides tenants with the security of knowing that the landlords will not charge signifi- cantly more rent from one year to the next. Students who live in run-down apart- ments and have trouble getting their land- lords to make repairs (city administrators have admitted that much of Ann Arbor housing does not meet city housing code standards for health and safety) can laugh at the landlord's advertisements that rent stabilization will cause the decline of up- keep services. Particularly amusing is the landlord warning that under rent stabiliza- tion carpets will have to be fixed with duct-tape. Apparently landlords have so seldom visited their property that they are unaware that most of their apartments do not have carpet and that when carpet is there; duct tape is not an usual.sight. In reality, rent stabilization will increase incentives for landlords to make repairs. The Ann Arbor proposal ties all rent ad- justments (inflation, fuel charge, capital improvement etc.) to compliance with state and city housing codes. Landlords who do not fix those broken steps or make repairs on the damaged wiring won't be able to raise the rent at all. Under rent sta- bilization, landlords are bound to make those repairs in a hurry. In contrast to privately-owned rental property, non-profit units are excluded from the ordinance. Just like housing co- operatives, fraternitites and sororites are not intended to be covered by rent stabi- lization. Similarly, university residence halls would also not be covered. However, since almost all students do rent during their stay at the University, they will benefit from rent stabilization. Proposal C on rent stabilization on the Ann Arbor ballot for April 4 is a chance for students to take some control over their own economic situation and to keep some of their money in their own pockets - a chance that students cannot afford to pass up. i "# t Y c M Y I " + A + i i t 3 k " t r t e! I i t i t S M t { 1 i ti i { i " 1 4 r THE WAR ON DRUGS j. Wasserman 44 ~tlr 'LST -LeT'S UT A LE7?V OOsy- Lx-rsSOMS, GESPOIA T ORE AEIA/CITY StR! ET 7 ABIWoRDlb1VrI MQWS// /, - , -.M - d f _ O~/lfffil - LETTERS: University won't help grad students r To the Daily: This week, teaching assistants are personally experiencing the effects of the 1986 "tax simplification" legislation - tax increases of anywhere from 200 percent to 1000 percent over what they paid last year on annual in- comes generally between $5000 and $10,000. This bizarre and seemingly incredible situation, of which we were warned in January, has finally hit us concretely in amounts of $200 to $700 extra appearing on our March tuition bills, with more to come in April. The mindlessness and unfairness of this action by Congress in making tuition- waivers fully taxable is bad enough (House Resolution 1692 has been introduced to reinstate the $5250 exemption on tuition waivers; the bill is being supported by the University administration and its lobbyist in Washington.) However, we learn that other large and well-known universities around the country, including our peer institutions, have taken measures to mitigate the catastrophic effects of this new tax on their graduate student teaching assistants. Cornell, Harvard, Purdue and other schools have simply increased graduate students' stipends to cover the new tax. Northwestern and Stanford have re-classified tuition waivers to make them tax-free. Virtually every other large state school in the country - including Michigan State - reduces teaching assistants' tuitions to in-state level, a measure which The Graduate Employees is holding a rally on the Diag this Thursday at 12:30 to protest this terribly unfair tax burden and to urge the university administration to help us out. This ridiculous change in the tax law must be repealed by Congress. But in addition, the administration must be convinced to take immediate action to reduce the burden. This would seem to be imperative not merely out of concern for present graduate students but also for future students who will not likely want to come here knowing they will be charged an extra $1500 annually. TAs should delay tuition, To the Daily: ' March bills and attend the rally On Tuesday March 22nd, on March 31st on the Diag. As graduate student teaching for not paying the tax liability assistants received their March section of the bill, you risk a tuition bill on which there ten-dollar late fee and a hold appeared a separate charge for credit. TAs' tax liability on their The GEO's current position January-March tuition waiver. is that TAs should at least The Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) is urging Ignore Nazi e TAs to: discard the top half of the bill at the appropriate spot To the Daily: (call GEO for info); attend a The Neo-Nazi party is rally on the Diag at 12:30 on certainly an organization whose Thursday March 31 to protest values are completely out of the excessive tax burden; and touch with society and should not pay the tax liability section by no means be supported by of the bill. any sane individual. On the There is some confusion, other hand, protesting the racist however, as to the reason for demonstration by throwing and the effect of refusing to pay rocks and rotten tomatos, then the tax liability section of the consequently getting hurt and March bill. Let me now being arrested is no way to clarify the matter. counter their activities. We are urging mild civil Although they had the right disobedience and active idea, the protesters were only participation in a rally in order playing into the Nazis' hands. to 1) galvanize the victimized Obviously, the fascists were RAs and TAs and provide their expecting protesters, as one anger and frustration a public could tell by their shields and voice; 2) challenge t h e the way they asked for police University administration to protection. The Nazis, in the p u b licly defend their end, got what they wanted from interpretation of the tax code their demonstration: a show of and their insistence that out-of- force (with the help of the Ann state TAs b- charged with taxes Arbor police) and most of all on out-of-stage tuition waiver rates; 3) send a message to Recycle the Daily By its action, the administration is unilaterally making graduate study here for its Regents Fellowships scholars, as well as all other teaching assistants, $1500 more expensive than at any other school. - Steve Coe Graduate student, History March 26 payments delay payment and sustain a hold credit until the fall term of '88. Beyond that, we'll have to see what transpires in Washington and Ann Arbor. - Don Demetriades GEO President March 26 ,,: demonstration - attention. If people would just learn to ignore these demonstrations, the Nazi party would not get this chance to beat up innocent people. Most of all, they would lose the attention that they thrive on. This is the best way to hinder the activities of organizations like this. -Mary Gross March 24 Gay rap session To the Daily: Ever have questions about homosexuality? Want to know more about what being gay means to someone who is? Want to meet and ask questions of people who are gay? Then come to the Gay Rap today at 6:30 in the Kuenzel Room (2nd floor Michigan Union). You'll do s o m e exercises to help y o u understand more clearly your a' +i. .4 r NWS N WOW TKE COUt' 1TY :.5 _NMI,, RUSe 0 0 ,