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March 25, 1988 - Image 15

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-25

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, March 25, 1988- Page 15


Frank French and
Kevn Kinney
Everything Looks Better
In the Dark
Drivin' n' Cryin'
The Whisper Tames the Lion
From the sound of these two
,records, Kevn Kinney has quite a
future. (Yes, his name really is
Kevn - no "i"). Kinney sings,
plays guitar, and writes on Drivin'
n' Cryin's major label debut, The
Whisper Tames the Lion. Ditto for
-Everything Looks Better In the Dark
(subtitled Early Drivin' n' Cryin'
where Kinney writes 13 out of 15
gongs; however Kinney and Frank
French do trade instruments often on
the latter record.
Kinney brings plenty of talent
to these records. He doesn't possess

a smooth, musical voice, but rather
he sounds like an amazing southern
cross between Neil Young, B ob
Dylan, and the Del Fuego's vocalist.
Kinney, a "man who speaks straight
to God" ("Livin' By the Book,"
from Whisper), and "never knew the
Lord until he found the power chord"
("Powerhouse," off Whisper), writes
narrative tales and introspective
musings about religion, driving,
friends, and of course crying.
The music goes "90 miles an
hour in a 35 zone," ("Accelerator,"
on ...Dark), and "is really jammin'
when your amp starts to blow"
("Powerhouse"). The tight rhythms
do manage to slow down occasion-
ally, to good effect on ...Dark's
"Good 4 Me," but can work against
them, for example when they break
out the strings on Whisper's "Blue
Ridge Way." (They do redeem
themselves slightly by using real
violins). In other words, the music
is straight up guitar, cigarettes and

beer rock 'n' roll, with plenty of
acoustic rhythm lines, occasional
lap steel, and some fuzz and distor-
tion for fun. Kinney imbeds his
heroes in his lyrics: "Johnny Cash,"
"Jimmy Page," ("Tina's Grocery,"
on ...Dark); "Jimi Hendrix, Janis
Joplin, Buddy Holly, Mama Cass /
are all up there / waiting for Dick
Clark to come" ("Ghost Party In the
Attic," from ...Dark). Contemporary
references include the Georgia Satel-
lites, the Del-Fuegos, and the Neats.
If all these famous names and
hopefully tantalizing quotes haven't
got these albums on your must have
list, then check out ...Dark's comi-
cal, hallucinatory, Jetsons-esque
cover painting, the best album cover
of 1987. Still unconvinced? Per-
suade some radio station to play any
of the songs mentioned above, turn
up the volume to about eleven, and
you too will groove to Kevn Kin-
ney's remarkable talents.
-Brian Jarvinen


B.F.A. candidates in the Dance department present 'Eccentric Identities.' The project is not merely th4
fulfillment of a graduation requirement for a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree but also a culmination of
many years of effort and creativity.
D a n ce frustration of an artist's mental gender. He reverses masculine and
block, the obstacles that inhibit the feminine stereotypes and manipulatet
Continued from Page 14 flow of expression. "Rock Bound," them to represent contemporary
Deniz' group project, will be per- society. New York City awaits
Chenczke. Her group of five dancers formed to an expansive choral score Robert after graduation, where h'
will perform "Cut-Out" to the coin- by Carmina Burana, as an expression would like to study with Martha
position of Stephen Ferre, a doctoral of remembrances of her experiences Graham and avant-garde choreogra-
candidate in Music at Northwestern in London. pher/dancer Michael Clark.
University. This abstract piece is an Robert Sorce began his artistic This concert should prove to be.4
animation of elements found in Henri training in Williamsville, New York, thou ht-provoking, entertaining de-

Matisse's Jazz collection. She plans in the realm of musical theatre. As a parture from the genre of student
to maintain her residence in the Ann senior in high school, he began an productions. The project is not
Arbor area, perhaps studying with intensive study of ballet. Initially a merely the fulfillment of a graduatioti
People Dancing or the J. Parker pre-med student at Canisius College, requirement for a Bachelor of Fine
Copley Company of Detroit. he transferred to the Dance program Arts degree but also a culmination of
Deniz Oktay, a Columbia, Mary- after his freshman year. "Blue Nim- many years of effort and creativity.
land native, has been studying mod- bus," his solo work is set to a med-
ern dance since the age of 10. She ley of several compositions. The
spent her junior year in London, piece suggests the elusive quality of ECCENTRIC IDENTITIES wi
studying at the Laban Centre. Her the color blue and the diverse tones be presented in Studio A of the
solo integrates text from British au- and moods evoked, from the humor- Dance building at 8 p.m. Friday an'd
thor Frankie Finn's book "Out on ous to the serious. Sorce's group Saturday evening. Sunday's perfor-
the Plain." "On the Edge," as the presentation, "Identity Crisis," mance will begin at 3 p.m. All tick-
work is named, illustrates the demonstrates individuals transcending ets are $4 .

The Friars turn 32
The Friars present what they promise will be 'The Best Concert Ever' Saturday night at 8
p.m. at Rackham Auditorium. Tickets are $4.










t fl

r'^.----- ---"'ri ~r

You may apply for a Fletcher space
in the Housing Information Office,
1011 Student Activities Bldg.
March 30 & 31 from 8 a.m. - 12 noon;
12:30-4:30 p.m.
located: 915 Sybil--near athletic complex
UM commuter bus-stop close by; Nite Owl bus
No board contract; may use Entree Plus
well-equipped snack kitchen
computer room; lounge--rec room
quiet yet friendly

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