4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, January 12, 1988 UCAR: Dean should The Michigan Daily 01 beT~I.L AL~ By UCAR caiTea ana manages oy sTuaenTs Vol. XCVII{, No. 70 s U i neu nives aIy U o U.inigntUo 420 Maynard St. ; Ann Arbor, MI 48109 of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other not necessarily represent the opinion Unsigned editorials represent a majority cartoons, signed articles, and letters do of the Daily. Flemng is out of bounds 4INTERIM PRESIDENT. The title im- said, "I don't expect to be a high pro plies continuity, a bridge between file president. I don't think there's nbre permanent leadership. An in- any particular reason why any interin terim president's term should be a president should be." quiet one, avoiding waves. Smith's year at the helm wen The purpose of an interim president smoothly, and he tried to "continue is to allow a smooth transfer of the the natural progression" of the Uni leadership and to keep controversy to versity. Smith followed Fleming's hr absolute minimum. Important is- ten-year tenure without using hi: §ues should be held until the new power to make policy decisions tha president takes office, because it is he would effect his successor. who will have to live with them. Interim presidents must understan Interim President Robben Fleming that their purpose is to continue, no InteiPresadentllreiob s gui reshape, current policies. has disregarded all previous guide- With the introduction of a code, i lines for his new post and, as early as appears as though Fleming has beei his first week in office, has initiated apeas. s hoghleig hsbe sarst che in tffhe, oaseatidof waiting eight years just for the chance startling changes in the operation o oipeethsproa oai this University. Fleming desires to to ipement is personal moralit leae is wnmark by ipsn a into the daily lives of student. His day leave his own akbyimposing acame.a code unprecedented by the Shapiro en F administration in scope, harshness of Robben Fleming does this in lanuag, nd eert f pealtis stitution a disservice through his ac- language, an severity o penties. tions. It is not his place to make any Fleming, who resigned as Univer- changes, let alone one of such mag sity president in 1978, should follow nitude. Interim President Fleming the lead of his successor, Allan must remember that the seventies ar Smith. Interim President Smith en- gone and his cheap solutions should tered his appointment with the right be left to the hopefully more thorough attitude and on March 24, 1979, he consideration of his successor. 1- S n t e i- 's S t d t ,n :e y .y y 9 eL d ;h Once again in our struggle to combat institutionalized racism here at the Univer- sity of Michigan, we are confronted with the reality of racism among those who purport to educate us. Even more unfortunate is that this time, the source of this flagrant display of personal racism is a man who is in a position to influence the academic careers of thousands of minority students on this cam- pus. Dean Peter Steiner, of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, has on several occasions in recent months attempted to explain away the University of Michi- gan's racist policies by falsely attributing the low numbers of minority students en- rolled here to "small pools (of 'qualified' minorities), deficient training, conflicting values" and the lack of proper attitudes to- ward higher education on the part of minor- ity groups. Instead of looking' toward the structure (in which he has a strong and in- fluential voice) as the source of the problem, he has engaged in the worst sort of victim- blaming. He had even gone to concerted lengths to publicize his denigrating views in several of the university media, and now has taken verbal stabs at the quality of two other institutions, Wayne State University in De- troit and the historically Black Howard Uni- versity in Washington, D.C. In a September meeting of the Chairs and Directors of the College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts, Dean Steiner elaborated on his racist position, couching it in the UCAR is the United Coalition Against Racism. pretense of changing the University for the better. During the course of the meeting, Steiner stated: "Our challenge is not to change this University in to another kind of institution where minorities would naturally flock in much greater numbers. I need not remind you that there are such institutions, includ- ing Wayne State University and Howard University. Our challenge is not to emulate them, but to make what is the essential quality of the University of Michigan avail- able to more minorities." The United Coalition Against Racism and others at the University of Michigan are deeply insulted and outraged by Dean Steiner's inexcusably racist comments. What concerns us is that he has chosen Wayne and Howard as his most recent targets, two schools known for providing quality educa- tion for people of color, especially Blacks. Many members of the University of Michi- gan community have personal and familial tied to both schools and find Steiner's debasing attacks as an affront to ourselves and to people of color in general. Steiner has not only suggested that minorities - Blacks specifically - lack an "acceptable" value system (presumably in contrast to white so- ciety), but that institutions which have traditionally opened their doors to Black people are consequently academically "inferior" and undesirable to emulate. Furthermore, the phrase "minorities will naturally flock" is particularly offensive, implying that people of color are like flocks of "ducks" or "sheep" mindlessly trotting to the first open door. Secondly, and more im- portantly, Steiner's comment reveals his apologize own commitment not to equality but "tokenism" by suggesting that U of M be on guard against opening its doors "too" wide to people of color. We don't want a WHOLE FLOCK of them, only a few "GOOD" ones is the message. Steiner's views bear a frightening resem- blance to the racist and sexist stereotypes perpetuated in the infamous 1965 Moynihan report which attempted to blame the alleged instability of Black families for virtually every social problem from crime to drug abuse to teenage pregnancy and the high school drop-out rate. Senator Patrick Moynihan's ill-founded thesis has been suc- cessfully refuted by numerous scholars over the past two decades, yet we see the underly- ing stereotypes are still with us in the form of Dean Steiner's comments and many popular media images. Steiner and Moynihan assume that all people of color, especially Blacks, are our own worst enemy; that we don't value education; aren't disciplined enough to work hard; or come from families that don't moti- vate us. These underlying myths couldn't be fartherfrom the truth. First of all, Blacks during slavery and since have worked often seven days a week to survive; have risked lives for the right to learn to read, and have relied on church and family as pillars of strength in hard times and in a racist society. Steiner owes us all an apology and we all need to monitor and challenge such displays in the future. Join us in a rally to protest Steiner's comments on the Diag at noon Wednesday, January 13 and take a stand against racism by boycotting classes on Martin Luther King Day January 18. 4 4 -1 Wasserman In from the cold LAST WEEK'S COLD SNAP had us all reaching for more layers of long underwear, extra sweaters, and hurrying back to the warmth of our home. The cold temperatures meant disaster, however, for the city's homeless. Anticipating the cold weather, the Ann Arbor Shelter Association committed itself to two new shelters for the homeless to combat the devastating cold weather. One of them, a day shelter, will provide warmth for job and housing-hunters. It is on land donated by Great Lakes Federal Savings and can provide adult education, counseling, and support groups for the community. Displaced women, victims of domestic violence and eviction, will be the recipients of a new shelter created by a grant from the federal department of Housing and Urban Development. This house will also give women assistance with job searching and educational needs. Both the Great Lakes donated shelter and the federal government shelter for women should be com- mended for these moves to lessen the plight of the homeless.tIt is the responsibility of the community and local, state, and federal government to provide shelter for those who don't have it, especially in times of extreme need. The Ann Arbor Shelter Associa- tion should be commended for its efforts to create more shelter and educate the community in the plight of the nations homeless. It is easy to forget how fortunate most of us are to live in our insular college community and our warm houses. Free the Free Press MAYBE WE S*1ULDOTtAY 6WNme Hamtt ARMY ALLIKO E butt LETTERS U.S. To the Daily: After the shooting of hun- dreds of Palestinian demonstra- tors by Israeli troops, the Rea- gan administration roused itself from its somnolence to admin- ister a mild slap on the wrist to Israel. At the same time, it equated the desperate rage of the youthful Palestinian demon- strators with Israel's cold- blooded use of lethal force against those whom Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Ra- bin described as "so-called civilians." The repression continues as hundreds of young Palestinians are dragged before mass military courts-martial. There is every danger that the concern aroused in this country by the unprecedented Pales- tinian national uprising will fade away, to be replaced by the old attitude of complacency. In the past this was based on the Israeli argument that the Palestine issue had been eclipsed by "new realities." Whether these were described as Arab preoccupation with the Iran-Iraq war, or the irre- versibility of Israel's absorp- tion of occupied Palestinian lands, or more intimate alliance between the United States and Israel, the message was clear: "Ignore the Palestinians, ignore the illegality of occupation and the need to end it, ignore pol- icy positions. that the United States has maintained since 1967." Today, after the Palestinians have proved that they cannot be forgotten, after the Israeli gov- ernment has refused to address this issue in anything but the crudest law-and-order terms and after the same Arab regimes that were willing to forget the No, m YoYLM 6NC HEAAT GEST F-ou"1c tRf . A LEFT-WIR6 IWSU126RtC'fWILL UERT... i AN tNY1iNTo K II 111S should halt Israeli aid .1 ON ATTORNEY GENERAL Edwin Meese's desk this week lies a a pro- posal which will affect the amount of news coverage available to Michigan- ders. Meese must decide whether to approve a joint operating agreement (JOA) which would allow the Detroit Free Press and The Detroit News to merge their production, distribution and business departments. The News and the Free Press favor the plan, which would join the pa- pers' business functions while pre- serving their editorial and reportorial autonomy. Both have been losing. money for several years, despite various attempts at increasing rev- enues-a fact established by an ad- ministrative judge reviewing the case for the Justice Department. The Free Press insists that its losses are not survivable, and a JOA is the only al- ternative to going out of business. Opponents of the deal are vocifer- ous. Some feel that if the Detroit metropolitan area can only profitably support one paper, then a merger should not be allowed to stave off re- ality. Critics also decry the JOA as just Closer examination of the problem, however, makes the JOA an attractive option. While some jobs may be lost if newspapers are allowed to fuse their business and production staffs, the losses would not be nearly as large as they would if one paper were forced to fold completely. Without a JOA, the Free Press feels that it would almost certainly fail, leaving The News with both a news and editorial monopoly in Detroit. The JOA would preserve the editorial independence and the wide coverage of events to which Detroiters have grown accustomed. The JOA would mitigate the cut- throat competition which is ultimately responsible for forcing many small papers, with their many varying voices, into bankruptcy or sale to larger newspaper groups. In an era when institutions are dy- ing at a rapid rate, Mr. Meese should overlook the opposition and maintain the tradition of a two paper town in Detroit. Nineteen other cities across the nation enjoy the freedom of choice that a JOA allows. Subscription rates in these cities have certainly not faulty to try to maintain the status quo or to contemplate handing them over to Jordan. And if young Palestinians who have lived all their lives under occupation are not afraid of Is- raeli bullets, they will never accept representation by quis- lings chosen for them by Israel or anybody else. As the brutality of the past three weeks has proved once again, the basic problem at is- sue in the Arab-Israel. conflict is that the Palestinian people have been deprived of their po- litical and human rights. They are the primary Arab party to this conflict and any solution will have to be based on recognizing this simple fact. Though it will be difficult in an election year, a new depar- ture by the United States is imperative. Its key element must be an admission by all concerned of the centrality of the Palestine question, and of the Palestinians themselves. The administration has pussy- footed for seven years on this issue, catering to the whims of Israel and its supporters in this country, and has systematically moved away from dealing with the Palestinians. It must begin to do so now. Beyond this, the administra- tion could remind Israel that although its annual billions in aid are today politically sacro- sanct, that will be jeopardized if American public opinion continues to be alienated by Israeli actions that no amount of public relations can sanitize. Washington should reassert long-held US positions on the illegality of the annexation of Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, of settlements in the occunied territories and of oc- 0 cess, in which the Palestinians would be central. None of them would be easy. But if Israel is to escape fur- ther violence, the Palestinians' further repression and the United States more damage to its interests in the Arab world, Where's t To the Daily: I want to' know what has happened to the "Music Scene" in Ann Arbor. I believed that Ann Arbor was a city where culture and progress went hand in hand. This was once the city that listened to its students, its youth. I thought if there was any place in the Midwest that could claim to be an oasis of ideas and beliefs that it would be here. My question to you now is this: WHERE'S THE MUSIC? WHERE'S THE DIVERSITY THAT WAS ONCE HERE? HAS ANN ARBOR SUC- CUMBED TO T H E DREADFUL TOP 40 THAT HAS ALSO KILLED MANY OTHER MUSIC SCENES?! I personally do not have anything against top 40. On the other hand, I don't have anything for it either. I don't want to come off being harsh, but I do have a valid point. I have been living in Ann Arbor for about three years now. You could say I don't know the. city that well, maybe. I've been to The Blind Pig; I've been to Rick's; I've been to the Nec- tarine Ballroom; I've also vis- ited the Ark and the Bird of Paradise. Now tell me, if it is imperative that this coun- try act on the basis of its stated principles and cease giving un- questioned support to any and all Israeli actions. -Rashid Khalidi January 11 he music? Arbor that doesn't sound like the Grateful Dead or R.E.M. or any other music group. I LIKE ORIGINALITY! GIVE IT TO ME! I'm a consumer in this society and I happen to be fond of the city in which I live. I know there is originality here. Good originality. I've heard bands like Martin with The Kites. That's one helluva' good band. Qriginal music, quality lyrics, and their songs have a beat you can really sweat to. But you know, the leader of this band has been around for -a few years now. So why haven't we heard of this guy and his band before? I don't know. You tell me. You tell me why only one guy books gigs in a town that should be and could be as diversified as its reputation claims. Tell me why the music scene in Ann Arbor is stagnat- ing to the point where the stench is really getting into my hair. This town's a lot better than that. I want to see it. I'm tired of just hearing about "how it used to be..." Great music is here, it lives in 1140 South Forest, it eats lunch in the cafeteria up at Couzens, it sleeps on the fourth floor of West Quad. We can't see it be- cause there is a lack of journalistic curiosity about the