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March 10, 1988 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-10

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVIII, No. 107

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, March 10, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily


Special to the Daily
CHAMPAIGN - Good riddance.
Gary Grant's final visit to Illinois' Assembly Hall
last night was not a memorable one. The senior guard
scored just eight points in the Wolverines' 85-74 loss
to the Fighting Illini in Champaign.
It marked the first time Grant has failed to score in
double digits in a Big Ten game since his first year.
Assembly Hall is the only Big Ten Arena where he has
never won.
"I think Gary's still struggling a little (from his
groin pull injury)," said Michigan coach Bill Frieder.
"But I don't want to cover for him. We needed him to
play much better in pressure situations."
Understandably, Grant and his teammates vanished
quickly from their locker room following the game.
While Grant's losing streak at Illinois hit four,
Frieder's reached eight. His team never led in the game.
"This has been a tough place for us," Frieder said. "I
just think Illinois played a great game. We had a hard
time containing their quickness - (Kenny) Battle and
(Nick) Anderson, specifically."
On opposite sides of the spectrum, Highland Park
native Glynn Blackwell finished his Assembly Hall
career on a high note. He scored 15 points and played a
large role in shutting down Grant.
"It was a good feeling to end it the way I did,"
Blackwell said. "Grant wasn't really looking to shoot.
He wasn't himself tonight."
While Blackwell kept busy on defense, the one-two
punch of Battle and Anderson carried the load on of-
See ILLINOIS, Page 9






The CBN Board of Directors voted unanimously
last night to delay a decision on reinstating suspended
disc jockey Chris Daley as an on-air staff member
until the Board's next monthly meeting.
Daley was put on indefinite suspension after play-
ing a song entitled "Run Nigger, Run" last Dec. 6.
The Board's motion centered on the fact that Daley
had not communicated with the Board concerning his
desire to be reinstated
WCBN's Executive Programming Staff, which
originally called for Daley's suspension, proposed to
the CBN Board that he be reinstated to on-air status,
beginning as a guest on Arwulf Arwulf's Face The
Music program on Thursday, March 17.
"THERE WOULD BE no problem with the
decision to take Chris off the air, if he was not gen-
uinely sorry for his mistake and wanted to educate
himself about what happened," said WCBN Pro-
gramming Director and LSA sophomore Jeanne
Gilliland in a written proposal, which she read to the
CBN Board.
She said the Executive Programming Staffs orig-
inal decision to suspend Daley was made under duress
and that the letter they issued at that time was flawed.
In that letter, the Executive Programming Staff said
Daley could appeal his suspension to the CBN Board
of Directors.
Daley was unavailable for comment.
The final motion passed by the CBN Board of Di-
rectors called for Daley to petition the Board in person
or through a written statement for reinstatement.

Design workshop
Bruce Meader, director of the University School of Art's Graphic Design Production Workshop, helps art 375,
Tracy Hall, an art school senior, with the project she is doing for the men's Glee Club. See story, page 2.

Research expenditures rise sharply

The total amount of money spent on
research at the University increased 16.8
percent last year, according to documents
obtained yesterday from the office of the
vice president for research.
In fiscal 1987, more than $213 mil-
lion went to research, up from $182.3
million the previous year. The increase
continued a four-year trend of large ad-
vances in research expenditures.
Vice President for Research Linda
Wilson attributed the increase in funding,
at least in part, to tapping outside

sources. "The University of Michigan has
made a concerted effort to develop external
support to achieve it's aspirations in re-
search," she said.
"THERE HAS BEEN an increase,
not a very large increase, in federal fund-
ing," Wilson added.
The federal government was responsi-
ble for 63.7 percent ($135.7 million) of
all research expenditures in 1987. More
specifically, 4.6 percent ($9.7 million) of
the funding came from the U.S. Depart-
ment of Defense (DoD), an increase of
$1.6 million from 1986.

In terms of military funding, Wilson
said, "The total amount of money has
grown, and that's true for the DoD as
Wilson predicted the total research ex-
penditures would continue to rise in
1988. She said a projected total for this
year is roughly $230 million, which
would amount to an eight percent increase
over last year.
MARTIN TOBIN, interim director
of the University's Division of Research
Development Administration, said, "I ex-
pect that (research expenditure) increases

cannot continue, at least at the same
Tobin said specifically that it would be
difficult to retain present levels of funding
from the National Science Foundation
(NSF). "The research dollars from NSF is
going to be down," he said. Tobin said in
1987, the NSF was responsible for 10
percent of the funding for research at the
Tobin also predicted federal budget cuts
would reduce the expenditures made by
the government on research.
See RESEARCH, Page 5

THEY ASKED THAT in his petition he re-
spond to three questions: (1) why he played the song
"Run Nigger, Run" without -an explanation or dis-
claimer, (2) how he handled a caller who complained
the song was racist, and (3) what attributes he brings
to the station as a non-student disc jockey.
Des Preston, a voting member of the CBN Board
of Directors, expressed his concern over reaction by
the United Coalition Against Racism, Michigan Stu-
dent Assembly, and the Michigan Daily to a rein-
statement of Daley without a formal appeal. He said
the Daley situation is very political.
At a high point in the tense atmosphere, Kevin
Guilmartin, a member of the CBN Board who
strongly supported the motion to table deliberation of
Daley's reinstatement, threatened to leave the meet-

Alumni upset with regents,

Fleming o
The University's Board o f
Regents have offered the athletic
director job to Michigan football
coach Bo Schembechler without the
stipulation that he retire from
coaching after this year, according to
both alumni and administration
sources who requested anonymity.
Interim University President
Robben Fleming denied this
information, and regents refused
The other final candidates are
North Carolina Athletic Director
John Swofford, and St. Louis
advertising executive Clayton
Wilhite. Swofford's wife said her
husband had not been contacted by
Fleming, and Wilhite was
unavailable for comment.
The regents and Fleming have
been the recipients of a letter writing
campaign by alumni who favor
allowing Schembechler to serve both

ver A D search

as athletic director and head football
"Our focus has not been on the
other candidates. It screams out -
here's the best guy, in front of
everyone's eyes. The regents are
standing too far from the forest to

received letters, but that they had not
altered their position that serving as
both athletic director and football
coach is too much for one person.
"The Alumni and the M club are
important members of the Michigan
community. I take their views to

'With all of the letters and calls, don't the regents
understand when they have made a mistake?'
- former Michigan and NFL great Ron Kramer.


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sex clause
Don't get caught. Sex in the resi-
dence halls is strictly against the
rules, and violators may be evicted.
Many students who live on cam-
pus don't realize it, and no student
has ever lost i housing contract be-
cause of it, but premarital sexual in-
tercourse can conceivably be grounds
for termination of a University
housing lease.
The "Living at Michigan" calen-
dar, distributed to all students mov-
ing into the residence halls each
term, states: "Specifically, cohabita-
tion, overnight visitation, and pre-
marital sexual intercourse are unac-
ceptable in University residence
halls. Discipline will be appropriate
for violations of these standards...."
the en loco parentis policy the Uni-
versity had in the 1950s that must be
rejected," said Michigan Student As-
sembly President Ken Weine, an
LSA senior. "MSA would be happy
to challenge the University if they
ever tried to enforce this absurd pol-
But the University is not alone.
Premarital sex is a misdemeanor in
the state of Michigan, and mutual
masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, and
adultery are all felonies punishable

see the trees," said alumnus Richard
"With all of the letters and calls,
don't the regents understand when
they have made a mistake?" asked
former Michigan and NFL great Ron
Several regents said they had

heart," said Regent Philip Power (D-
Ann Arbor). "However, no one
person should hold the jobs of both
athletic director and coach."
"Even the regents and even the
president are saying Bo is the best in
the country. They offered him the
See ALUMNI, Page 8

Daily discusses sixth
day of publication




The Michigan Daily met with
less opposition than anticipated yes-
terday at an initial discussion with
the Board of Student Publications
about returning to a six-day publica-
tion schedule.

serve the University community as
well as it should.
"I don't think there is any doubt
we have come a long way since
1985," said Rebecca Blumenstein,
editor in chief of the Daily.
Board members did not question

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