I OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, March 16, 1988 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan * 4 Vol. XCVIII No. 111 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Unsigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Student protest triumphs Wrong values foster racism By Henryk Skolimowski THE APPOINTMENT OF a deaf president at Gallaudet University after a week of intense student protest is a propitious sign that students may still have some input in determining the direction of higher education. The appointment also marks a significant national gain for deaf rights. Students, alumni, and faculty together forced the board of trustees of the District of Columbia university to reconsider its choice of Fa non-deaf president over two deaf candidates. The protestors at the 2,200-student institution halted classes for a week and attracted national attention to their demands. The school's board of trustees, which is comprised of mostly non- deaf members, has also agreed to include more hearing-impaired people among its ranks. Upon resigning her short tenure, the non-deaf president even congratulated the students and faculty for having such deep concern for the administration of their university. Her deaf replacement is the first president with such a handicap in Gallaudet's 124-year history. The protestors at Gallaudet deserve commendation for asserting their right to direct their education. By calling for a deaf president, the agitators helped insure that the administration of their university would be more understanding and receptive to student needs. The students and faculty demanded, and received, more control over their curriculum. The deaf president signifies not only a victory for student rights in general, but also for the rights of deaf citizen's nationwide. Gallaudet students have demonstrated that they will no longer tolerate the rhetoric which implicitly states that a deaf person is incapable of running an institution, whether educational or otherwise. Deaf people may now look to Gallaudet's new president as the embodiment of their aspirations. Moreover, the new appointment is a victory for deaf people outside of the United States, since Gallaudet University is looked upon worldwide as the premier institution of higher education for the deaf. That this all-deaf student university now has a hearing- impaired president is a substantial affirmation of deaf peoples' and students' rights. This victory will raise the morale of deaf people nationwide and students everywhere who wish to affect the shape of their educational opportunities. This is the first in a two part series. 1 have been watching, with great inter- est, how the discussion on racism on this campus has moved from specific instances to deeper underlying principles. The phe- nomenon has many layers and unless we penetrate it to its causes, we may not be able to find sufficient remedies in the long run. Hiring some new" Black professors is a good option, but it addresses only the surface of the phenomenon, not its deep causes. Recently James Chaffers claimed that excessive competition is one of the sources of racism. This is right. Sandra Steingraber argued that "white people profit from racism." (Daily, 1/2/88) This is right again. Yet there is a deeper core which we have not addressed so far. This core is val- ues. Let us see clearly that our overt ac- tion and our forms of thinking follow from and are inspired by values - which although hidden deep down, orchestrate the whole thing. We have not been able to deal with racism at this university, and with many other problems: sexism, in- equality, the erosion of human meaning and inner emptiness, because we have not addressed the causes of these phenomena - the deeper values that underlie our en- tire social structure and the structure of this school. What are the values that actually con- trol this university, and most of this soci- ety? These are the values of competition (of wanting to go to the top -- at what- ever and whosoever's expense), of individ- ualism, of egotism, of materialism. Officially, the University advocates an- other set of (public) values: impartiality, objectivity, clinical detachment, analytical scrutiny; on another level: abstract reason at the expense of emotions, the atomistic approach at the expense of wholistic, un- derstanding; physical facts at the expense of the aesthetic and spiritual phenomena; gadgets, computers and buildings at the expense of people and deeper human rela- tionships. Now we have to see that the public set of values (objectivity, the atomistic ap- proach and all of that - which society approves, and of which the University is a self-appointed guardian) are related to, and actually feed- into the more personal and individual values of competition, egotism, and resulting from them -- uncaringness, Skolimowski is a Prof. of Philosophy in the College of Engineering. moral anesthesia, and the feeling that you Rre here only for yourself. Let us put it quite simply. The overall materialism which the University pro- motes through a variety of its teaching, particularly taking into account what it emphasizes and what it excludes or dimin- ishes, creates a value-vacuum, in the wake of which relativism and nihilism creep in to disorient us, to make us unable to dis- tinguish what is right from what is wrong, and why. It is no good to say that the University does not take any stand on values, that it leaves the values to particular individuals, while in fact, through its practicesvand its teaching, it powerfully supports and per- petuates one set of values which in the end, help to create the corporate mentality; indeed a much stronger term is needed - which in the end supports a form of be- nign corporate fascism. What is most im- portant for the corporate mentality? The pursuit of profit and the pursuit of power. This university, and other leading univer- sities, are preparing students to be "successes" within the corporate structure. The value implications of this endeavor are quite far reaching, and hardly ever ana- lyzed. Let us briefly examine some of the policies and practices of the University to support some of the assertions made. I will speak out of my experience. For a number of years, I have been trying to persuade the administration of the Univer- sity, including the President and Vice President of Academic Affairs, about the advisability and indeed necessity of an ethics course for the whole university, at least for 400-500 students who would like to take it. I have submitted specific pro- posals for such courses. The answer has always been an evasive no - usually justified with some kind of semi-rational arguments. One such argument was that the University believes in the pluralism of values, and it might be wrong to try to impose one set of values. It has to be pointed out however, that no one talked about imposing one set of values. The crux of the proposals was a reexamination of values in depth in order to make students realize how important values are in their lives in their thinking. "Unexamined life is not worth living." Unexamined values are not worth having. By refusing to examine values seri- ously, the University has ipso facto per- petuated one-sided, materialist, competi- tive, uncaring values; their offsprings are sexism and racism. I have more than a suspicion, that this unwillingness to examine the values in depth is also motivated by deeper subjec- tive factors. The guardians of the status quo feel that it is better not to touch val- ues which favor them and the status quo they serve. When values are revealed, the whole structure often becomes transparent - for its equities and inequities, for its justice and injustices, for its tolerance or bigotry. We thus have to clearly be aware that the alleged defense of the pluralism of the values is in fact the defense of the sta- tus quo, which this university has been skillfully maintaining. In this context, the various assertions of President Shapiro, which he made in the interviews before he left for Princeton (see especially Ann Arbor Observer, Jan- uary, 1988) about the importance of val- ues, ring hollow. Hypocrisy is a tribute vice pays to virtue says La Rochefoucauld. One won- ders whether the various positive state- ments about values, which our top administrators utter from time to time - while in their actual policies and practices they single-mindedly perpetuate the one- sided, competitive, harsh, uncaring values - is the result of this hypocrisy; or per- haps the result of some kind of blindness. Or perhaps a bit of both. The other argument which I heard while pressing for an all University course on ethics and values was that there was no extra money for this particular project. This argument makes you gasp. Some 15 years ago there were hardly any instructors teaching the use of computers. Now there are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of them. And together they cost the University quite a bit of money. When it was decided that several hundred computers were needed, we found millions of dollars to buy them. AND YET WE CANNOT FIND FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR ONE ETHICS COURSE. This eloquently testifies to where our values are! Whenever an established department wants to buy some hardware, computers or whatnot, there is always money available for such things - usually running into hundreds of thousands of dollars. When- ever a marginal problem, such as Affirmative Action, asks for some soft money to foster a deeper understanding of human matters - there is always an up- hill struggle - even if the money amounts to peanuts. This again eloquently testifies to where our values are! I Public image over safety ON MARCH 2, THE DAILY ran an editorial criticizing Gelman Sciences Ipc. for its role in creating the sec- Qnd worst toxic waste site in the state, and for legal antics performed in order to absolve itself of blame. The next day Gelman vice president James Marshall appeared at the Daily's offices accompanied by an attorney in an attempt to defend the company. The Daily is aware that Gelman is extremely concerned with its image in the media. Unfortunately, the Ann Arbor families that had to drink bottled water, and shower in motels for ten months because of the unac- eeptable levels of dioxane in their water were not victims of a "bad image." Gelman should be less concerned with its media appear- ance and be more cooperative about cleaning up its mess. According to Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regula- tions, it is illegal for a company to dispose of anything injurious to human health. The DNR classifies dioxane as a "threshold" type car- cinogen, which means that it is dangerous at any level. Gelman has a vested interest in maintaining that certain levels of contamination are acceptable, nonetheless their ability to judge toxic standards is doubt- fully more effective than the DNR or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Gelman cannot credibly maintain that they were innocent victims of a lack of information during the entire period that they were disposing of dioxane. Dioxane has been. on the SEPA critical materials list since 1980, and has been a known car- cinogen since 1965. Gelman used dioxane until 1986. In addition, Charles Gelman has a M.A. from the U of M School of Public Health, and clearly has an ethical as well as a legal obligation to make sure that this known carcinogen is being properly handled. The 'cmnanv claimst n have been ...- and experience with the substance, 'this seems impossible. The com- pany's' lack of regard seems even more likely considering Gelman Sciences did not report that it was disposing of dioxane to the DNR until 1980, although it should have given a complete inventory when applying for a permit in 1976. Gelman Sciences emphasizes that it conducted a series of tests for dioxane contamination on the Third Sister Lake. One series of results, however, was withheld from the public on the grounds that the re- sults were questionable. The reason given by their lawyer was that they "would not serve any useful purpose." One year later, the lake was found to be contaminated at a level of 510 parts per billion; the state health standard for dioxane in drinking water is 2 parts per billion. Furthermore, according to Dan Bicknell, the University graduate student who originally uncovered the contamination problem, Gelman itself agreed that the drainage ditch disposal into the Third Sister Lake was illegal, and required a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit. It is true that the DNR did not re- spond adequately on many occa- sions to the Gelman situation. However blaming the DNR for Gelman's pollution is like blaming the police for a robbery because they were not present, when it occurred: clearly, it is the robber, and not the cop who should be punished. It was Gelman's respon- sibility to keep the DNR informed. Instead, DNR official Mary Vanderlaan describes their behavior as "minimally cooperative". One must question Gelman's lack of responsibility and innocence; Gelman Sciences is not a victim. They are a comp any with a vested interest both in looking good to the public, and in spending as little money as possible to clean up the I LETTERS: Kaplan helps wealthy with SA Ts To the Daily: I am'responding to Professor Hornback's letter of March 4, in which he attacked the unfair privilege that Stanley Kaplan represents. After graduating from LSA in 1985, I lived in. New York for two years. There, I worked as a tutor for a standardized test review course (not Stanley Kaplan). My stu- dents were billed $40 for each hour we spent together. You can well imagine that many of these sessions were, for me, an odyssey through the privileged world of Upper East Side lux- ury apartments and t h e architectural marvels ofRiver- dale. And, yes, my work was a source of moral anguish to me. The only rationalization I could offer myself was that, in the tradition of the live-in governor, the money was passing from a rich patron to the poor poet. Not Simply ig- noring the system of privilege was not a satisfactory conclu- sion. Yet this is exactly what the Educational Testing Ser- vice, the maker of the SAT, does in its irresponsible posi- tion on review courses. Insist- ing that Kaplan, et al., is inef- fective, denies the real situa- tion. Believe me, standardized test preparationt works all too well. Studies have shown a strong correlation between SAT scores and family income. In our own University, the On a recent SAT, and I'm ex- aggerating only slightly, the easiest analogy was TUTU: DANCER. You, bet those who can afford ballet lessons have the right answer. However, that the use of the SAT will be curtailed or eliminated is un- likely, certainly for the next five years. Neither Kaplan, nor ETS, nor even the federal gov- ernment can be held re- sponsible. Professor Hornback's idea of personal responsibility - that each arid every one of us is responsible - is an honorable suggestion. In no way do I wish to demean it. Therefore, I appeal to the parents of Kaplan students to make a contribution to the Office of Minority Af- fairs equal opportunity fund. To Professor Moody, I offer my time to tutor a disadvan- taged student. Meanwhile, I will probably resume tutoring for SATs and GREs this summer, to pay my out-of-state tuition bill (over $9,000). My "justification" this time is that, as an inde- pendent tutor, I am not greatly contributing to the institution- alization of economic dis- advantage. Where does final responsibility lie? It is up to every college and university that uses standardized tests among its admissions criteria to insure that equal access to preparation courses is available to all applicants!!! --Alex Cigale March 9 Challenging the media presentation of Israel To the Daily: As a visiting student in the One Year Program at the He- brew University in Jerusalem, I never thought of myself as a foreign correspondent for your paper. However, after reading the press accounts about what's happening here and comparing that with what I'm actually experiencing here in Israel, I felt compelled to write to you. Nightly press in the States is bombarded with pictures of vi- olence in the streets, of burn- ing tire's, petrol bombs and the rest occurring in Gaza and the West Bank. A comparison could be made to placing TV cameras in all the slums in America and broadcasting this abroad as an example of "Life in the United States." of South Africa and is a part of their law and society. Military rule, and the demonstrations seen on TV, are confined to the Gaza Strip and West Bank, not Israel proper. I am not denying there are problems in the terri- tories, and Israelis in general seem very concerned with the situation, but the country as a whole is at peace and is a very pleasant and interesting place to visit. I am glad I came here as a visiting student, and I encour- age your readers to come for a visit too if they want to get a true perspective of what is re- ally going on here. -Rina Edelstein January 3Q I ]MV r~~'I. /971'. lu - AW' I A