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March 15, 1988 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-15

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 15, 1988

Party lobbies for
mandatory class
on racism, sexism
Continued from Page 1
for summer orientation.
In addition, Phillips said MSA
would pressure the University to of-
fer more women's studies classes,
and would lobby for minorities and
gays to fill administration and faculty
positions when they become vacant.
The party's other major project is
lessening students' financial burden
by fighting for tuition freezes and
increased financial aid programs.
"The University has to be told that
they can't raise tuition ten percent
every year," said Overdorf, chair of
MSA's External Relations Commit-
"The University has raised tuition
repeatedly and has done it in the
summer so students don't have the
(chance) to protest and speak out and
let the University know that they are
charging too much," she said.
Overdorf and Phillips have led
groups of current assembly represen-
tatives to Lansing and Washington,
D.C. to lobby state and national rep-
resentatives for lower tuition in-
Overdorf is trying to strengthen
the students voice in the state
legislature by rounding up support
for the Michigan Collegiate Coali-
tion - a statewide lobbying organi-
zation representing students at eight
state colleges and universities. A
similar organization in New York
has succeeded in freezing public uni-
versity's tuition for the last three

... supports mandatory class

Continued from Page
"Either we have a united front, or
we faction off and have Fleming's
proposal shoved down our throats,"
said LSA senior David Newbiatt, co-
chair of the University Council, a
nine-member panel of faculty, stu-
dents, and administrators created by a
regental bylaw to review changes in
behavioral guidelines.
Fleming, saying that his proposal
is a racial harassment policy, said the
council did not have to review his
Last weekend, several groups
drafted a proposal in which a board of
students and University employees
would judge accusations of
harassment, applying sanctions for
staff, students, and faculty. But such
a policy was not mentioned in
yesterday's statement from the
Michael Nelson, president of the
student chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement of
Colored People, said the groups
would discuss the draft at a second
closed meeting last night.
But Roach said students have not
yet proposed a workable alternative.
"It's got to be a suggestion as to
how, rather than whether," Roach
said. "I am persuaded that something
must be done, and the President's
proposal seems reasonable."
Fleming's proposal, released two
weeks ago, would set up a panel of

two students and one faculty member
to judge guilt or innocence in student
harassment cases and decide the
punishment. The proposal would
leave final decisions up to the Vice
President for Student Services.
Though MSA and many student
activists have consistently opposed
sanctions for non-academic behavior,
UCAR, the Black Student Union,
and other minority groups have
maintained that sanctions can be used
to prevent racist acts.
But to put out a concrete
proposal, Newblatt acknowledged
that some groups would have to
compromise their stance against
sanctions. "The idea is that
everybody makes sacrifices,"
Newblatt said. "That's the whole idea
of compromise. It's either that, or
Fleming's policy."
But Jonathan Rose, a local
attorney and outspoken code
opponent, said such compromises
may be "potentially giving a lot" to
the administration. "It depends on
how a document is fleshed out. It
could be wonderful, or it could be
terrible," he said.
Mike Phillips, chair of MSA's
Student Rights Committee, said
Sunday that MSA would not support
the students' draft plan because it
would impose sanctions for non-
academic behavior.
Yesterday, however, MSA
President Ken Weine said Phillips'
comments do not represent MSA.
Weine said the student coalition was
a "really encouraging thing."

MSA's own finances also deserve
attention, Overdorf said, adding that
funding for internal assembly activi-
ties is disorganized because monies
for the 11 committees come from
one general budget. "No one knows
who's spending what," she said.
The party would establish
individual committee budgets to keep
track of funds, Overdorf said.
Students First opponents said the
party's biggest drawback is Phillips'
refusal to listen to dissenting con-
stituents. In a weekly MSA meeting
last month, Phillips left during con-
stituents time in which students
came to voice their complaints
against some resolutions he intro-
"Students came here to talk to
him, and he walked out...and that's
horrible," Tobin Smith, LSA senior,
said at the time of the incident.
"People come to constituents time
to talk to MSA," Phillips said. "I'm
not MSA... If you want me to stay
(for constituents time) and let people
yell at me, that's fine. No problem."

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Continued from Page 1
The results of a search can be
printed within minutes. From there,
it is only a matter of finding the pe-
During last week's three-day-long
library InfoFest, students got an op-
portunity to see demonstrations and
use one of the CD-ROM systems.
These new systems serve to supple-
ment, and to a degree, replace, the
dated Infotrac computerized informa-
tion retrieval system.
The compact discs are practically
identical to those found in record
stores, except they are encoded with
bibliographic instead of musical in-
formation. Like their musical coun-
terparts, the CD-ROMs cannot be
recorded on, as their name, "read
only," implies.
The players, made by Phillips,
are each connected to an IBM PS/ 2
Model 30 microcomputer, color


Idit Bechor 973-0038 Yafet Ozery 661-1000 MIJI 663-3336

Did Your Professor Penalize You for
Honoring the M.L.K. Day Boycott of
The Michigan Student Assembly endorsed the
M.L.K. Day boycott of classes and asked that
professors and TAs accommodate students who
onored the boycott. If a professor or TA did not
accommodate your absence from class on
M.L.K. Day, please call the Michigan Student
Assembly at 763-3241 or visit 3909 Michigan Union.
Confidentiality is assured. Thank you for your help.
0' te MUirt§UU n. I1t

monitor, and a printer.
Many students are finding the
new system surprisingly user-
"I find it an easy and efficient way
to locate recent resources on a par-
ticular subject. I've used it to survey
resources for a history term paper,"
LSA Junior Rebecca Story said. No
formal training is necessary before
using this system.
CD-ROM players are the newest
addition to the increasing amount of
accessories for computers. Like their
stereo counterparts, the CD-ROM
may be revolutionizing our outlook
on the world.
With increasing demand, the
number of CD-ROM systems at the
University will increase, if funding
"There are plans for one more
CD," said Barbara Hoppe, reference
assistant at the Undergraduate Li-
brary. Hoppe said the library hopes
to purchase a disc with Microsoft
Brooks, another information retrieval
system, which will be shared among
the three CD-ROMs.
Continued from Page I
The candidate will attend a
roundtable discussion in Detroit on
fighting drug abuse and then travel to
Jackson, Marshall, Battle Creek,
Kalamazoo, Hastings, and Lansing in
an effort to meet voters and "get out
my message."
At a press conference earlier this
week, Gephardt blamed his poor
showing in the "Super Tuesday" pri-
maries on his inability to spread his
message to voters and vowed things
would be different in Michigan.
Rev. Jesse Jackson, who expects a
strong showing in the state, spoke
at Michigan State University's
graduation Saturday. He will return
to the state Thursday for $150 per
plate fundraising dinnerfin Detroit.
Massachusetts Gov. Michael
Dukakis will arrive in Michigan,
Thursday, staying in the state until
Saturday night when the state
Democratic party will hold their
annual Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner.

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Dole, Simon seek Illinois win
UNDATED - Bob Dole declared yesterday it's not over for his
Republican presidential campaign, despite indications of a big Illinois
victory for George Bush, but Democrat Paul Simon admitted "I have no
plans beyond tomorrow" and the home-state primary he needs to win.
With five presidential candidates racing around the state in a final day
of campaigning, Jesse Jackson was buoyed by a poll suggesting he may
have pulled even with fellow favorite son Simon.
"On the eve of significant breakthrough... with your help, we the
people can win Illinois." Jackson told a cheering crowd of about 1,800 in
Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, placing third, sought a good
enough showing to keep up some momentum from Super Tuesday. Over
and over on Monday, Dukakis hammered at Simon's contention that the
Democratic convention will be deadlocked.
State aid to local govts. lags
WASHINGTON - Aid from the state of Michigan to local
governments grew by 36.5 percent from 1980 to 1986, one of the slowest
rates in the nation, the National Conference of State Legislatures said in a
report released yesterday.
Michigan ranked 39th nationally in the growth of aid to localities over
the period.
Alaska topped the list at 153.3 percent. Hawaii was the only state to
show a decline in such aid, by 18.8 percent, the NCSL report said.
In Michigan, state support to localities for education increased by 23.1
percent; general local support, by 47.9 percent; and miscellaneous
support, by 95 percent, the study said.
Panama can't pay employee
salaries, sells workers food
PANAMA CITY - Work stoppages and violence broke out in the
capital yesterday as public employees learned they would not be paid by a
government that has run out of money.
The government began selling sacks of food, called "dignity bags," to
unpaid workers. Some schoolteachers, telephone company and dock
workers demanded cash and struck to reinforce their demand.
Protesters erected flaming street barricades of trash and debris. Others
yelled at security forces and were met by volleys of tear gas.
For the first time, the disturbances reached into the heart of the
capital's central business district, which had been operating almost
normally as the crisis deepened in the past several weeks.
Riot police used tear gas to disperse about 600 primary an& secondary
school teachers blocking traffic in front of the Ministry of Education.
"We want our pay," shouted the teachers. "Books yes, arms no!"
Gephardt speaks on trade
MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. - U.S. Rep. Richard Gephardt brought
his tough trade talk to a bastion of organized labor yesterday, telling
Macomb County Democrats that America's allies must be prepared to
accept U.S.-made products.
He told about 300 supporters that his call for retaliation could trigger a
trade war, noting that the threat of'tariffs has helped the United States
persuade Canada to stop dumping wood products and the Japanese to stop
dumping microchips on the U.S. market.
"When we finally lose the timidity and stand up for basic fairness other
countries open up," said Gephardt, who is abandoning today's Illinois
Democratic Primary in order to garner further support in Michigan.
Home improvement gadget
makes life easy for cats
CHICAGO (AP) - There are gadget lovers. There are cat lovers.
There are people who love home improvement projects. If enough people
fall into all three categories, the maker of the electronic cat door is in
Reilor Inc. of Horsham, Pa. is showing off its product here at the
annual National Home Center Show, which started Sunday.
The cat door comes with a coded collar key so only the owner's cat can
enter. The door can be programmed to open from only the inside or only
the outside, or from both sides. It's available at pet stores for $120-$150,
said Shelley Daniels, a spokeswoman for the show.
An estimated 36,000 retailers are expected to attend the show,
sponsored by Home Center Magazine of Lincolnshire.

The magazine said it did a recent survey of 1,561 homeowners across
the country that found 93 percent of those households undertook at least
one home improvement project last year.
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.




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Vol. XCVIII - No. 110
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) -is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
.and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
Editor in Chief...................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN Timothy Huet, Juliet James, Brian Jarvinen, Avra
Managing Editor........................MARTHA SEVETSON Kauffman, Preeti Malani, David Peltz, Mike Rubin, Marl
News Editor......................................EVE BECKER Shaiman,
City Editor.....................................MELISSA BIRKS Todd Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Marl
Features Editor.........................ELIZABETH ATKINS Swartz, Marc S. Taras, Marie Wesaw.
University Editor..........................KERY MURAKAMI Photo Editors..........................KAREN HANDELMAN
NEWS STAFF: Vicki Bauer, Dov Coen, Ken Dintzer ,JOH NMUNSO)
Sheala Durant, Steve Knopper, iKristine Laonde, Michael PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra brcz. Jessica eenEl
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Peter Mooney, Lisa Pollak, Jim Poniewozik, Micah Schmit, Wax.
Elizabeth Stuppler, Marina Swain, Melissa Ramsdell, Weekend Editors........ ...STEPHEN GREGOR'
Lawrence Rosenberg, David Schwartz, Ryan Tutak, Lisa ALAN PAU
Winer, Rose Mary Wununel. WEEKEND STAFF: Fred Zinn.
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OPINION STAFF: Muzammil AmdSarahB Assistant Display Sales Manager......KAREN BROWN
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Sports Editor.........................."JEFF RUSH Jackie Miller, Shelly Pleva, Debbie Retzky, Jim Ryan, Lurs
Asociate Sports Editors. JULIE HOLLMAN Schlanger, Michelle Slavik, Mary Snyder, Marie Soma
Asocat Sors dior .............UIE HOLLMAN Cassie Vogel, Bruce Weiss.





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