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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 106 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, March 9, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Doily
Jackson's support
increases from '84
Vice pres. pulls away
on Super Tuesday
Jackson won 96 per cent of the Black
vote and 10 per cent of the white
vote in Super Tuesday's Democratic
primaries, winning greater support
from both races than in his 1984
quest for the presidency, according to
ABC News exit polls.
Four years ago, Walter Mondale
eroded Jackson's strength among
Black voters, and fewer whites were
willing to cast their ballot for the
Black minister and longtime civil
rights activist.
Jackson complained bitterly in
1984 about party rules he said were
stacked against him and diluted his
delegate strength.
But the rules changed for 1988,
and Jackson demonstrated in New
England and the Midwest - and
again in his native South on Tuesday
that he has broadened his base.
Voters polled by ABC after
casting ballots yesterday gave Jack-
son high marks for his ability to
handle foreign affairs, protect the
poor and elderly and hold down
The ABC exit polls had a five
point margin of error in either direc-
By The Associated Press
George Bush won Republican
primaries from one end of Dixie to
the other, touching off a Super
Tuesday landslide to seize control of
the GOP presidential race. Michael
Dukakis, Jesse Jackson and Albert
Gore swapped victories in a
splintered Democratic race.
Dukakis, who led the Democratic
delegate chase as the evening began,
won at home in Massachusetts and in
Maryland and owned leads in Florida
and Texas - the two biggest states
of the night - as he bid to demon-
strate nationwide appeal in the Dem-
ocratic contest.
Gore captured his home state of
Tennessee as well as next-door Ken-
tucky, while Jackson won in Vir-
ginia. Rep. Richard Gephardt won
his home state of Missouri but was
running poorly elsewhere.
Dole and his Republican rivals in
state after state by margins of 2-1 or
3-1. Campaign manager Lee Atwater
predicted the vice president would
win more. than 600 of the 7 1 2
... shows strength in the South.
... leads Republican race.
Fleming to
propose staff
conduct rules
Champagne brings to mind vic-
tory celebrations.
But Champaign has meant noth-
ing more than frustrating losses for
Michigan basketball in recent years.
Entering tonight's game (7 p.m.,
ESPN) against Illinois, the 10th-
ranked Wolverines (23-6, 12-4) have
lost eight straight at Assembly Hall.
beat the Fighting Illini in Cham-
paign was in 1979 when Johnny Orr
was the coach and the current
Wolverine players could only dream
of dunking a basketball.
"We know it's going to be a
tough basketball game," Michigan
coach Bill Frieder said. "It always is
when we go to Champaign. They're
playing extremely well. We've got
our hands full.
"It's no different than going to
Iowa or Indiana or Purdue. Going on
the road against NCAA (tournament
See ILLINI, Page 8
Interim University President
Robben Fleming said yesterday he
will soon release for discussion an
anti-discrimination policy aimed at
faculty and staff members - similar
to his proposed student policy.
Fleming said the University's
Board of Regents, who will vote on
the proposed student policy at their
meeting next week, will also discuss
creating a similar policy for faculty
and staff. No formal action,
however, is expected on the non-
student policy
He said he will then ask aides to
draft a proposal, which will be
circulated for comments, before
going to the regents for a vote.
THE FACULTY and staff
policy will be "similar" to the
proposed student policy, with
enforcement being handled through
existing procedures. He would not
On Monday,'the faculty's Senate
Advisory Committee on University
Affairs pledged support f or
Fleming's student document, but
only if an equivalent proposal
applying to the faculty was created.
SACUA chair Harris McClamroch
said Fleming has been planning on
forming such a proposal since before
the group's vote.
Fleming's proposed sanctions on
prohibited behavior solely for
students were detailed in a large,
comprehensive document published
last week in the University Record.
BUT IN A . m e m o
accompanying the document,
Fleming said, "I do not mean to
suggest that students are the sole
cause of all the problems that exist
on campus or to absolve
administrators, faculty or staff from
accepting responsibility for their
See FLEMING, Page 3
pow wow prev1ew Daily Photo by KAREN HANDELMAN
Frank Shipman and Jose Marcus, both members of South Dakota's Yellow Thunder Drum Group, give a
preview in the Union Ballroom of the 16th annual Ann Arbor pow wow which will take place March 12 at the
Sports Coliseum. The pow wow, sponsored by the Native American Student Association and Minority Student
Services, will feature 40 different tribes and offer over $7200 in prize money.
LaGROC members
report phone threats
focuses on budget
Two Lesbian and Gay Rights
Organizing Committee (LaGROC)
members reported to campus security
Monday -that they received two
threatening phone calls early Sunday
morning from the same person.
The caller, a male, said that all
gays should be killed and threatened
to rape one of the two LAGROC
members, they said. The caller
identified himself as a 21-year old,
and said he had been drinking.
The incident is the third
threatening phone call reported by
University students in the past week.
Last Tuesday, a member of the
United Coalition Against Racism
steering committee reported re-
ceiving a phone message from a man
who threatened to rape and kill her.
On Sunday, another student reported*
receiving a similar message.
'THE LAGROC member said
she plans to ask the UCAR member
to let her hear the tape to see if the
calls sound as though they were
made by the same person. Campus
security director Leo Heatley was
unavailable for comment last night.
Residential College sophomore
Jim LaForest said he received the
first of the two calls at about 12:30
a.m. Sunday. He said the caller asked
him several questions about
tone turned hostile and he began
making obscene and threatening
comments about gays.
"He said he liked to 'do it to gay
girls'... and he wanted to 'get' gay
guys," said the LaGROC member.
"He said he wanted to come over
and 'get' me... He didn't directly say
'He said he wanted to
come over and 'get me'...
he didn't directly say the
word 'rape', but it was
obviously what he meant.'
-Unidentified female
LaGROC member
the word 'rape,' but it was obviously
what he meant," said the LaGROC
member. She said the caller told her
he had been drinking with friends at
-the Brown Jug restaurant earlier that
THE LAGROC member said
she talked to the caller for seven to
ten minutes while some of her
housemates called Michigan Bell and
Ann Arbor police to try to get the
call traced. She said they could not
When Terry Martin campaigned
for Ann Arbor City Council last
year, her friend Sam tagged along.
Sam wasn't a precinct chair or
campaign manager. Nor did he
provide polling data or work as an
advance person on the campaign.
Sam is Martin's Toy Poodle.
It's not known how much Sam
influenced the campaign, but, Martin
won. So now, when she is not at
home with Sam, Martincan often be
found on the crowded third floor of
City Hall preparing for council
As she discusses issues in the
mayor's city hall office, Martin
seems open and accessible. Ingrid
Sheldon, who served as Martin's
campaign manager, believes
Martin's friendly personality helped
clinch her victory last April by
accentuating her ability to represent
her constituents.
"People feel comfortable talking
to her," Sheldon said.
Although she campaigns with a
poodle, Martin isn't frivolous. When
discussing city issues, she is direct
and to the point. Her political
outlook is reflected in her
conservatively-tailored business
suits. Many say she is the most
See MARTIN, Page 2
City Councilmember Terry Martin (R-Second Ward) talks on the phone
with a constituent from an office at City hall. Martin, who has served on
council for a year, is known for being a fiscal conservative and opposing
council resolutions on non-local issues.
U residents protest pesticide use
By DAYNA LYNN and residents often are unaware of pesticides. Garfield suggested the
Members of the Northwood what the flags represent, said University stop using pesticides and
Family Housing Resident's Council, Council President Heidi Van't Hof. increase its use of organic fertilizers,
including its president, expressed She said the meeting focused on this which are not dangerous.
concern last, night that t he issue because some residents had told CurnlDws ai th
University has failed toanotify her they felt the flags were ineffec- Currently, Drews said the
residents' when spraying pesticides tive. University uses a combination
around areas where children play.
Barbara Drews, operations
cririntor for Universitv's office of
"The meeting was held out of a
growing awareness that (pesticides)
n- n rn r-rhlnr r r n .tn.-a
pesticide/herbicide called 2,4-D to
kill insects and weeds. Drews told
the group that 2,4-D's use will