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March 08, 1988 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-08

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Three University students were
convicted last week in the Ann Arbor
Municipal Court of charges of muti-
plating library materials, a misde-
neanor under Michigan state law.
The students were caught in
November ripping pictures out of
magazines in the graduate library by
a library employee. When the Ann
Arbor Police arrived, the students
pleaded guilty as charged and were
)not taken to the police station for
fingerprinting and questioning.
The students, whom the library
refused to identify, received a penalty
pf $146 to replace the magazines as
well as 72 hours of community ser-
vice and $138 in court fees each. The
conviction will not, however, appear
on police records.
"What people don't realize is that
it (mutilating library materials) really
his against the law," said Christopher
McIntyre, head of the University li-
brary system's public relations de-
partment. "It really is rather unusual
to actually catch somebody doing it."
McIntyre said the library decided
to take the students to court in an ef-
fort to prevent the increasing
destruction of valuable library mate-
,ials. "There is a message here - if
somebody gets caught tearing up li-
brary materials, they'll be prose-
"We must make sure our collec-
tion is protected. There are scores of
documented cases where valuable, ir-
replaceable volumes are willfully de-
stroyed," said Wendy Lougee, head of
the graduate library.
shut down
deaf school
in protest
$tudents forced the closing of
Qallaudet University and demanded a
meeting with the board of trustees
yesterday in response to the selection
of a hearing president to head the
;world's only liberal arts university
for the deaf.
The protest capped a week of
campus demonstrations during which
students called for the selection of the
first deaf person to head Gallaudet,
which was founded by an 1864 act of
Student leader Jerry Coval, said
protests would continue until a deaf

person was hired and board of trustees
chair Jane Bassett Spilman was
t Two of the three announce
finalists for the position are deaf, but
the board of trustees announced
Sunday night they had selected the
hearing candidate, Elizabeth Zinser,
an administrator at the University of
North Carolina at Greensboro.

The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, March 8, 1988- Page 3
Police schooled
on racism

Spring snooze
Engineering sophomore Mark Giordano naps outside MLB, enjoying the spring-like weather that swept
through the area yesterday. Giordano was pragmatic about the staying power of the weather, however. "It's
nice now, but it won't last," he said.
Fashionable scarves serve as a
symbol-of-Palestinian resistance

It's back to school for Ann Ar-
bor's police officers.
Since February 9, officers in the
city's police department have attended
six training sessions held by Washt-
enaw Community College (WCC) to
improve their community and race
Last night, the Ann Arbor City
Council considered a resolution to
spend up to $7,150 to guarantee that
the police education program contin-
ues so that every sworn officer re-
ceives training by July 1.
POLICE Chief William Corbett
did not know how many officers had
undergone training, but said there
were still many who had not.
Though the council had not voted
on the resolution at press time, a bi-
partisan majority of councilmembers
said they intended to support it.
"I'm very concerned that we have a
police department which is sensitive
and not racist," Ann Marie Coleman
(D-First Ward) said.
Councilmember Jerry Schleicher
(R-Fourth Ward) supported the reso-
lution, though he does not believe
the department is racist. He said he
likes it particularly because "(it)
originated within the department it-
self." The police department origi-
nally conceptualized the idea in June.
TO LARRY Hunter (D-First
Ward), the training sessions are just a
beginning. "These are a precusor to
training to begin next year which
will involve all the city depart-
Thus far, there have been seven
training sessions for the city police
officers. One more session is sched-
uled tomorrow. '
The training sessions were pro-
voked by incidents which occurred
last summer, including an incident
during last summer's Ann Arbor Art
Fair in which the police broke up a

crowd of more than a thousand gath-
ered at the corner of South University
and Church. Several students accused
the police of brutality and the de-
partment was condemned by the
Michigan Student Assembly.
AL S O, earlier that summer,
University Sociology Prof. Aldon
Morris was stopped by police inves-
tigating a bank robbery. Morris, who
is Black, subsequently accused the
police of racism.
Another incident involved Tanya
James, a resident of Pontiac Trail
housing project, who police wrongly
suspected of stealing a car.
Training sessions were arranged by
Marcia Horowitz, director of business
development and professional ser-
vices for WCC, and run by Lee Rod
Toneye, a consultant specializing in
racial issues.
'I'm very concerned that
we have a police depart-
ment which is sensitive and
not racist,'
-Ann Marie Coleman
(D-First Ward)
ACCORDING to a memo-
randum on the project released by
WCC, the sessions had three goals:
-to improve interpersonal skills
used by police in dealings both with
the public and minority groups;
-to "sensitize" police officers to
"unconscious attitudes" which may
affect their dealings with the public;:
.to promote an appreciation of
Ann Arbor's diversity among police

Lately on campus, students have been wrapping
themselves in scarves with a foreign flair - black and
white cotton scarves that come from middle eastern
Some of the students wearing them, however, do
not understand that the scarves symbolize Palestinian
resistance efforts in the Middle East.
Known as Kaffiahs (pronounced Ka-fee-ahs), the
scarves were adopted by the Palestinians as a symbol of
solidarity and resistance after the 1936 Palestinian
revolt against the British mandate, said LSA
sophomore Rashid Taher. Taher sells the scarves in the
fishbowl and the basement of the Michigan Union.
STUDENTS WEAR the scarves - some of
which have white tassles around the edges - around
their necks, around their heads, at their waists as
sashes, and even as decorations on crutches. Although
some students wear them only as fashion accessories,
others wear them for their symbolic meaning.
Taher and Harry Berberbian, an LSA senior, have
sold over 200 of these scarves at $11 each since the
fall. Tahdr said one of the intentions of a recent trip to
Syria and Jordan was to buy the scarves.
To Taher, the scarves are more than just an fashion
item. "The Kaffiah is a cultural and traditional
headdress," he said.
The sales do not benefit any organization and the
scarves are not sold in any local stores. "I'm selling

them for myself. I have a monopoly," Taher said.
WHEN BUYERS ASK what the Kaffiah
represents, Taher said he tells its history but adds,
"(I'm) not selling a political statement." While the
scarves represent a political ideology for some, "it's up
to (the people who buy them) what the meaning is," he
Laura Weingartener, a Rackham graduate student,
hates to call the scarf a fashion statement. "I think it's
attractive. It's cotton and it keeps me warm,"
Weingartener said. "I hope people are wearing it as a
symbol. To me it's a sign of the Palestinian struggle
for self-determination."
Some students, however, don't wear the scarves for
their political symbolism. Michele Williams, RC
junior, said the scarf does not symbolize anything to
her, and she wears it "because a friend gave it to me."
TAHER SAID that the scarves represent
Palestinian unity. "It's insulting to Arabs when people
think that people who wear them are terrorists. They
are not a sign of terrorism but of a national aspiration."
Garfield Philpotts, business school junior, has worn
the scarf since he received it as a Christmas gift. "(I)
imagine it's in support of the PLO - personally I'm
not up on their issues," said Philpotts. "A (Jewish)
buddy of mine was in Israel, and he brought one back."
"I'd apologize if someone was offended by it, but I
doubt if I would take it off," said Philpotts.
The scarves will be on sale this week in the Union.


,Sex experts find little support
for claims on spread of AMPS

Ann Arbor Police a r e
investigating two break-ins that oc-
cured near campus over the weekend,
said Sgt. Jan Suomala. Police re-
ports indicate a break-in occured on
Saturday in the 900 block of State
Street. A jacket and cash valuing
$600 were stolen, Suomala said.
Police are also investigating a
break-in on Sunday invthe 3100
block of Rumsey Drive where

$4,545 worth of camera equipment
was stolen.
-By Melissa Ramsdell
Fridays in The Daily

NEW YORK (AP) - The sex
experts Dr. William Masters and
Virginia Johnson said yesterday they
could not provide scientific evidence
to support their widely publicized
claim that AIDS is "running ram-
pant" among heterosexuals.
When Masters was asked at a
contentious news conference how he
could justify such a claim, he said, "I
simply believe this." Johnson, asked
the same question, said "I'm 36 sure
we chose the word 'rampant'
On page seven of their new book,
they write: "The AIDS virus is now
running rampant in the heterosexual

The book, "Crisis: Heterosexual
Behavior in the Age of AIDS," was
made available to reporters yesterday
morning. The first reports of its
contents appeared in connection with
an excerpt from the book published
in this week's Newsweek magazine.
"We don't see an explosion into
the heterosexual community," said
Dr. Peter Fischinger, AIDS
coordinator for the Public Health
"This does not mean we can be
complacent about it." He noted that
nationwide screening of blood donors
has found that only about one in
40,000 has the potential of being
infected with the AIDS virus.
Parents take 3
quints home
Raymond and Michele L'Esperance
took three of their quintuplet babies
home from the hospital yesterday,
saying they were anxious to begin
family life with the in-vitro infants.
The babies, born Jan. 11, were the
first quintuplets born in the U.S.
after being conceived through in-vitro
Need asummer job? Are you available
for travel? Northrup King Co. has

Dr. Stephen Joseph, New York
City's health commissioner, said of
the Masters and Johnson study, "All
in all, I think it's greatly
He criticized them for n o t
submitting their data to a scientific
journal where it could be reviewed in
detail by other researchers, and he
said their data did not support the
sweeping claims they made.
The study, the centerpiece of their
book, included only people who said
they had had at least six sexual
partners each year for the preceding
five years, and another 400 who said
they had been monogamous
Kolodny said the claim that AIDS
is rampant among heterosexuals
comes form studies by other re-

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Noyola
- President of the University o f
El Salvador at Santa Ana and
Eliseo Ascencio, speaks as part of
El Salvador Week, 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Admission
is free.
Ann Mayer - Professor of le-
gal studies at the University of
Pennsylvania's Wharton School,
speaks on "The Changing Mean-
ings of Islamic Law" at 4:00 p.m.
in Rm. 116, Hutchins Hall.

Call 971-1674 for info.
Israel Information - Repre-
sentatives from the Jewish
Agency's summer trips, year-long
study, and kibbutz visiting pro-
grams answer questions at Hillel.
Call 663-3336 for an appointment.
University Lutheran Chapel
- Dollar Dinner & Devotion, 6:00
p.m.. Family Bible Study, 7:00
p.m. Choir, 8:00 p.m. 1511
Washtenaw. Call 663-5560 for



March 8

Need to satis-
fy your sweet
tooth? Like
to win prizes?

to manage your time. Or take a
look at our CD-ROM display, and
get a chance to play with a com-
puter. We also have campus maps,



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