4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, March 22, 1988 The Michigan Daily Gov't agencies harass activists By Mark Friedman "Under the Reagan Administration there has been a resurgence of government intelligence gathering and abuses of power. He has made fashionable the red- baiting of the McCarthy period." With these words, Congressmember George Crockett spoke to nearly 200 active supporters of democratic rights at the UAW Local 600 Hall on January 30, 1988. The rally was called by the American Civil Liberties Union, the National Lawyers Guild, and the Political Rights Defense Fund to defend the Bill of Rights on a local and national scale and protest the FBI's and other spy agencies' harassment of political and union activists in Detroit and nationally. The timing of the rally coincided with the revelations of FBI's illegal surveillance of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador and the hundreds of unions and organizations that worked with it around the country. Bob King, president of the UAW Local Mark Friedman is the Michigan Co- ordinator of the Political Rights Defense Fund and is a member of the International Union of Machinists Local 141. 600 opened the rally which was chaired by Dick Soble of the National Lawyers Guild. The Guild is involved in a lawsuit against the spying by the Detroit police "Red Squad" of thousands of labor, civil rights, women's, and political activists. The rally speakers were themselves victims of FBI and other governmental spying and harassment. They denounced the historic pattern of illegal wiretapping, mail covers, informers, and "black bag" jobs, that were begun under the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and carried out by every administration, Democrat and Republican, since then. J. Edgar Hoover was a mastermind in illegal activity, union busting techniques, and infiltrating political organizations. Recent revelations have shown that Hoover was out to get Walter Reuther, a founder and early leader of the United Auto Workers union. The Irish movement in this country has been under attack through a mutual agreement with the British government. This was addressed by Seamus Metress, President of the Clan Na Gael in Toledo: "Trying to scare activists in this country is part of the same colonial and racist approach which is being carried out by imperialism in South Africa, Gaza, Central America, and Northern Ireland ... We must stand together - we are in the same struggle." A central focus of the rally was to win new support for the Political Rights Defense Fund (PRDF) which is coordinating efforts to win a lawsuit filed by the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) and the Young Socialists Alliance (YSA) against the FBI, CIA, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) and a dozen other government spy agencies. The suit is being argued by noted Constitutional attorney Leonard Boudin and has been victorious so far. For the first time ever in U.S. history, we succeeded in getting a Federal Court to grant an injunction against the FBI spying on the socialists. John Studer, the National Director of the PRDF explained at the rally that the government, spearheaded by Attorney General Edwin Meese, is trying to justify the use of 1300 informers, tens of thousands of hours of wiretaps, hundreds of illegal break-ins, the compilation of nearly ten million pages of illegally obtained documents, and millions of dollars of taxpayers' money against the SWP and the YSA. This is despite the fact that not one illegal act has been uncovered in the 50 years of this domestic spying operation. "The SWP and the YSA," said Judge Thomas Griesa in ruling in favor of the socialists and against the FBI, "are a legitimate political organizations whose Fourth Amendment rights have been violated." He said their activities in the unions, in women's, civil rights, anti- nuclear, anti-war and other organizations are perfectly legitimate and "it is the court's conclusion that this (FBI informer activity) was wholly incompatible with the SWP's First Amendment rights to freely assemble and speak upon political matters." "The new revelations of FBI spying on CISPES," pointed out Studer, "continue to point to the government's challenge not only to democratic rights, but voting rights, affirmative action rights, abortion rights, the Miranda decision and the Bill of Rights generally. These revelations, like those of "contragate" before them have rocked the government. They have fueled opposition to the U.S. contra war against Nicaragua and they create a favorable political situation to push back the government's drive against political rights at home. The battle over the government's desire to use the secret files on the SWP and the YSA is the cutting edge of a broader confrontation. The federal cop agencies, the police arm of the executive branch, are telling Judge Griesa that they do not accept the rights of any judge to uphold the Constitutional rights of the people, to tell them what they can and cannot do to protect "national security." They claim to be above the law at home and abroad. The stakes are high in this confrontation. On one side you have the cop agencies and Meese, and on the other side you have those who support democratic rights and have an interest in political freedom. This includes first and foremost the labor movement and union activists. It includes Black, Chicano, and Puerto Rican rights activists. It includes all opponents of U.S. intervention in Central America and U.S. ties with the apartheid regime in South Africa. Howard Simon, Executive Director of the ACLU closed the rally with an appeal for everyone to remain vigilant. "The efforts of the FBI and government agencies to intimidate political activists was not a quirk of some administration in Washington, but has become a permanent dynamic of the U.S. government." Adding that the government is trying to prevent another "anti Vietnam war movement but this time around Nicaragua and Central America,... we must stay in the streets to defend our rights, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights." The rally was successful in uniting and galvanizing a wide range of groups and unions and urged them to keep on struggling. This will not be the last of rallies that will be needed, as several speakers pointed out. We shall come back again and again - whatever it takes to uphold our hard-fought-for rights. Persons who wish to be kept informed should call 366-2334. te n m s et tTnichigan Edited and managed by situdents at The University of Michigan LETTERS: Group supports Arab- American Week 4 Vol. XCVIII, No. 115 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Protect the ozone layer EARTH'S PROTECTIVE ozone layer is disappearing much more rapidly than first estimated, reported a government panel of over 100 scientists which con- vened last week. Without significant curbs on industrial gases which seem to destroy this atmospheric constituent, grave health and environmental effects will plague this planet's 21st century inhabitants. Although ozone is a noxious pol- lutant when in the lower atmosphere, it serves a beneficial purpose in the upper layers as it filters dangerous ultraviolet radiation out of sunlight. A one percent drop in the ozone layer may result in tens of thousands of more skin cancers per year - a three to six percent in- crease in the occurrence rate of such cancers. If more ultraviolet radiation reaches phytoplankton, a microscopic con- sumer of carbon dioxide, the well- documented "greenhouse" effect of atmospheric warming could rapidly es- calate. These microorganisms, highly sensitive to ultraviolet rays, process the carbon dioxide which, if not con- sumed, would trap warm air against the earth's surface. To combat the deleterious effects of ozone depletion, 31 nations in 1987 drafted a treaty to reduce production of the ozone's foremost enemy, chlo- rofluorocarbons (CFCs). CFCs are unfortunately very useful gases, and thus see wide application in rigid foam containers and refrigeration devices. Replacing CFCs with other compounds will be a costly endeavor. The costs of CFC substitution, however, are far outweighed by the costs of ozone destruction - costs of cer treatment, food shortages, and at- mospheric warming. As might be expected, there is widespread opposition to the plan to phase out CFCs. Reminiscent of its position on acid rain, the Reagan Ad- ministration decries a speedier CFC phaseout for fear of economic disrup- tions. Of the 31 nations involved in the treaty, only the U.S. and Mexico have voted for ratification. Last week's frightening re- assessment of the rate of ozone de- pletion demands swift action, and the U.S., as a producer and consumer of more than 25 percent of total CFC output, must lead the way with a unilateral phaseout of the chemicals. Consumers can begin by requesting biodegradable paper food containers rather than the rigid styrofoam packaging which now insulates so much fast food. This packaging ac- counts for over 60 percent of one of the Although the Environmental Pro- tection Agency puts the cost of CFC phaseout by 2075 at $27 billion, this is far below the $6.5 trillion that in- creased skin cancer, smaller fish har- vests, crop damage, and rising sea lev- els would cost during the same time period. The option, as always, is "pay me now, or pay me later." To the Daily: As Progressive Zionists we believe that all peoples have the right to express their na- tional identity. This expres- sion contributes to a people's sense of identity, unity, and eventually leads to their self- determination. We base our commitment to Israel as the home for the Jew- ish people upon this belief. Since our Zionism, following the earliest thinkers, is con- cerned with people and libera- tion, not occupation and terri- tories, we also believe that the Palestinian people deserve their right to self-determination as well. The place for this to happen is in the territories Is- rael currently occupies: the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. One of the largest obstacles to solving the conflict in the CU, unfair to To the Daily: As a "physically challenged" student, I found the use of quotes around that phrase in the article "TAs study sensitivity to racism, sexism" (Daily, 3/7/88) unnecessary and in- sulting. Does the Daily doubt that handicapped people are a mi- nority in the same sense that people of color and gays are? If so, perhaps some of the Daily staff are "mentally challenged." Discrimination against the physically challenged is still rampant in housing, jobs, and Vote Yes on To the Daily: The Michigan Collegiate Coalition is one of those or- ganizations that works so qui- etly and effectively, people don't usually hear about it. MCC is the Michigan state student association. MCC rep- resents the 200,000 students from Michigan's 15 state uni- versities on the state and federal level. MCC has done signifi- cant work, but also has big plans. State student lobby organi- zations from around the nation have had tremendous success. For instance, United Council, Wisconsin's student associa- tion, saved its 200,000 con- Middle East peacefully lies in the misconception each side has about the other: Jews think of Arabs as terrorists; Arabs think of Jews as occupiers. Both within Israel and around the world, these views must be changed. Governor Blanchard has de- clared the week of March 21-25 to be Arab-American Aware- ness Week. Look for posters around campus and in the List for more information regarding this week's events. This week's events afford the Uni- versity of Michigan commu- nity the opportunity to increase our knowledge of the Arab- American community as well as to increase understanding between the Arab and Jewish communities. In the future, we hope that events sponsored by either the Arab or Jewish handicapped education. Only a handful of U of M students are wheel-chair users. Why? Because prospec- tive students handicapped stu- dents learn quickly how bad the situation here is, and most wisely stay away. I applaud the Graduate Em- ployees Organization for in- cluding the topic of disability in their workshop, and for us- ing nondemeaning terminology to discuss the issue. Maybe the Daily staff could use some sensitivity training of their own. -Blame Waterman March 7 Question 5 Berkeley, saving students al- most $ 50,000. MCC's most successful ef- forts have been to unite stu- dents across the state on issues of racism, financial aid, in- structional quality and faculty salaries. MCC can save tuition costs by pushing for larger state appropriations to higher education. Every one percent saved from a proposed tuition increase, saves the students of the University of Michigan about 2 million dollars. The way to ensure a strong, pro-student voice in Michi- gan's capitol, Lansing, is to support the Michigan Colle- giate Coalition by voting communities will be attended by members - of b o t h communities, and that the two communities jointly sponsor events. It is our firm belief that only through interaction of the two cultures can we bring about a peaceful and jus. rapproche- ment. -Pro To the Daily: I am writing in response to the March 16th letter of Ms. Rina Edelstein, an exchange student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She unjustly compares h e r experience with that of 1.5 million Palestinians living under military rule in their own homeland. Since the popular Palestinian uprising (Intifada) began on December 9, 1987, the death toll has reached 128, the number of miscarriages is 55, the number of wounded has exceeded 2000, the number of people with broken bones is 3500, and many thousands have been detained under inhumane conditions; not to mention the incidents of Palestinians being buried alive by Israeli soldiers. Beatings, shootings, house arrests, house demolitions, curfews, indefinite detentions, and deportations have become a part of everyday life for Palestinians in the occupied territories. Ms. Edelstein attempts to alienate the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza from those in "Israel proper." The fact of the matter is that the Palestinians in "Israel proper" have shown their solidarity with their brethren in the Lefties, To the Daily: This is a serious dilemma. I have been grumpy about this for years, and it is time for me to come out of the closet and write. There is another insidi- ous form of discrimination, not only on this campus, but also in schools throughout this na- tion. This University discrimi- nates against left handers. I am sick and tired of going into lecture halls and classrooms where 95 percent of the chairs are designed for right handers. occupied territories by striking and rioting against the Israeli government's polieies, as have many moderate Israelis. She also attempts to disassociate South African Apartheid and the Israeli Iron Fist. Since Apartheid exists throughout all of South Africa, whereas military rule exists only in parts of Israel, does that mean that they are only partially identical in their oppression? Just recently Israel followed in South Africa's footsteps and prevented the international free press from covering it's internal unrest (Intifada). Yesterday, on March 16th, the Israelis cut off telephone lines between the West Bank and Gaza and all foreign countries, cut off fuel supplies and banned all travel; thus shutting the Palestinians off from the rest of the world. America and the American people usually stand for human rights and civil liberty; yet the only evidence of American involvement in the recent civil strife of the Palestinians are the tear gas canisters and gun casings cluttering the streets of the West Bank and Gaza, all of which are marked "MADE IN THE U.S.A." -Dima Zalatimo AAUG unite! { igressive Zionist Caucus Elliot Appel Peter Ephross Karen Freeman Debbie Goelman Becky Pearlman March 20 isolated 4 I Territories wrongly I 4 Phillips for MSA President THE MICHIGAN STUDENT Assembly elections take place today and tomor- row. Though both Students First Presidential candidate Michael Phillips and Common Sense vice-presidential candidate Ricky Nemeroff have diverse and commendable qualities, the Daily endorses Phillips for MSA President. Nemeroff's experience includes serving on the Interfraternity Council and the Greek Week Steering Commit- tee. However, he does not possess the same knowledge of campus issues such as the code and racism that Phillips has gained by serving as MSA Further, when Interim University President Robben Fleming introduced his first proposal for a discriminatory acts policy, Phillips drafted an alterna- tive to Fleming's code and organized a forum to discuss both proposals. However, Phillips is not as success- ful when dealing with students who disagree with him. During a meeting last month in which several students criticized MSA during constituents time for not reflecting the views of the stu- dents, Phillips left the room. To repre- sent MSA effectively, Phillips must become more receptive to divergent opinions. aren't handers. any chairs for left It is extremely uncomfort- able writing in a right handed world. My left arm never gets any support from the chairs like the right handers do. After awhile I say to hell with the test and take the "C" just to rest my arm. Even as I write this, my arm istired because I'm using a right hander's chair. Lefties, unite! Let's rouse the left handed maest n fight