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March 21, 1988 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-21

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nust work together .Matthew Pritch- torm real tie to their lasses. -John ar-
'mple News, Temple U., PA tenhagen, The Daily Iowan, U. of Iowa
Continued From Page 3
be foolhardy of us not to be aware of
developments of other countries as they
relate to our country.
We're very happy to see these demon-
strations on campus as long as they
don't get violent, interfere with recruit-
ing or with other students' equally im-
portant rights of looking for a job.
In our country, the demonstrations
are almost paradoxical. The CIA pro-
tects the interest of the United States so
these students can have the freedom to
do these kinds of things, like demon-
They wouldn't be able to demonstrate
in many other countries-the Soviet
Union to name one. You know what
would happen to them-I mean, they'd
be wrapped up and carted away to
*Do you think the protests
*have hurt your recruitment on
A *No, there's a reverse -
* what's happening is it's given us
free advertising. There are more stu-
dents who are aware of our presence on
campus now and they come and apply-
and a lot of them are good applicants.
The ones that don't want to apply just
don't apply, that's their God-given
American right.
eWhy do you come to colleges
* and universities to recruit?
A *First of all, we only pick the
* best colleges. We just don't go to
every school, so we try to be selective.
We find it's important to go to colleges
and universities to recruit people be-
cause that's where the source of the
state-of-the-art work is, that's where
people with the proper ages and back-
grounds and degrees are located.
ee ano-mess way to
ly fresh and oil- Q Are you looking for spies?
Shine Free Loose "
er gives you a per-
y measured amount A " We're looking for people who
d o ol-absorbent powder " have degrees in economics, poli-
with every application. tical science, international relations
And it's non-comedogenic. and foreign-area studies to do research
$o it won't clog pores or and analysis for the CIA back at the
There are separate divisions of the
ah ..get loose! CIA. (Recruiters) are part of the admi-
nistrative division-that's the compu-
ters, supply, finance, personnel, secur-
EFREE ' ity - the people who do the backgound
investigations for new employees.
E IOWDER The intelligence division includes
'988MaybellineCo. analysts, writers and researchers.
They're the ones who put out informa-
tion for our government, from the presi-
dent on down to the policy decision-

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