ARTS The Michigan Daily Monday, March 14, 1988 Page 7 Bruce Cockburn: Can you dig it? By Timothy Huet Sinister cynical instrument who makes the gun into a sacrament the only response to the deification of tyranny by so-called developing nations idolatry of ideology north, south, east, west kill the best and buy the rest it's just spend a buck to make a buck you don't really give a flying fuck about the people in misery! Wave patterns among wave patterns particles disperse and rejoin dissolve and reform like the lining of the womb still the cold of your absence blows through the silent TV parking lot balcony with clothes waving goodbye hello These lyrics come from two songs on the same album by the same man. These words tell you more about Bruce Cockburn than my humble words ever could. Bruce Cockburn is a harmonious tapestry of contrasts woven with a single thread. He can draw one into a fugue state with his mystical imagery and then pierce through the ether with a line of brutal direct- ness. As you can probably tell, I kind of like Cock- burn's work. Alright, I almost worship him. Thus you should understand that I approach this article with some trepidation - "I am a ragged set of claws scut- tling along the ocean floor" (I probably didn't even get that right). I feel like Arthur Miller reviewing Henrik Ibsen ... or Mick Jagger reviewing Chuck Berry ...or... How does one use popular symbols to convey something personal? How can one express the ineffable? Bruce Cockburn can, but I can't. I wanted to just quote lyrical selections from several Cockburn songs and append "Can you dig it? Go see this guy!" But this isn't the '60s anymore, this isn't Rolling Stone, and my editors couldn't dig it. So here goes a conventional concert preview. Although most people in the United States have never heard of him, Bruce Cockburn has produced 17 records in as many years. He is one of the most popular musical artists (and one of the few people playing who deserves the title "artist") in his nominal home country of Canada, but he has loyal followings throughout the world. This internationalism is re- flected in his music. Many of his recent songs center on the agonies of Central America. "Nicaragua" has become a standard among activist circles, and "If I Had a Rocket Launcher" accomplished the miracle of breaching that bastion of political monochronism, mainstream radio. Other songs incorporate the themes and musical fla- vor of Japan, Chile, Amerindian nations, Jamaica, etc. Oh, to hell with it! "Maybe the Poet" by Bruce Cockburn maybe the poet is gay but he'll be heard anyway maybe the poet is drugged but he won't stay under the rug maybe the voice of the spirit in which case you better hear it maybe he's a woman who can touch you where you're human male,female, slave, or free, peaceful or disorderly maybe you and he will not agree but you need him to show you the ways to see don't let the system fool ya all they want to do is rule ya pay attention to the poet you need him and you know it Can you dig it? Go see this guy! BRUCE COCKBURN will be performing a special solo concert tonight at the Michigan Theatre. Tickets are $14.50 and $12.50. Showtime is 8 p.m. Bruce Cockburn is probably best known for his song, "If I Had a Rocket Launcher," that accomplished the miracle of breaching that bastion of monochronism, mainstream radio. THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ARE A GREAT WAY TO GET FAST RESULTS CALL 764-0557 Movie burden I By Scott Collins tows unb f adapt at the Sorbonne, Kundera reportedly offered only minimal assistance to the filmmakers; perhaps he suspected that the adaptation of his self-con- sciously philosophical novel would, like so many movies before it, bar- barously reduce the original text, rendering the final product inaccessi- ble for those who hadn't read the book and ludicrous for those who had. Because the screenwriters, Kaufman and Jean-Claude Carriere CLASSIFIED ADS TICKETS earable !!HELP. I need 2 INXS tiks march Please. Call Jeff 769-1892 Top Dollar!! 16. Tickets for KABUKI MACBETH Call 668-8397 ROOMMATES 2 FUN-LOVING, easy going girls want to share ur park terrace ap w/ 2 non-smoking females, pref. friends. If interested: call Jenny at 764-9702. FALL 88 need 4th roommate for 2 bdrm. apt. near CCRB. Call 764-0852 Leave msg. FEMALE ROOMMATE needed for huge 1 bdrm apt, on Church St. for Spring/Summer term. $1 75/mo. 930-0764 after 5pm. HOUSEMATE NEEDED for 3-bdrm. apt. on E. Ann near Frieze. Reasonable rent, big rooms, parking, laundry. 761-1727. I NEED A CHEAP ROOM for fall term only. 995-0835 after 8pm. MALE, GRAD. PREFERRED, to share 2 bdrm. apt., good location $180/mo. + phone. Avail, late Apri. Call 996-2447. MAY-MAY LEASE, 2-3 spaces open in nice house, close to campus, IM, Blue front. Park- ing, cheap rent, fe/male. 764-3800. NEED NON-SMOKING FEMALE to share . Set.- Aug. lease. Great location. Call 7b-1135. Nonsmoking Female roommate wanted to share a one-bedroom condo. GREAT LO- CATION! CALL NANCY: 995-8945. NONSMOKING FEMALE WANTED to share bedroom apt. on S. University for Spr./Sum. Call 996-8287. SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET. Great loca- tion 3 blocks from campus/parking. Close to IM. $200, cheaper for double. 764-3800. WANTED FEMALE, NON-SMOKING ROOMMATE for a beautiful 2 bedroom 4 person apt. next to the CCRB. Rent only $206/mo for Fall and Winter terms. Call Linda at 763-2945 or Ter at 763-0817. COMPUTER MDSE. SEE THE LATEST AND THE GREATEST neuip. at Compufair Mar. 17 & 18 in the Union. Tomas (Daniel Day-Lewis) checks the mirror to adjust the bowler hat on Sabina (Lena Olin) in Philip Kaufman's 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being.' I ..., . - Correction Friday's Daily incorrectly stated that the Residential College Players' production of A Midsummer Night's Dream continues this Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. It continues this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8 p.m. Look for a review of the production in this week's Weekend Magazine. THE DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ARE A GREAT WAY TO GET FAST RESULTS CALL 764-0557 Think You're Pregnant? Free Pregnancy Test Completely Confidential Family Life Services 529 N. Hewitt, Ypsilanti Call: 434-3088 (Any Time) In general, a film adaptation should be judged according to its own merits, not compared with those of its source. However, a movie that tackles a bestseller usu- ally ends up fighting the collective imagination of the reading public.1 The film's images must either match or surpass those in the reader's un- conscious, andthat can create an al- most insurmountable narrative task. Philip Kaufman's film adaptation of Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being avoids the diffi- culties posed by a text that relies on wordplay (for example, Burgess'A Clockwork Orange , among other novels) but shoulders a heavy burden nonetheless - making a compre- hensible movie out of a very popular "novel of ideas." An exiled Czechoslovakian author and film professor now teaching at I I | f II Normandie I I . Flow ers I 1104 S. UNIVERSITY 996-1811 2 for 1 Sweetheart I I Roses I SWITHTHIS COUPON I I (Good until 3/19/88) L - - ---cstomr perweek J .'I >~mnrr-d Apply Now for Committee Chafr Positions: a{:......................A..............e.....C e n te r '". .ton (most famous for his work with the late Luis Bunuel), are willing to adapt, in every sense of the word, an elusive and aphoristic text, the film Unbearable Lightness successfully explores a level or two of a surpris- ingly complex, multi-layered fic- tional structure. Unfortunately, that's still a-reduction. The film's plot generally dupli- See FILM, Page 8 Impact Jazz Dance Soph Show Comedy Company Starbound Tech. Crew Viewpoint Lectures Special Events Ticket Central Michigras Laughtrack Mini-Courses MUSKET Mediatrics PASSPORT PH OTOS $7.95 With This Ad. KINKO'S OPEN 24 HOURS 540 East Liberty 761-4539 1220 South University 747-9070 Homecoming College Bowl Soundstage applications are due in the UAC offices (2105 M. Union) by Friday, March 18 3:00pm sign up for interview date and time for more info, call 763-1 107 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - es1 It's your Union The Michigan Union Board of Representatives will soon be filling its 9 student positions. MUBR is an advisory board for the Michigan Union composed of students, faculty, and alumni. MUBR offers: leadership experience; a direct working relationship with faculty, staff, and alumni; practical experience in policy setting, public relations, and long range planning; an opportunity to develop an understanding of, and rapport with, a wide variety of individuals and groups. ' 00 *we*4Y, Print or type legibly in the space provided, the copy as you wouldI like it to appear. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Mail or bring in person with payment to: The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard Make checks payable to: The Michigan Daily f^KII 1V &nL (ACTUAL SIZE OF AD) [ -. I i I I I