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March 22, 1988 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-22

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 22, 1988

Continued from Page 1
Harris, an LSA sophomore and chair of MSA's
minority affairs committee, of telling the story
to hurt Phillips' campaign. Harris has denied the
Common Sense's presidential candidate
Cheryl Tilles, an LSA junior, resigned from the
campaign and as chair of MSA's budget priorities
committee last week after she admitted to altering
dinner receipts charged to MSA.
Her name will remain on the ballot because of
the late withdrawal. If elected, she said, she
would defer her seat to the party's vice presiden-
tial candidate Ricky Nemeroff, an LSA junior.
"We've overcome it," Nemeroff said of Tilles'
resignation, "and it's brought us together as a

party. We're out there to do what our platform
THE PARTIES agree on many issues, but
disagree on the priority of the issues.
Common Sense party members say the as-
sembly must listen to "ordinary" student interests
before focusing on controversial and national is-
sues. They want to increase buses between North
and Central Campus, expand the University's
Nite Owl bus service, get more bike racks on
campus, and reduce class sizes in some LSA de-
Both parties are opposed to Interim President
Robben Fleming's code for discriminatory acts.
But Nemeroff said he would inform students
about the positive and negative parts of Flem-
ing's policy before he decides to make a state-
ment about it.
Phillips said Students First will plan on
organizing student opposition to the code when

elections are over.
STUDENTS FIRST party members want
to steer the assembly in the direction of fighting
racism, sexism, and homophobia on campus
through education. They support a mandatory
class before graduation on non-Western culture,
women's studies, or on sexism and racism. They
also expect such classes will be prepared to be
held during summer orientation.
Common Sense party members, while favor-
ing the classes during orientation, do not support
a mandatory class during the school year because
they say it would take up an unfair amount of
students' time.
Phillips, chair of MSA's student rights com-
mittee, said his party favors extending the Nite
Owl service and decreasing the size of classes
sizes. He added that current assembly representa-
tives from Students First are continuing to work
on such projects.

Compiled from Associated Press reports

Continued from Page 1
'as, either militarily or so-called
humanitarian," Austin said.
Colonel Charles Tackett, an Ann
Arbor resident and Vietnam War
veteran, said, "I'm here to remind
people not to let them turn this
Honduras situation into another
Vietnam. It's heading toward it, his-
tfrically speaking. If they don't pull
them (U.S. soldiers) back next week,
kiss it good-bye."
At about 4:15, representatives
from several of the participating
groups gave short addresses to the
crowd. Barbara Ransby, representing
the United Coalition Against
Racism, said UCAR opposes send-
ing U.S. troops to Honduras.
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Ransby drew a parallel between
the racism within America, and the
racism inherent in America's inter-
ventionist policies in Central Amer-
After the speakers were finished,
the protesters moved slowly into the
street, chanting "Hey hey, ho ho,
contra aid has got to go." They
blocked the intersection of East Lib-
erty and Fourth Streets, and then
continued through downtown Ann
Arbor, ending at the Michigan
Union an hour and a half later.
Along the way, protesters stopped
several times to sit in intersections
and block traffic.
Most motorists said they weren't
bothered by being stopped by the

Continued from Page 1
breast, buttocks, thigh or genitals-
for purposes of sexual gratification.
The University of Detroit law
student, a University alumnus, said
the bouncer assaulted him by grab-
bing him by the neck in a choke
hold two times, pushing him to the
door, and shoving his head against a
The third student said she was
knocked to the ground and kicked in
the face by one of the bouncers dur-
ing the scuffle.
Osanloo said bouncers are auto-
matically fired if they hit patrons,
but the bouncer involved in the al-

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leged incident will not be repri-
manded because Osanloo doesn't
consider the activity as an assault.
Osanloo said he did not witness the
alleged sexual assault because he was
talking to the other students in the
front of the bar at the time.
Osanloo added that he has four
witnesses vho say the bouncer did
not touch tfie woman's breasts. He
said the bouncer has denied slapping
the woman, saying that it was she
who slapped him, and that he plans
to charge her for assault.
Ann Arbor Police Sgt. Hartwig
said bar employees have the author-
ity to use force in order to remove
drunk and disorderly people from
their bar, but only in a defensive
Continued from Page 1
Maryland's code, Hudson said,
does not deal with discrimination or
harassment, which is judged by ad-
ministrative hearings in its Office of
Human Relations.
Harris McClamroch, chair of the
faculty's Senate Advisory Commit-
tee on University Affairs, would not
predict similar numbers at the Uni-
versity. "I don't anticipate that there
will be a huge number of cases," he
said. "It's not viewed to inhibit peo-
ple. It's intended (to punish) harass-
But Mike Phillips, chair of
MSA's Student Rights Committee,
feared the hearing panel will make
examples out of five or 10 students
by the end of the year. Then, he said,
the policy could be used to regulate
Before the policy was passed on
Friday, Regent Veronica Smith (R-
Grosse Ile) echoed students' com-
plaints that Interim University Pres-
ident Robben Fleming allotted
insufficient time for comment on his
MSA has argued that any policy
which imposes sanctions upon stu-
dents for non-academic behavior
should be run by University students
and workers. Students will have a
month to make comments on the

Noriega offers to step down
PANAMA CITY - Panamanians were told last night that the
nation's military leader, Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, had offered to
resign before next May's presidential election if opponents agree to talks
with his regime.
The announcement by Manuel Solis Palma, installed last month as the
minister in charge of the presidency, came as the country was paralyzed
by a general strike aimed at ousting Noriega.
In a nationally broadcast speech, Solis Palma said that Noriega had
given his word "as an officer and a gentleman" to step down if his
conditions are met.
But those conditions were not likely to be acceptable to either the
general's internal opposition or to the United States, who have been
seeking his removal for months.
Noriega put down a coup attempt by dissident officers last week and
rejected a U.S. plan for him to leave Panama and live in Spain.
Israelis kill Palestinian teen
JERUSALEM - Israeli troopers yesterday shot a Palestinian teenager
dead, and a PLO leaflet exhorted Arabs to "shower soldiers and herds of
cowardly settlers" with stones, firebombs and iron bars.
Soldiers were expanding their search for weapons caches in the
occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip the day after an Arab shot and killed a
soldier in Bethlehem.
At least 106 Palestinians and the Israeli soldier have been killed since
riots began in the occupied lands Dec. 8, according to U.N. figures.
Israeli police arrested a prominent Arab-American attorney yesterday
and assailants attacked the homes of two moderate Palestinians, a
newspaper editor, and a member of Jordan's parliament.
New poison kills cancer cells
DAYTONA BEACH - Scientists have redesigned a potent natural
poison so that it seeks out and kills cancer cells in the test tube,
signalling a possible new route for fighting some tumors, a scientist said
The poison, so strong that a dose the size of a salt grain can kill a
person, may be harnessed for fighting breast cancers that have spread
elsewhere in the body, and some lung and brain tumors, said Ira Pastan of
the National Cancer Institute.
The strategy takes advantage of the fact that some cancer cells display
on their surface certain kinds of protein structures called receptors.
Specific substances bind to each kind of receptor before they enter the
IRA kills British police officer
BELFAST, Northern Ireland - IRA gunners killed a police officer
yesterday at a checkpoint in Londonderry, the tenth victim in two weeks
of heightening tension and sectarian violence.
Britain announced a massive search in West Belfast's Roman Catholic
ghettos for the killers of two British soldiers.caught in an IRA funeral
Northern Ireland Secretary Tom King said in London that the Royal
Ulster Constabulary has launched an immediate review of its new policy
of keeping a low profile at Irish Republican Army funerals. The policy
was aimed at avoiding clashes between police and supporters of the
outlawed IRA.
The police officer whr was killed yesterday was shot in the head in a
jeep while at a checkpoint in the Roman Catholic Creggan district of
Londonderry, Northern Ireland's second-largest city. He died later in the






Mon.-Thurs. 11:30-10:00
Friday 11:30-11:00
Saturday 12:00-11:00
Sunday 12:00-10:00



A One Day Conference
Randy Cochran, Graphics Editor, Scripps Howard News
Graphic Technology and Photojournalism
(10:10am-11:45am, Alumni Center, Michigan Leag 7
Eric Nalder and Elouise Schumacher, The Seattle Tres
"The Bomb Factories"
(1:00pm-3:00pm, Hale Auditorium, UofM Business oI)
Jane Kay, The San Francisco Examiner
"Groundwater Contamination"
(3:10pm-4:00pm, Hale Aud.)
Sally Squires, The Washingto ost .
"Indoor Air Pollutio .
(4:10pm-5:00pm, Hale
Angus McEachran, The Pit
The Ashland Oil S
(7:30pm-8:30pm, Hale
(8:30pm-10:30pm, Hale Auditorium, UofM Business School)
David Hales, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Angus McEachran, The Pittsburgh Press
Holli Semetko, UofM Department of Communication
Charles Stokes, WXYZ-TV, Detroit
Wayne Schmidt, Journalist, Booth Newspapers

Late tax payment of $4.02
causes company close-down
WYOMING, Mich. (AP) - A misunderstanding over postal delivery
left Roger Wilson a day late and $4.02 short, causing a Wyoming tax
collector and two police officers to close his cash register sales company.
Wilson was back in business the next day, but not before he had to
pay $27 to change locks. Wilson called the incident "ridiculous" and
Mayor Charles Huizenga called it "unfortunate."
"All this for $4.02. The city of Wyoming must have a lot of money
to spend or they must be very short of it," Wilson said. "The cost of
doing this had to be phenomenal."
Wilson's short-lived tax protest began last month. He mailed his
$160 in winter business taxes in neighboring Kentwood on the due date,
Sunday, Feb. 14, thinking the Postal Service would get it to city offices
on the next business day.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.


Continued from Page 1
States and South Africa are the
two industrialized countries



don't guarantee basic health security
for their citizens.
Responding to criticism about his
lack of experience in Washington,
Dukakis said he is the only candidate
with experience balancing a budget.
His main fiscal concerns are bring-
ing interest rates down, creating new
revenue, and tracking down unpaid
taxes instead of raising them.
Dukakis spoke on some of the
problems facing the United States.
Although he said his highest priority
is creating "good jobs" for everyone,
Dukakis addressed the homeless
situation. "You don't have to be
from Detroit to want decent housing
for every citizen of this country or to
end the disgrace and shame of home-
lessness," he said.
Before Dukakis spoke, Represen-
tative Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor)
endorsed Dukakis as someone who
knows the importance of higher
education, saying that Massachusetts
has given out more student loans
than any other state. Earlier in the
day, Senator Donald Riegle (D-
Mich.) officially endorsed Dukakis.
I-lair etulinr iwith I

Vol. XCVIII- No. 115
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by studerns at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
Editor in Chief..................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN Collins, Michael Fischer, Robert Flaggert, Andrea Gacki,
Managing Editor........................MARTHA SEVETSON Timothy HuetJulietlJames, BrianJarvinenAvra
News Editor......................EVE BECKER Kauffman, Preeti Malani, David Peltz, Mike Rubin, Mark
City Editor...........................MELISSA BIRKS Shaiman,
Features Editor ............ELIZABETH ATKINS Todd Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Mark
University Editor ..................KERY MURAKAMI Swartz, Marc S. Taras, Marie Wesaw.
NEWS STAFF: Vicki Bauer, Anna Borgman, Dov Cohen, Photo Editors..........................KAREN HANDELMAN
Ken Dintzer, Sheala Durant, Steve Knopper. Theresa Lai, JOHN MUNSON
Kristine LaLonde, Eric Lemont, Michael Lustig, Alyssa PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Ellen
Lustigman, Dayna Lynn, Andrew Mills, Peter Mooney, Levy, Robin Loznak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebel, Lisa
Lisa Pollak, Jim Poniewozik, Aaron Robinson, Elissa Sard, Waix.
Micah Schmnit. Elizabeth Stuppler, Marina Swain, Melissa Weekend Editors.......................STEPHEN GREGORY
Ramsdell, Lawrence Rosenberg, David Schwartz, Ryan ALAN PAUL
Tutak, Lisa Winer. WEEKEND STAFF: Fred Zim.
Opinion Page Editors.............JEFFREY RUTHERFORD Display Sales Manager..........................ANNE
OPINION STAFF: Con Accibal, Muzammil Ahn ed , Assistant Display Sales Manager.KAREN BROWN
Babb, Rosemary Chinnock, Brian Debrox, Betsy Esch, DISPLAY SALES STAFF: David Bauman, Gail Belenson,
Noah Finkel, Eric L. Holt, Joshua Ray Levin, Roderick Lauren Berman, Sherri Blansky, Pam Bullock, Jeff Chen,
MacNeeal, Jr., I. Matthew Miller, Michael Schechter, Steve Tammy Christie, Milton Feld, Lisa George, Michelle Gill,
Semenuk, Sandra SteingraberMark Williams. MattLane, Heather MacLachlan, JodiManchik, EddyMeng,
Sports Editor.........................................JEFF Jackie Miller, Shelly Pleva. Debbie Retzky. Jim Ryan, Laura
RUSH Schlanger. Michelle Slavik, Mary Snyder, Marie Som,
Associate Sports Editors...................JULIE HOLLMAN Cassie Vogel. Bruce Weiss.
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