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March 07, 1988 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-07

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Women's Tennis
vs. Toledo
Track and Tennis Building


Men's Basketball
vs. Ohio State
Saturday, 2 p.m.
Crisler Arena

' i


The Michigan Daily Monday, March 7, 1988 Page 8
" " Last night he would not say whether Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- job. head the athletic department.
F in alists or not he had already offered some- bor), who strongly supports Schem- "Anybody you talk to has some- "From what I can gather based on
one the athletic director job. bechler holding both jobs, said last thing else to do. If I didn't think the information I have, I wouldn't be
Cohtinued from Page 1 FLEMING added that the week that he would bring up there was a good possibility (of the satisfied with Wilhite. I wouldn't
provision that if Schembechler ac- Schembechler's name again at candidate coming to Michigan), he think that he would be the guy.A
poet in December, but was quoted in cepted the athletic director job, he Saturday's meeting. He, along with wouldn't be on the list," Fleming ALUMNI have threatened to or-
the' Detroit Free Press this week as retire from coaching after the the other regents, declined comment. said. ganize against the regents if they
saying Fleming asked him to recon- upcoming season was "a well REGENT Thomas Roach (D- THE THIRD finalist mentioned appoint someone other than Schem-
sider . thought out condition." He refused Saline) summed up the regents' si- is former Wolverine football player bechler to the position. Assistant
When contacted Saturday night, to say whether the regents had lence. Clayton Wilhite. The Saginaw na- Athletic Director Will Perry said on
Swofford said, "Right now I'm in a reconsidered that condition and agreed "Right now and for the immediate tive currently heads the D'arcy Ma- Friday that loss of alumni support
position that makes me very happy. to offer the job to Schembechler future, all comment about the ath- sius Benton and Bowles advertising could be devastating for Michigan
I don't think anyone ever closes off with no strings attached. letic department post will come from agency in St. Louis. He was on va- athletics.
opportunities, but right now, I have "That's the only offer (the one to President Fleming," he said. cation and unavailable for comment "Michigan athletics could not ex
no desire to leave North'Carolina." Schembechler) that is outstanding. If Fleming did confirm that Schem- all weekend. ist without the alumni support. A
As of last night, Swofford said no he changes his mind, it could be bechler's name was talked about at However, both prominent alumni lot of money comes from alumni,
one from Michigan had contacted (that Schembechler would be named the Saturday morning meeting. and personnel in the athletic depart- he said.
him about taking the athletic director athletic director), but that is a deci- "Oh, we talked about him. He's a ment said last week that Wilhite is Perry added he felt the whole
j'ob. sion he would have to make." very interesting fellow and well- not qualified to be an athletic direc- situation could be tempered by the
Fleming said he expected to con- Schembechler made clear at his liked." tor, especially at Michigan. regents making a wise choice in se
tact the regents' choice sometime press conference last Monday that he Fleming added that he was rea- Michigan Associate Athletic Di- lecting the new athletic director.
over the weekend, but that "no deci- would not accept the job if he was sonably sure that the regents' choice rector Don Lund expressed his dis- "I just hope we get a good man in Flemg
sion should be expected this week." forced to retire from coaching. would accept the athletic director pleasure with Wilhite being asked to here. That will solve everything," he F. will make the call

The Calendar
of The University of Michigan


The calendar combines meeting, lecture work-
shop and conference announcements with
other events happening each week on campus.
It is based on The University Record calendar,
and is open to all University sponsored groups
and organizations recognized by the Michigan
Student Assembly. Items must be submitted in
writing by S p.m. the Tuesday before publi-
cation. Address all information to: Julie A.
Brown, publications assistant, University Rec-
ord, 412 Maynard St. Asterisk (*) denotes
events to which admission is charged.

March 7
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--Beg class, 7:45-8:30 pm (new
stds welcome); adv class, 6:30-7:45 pm, Martial Arts Rm
IM Bldg. 996-5634,668-6280.
Christian Science Org--Mtg, 7:15 pm, 3rd fl Mich League.
Integrity--Lesbian-gay male community open house, 8:45 pm,
Canterbury House, 218 N Division, 665-0606.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn --Bible study on
"Romans," 6 pm; study grp, "Homosexuality & the
Church," 7 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Chapel Council, 7 pm, 1511 Washtenaw
..Aye, 663-5560.
Guild House--Writers Series, J Dalisay & K Pancoast, 8 pm,
802 Monroe St. 662-5189.
Intl Ctr-- 988 European Travel Series, J Dickson & B Denman,
"Getting Organized and Documented for Your Trip to
E Europe," 3 pm, 603 E Madison, 764-9310.
Anthro--Brown-bag lec series in Ethnology, E Polioudakis,
"Prestige and Marriage Patterns in Southern Thailand, "noon,
3058 LSA.
History Art/Ctr for W Europ Studles/LSA--Sem series, Topics
in the Art of Rubens, JR Martin, 'The Hand of the Artist:
Self-poraits by Rubens,"4 pm, Tappan Hall 180.
-Germanic Lang & Lit --Germanic Studies colloq, R Bom, 'The
East Franconian Dialect: A Case of Language Death," 12:10
pm, MLB 3rd fR Conf Rm.
Sociol/Comparative Study of Soc Transform --Lec, M Burawoy,
"Painting Socialism: Ideology and Reality in a Hungarian
Steel Mill," noon, 2553 LSA.
Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--Wkshp, A Perlberg, "Motivating
and Involving Students," 7-9:30 pm, 109 E Madison. Reg
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies--Lec, P Goble, "Otto Bauer in
. the Soviet Union," 8 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm.
CEW--Women Stds Network brown-bag disc, "Surviving End of
the Term Pressures," noon-1:30 pm, Conf Rm, 350 S
Thayer. 763-7080.
*HRD--Wkshp, "Taking Good Minutes," 9 am-noon; 3-sess
wkshp begs, "Written Communications Seminar," 9 am-4
pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req, 764-7410.
*ICLE--Video course, "Advising the Older Client," 9 am-5 pm,
1020 Greene St. Reg req. 764-0533.
Sch Music--Lec/recital, R Hatten & L Nagel, "Beethoven's
Hammerklavier Sonata No 29 in B-Flat Major, Op 106," 8
pm, Sch Music Recital Hall.763-4726. Std recital, violinist
M Dilulio, 8 pm, Rackham Assembly Hall.
LSA--Fac mtg, 4:10 pm, MLB4.
*UMS--Perf, English Chamber Orch, 8 pm, Hill Aud. 764-
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Adv Features of
Microsoft Word (Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Macintosh
Basic Skills, 1-4 pm; Programming in dBASE III Plus, pt
1, 1-5 pm. Reg req. 763-7630. In Rm 4003 SEB: Mon
Programmers' Sem (Data Structures), 7-9 pm (no reg req).
*HilleI Fdn/LSA Std Govt/MSA/Others--9th Annual Conf on
the Holocaust: perf, R Gerut, 8 pm, The Ark, 637 S Main.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies--Brown-bag video, "Building
a New Nation," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Career Plan & Place--Marketing Your Liberal Arts Degree, 4:10-
5 pm, 3200 SAB; Job Search Issues for Intl Stds, 3:30-5
pm, 2216-19 Art & Arch Bldg.
Women's Res Club--Mtg, R Sarri, "Women's Participation in
the Labor Force and in Income in Michigan in 1970 and
1985," 7:45 pm, Rackham W Conf Rm.
U-M-Dearborn--Distinguished Speaker Series, T Kochman, 2:30
pm, Rn 198 Engr Lab Bldg.
March 8
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee/MSA Peace & Justice
Committee--El Salvador Wk: lec, GA Noyola, "Current
Situation in El Salvador and the Popular Movement,"7:30
pm, Rackham Amphi. 665-8438.
Inst Sdi & Technol--Great Lakes Res Div Sem, M Borass,
"Ecologicial Role of Phagotrophic Flagellates in Pelagic
Ecosystems," 4 pm, 3056 Nat Sci Bldg.

Sch Music--Std recitals: pianist J Talleda, 8 pm, Sch Music
Recital Hall; pianist A Smith, 8 pm, Rackham Assembly
Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--Wkshp, R Ridley, D Elliott & G
Williams, "Preparing Graphics for Presentations, pt 1," 7-
10:30 pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-0505.
*Turner Ctr--Distinguished Lec Series, E Douvan & C Neafie
Keeloff, "Men and Women in Mediator Roles," 10-11:30
am, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud, 990 Wall St. 764-2556.
*Ofc of Major Events/MTV--The Energizer Rock 'n Roll
Challenge, MCs K Seals & Jacko, 7:30 pm, Mich Union
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Undergrad std
fellowship, "Talk from the Heart," 7 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Dollar dinner & devotions, 6 pm;
"Family" Bible study, 7 pm; choir, 8 pm, 1511 Washtenaw
Ave. 663-5560.
TARDAA-British Sci Fi Fan Club--Mtg, 8-11 pm, 296
Dennison Bldg.
Karate Club--Beg practice, 7:30-8:15 pm; adv class, 8:20-10
pm, Martial Arts Rm CCRB.
Lesbian & Gay Rights Organizing Committee (LaGROC--Mtg,
8:30 pm, Rm 3100 Mich Union. 996-2396.
Museum of Art--Art break, "Inuit Drawings," 12:10-12:30 pm.
Fencing Club--Mtg/practice, 7:30-10 pm, CCRB small gym.
Christians in Action --Mtg, Fundamentals of Faith Series, 8:30
pm, 1407 Mason Hall.
WCBN (88.3 FM)--Talk show, "Lesbian & Gay Radio
Collective," 6 pm; free form music, "Better Blatant than
Latent," 7 pm. Call in requests, 763-3500.
March 9
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee/MSA Peace & Justice
Committee/Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice--El
Salvador Wk, O Chacon: breakfast lec, 8:30-10 am, First
Methodist Church Pine Rm, 663-1870; *beans & rice
dinner, 6 pm; lec follows, 7 pm, First Congregational
Church (comer State & William). 665-8438.
Med Ctr--Hilth Night Out, "Cancer: New Research, New
Treatment, New Knowledge," 7:30-9 pm, Ann Arbor Inn
(Huron & 4th Ave).
Computing Ctr--Course in Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft Word, pt
I (IBM PC-Compatibles), 8:30 am-12:30 pm. Reg req. 763-
Classical Studies--Lec, M Ostwald, "Peri Aletheias," 4 pm, Rm
2009 Angell Hall.
Ctr for Near East & N Afr Studies--Islamic Law lec, A Mayer,
'The Status of Women in Contemporary Muslim Middle
Eastern Societies--A Question of Social Policy or Religious
Law?"4 pm, Mich League Rm D.
Career Plan & Place/Phys Educ/Bus Admn/Others-Summer
Job Fair, 11:30 am-5:30 pm, Mich Union.
Career Plan & Place--Intl Careers: A Professional Point of
View, 4:10-5 pm, MLB1; Educ Career Conf Prep: Resume
Writing Lec, 4:10-5:30 pm, Schorling Aud. Employer
presentation: The Phoenix, 11:30 am-1:30 pm, 3200 SAB.
Computing Ctr--Fac panel, "Electronic Conferencing," 3 pm,
Sch Educ Whitney Aud.
UGLI/Residence Hall Libs --INFO*FEST '88, 8-10 pm,
Couzens Hall Library.
Indust & Oprs Engr--Sem, J Zowe, "Numerical Methods in
Nonsmooth Optimization," 4 pm, 241 IOE Bldg.
History Art/Ctr for W Europ StudiesISA --Sem series, Topics
in the Art of Rubens, JR Martin, "Hunt and Wild Animals,"
4 pm, Tappan Hall 180.
Arch & Urban Plan--Lec series, G Nakashima, 8 pm, Rackham
Bioengr--890 sem, S Bement & S Levine, "Future for Mobile
Robots in Rehabilitation," 4 pm, 1017 Dow Bldg.
CEW--Job Hunt Club, noon-1:30 pm, basement conf rm, 350S
Thayer, 763-7080.
U-M-Dearborn-Film, Roxanne, 7:30 pm, Rec & Orgs Ctr.
U-M-Flint--Women's History Month, "A Festival of Diversity":
- perf by Just Friends, 11:30 am-1 pm, Univ Ctr Riverview
Rm; poetry reading, visiting writer G Brooks, 7 pm Univ
Ctr Kiva. Std Coalition Film Series, James Joyce: Is There
Anyone Who Understands Me? 6 pm, Rm 364 Univ Ctr.
Kinesiol-Sem series, R Malina, "Timing of Growth Spurts in
Performance," 12:10-1 pm, 1260 CCRB.
Psychiatry--H Pardes, "Implications of Recent Research
Advances for Clinical Psychiatry": conf, 10:30 am-noon,
Child & Adoles Psych Hosp; sem, 2:30-4 pm, MHRI
Waggoner Conf Rm.
Ctr for Russ & E Europ Studies.-Brown-bag lec, H Cruse,
"American Blacks and the Communist Movement, 1919-
1925," noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
Committee on Economic Status of Fac--Mtg, 2:30-4:30 pm,
4079 Fleming Bldg.
*UAC--Michigras '88, 8 pm-1 am, Mich Union.
United Methodist Std Fellowship/Wesley Fdn--Mid-wk informal
communion svc, 9:30 pm, 602 E Huron. 668-6881.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Mid-wk Lent svc, 7:30 pm. 1511
Washtenaw Ave, 663-5560.
Turner Ctr--Wellness Day, for appt, 764-6831; For Men Only
support grp, 7:30 pm, 1010 Wall St. Reg req. 764-2556;
Alzheiner's disease family support grp, 7:30-9:30 prr, 2309
Lord of Light Lutheran Church-Worship, 7:30-8 pm, 801 S
Forest, 668-7622.
Dissertation Support Grp--Mtg, 8:30-10 am, 3100 Mich Union.
Karate Club--Senior practice, 6:30-8:30 pm, Martial Arts Rm
I M Bldg.
Mich Gay Union--Soc/disc grp, 9 pm, Guild House, 802
Monroe St, 763-4186.
Romance Lang & Lit--French conversation club, "La Parlotte,"
3-5 pm, MLB 4th fl Commons. Everyone welcome.
Campus Chapel-Evening prayers, 9:30 pm, 1236 Washtenaw
Ct. 668-7421.
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee--Mtg, 8 pm, 2435 Mason

Biophysics-JL Oncley Lec, RL Baldwin, "Studies of Peptide
Helix Formation and the Pathway of Protein Folding," 4
pm, Med Sci II Bldg N Lee Hall.
Obstetrics & Gynecol --Grand Rounds lec, King/Chavez/Parks
Visiting Prof GH Nolan, "Diabetes in Pregnancy: An
Obstetrical Riddle," 8 am, Rm 2A201 Ford Amphi.
MHRI--Sem, J Requin, "Behavioral and Neurophysiological
Evidence for the Parametric Programming of Movement,"
3:45 pm, MHRI Waggoner Conf Rm.
Mich Union Arts & Progs--Arts at Midday: MFA stds read their
poetry, 12:15 pm, Mich Union Pendleton Rm. 764-6498.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Excel, pt 2, 8:30
am-12:30 pm; Adv Features of Microsoft Word (IBM PC-
Compatibles), 830 am-12:30 pm; MS-DOS Basic Skills,
1-4 pm. In Rm 4212 SEB: Basic Concepts of
Spreadsheeting, 9-11 am. In Rm 4003 SEB: Tell-A-Graph,
pt; 2, 7-9 pm, Reg req. 763--7630. In Rm 3000 Publ Hlth
I: AA Kaypro Users Grp mtg (no reg req), 7:30 pm.
Devp & Repro Biol--DRB Trainee Consultant Sem, Veldhuis,
"Neuroendocrine Regulation of Episodic LH Release in
Man," noon, 5732 Med Sci II Bldg.
Museum Anthro--Brown-bag lec, G Estabrook, 'Traditional
Subsistence and Soil Management Practices in Central
Interior Portugal," noon, 2009 Museums Bldg.
*Women's Athletics--Basketball, U-M vs Illinois, 7:30 pm,
Crisler Arena.
WJJX(650 AM)--Women's basketball, U-M vs Illinois, 7:30
UGLi/Residence Hall Libs--INFO*FEST '88, 4:30-7 pm, S
Quad Hall E Side Lobby.
Ctr for Afroamer & Afr Studies--Mini-course 324, Black
Educational Achievement Over the Life Course: R Clark,
"Family Life and School Achievement: Why Poor Black
Children Succeed or Fail," 4-6 pm, Angell Hall Aud B.
Native Amer Std Assoc/Minority Std Svcs-Native Amer
Awareness: *3-day conf begs, Native Amer Critical Issues
Conf, MEA, dinner, 6:30 & keynote address by W
Demmert, 7:45 pm, Holiday Inn West, 1900 Jackson Rd,
(800) 292-1934, (517) 332-6551.
Acad Women's Caucus--Disc, B Feldt, 'Tenure," 5:30-7:30 pm,
Mich LeagueRms 1 & 2. 764-3420.
Computer Vision Res Lab --Sem series, C Meyer, 4 pm, Rm
1200 EECS Bldg.
Career Plan & Place/Phys Educ/Bus Admin/Others --Summer
Job Fair, 9 am-4 pm, by appt, Mich Union.
UM-Dear'bom.-See March 9.
Evol & Human Behav Prog-Sem, M Ruse, "Homosexuality: A
Biological Perspective," 4 pm, Rackham E Conf Rm.
UM-Flint--Women's History Month, "A Festival of Diversity":
Booked for Lunch, "Jane Austin's Work," noon-1:30 pm,
Univ Ctr Superior Rm; sexual harassment wkshp, "Tell
Someone," 3-5 pm, Univ'Ctr Rm D. *Alumni Breakfast
Sem, R Silverman, "Atitudes and Behaviors Toward
Downtown Flint," 7:30 am,Univ CtrMich Rm B. Res req
by March 8. 762-3350; Short Film Flicks, C Chaplin, WC
Fields, Laurel & Hardy & 3 Stooges, 4 & 5:30 pm, Univ
Ctr Brewery; *film, Jagged Edge, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr
*HRD--Wkshp, "An Introduction to Managing Information
Systems: A Primer for Decision-Makers," 1-4:30 pm, 1111
Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Sexual Assault Prevention & Awareness Ctr--Bagging the Rape
Culture disc series, "Growing Up with Dick and Jane,"
noon, Rm 2444 Mason Hall, 763-5865.
*Dept of Theatre & Drana--Perf, Univ Players, Right You Are
If You Think You Are, 8 pm, Mendelssohn Theatre. 764-
Sch Music--Jazz concert, Northcoast, 8 pm, Rackham Aud. 763-
4726. Std recital, clarinetist B Schmidt, 8 pm, Sch Music
Recital Hall.
Romance Langs--Lec, C Prendergast, "Baudelaire and the
Politics of Modernite," 4:10 pm, MLB Rm B137.
Ctr for Res on Learn & Teach--Wkshp, R Ridley, D Elliott & G
Williams, "Preparing Graphics for Presentations, pt 2," 7-
10:30 pm, Mich Media, 400 4th St. Reg req. 764-0505.
Ctr for Res on Soc Organization--Brown-bag lec, M Jackman,
"Conflict and Paternalism: The Ideology of Intergroup
Relationships," 12:10-1 pm, 4051 LSA.
Acad Affairs Advisory Committee-Mtg, 1-3 pm, Regents' Rm..
Fin Affairs Advisory Committee--Mtg, 4-5:30 pm, 3019
Fleming Bldg.
*UAC--See March 9.
Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship--Mtg, B Brown,
"Discrimination," 7 pm, Mich Union Kuenzel Rm.
Women's Okinawan Karate Club--See March 7.
Museum of Art--See March 8.
Intl Ctr--World Travelers' (brown-bag) Lunch Break, noon, 603 E
Alcoholics Anonymous--Mtg, noon, 3rd fl Mich Union (by
Counseling Svcs).
Karate Club--See March 8.
*Mich League--Intl night, Vietnam & Thailand, 4:30-7:30 pm,
The League Buffet.
Agape Campus Fellowship--Nondenom Bible study, C
Hawthome, 6:30 pm, S Quad Ambatano Lounge. .
Germanic Lang & Lit--Conversational German club,
"Kaffeestunde," 3:30-5:30 pm, MLB 3rdafl Conf Rm. 764-
UAC/Impact Jazz--Dance wkshp, 7-8:30 pm, Mich Union
Anderson Rm.
*Univ Lutheran Chapel --Dollar dinner & devotions, 6 pm;
lec/disc, M Hilgendorf, "Origin and Canon of Scripture,"
7:30 pm, 1511 Washtenaw Ave, 663-5560.
March 11
Nicolaus Copernicus Endowment--Lec, Z Najder, 8 pm,
Rackham Amphi.
Atmos, Oceanic & Space Sci--Sem, RG Roble, "A Self-
Consistent Thermosphere-Ionosphere General Circulation
Mardel--TIGCM," 3 pm, 2231 Space Res Bldg.
Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Connectivity for
IBM-PC Compatibles, 8:30 am-12:30 pm; MS-DOS Adv
Skills, 1-3 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Formatting Rackham
Dissertation with LaTeX, 10 am. Reg req. 763-7630.
Devp & Repro Biol--DRB Trainee Consultant Sem, J Veldhuis,
"Actions of the Insulin-like Growth Factor IGFJ on Steroid
Metabolism in Swine Granulosa Cells," 9 am, 300 N
Ingalls Bldg Rm 1100.

Classical Studies/History/Rackham--Lec, P Schmitt, "Public
Banquets in the Greek World," 4 pm, Rm 2009 Angell Hall.
Episcopal Std Fdn/Canterbury House--Music Night, R Krinsky,
E Norman, C Dolgin & B Debroux, 10 pm, Canterbury
House, 218 N Division. 665-0606. 662-0229.

U-M-Dearborn--Univ Preview Day, 2:30 pm, Univ Mall; lec, C
Makaroff, "Brassica Mitochondrial Genomes: Organization,
Expression & Alterations that Accompany Cytoplasmic-
Male Sterility," 3 pm, 144 Classroom-Admin Bldg; film,
Doctor Faustus, 7:30 pm, 138 Classroom-Admin Bldg.
*U-M-Flint--Film, Jagged Edge, 7 & 9:15 pm, Univ Ctr Kiva;
Spotlight Series presents Gary Burton Quartet, 8 pm, U-M-
F Theatre. 762-3431.
*HRD--Info Series, "The Financial Administration of Federal
Grants," 8:30-11:30 am, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-
*Dept of Theatre & Drama--See March 10.
Sch Music--Carillon fac recital, M Halsted, ;7 pm, Burton
Memorial Tower, perf, Symphony Band & Univ Choir, 8
pm, Hill Aud. 763-4726. Std recital, pianist D Parsons, 8
pm, Sch Music Recital Hall.
Ctr for S & Southeast Asian Studies--Lec, PE Fong, 'Singapore
and the Asian NICs,"noon, Lane Hall Commons Rm.
*UAC--.See March9.
Overeaters Anonymous--Mtg for bulimics (others welcome),
noon, 3rd fl Mich Union (by Counseling Svcs).
Chinese Christian Fellowship --Bible study, 7:30 pm, 3150
Glacier Way, 761-7503.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Volleyball Night, 7 pm, 1511
Washtenaw Ave, 663-5560.
March 12
Women's Crisis Ctr/Rites & Rhythms-Women's Affairs Radio
Show (WCBN)--7th Annual Intl Women's Day: children's
wkshp (ages 2-10), "Honor the Earth," 3:30-5:30 pm, to
reg, 761-9148; intl potluck, 6 pm; *celebration incl music,
dance, poetry & disc, 7:30 pm, Bach Sch Aud, 600 W
*Kelsey Museum--Mini course, Unwrapping the Past: Secrets of
the Ancient Mummies: EM Braustein, "X-Rays of the
Pharoahs," 10am, Tappan Hall Rm 180.764-9304.
*Hillel Fdn/Hill St Cinema/LSA Std Govt/MSA/Others --9th
Annual Conf on the Holocaust: film, David, 8 & 10 pm,
*Men's Athletics--Basketball, U-M vs Ohio State, 2 pm, Crisler
*Women's Athletics--Basketball, U-M vs Purdue, 7:30 pm,
Crisler Arena.
WJJX (650 AM)--Mens basketball, U-M vs Ohio State, 2 pm;
women's basketball, U-M vs Purdue, 7:30 pm.
Career Plan & Place--Job Search Lee, 9:10-10 am; Resume Lec,
10:10-11 am; Interview Lec, 11:10 am-noon, 3200 SAB.
Sch Music/Ctr for Jap Studies--Perf, Japanese Music Ensemble
& slide presentation, 8 pm, Rackham Aud.
Native Amer Std Assoc/Minority Std Svcs--Native Amer
Awareness: *AA Pow Wow, 1-4:30 pm & 6:30-0.pm;
concert, J Shenandoah, 10 pm, Sports Coliseum (coner 5th
& Hill). 763-9044. Amer Indian Law Day brunch & keynote
spkr, T Porter, 9:30-11 am, Holiday Inn West, 2900
Jackson Rd, 763-9044.
Museum of Art--Friends acquisitions event, 8 pm, Mus Art.
Invitation only.
*Dept of Theatre & Drama--See March 10.
Sch Music--Fac piano recital, S Rush, 4 pm, Sch Music Recital
Hall, 763-4726. Std recitals: harpist J Lang, 1 pm;
percussionist F Meza, 4 pm; homist M Stebleton, 8 pm,
Recital Hall.
*UMS-Pre-performance lec, P Sparling, "The Dance of Theater
and Cinema: Making Entertainment Art," 7 pm, Rackham
Bldg; perf, Hubbard Street Dance Co, 8 pm, Power Ctr.
*UAC--SeeMarch 9.
Zen Buddhist Temple--Intro talk, S Murray,"Zen Buddhism in
North America--History, Philosophy & Practice," 7 pm,
1214 Packard Rd. 761-6520.
Museum of Art--Family prog, Contemporary Enuit Drawings:
storytellers S Roberts & W Forgacs, "Stone Soup," 2-4 pm,
Museum Art.
*Ruthven PlanetariumTheatre-Shows: "A Starry Night," 10:30
& 11:30 am; "Voyager 2 at Uranus," 2, 3 & 4 pm. Loc 4th
fl Nat Sci Mus, comer Geddes-Washtenaw. 764-0478.
Karate Club--Practice, 3-5 pm, CCRB small gym. All
March 13
Latin Amer Solidarity Committee/MSA Peace & Justice
Committee--El Salvador Wk: *benefit perf, Trinidad Tripoli
Steel Band, 8 pm-1 am, Mich Union U Club. 665-8438.
Hillel Fdn/LSA Std Govt/MSA/Others--9th Annual Conf on the
Holocaust: lec, D Edelstein, "Gentiles Who Rescued Jews,"
8 pm, Rackham Amphi.
Native Amer Std Assoc/Minority Std Svcs-Native Amer
Awareness: *AA Pow Wow, 1-6 pm, Sports Coliseum
(comer 5th & Hill). 763-9044.
*Women's Athletics--Gymnastics, U-M vs Illinois-Chicago, 2
pm, Crisler Arena.
*U-M-Flint--Perf, U-M-AA Men's Glee Club, 3 pm, U-M-F
Theatre, 762-3377.
Hosp Arts Prog--Perf, Mr Bones inaugurating "Vintage Artists
of Michigan" exhibit, 2:30 pm, Univ Hosp 1st fl lobby.
*DeptofTheatre & Drama--Perf, Univ Players, Right You Are
If You Think You Are, 2 pm, Mendelssohn Theatre. 764-
Sch Music--Perf, Ed Sarath Quartet, 3 pm, Rackham Aud. 763-
4726. Std recitals: violist J Rogers, noon; clarinetist &
conductor M Powell, 2 pm, Sch Music Recital Hall.
*UMS--Perf, Hubbard Street Dance Co, 3 pm, Power Ctr. 764-
Women's Action for Nucl Disarm (WAND)--A Hine, "The
Women's Way to Nuclear Disarmament," 7:30 pm, First
Baptist Church, 512 E Huron. 761-1718.
Museum of Art--Tour, "Inuit Drawings," 2 pm.
*Ruthven Planetarium Theatre--Show, "Voyager 2 at Uranus,"
2, 3 & 4 pm. Loc 4th fl Nat Sci Mus, corner Geddes-
Washtenaw. 764-0478.

Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation svcs: in Korean, 10-11:30 am;
in English, 5-7 pm, 1214 Packard. 761-6520.
Lord of Light Lutheran Church--Worship, 10am, 801 S Forest.
Chinese Christian Fellowship--Children's & adult Sunday sch, 2
pm; worship, 3 pm, 3150 Glacier Way. 761-7503.
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Computing Ctr--Courses: In Rm 3001 SEB: Microsoft Word, pt
2 (IBM PC-Compatibles), 8:30-10:30 am; Microsoft Word,
pt 1 (Macintosh), 8:30 am-12:30 pm; Microsoft Word Print
Merge (IBM PC-Compatibles), 10:30 am-12:30 pm; dBASE
III Plus, pt 1, 1-5 pm. In Rm 4003 SEB: Tell-A-Graph, pt
1, 7-9 pm. Reg req. 763-7630.
Biopsychol--Colloq, VV Shevoroshkin, "Origin and Evolution
ofLanguage," 12:30 pm, 1057 MHRI.
Career Plan & Place--Polishing Your Resume to Perfection,
4:10-5 pm, 3200 SAB; Choosing Your Major, 4:10-5 pm,
2011 MLB.
UGLi/Residence Hall Libs--INFO*FEST '88, 4:30-7:30 pm,
Bursley Hall main lobby.
*Women's Athletics--Tennis, U-M vs Toledo, 2 pm, Track &
Tennis Bldg.



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