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March 07, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-07

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom

r 44411WW
:4 v t III

Vol. XCVIII, No. 104

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, March 7, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

Special to the Daily
KAL AMAZOO - Western
Michigan hammered Michigan last
night, 10-0, in the third and final
game of first-round Central Colle-
giate Hockey Association playoff whose te
action. a 22-19j
Western will travel to the Joe took we
Louis Arena next weekend to play players,
No. 1 seeded Lake Superior State. everythir
The Wolverines, who won Friday WES
and lost Saturday, never could get turned in
untracked last night in Lawson season a
Arena, where they have only won Time and
twice in five seasons. Michigan
"It was one those games," said the rebou
Michigan coach Red Berenson, "This




ichigan 's season
ids on sour note

am finished the season with
record. "Every shot they
nt in the net. Shots off
off skates, at bad angles,
ng went in."
TERN goalie Bill Horn
in his first shutout of the
nd the third of his career.
d time again, Horn stopped
n shots and quickly covered
was a team effort," said

Horn. "It doesn't matter whether you
win by one or by 10 because when it
comes down to this (the playoffs),
all you want to do is win."
Western jumped out to a 2-0 lead
at the end of the first period on goals
by starting defensemen Chris Clark
and Mike Posma.
The Wolverines had only one
good scoring chance in the period on
a point-blank backhander by center
Mike Moes. Horn, who had been

victimized by shots through his legs
Friday night, stopped this effort to
put the puck underneath him.
THE BRONCOS picked up in
the second period where they left off
in the first. Winger Shane Redshaw
beat Michigan .defender Mark
Sorensen and skated in alone on
goalie Warren Sharples. His goal at
the 1:32 mark gave Western a com-
manding 3-0 lead.
Two power-play goals by the
Broncos, who were third in the
CCHA in that category, upped the
lead to 5-0.
Both shots beat a sprawled and
battered Sharples, who vented his
See ICERS, Page 10

Daily Photo by ROBIN LOZNAK
Warming up for college
Kalamazoo high school senior Eric McAlpine works on a Macintosh at the
UGLi Computing Center while his parents, Linda and Fred, and center
supervisor, Donna Fisher, look on. Eric and 300 other students who might
attend the University in the fall participated in a campus tour yesterday.
Conference stresses
lobbying for Israel

new AD
The University's Board of Re-
gents held a special closed meeting
Saturday morning to discuss who
would be asked to replace Michigan
Athletic Director Don Canham when
he retires July 1.
Interim University President
Robben Fleming said that he had
been given authority by the regents
to offer the job to and to negotiate
with one of three final candidates.
The three finalists are reported to be
Michigan football coach Bo Schem-
bechler, North Carolina Athletic Di-
rector John Swofford, and St. Louis
advertising executive Clayton Wil-
SWOFFORD heads one of the
top athletic programs in the country,
and is very happy at North Carolina.
He took himself out of the running
for the Michigan athletic director

More than 300 students from
colleges throughout the midwest at-
tended a Political Leadership Train-
ing Seminar yesterday to gain in-
sight into U.S-Israeli relations and
learn how to get involved in lobby-
ing for pro-Israeli causes in Wash-
Sponsored by the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee, a lobby-
} ing group for the American Jewish
community, the day-long conference
at the business school focused on
teaching students about current
events in the Middle East.
AIPAC's Campus Leadership
Director Rachel Weinberg said the
conference, from a political perspec-
tive, was also aimed at teaching stu-
dents the various ways they can get
involved in the American political
The students participated in vari-
ous workshops and listened to sev-
eral speakers, including Congress
member Howard Wolpe (D-Mich.).
In reference to the recent uprising

in the Gaza Strip, Wolpe said the
Israeli military is "ill equipped" to
handle the Palestinian retaliation.
Wolpe said written guidelines for
using "lethal force" should be estab-
Wolpe recognized an "urgent
need" to restore some sort of politi-
cal process to the area; he said
Secretary of State George Shultz's
peace initiative, "albeit very late,
should be encouraged."
Elsy Ben-Ezra, an LSA senior,
said she came to the conference
seeking some effective ways to ad-
dress the problem in the Gaza Strip.
"I've been very passive until now,
but what's been happening recently
has really disturbed me," Ben-Ezra
In addition to the situation in the
West Bank, the seminar stressed po-
litical activism. The workshop enti-
tled "Student as Lobbyist: The Leg-
islative Agenda" showed the partici-
pants how to get more involved in
lobbying for foreign aid to Israel and
See AIPAC, Page 5

Doily Photo by ROBIN LOZNAK
Compromising position
Iowa's John Heffernan battles Michigan's Joe Pantaleo in the finals of the 158-pound weight class yesterday at
Crisler Arena. Heffernan's controversial 3-2 victory helped the Hawkeyes capture their 15th consecutive Big
Ten championship. See story, page 10.

Caller claims he made threat

A man identifying himself as a Black Univer-
sity student contacted The Daily last night to
claim responsibility for a death threat received
last Tuesday by a member of the United Coali-
tion Against Racism steering committee.
But the UCAR member who received the call
said that, based on his explanation of the inci-
dent, she did not believe he is the caller.
Also yesterday, the Michigan Student Assem-
bly's steering committee passed a resolution of-
fering a $2,500 reward for information leading to
the arrest or conviction of the person who made
the death threat.
THE UCAR member discovered the threat

on her answering machine Tuesday night. The
message, in a male voice, attacked her for state-
ments she made in The Daily and threatened to
rape and kill her.
The man, who would not reveal his name,
apologized for the incident, which he said was
"immature," an accident, and intended as a practi-
cal joke on a friend of his who he said had been
quoted earlier in The Daily.
The man said he was in his room with some
friends who were planning to make threatening
phone calls to another friend and the UCAR of-
fice. He said he offered to speak on the phone for
his friends, who are white, and who had planned
on speaking in an imitation Black accent.
HE SAID he took the phone from a friend

of his, who had already dialed the "UCAR" num-
ber, and left the threatening message, thinking
that his friend had dialed the other friend's num-
ber. He said he disguised his voice to sound "deep
and scratchy," but did not try to disguise the fact
that he was Black.
But the UCAR member said yesterday that the
man's description of his voice did not describe
the one on her answering machine.
"The voice on my answering machine sounded
like it was white," she said, adding that people
for whom she has played the recording also
thought it was a white person's voice.
"HE COULD very well be lying," she said.
"It sounds like he is to me."
See THREAT, Page 2

........... ....... ......................... .............................................................. .......
ABy SHEALA DURANT other proposal writers were aware of
About 120 University Teaching minority and female students having
j j aS U racism and sexism in the classroom The purpose of the program,
Assistants discussed the barriers of problems with TAs.
tlil Vlt and ways to promote sensitivity to Schafer said, was to make T A s
minorities, women, homosexuals, "more aware of the implications of
and the "physically challenged" at a what they say in the classroom and
to rciS i ., workshop this weekend. make the classroom 'a more open
" i History teaching assistant Dan place to participate."'
Schafer, a proposal writer for the Michael Wallace, the writer and
GEO Sensitivity Training Weekend See SENSITIVITY, Page 2
tRackham, said that he and tr
x....... Studnts, attorneys

W eekend
ydocuses on
women int
the miedic
Women journalists face less sex-
w " ism from their male colleagues today
U than they did 20 years ago, but the
struggle for equal treatment is far
from over, said Ruth Bayard Smith,
the midwest stringer for the Boston
S Smith's address Friday night
x . kicked off the East Quad's 21st an-
nl Women's Weknddctdto
Swomen in the media.
Smith, who currently teaches a

stage nmoc1h
At 8:15 Saturday morning, the
court was called to order. Slick at-
torneys in two-piece suits battled
over the liability in a highway traffic
accident, and wide-eyed jurors
wtc~thed in anticinaition.


"The reason we hold it over break
is because it gives the students a
chance to immerse themselves for
one week in preparation for a case,"
Stein said. "It gives a better feel for
the intensity of full jury trials in real

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