4 OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, January 13, 1988 The Michigan Daily Code threatens a free press te tentt Michigan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVIII, No.71 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Alternative ALMOST AS SIGNIFICANT as what University President Ro bben Fleming did say in his proposed code of behavior for non-academic life is what he did not say. Beyond the issues of bigotry and civil liber- ties, Fleming's proposed rules for life outside the classroom simply lack credibility. Previous editorials in the Daily have detailed how the University administration under both President Fleming and President Shapiro failed in their work against racism, sexism and homophobia. This past and present failure belies the stated intentions of Fleming's proposed code for dealing with bigotry. Fu- ture editorials will certainly have more to say about what the admin- istration should do if it is serious about fighting racism. Likewise, the University admin- istration's failure to take advantage of simple alternatives to the code demonstrates that the real reason for implementing administration rules for non-academic life has nothing to do with actual student, faculty or worker behaviors. Vor example, for the first time, the University administration only two months ago gave legal support to a student who complained about sexual harassment by a professor. ("'U' stands by women in slander suit," Daily 11/24/87) Jntil this case, the University was unwilling to put its money where its mouth was. Even in this exemplary case, however, the University only of- fered legal resources to two women to defend themselves against a slander suit. The University has yet to put itself behind serious efforts to prosecute bigots in the legal system. If the University were serious about fighting discrimination, it would set aside money for legal fees and a publicity program to in- form students what they can do legally about anti-gay, sexist and racist harassment and speech. Yet, the University clearly distrusts the judicial system. 1to the code demonstrated by the fact that it does not dare fight a battle of public opinion to pass a state law restrict- ing bigoted or other acts of speech. Fleming and Shapiro have realized quite well that the public would never support the abolition of the First Amendment. The only people Fleming seems to trust are the predominantly older, white males-most of the University deans. In fact, Shapiro and Fleming have not entirely trusted the administration's power either because they are unwilling to make press releases and use the University Record to publicly criticize bigots by name. In some cases, the University has chosen not to publicly criticize the bigots involved at all. The press's criticism of WJJX disc jockey Ted Sevransky for his running of racist jokes on the air was a national humiliation to Sevransky and forced him into an apology..Concerned with Univer- sity prestige, however, the Univer- sity administration wrongly wishes to keep such incidents out of the press and deal with them behind the closed doors of a dean's office. The blind pursuit of prestige is one of the real reasons that Fleming is setting up his code of non-aca- demic conduct. The University ad- ministration believes that disgrace to Sevransky is a disgrace to the whole university, but instead of admitting that disgrace in order to heal it, the University covers it up. The University administration and students both have the option of in- formal negotiations without the use of a code or the formal legal sys- tem. Because no law is absolute or capable of being enforced equitably, the informal process of negotia- tions, where both parties have some power is likely to be most produc- tive. The University's failure to take aggressive legal and media action on the issues of bigotry is one of the reasons that it is hard to view Fleming's proposed code as any- thing more than a publicity stunt to sanitize the University's damaged public image. By Rob Earle and Seth Klukoff While combatting discrimination is an admirable goal, Interim President Robben Fleming's guidelines against discrimina- tion and harassment will, if enacted, seri- ously infringe on the freedom of the press. The language of Fleming's Code is vague, which leaves its provision open to broad interpretation by those by those empow- ered to enforce them. The Code seeks to curtail "(H)arassment of anyone through word or deed, or any other behavior which discriminates on the basis of inappropriate criteria..." Moreover, Fleming argues that "...a great many American universities have taken the position that students... cannot by speaking or writing discrimina- tory remarks... claim immunity from a campus disciplinary proceeding." Although it is not explicitly stated in the language of the above passages, the Fleming Code implicitly restricts the press. If a student reads a sexist or racist word in a quote), he or she can file a Earle is Editor in Chief of The Daily. Klukoff is Editor in Chief of The Michi- gan Review. grievance against that publication. Taking this example a step further, the Fleming Code would allow a particular student who holds a particular grudge against The Michigan Daily or The Michigan Review to scrutinize either publication that she or he can interpret as discriminatory. That student can then report the alleged viola- tion to the appropriate official and, voila, the publication is at the mercy of the tri- bunal. Fleming's Code also fails to address student journalists' ethical responsibility to protect their sources. Could a reporter be compelled to testify in front of a judi-. cial panel, dean, or the president? In order to conduct itself in a fair and objective manner, the student press must not be co- erced to gather information for any body other than itself. The student press can answer only to the University community as a whole. To take sides makes a mock- ery of the concept of a free press. The state of Michigan, and most other states, has passed shield laws protecting journalists from being forced to testify in front of any body short of a grand jury. The University should provide similar protection for working student journalists. In 1984, former President Harold Shapiro expressed support for such a shield provision. "I agree that we should carefully guard the freedom of the press," he wrote to former Daily Editor in Chief Bill Spindle. Shapiro said that a shield provision should be "incorporated into any code or system the University might adopt." Even when some members of the Uni- versity community fail to live up to their social and ethical responsibilities to indi- viduals and the community, the paramount obligation of the University is to protect their right of free expression. The Fleming Code is a vague, quick-fix solution to a serious societal malady affecting our cam- pus. Discrimination and harassment are intolerable, but Fleming's Code does not address the disease of prejudice, only the symptoms. Under all its rhetoric lies this disturbing paradox. While intending to in- still a "caring, respectful, and understand- ing social climate" at the University, the Fleming Code would create a Big Brother environment for the students. And the press, the source. of information for the students, and a medium to educate the campus about discrimination, will instead have to operate while looking over its shoulder. LETTERS Faculty members support MLK Day The University also distrusts the administration legislature as To the Daily: We are dismayed and an- gered by the statement of LSA Dean Peter Steiner that was made at the September 17th meeting of department chairpersons and published in full in the January 9th issue of the Ann Arbor News. Even when given the most generous interpretation, his view that "Our challenge is not to change this University into another kind of institu- tion where minorities would flock in much greater num- bers," is intolerable and un- acceptable to us in this or any other context. What can he possibly mean except that a large presence of people of color would reflect poorly in some fashion on the Univer- sity of Michigan? Our view is just t h e opposite. We believe that a dramatic increase of people of color would qualitatively enhance the intellectual and cultural life of the Univer- sity. It is precisely to meet such an objective that the University does need to be changed. The appearance of Dean Steiner's remarks only underscores the need for dra- matic education and action along the lines of the de- Debating M To the Daily: Hi! Would you be interested in signing a pledge sheet to boycott classes on January 18 in honor of Martin Luther King's birthday. There will be other educational opportunities provided throughout the day on the topics of racism, sexism, segaration and oppression of peoples in general. I don't want to sign. Can I ask why? I don't agree. Do you agree with conscious oppression, violent aggression and Apartheid? I have payed for this instution's education, have freely choosen my classes and thus will not boycott them if they are meeting. Many peoples have payed with their lives just for the opportunity of an education. Well why this .day and not others? Dr. King and his fellow activists did so much in attempting to achieve equality and justice for everyone. In mands of the United Coali- tion Against Racism (UCAR).' In particular, a national movement is underway to turn Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday into an authentic holiday - one that will honor King and the Civil Rights Movement, as well as express a commitment to abolish all forms of racism. Here at the University of Michigan UCAR and the Black Student Union (BSU) have been requesting for many months that the administration cancel classes on Monday, January 18, as an indication of support to this effort. Regrettably, the adminis- tration has failed to respond to a request that is reasonable and fully warranted. This situation has forced UCAR, BSU and other groups to call for a boycott of classes on that day. As an alternative educational activity, they are arranging all day anti-racist educational events in the Anderson Room of Michigan Union from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except during the time of the "Unity March" from South University Street to the Diag (11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.). ELK boycott higher ground of equality and justice for every race and creed.- I'll think about it., Before you go, may I make one last statement? A quote by Dr. King, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that." And from my own heart, I ask you to choose empathy not apathy. -David Fiske January 10 EVEYoI K1oJTS WJ{wER I E INSiAI ETADE oDT TiffF; 1I$3 UE OF TjIT{S .oT JEW35 Concerned Faculty, an organization of UM faculty and staff who support the anti-racist movement, agrees that under present circumstances this is an especially appropriate proposal on the part of UCAR and BSU; we urge all members of the university community to participate. For further informhtion about Concerned Faculty, call Guild House at 662- 5189. Behavior was disgraceful To the Daily: Protestors, we respect your right to express your opin- ions about the peace process in the Middle East. How- ever, you disrupted us from expressing our opinions. You started clearly in the Daily that you were going to peacefully attend the lecture of Ambassador Zvi Brosh. Your behavior was not onlyedisruptive, b u t completely disrespectful. We stated that there would be ample time for questions and Continue to To the Daily: I wish to commend your editorial on the recent remarks of LSA Dean Peter Steiner in the LSA newsletter and the guest editorial by the members of Concerned Faculty. Both editorials seem related to chal- lenging the victim-blaming of Dean Steiner and the "business as usual" attitude of the Uni- versity administration and fac- ulty. It does make one wonder if the University is serious about overcoming racism on this campus; for to do so it needs to change its own atti- tudes about the problem. Mere tokenism smacks of insincerity and a veiled attitude of main- taining the status quo. answers in which you could express your views. You took away from this valuable time through your behavior. We feel that your behavior exemplifies why peace between Arabs and Tsraelis cannot progress.. Sondra Panilo Beth Bernhaut Marc J. Berman Michael Sherman Darya Hoffman Ted Sherman Steven Stryk -January 12 speak out Until the University admin- istration, faculty, and students recognize that racism in our society has been institutional- ized on every level of our edu- cational process, and can be countered only if the entire community confronts and makes a firm commitment against it, then will any significant changes become a reality. Since you are obviously members of a small minority here, I hope you will continue to speak out or write about the problem the University power structure always tries very hard to sweep under the rug. -Duane Niatum December 3 4 -Buzz Alexander, English Dept. Bunyan Bryant, Natural Resources Ann Marie Coleman, Guild House Miriam Greenberg, Medical School Bonnie Kaye, Public Health Alan Wald, English Dept. Tom Weisskopf, Economics January 12 4 I Don't narrow curriculum A STRONGER and more diverse education will better prepare American students to be internationally competitive and will uphold democracy. Nevertheless, Secretary of Education William Bennett's model curriculum in the mythical "James Madison High School" should be rejected by most American high schools as to narrow for the vast diversity of interests which students hold. The curriculum may be approp- riate for a university-bound student, but it must be remembered that many high school students, and a large majority of students in areas of poverty, do not go on to college at all. For those high school students, the curriculum is just too tough. This is evident in the details of Bennett's curriculum. In 12th grade, students are required to read the Greek and Roman classics, Dante, Dostoevsky, Zola, Mann, and Ibsen. In 11th grade, the re- quired readings include Milton. schools. The model high school appears ethnocentric. For instance, the so- cial science curriculum consists of Western civilization, American his- tory, and the "Principles of Ameri- can Democracy and the World." Though it is important that Ameri- cans learn about their culture, stu- dents must also learn about the im- portance of other cultures. Time should also be devoted to special- ized education programs, such as Black History Month.- There are two other problems with Bennett's proposal: it cuts out innovative "alternative schools" and leaves little room for vocational education. More important than solely high school emphasis is the improvement of preparation in elementary and ju- nior high programs. Once a "James Madison High School"ais possible, modernized vocational training should be in- cluded in order to prepare students. If Bennett continues to make fi- nancial aid difficult for students to I I rir s TI E \ PT OK. IooT DownI4 ATff3T VIOLATIONS EVE 1?jfMFNY 'rf11Y occUljf WETJLL ALMOSTv I I i A Ad