Iw NW l -w WMUSIC VOLUME 6, NUMBER 19 Ate you looking for a We offer confidential Continued from Page 4 cornpatible partner. video interviews (all ages) pull the songs off. Uidco 1introducti on s I While the Godfathers really know aigsriefrsnl rfsinl o on og hyhv adtgseicfosngepoeioastrouble moving beyond that. With --_ the exception of the Rain Paradeish, - - -- - neopsychedelia of "When Am I ________ Coming Down" there's very little ___ ~~ variety on BSWD But when they ___ 662-1i960 join voices in ashout and kick up a___ dust storm on 'Cause I Said So,"- their energy alone makes this album --_ 000,NGET IT! worthwhile. ehFrg Ruffn&teetdri Ruffin & Kendrick j 1;.E Rufi &Kedrck0000V t d"The Personal Column RCA Records MICH GM ALY CLASS (0 AG lte ~l dt s Oh yeah! A fine new LP of solid 0 'S O Yale ,soul music served up by two former c 1 i e e leaders of the Temptations. While e a the production values are definitely alp'80s style, the music is never yf wb exaggerated. This is a showcase 0W. album for two great singers who don't require any extra tricks to turn r M Fre Pregancy estin good material into grand. Neither " rgac etn Free Counseling singer has lost his edge though it * Gyneologywould be nice if Kendrick were * Birth rl ynconol mixed a little higher. Soul satisfying V " ~~*Abortion son. -Marc S. Taras Health Care Clinic of Ann Arbor UM News in uCLASSIFIED ADS! Call 764-0557 2512 Carpenter " 971-1970 The Daily 764-0552j W 111 .......................................................................................................................... 536$ Eyr4 Av ',* gd~v~# ~ rn~rbor MI 8i0 (313 ?612680 ____________________________________ Plu: UIntrvi PAGE W eED/MRCH11,98 Mbe3Owgn DaitI______ Time to choo., kre students at a cros: of political thoug[ ; w: Buddy Guy U Bunny Wailer's new release