Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 115 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 22, 1988 Copyright 1988. The Michigan Daily -e 4 Comm unity debates impact of conduct code By STEVE KNOPPER Students no longer have to wonder about whether the University will establish a code of non-academic conduct. Instead, people are now trying to determine how the new anti-harassment policy, passed Friday by the Board of Regents, can be changed, and how it will affect them. "The question of 'how is it going to affect me?' is an important one," said Michigan Student Assembly President Ken Weine. "But I'm not looking that far into the future. Students should look at how they can change the policy, rather than how it's going to affect them." BUT LSA senior Kim Smith, a member of the United Coalition Against Racism, said the new policy will have a "positive effect on campus. It will at least deter people from making the types of racist attacks they have been getting away with in the past." The new policy, passed 5-2 and to be effective May 1, will set up hearing panels to judge discrimination and harassment complaints made against students. If the panel finds a student guilty, it will impose a pun- ishment ranging from a formal reprimand in minor cases, to expulsion or suspension in serious cases. The hearing panels will be composed of four stu- dents, chosen by the accused student, the complaining witness, and an Affirmative Action Office staff mem- ber, from a list of students nominated by the student governments within the schools and colleges. The four students will then choose a faculty member appointed by the University President to serve on the panel. JULIE STEINER, director of the University's Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center, said the policy can deter sexual harassment, but only if the hearing process is effective. "It's a question of how the hearing panel performs," she said. "It can act in a sensitive way, or it can be a grueling, horrible pro- cess." The University of Maryland set up a "code of stu- dent conduct" in 1980, said Neff Hudson, editor-in-chief of Maryland's student newspaper, the Diamondback. In 1979, he said, the administration expelled or suspended two students, but that number has risen steadily, and peaked in 1985-86 with 74. See Code, Page 2 Border troops *P I pull out' Oi Nic araguans exit Honduran region TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) - Nicaragua withdrew its soldiers from the Honduran border yester- day and declared an end to fighting while it holds truce talks with contra rebels, according to reports from all sides. The border region remained tense, with Honduran patrols on the lookout for any booby traps left behind by the Sandinistas. President Jose Arcona Hoyo said the 3,200 U.S. troops sent to Honduras last week, after the Nicaraguan army was accused of sending 2,000 men across the border last Wednesday in pursuit of contras, may no longer be needed. "The worst is over and there is peace now in the border region," Col. Reynald Andino Flores, comman- der of the Honduran army's 101st Infantry Brigade, said by telephone from his headquarters in southern Hon- duras. "We are remaining on a state of alert to be ready for anything that may happen," he added, and soldiers are "constantly patrolling the area." Flores and other officers, some of whom insisted on anonymity for security reasons, said the Sandinistas penetrated an area of about 20 square miles inside Olancho province last week while chasing the U.S.- supported rebels in a two-week offensive to evict the contras from Nicaragua. About 200 border incidents have been reported in Olancho since the contras began fighting the leftist Sandinista government in 1981. President Daniel Ortega and the Nicaraguan govern- ment have denied Sandinista soldiers crossed the border. At Sapoa, a town on the Costa Rican border, repre- sentatives of the Sandinista government and contras began their first direct talks yesterday on Nicaraguan soil. More than 500 Ann Arbor residents and students block traffic at the corner of Fifth and East Liberty yesterday during a protest against the United States' presence in Honduras. Demonstrators block streets protest U.S . troops i n Honduras By LAWRENCE ROSENBERG More than 500 demonstrators from several local activist groups yesterday chanted slogans and stopped rush hour traffic downtown during the second protest against sending U.S. troops to Honduras. Protestors gathered in front of the Federal Building at 4 p.m., carrying signs with messages, "U.S. Out of Honduras", "Arias Plan Means Con- tra Aid", and "No More Genocide in my Name." "We're here because by sending troops to Honduras, the Reagan ad- ministration is presenting Congress and the United States public with two options - more aid to the con- tras or the engagement of U.S. troops in combat. We think both of those options are wrong," said David Austin, an LSA junior and Latin American Solidarity Committee member. "We support a negotiated peace plan within the guidelines of the Arias Peace Plan with two demands: the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops and no more aid to the con- See Protest, Page 2 Parties criticized, differ on key issues Garneringsupport By RYAN TUTAK Although only two parties are competing for open seats in the Michigan Student Assembly's gen- eral elections today and tomorrow -- the lowest in six years - their plat- forms have been overshadowed by attacks on the leaders of both parties. Attention directed toward the Students First party has recently fo- cused on a 1985 incident involving presidential candidate Michael Phil- lips, an LSA junior. On Sunday, the Ann Arbor News reported that Phillips had been } "accused of pulling a knife on a fel- low student... in a campus dormi- tory." Phillips has denied the ELECTION charges, explaining that a knife fell out of his pocket when he tackled a student who was harassing him. The resident advisor on the hall Phillips lived said he could not dispute Phillips' account. Phillips does not believe the story will blemish his campaign, saying "I am confident I'm going to win." Phillips has accused Delro See Elections, Page 2 Students may charge bouncer with assault Gephardt stresses education, trade plan By SATIP GHOSH Democratic Presidential Candidate Richard Gephardt, addressing a packed auditorium of more than 1,500 people at the University's law school, stressed the significance of education in his campaign for the presidency., One of the most important goals of his administration, he said, would be "to make America the best edu- cated country by the year 2,000." Gephardt, in town to campaign for delegates at this Saturday's Demo- cratic caucuses, compared this goal to President John Kennedy's goal of putting a person on the moon by the end of the decade. Gephardt began the speech remi- niscing about his experiences at the University's law school, from which he graduated in 1965. He urged stu- dents in the room to think about a position in public service to work for change in this country. "I came to law school because I thought it was good training for bringing about change in our society and I still believe that to be the case. There are many ways to changeda country, to change society," he said. Gephardt said his trade policy "would open up foreign markets to our exports" and help reduce the country's huge trade deficit. Amer- ica's corporations are more concerned about profits than their workers, he said, and they stress short term gains By MELISSA RAMSDELL Two LSA students and a law stu- dent from the University of Detroit are considering pressing charges of assault and criminal sexual conduct against a bouncer employed by Dooley's, a Maynard Street bar., The three students said the bouncer used unnecessary force while attempting to throw them out of the bar Saturday night. In the police re- port the manager, Omid Osanloo, denied the charges of assault, saying that the bouncer involved kicked the students out of the bar because other patrons complained that the group was smoking marijuana. The students said they were smoking cigarettes, but not mari- juana. The students said they had de- cided to leave the bar of their own voliton, and were putting on their coats to leave when the incident oc- curred. Osanloo maintains that he asked them to leave several times and they were uncooperative and verbally abusive to the bouncer. Both LSA students said yesterday they consulted a lawyer from Student Legal Services, who told them they had a strong case against the bouncer. They will proceed with the case through a private attorney. Daily Photo by DANIEL STIEBEL Democratic Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis addresses students last night in the Michigan Union ballroom. Dukakis told listeners that the Reagan administration is not trying to pursue peace in Central America, and he endorsed support of the Arias peace plan. Dukakis also voiced his opposition to contra aid. ukakis addresses crowd at Union, attacks Reagan policy By ERIC LEMONT Invoking the memory of Presi- dent John Kennedy, Democratic Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis, standing where Kennedy proposed the idea of the Peace Corps "Let's Go Mike!" - first in the Union Ballroom and then on the Union steps. "This administration doesn't want peace in Central America, it wants to overthrow the Nicaraguan gov- If elected, Dukakis said he will work with Central American leaders in a "partnership for peace" in the hope of restoring American values to its foreign policy. Dukakis also came out in strong T