TH E ORONATION OF OPPEA music Continued from page 4 majestically out of the mix, mesmerizing as it swoops, trills, and roars a dramatic, filigreed melody. The title track is even stranger, a nine minute plus suite that takes African music into new territory while the lyrics preach the transcen- dent magic of group harmony in a purely African sense. The tune is a schizophrenic concerto of tumul- tuous African musicianship and ex- perimentation. Overall, Soro is a strange but very potent concoction. There's bracing tension between the florid horns and synths and Keita's grit; a tension enhanced by a formal French arranging sense versus subversively African elasticity in the phrasing. At times Keita, will remind you of Jackie Wilson, at others James Brown. Most of all, however, he sounds like Fela-Kuti with a hefty dose of. high-powered benzedrine kicking through his bloodstream. Keita's Soro is definitely the best French/African album yet to rise from the bizarre, cross-galactic groove of the Paris fusion scene. -Todd Shanker When it's SPRING FORMAL time, there's only one place to go: BRIDES SHOWCASE Lita Ford Lita RCA Records One of the most feared epithets in the music business is "sellout," and rightly so. Too often acts cave in to mounting financial and managerial pressures and begin to compromise+ their music. It's sometimes hard to fault bands for this since the market is viciously competitive and being a cult favorite just doesn't pay the rent. It is a sad sight to see, however, and, just as sadly, it applies to this album. Apparently, Lita Ford has been in the metal background long enough to get sick of it and has released an album with major leanings to commercial radio. Her first band, the Runaways (yes, the same band Joan Jett came from) was basically a marketing ploy, so this isn't a completely new track for her. Not that the music is bad, or poorly performed. It's just too generic and obviously sets its sights on the Top 40. The video to the first single, "Kiss Me Deadly," appeared on MTV's Headbanger's Ball. It's as bad as calling Bon Jovi a heavy metal band. Lame, lame, lame. The album does have two bright spots. One is a song co-written by Ford with Lemmy Kilmeister of Motrhead, "Can't Catch Me,"and the other is a duet with metal's favoriteruncle, Ozzy Osbourne, called "Close My Eyes Forever." But these songs are mere shadows of what they could have been. The song by Lemmy merely causes a craving for Motorhead (say, "Ace Of Spades," perhaps), while =the Ozzy song would have been better if he sang the whole thing himself. To put it simply, this album is a disappointment. -Chuck Skarsaune See MUSIC, Page 11 What wearing they're LIBRARY PHOTO (CARREL): 1) Jessica is wearing: Branded Gar- ments black leather jacket, $150.00; Bundeswehr dyed cotton tank top, $10.00; Virus cartoon cotton mini- skirt, $38.00; Spider necklace, cotton full shorts, $26.00; Nimbus 20" wide flat sterling silver chain necklace, $34.00; R.P. Lewis large' flat sterling silver hammered hoops, $49.00 All clothing and jewelry available at Collected Works. P $20.00; Bondage belt $36.00 All clothing available at Cats' Meow 2) Israel is wearing: Vintage maroon crushed velvet'tuxedo jacket, $38.00; Vintage cotton tuxedo shirt, $14.00; Vintage cotton tuxedo trousers, $21.00; Vintage silk scarf, $22.00 All clothing available at Cats' Meow 3) Natalie is wearing: Kikit navy cotton skirt, $60.00; Matching navy top, $69.00; East 'O Java sterling silver hoop earrings, $18.00 All clothing available at Bivouac 4) David is wearing: Belton blue cotton T-Shirt, $9.00; Naturalife red cotton shorts, $19.97, All clothing available at Geronimo 5) Emily is wearing: Shelli Segal. black cotton/lycra dress $58.00; *y' Matching white cropped cotton/lycra ,- - 00W* top, $30.00; Sterling silver hoops, -e ea o - All clothing available at Bivouac LIBRARY (STACKS): - 1) Ovell is wearing: B.U.M. grey and Vet . white striped cotton pants, $39.00;" B.U.M. white cotton shirt, $41.00 All clothing available at BivouacM 2) April is wearing: Karavan blue and white stripped cropped cotton jacket, 7 b.' $36.00; Matching short sleeve redM10 cotton cropped blouse, $24.00;. 6 Matching blue and white striped -M o'a Gi Written by Claudio Monteverdi Sung in English Mendelssohn Theatre March 2426 at 8 pm March 27 at 2 pm Reserved tickets are $9 and $6; special student seating $4 with l.D. 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COME IN AND FIND A TREAT FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL DOODLES 769-4211 LOCATED ON THE LOWER LEVEL OF 222 STATE PLAZA ON THE CORNER OF STATE AND LIBERTY t°Sit VVs S r ln Cottoh- 'k-rk" 41 SA Unglasse S' Vir~ Sh ;ort" 'Uee~/e Thcts" ~jackzets " Cotton patsf' !e¢ n ors*"-tie -dqe * . -H - Z a 0 [z 322 SouthState Street I Ann Arbor, MI 48104 313/665-9599 Ann Arbor's Newest Hi Tech Audio, Video, and Musical Instruments Music Mart's Annual Spring Sale Begins April 3, 1988 All equipment is up to 40% and more off! *Look for specials announced daily. Stop in now and preselect. Merchandise will not last! Q D U, 0 Z 4 0 0 c,) H W 0 Ann Arbor' Largest Foreign Fill O Selection 0 Q . a 0 213 . STATE 1-SAT 10-10-4 WK N12 5 9 95 9500 -ART - AM PEG - APHEX'- FENDER - WASHBURN ' ACOUSTIC RESEARCH - HARMON KARDON i I I , 0 -, - , - - - - . - 11 -1 1 . - I- I I I I , .. t I 1 .1 . , I , .1 I . I - 11 to - - I - , , . I I - PAEiO)----°-WEEKEN7MRCH 25, ]198 . F _. WEEKEND/MARCH-25; 1988