Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 70
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, January 12, 1988
Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily
Don Lund, one of the greatest
athletes in Michigan history, will be
the University's next athletic candida
director, sources close to the applied
Michigan athletic department said. "I've b
Lund, currently the associate athletic Lun
director, will succeed Don Canham athletic
when he retires July 1. threec
The University's Board o f Schem
Regents is expected to name Wolver
Canham's successor at their monthly said. L
meeting on Thursday. tratives
While denying stories of his Schemb
impending promotion, Lund would the sce
not disclose whether he was a sourcea
Sources L
ate for the job. "I've never
for a job in my life," he said.
een lucky."
d, 65, will be named interim
director and likely work for
or four years until B o
bechler, 58, retires as
ine football coach, the source
und will run the adminis-
side of the department, with
bechler playing a role behind
nes while still coaching, the
added. Schembechler, though,
say longtime
reportedly will not receive a n
administrative title.
The source also said that current
assistant director for business affairs,
Bob DeCarolis, will be in charge of
marketing, promotions, and
licensing of the Michigan logo,
Canham's areas of expertise.
Interim University president
Robben Fleming, also the chair of
the Athletic Search Committee, will
both make the final recommendation
and approve the new athletic director.
assistant will replace
As University president in 1968,
Fleming chose Canham to succeed
Fritz Crisler.
Lund was a finalist in the 1968
search to succeed Crisler, but lost
the position to Canham. Regarded
by many as a grandfather figure in
the athletic department, Lund should
maintain the status quo Canham has
established. The Wolverine athletic
department is widely viewed as the
best in the nation.
Lund's involvement with
athletics encompassed all levels
whether it be as a player, coach, or
administrator. Lund won nine letters
at Michigan as a baseball,
basketball, and football player. A
1945 first-round draft choice of the
Chicago Bears, Lund passed on
professional football. to pursue a
baseball career.
As an outfielder, Lund played for
the Brooklyn Dodgers, St. Louis
Browns, and the Detroit Tigers
between 1945-1954. Lund returned
to the University in 1958 as head
baseball coach. His teams made two
consecutive college world series
appearances, winning the NCAA
championship in 1962.
Lund became the player personnel
director for the Detroit Tigers in the
fall of 1962. He helped mold the
club into contenders. The Tigers
won the 1968 World Series against
St. Louis in seven games.
In 1970, Lund assumed his
present position with the Michigan
athletic department.
Date set
for trial
Officials meet
with Fleming to
discuss proposal
The trial of Rackham student
Harold Marcuse, accused of assault-
ing a police officer and a University
security officer, has been set for Feb.
1. Marcuse appeared yesterday in
15th District Court at his pre-trial
hearing on two counts of assault and
Marcuse, who is representing
himself, stood mute at his arraign-
ment on Dec. 10 and the court
entered a "not guilty" plea for him.
At arraignment, a defendant may
plead "guilty," "not guilty," or may
stand mute.
Marcuse is accused of assaulting
University Assistant Director of
Public Safety Robert Pifer and Ann
Arbor Police Detective Douglas
Barbour at the Career Planning and
Placement Office on Nov. 25.
T W O student groups - the
Rackham Student Government and
the Latin American Solidarity
Committee - organized the two
protests. Both groups have offered
Marcuse financial and political sup-
port in the coming trial.
Rackham Student Government
voted. unanimously last night to
offer a $500 reward to any person
who could supply them with
information that could result in
charges of conspiracy for Marcuse's
arrest against University Public
Safety Officials.
Violence erupted at the office
when close to 30 people clashed
with University Public Safety of-
ficers and Ann Arbor Police who
were protecting Central Intelligence
Agency recruiters holding on-campus
interviews. The demonstrators were
protesting the agency's involvement
in Latin America.
The police report describing the
incident says Marcuse kneed Barbour
in the back while forcing his way
into the rooms where the interviews
were being conducted. The report
also accuses Marcuse of grabbing
Pifer from behind.
M A RC USE has denied the
charges and the report includes no
testimony from student protesters
who said they witnessed the attack
on Pifer.
In addition, Marcuse accused
See RSG, Page 2
About 200 protesters crowd the steps of the Michigan Union yesterday before a speech by Israeli Counsul
General Zvi Brosch. They were demonstrating against Israel's use of violence in the West Bank and the Gaza
Interim University President
Robben Fleming said he discussed
his drafted policy to deter student
harassment and discrimination with
the University's Executive Officers
yesterday, and plans to meet
tomorrow with the deans, then later
with the Board of Regents on the
Many student groups, meanwhile,
have outlined plans to rally against
what they call a code of non-
academic conduct during Thursday's
regents' meeting, where Fleming -is
expected to present his draft for
MSA President Ken Weine said
he is trying to build a "unified
opposition" among students against
the document.
Michael Phillips, chair of the
Michigan Student Assembly's
Student Rights Committee, said
groups such as MSA, the United
Coalition Against Racism an d
People Organized to Wipe Out Rape
that have made demands for the
University to fight institutional
racism will rally at the regents'
"The University has taken these
demands, flushed them down the
toilet, and then Fleming comes up
with this," Phillips said.
Phillips called the document a
"disguise trying to cover up the
institutional racism at t h i s
University." Fleming, Phillips said,
has "messed up. He's given people a
reason to be active."
. But . several University
administrators said yesterday that the
time is right for Fleming's draft.
"There is an inherent right in the
University administration to
maintain order at the University,"
said Regent Paul Brown (D -
Petoskey). "That's the only way we
can do our job. A person has a right
to go to school without being
threatened with bodily harm or racial
Fleming's proposal, said Vice
President for Government Relations
Richard Kennedy, "was needed now.
We've been saying all these things,
and racist attacks are still around.
There's no way to deal with it when
a student harasses another student.
We're the laughing stock of the
community if we just let this
behavior go on."
Kennedy said, "The timing will
be tricky; obviously, he has gotten a
lot of attention."
Fleming said there is no timeline
I put this out as a proposal
to be discussed. I had
hoped that there would be
a rational discourse'
-Interim University
President Robben Fleming
on the policy's implementation: "I
put this out as a proposal to be
discussed," Fleming said in an
interview yesterday. "I had hoped
that there would be a rational
Several students have said that
Fleming's draft is similar to, if not
harsher than, the proposed code of
non-academic conduct that has been
the subject of intense debate the past
four years.
"Presidential policy is the most
dangerous policy," Weine said.
"We're demanding that he follow
7.02. We're not saying that he can't
do it; we won't let him do it."
Regental bylaw 7.02 states that
any change in the rules of non-
academic conduct must be approved
by the University Council, a nine-
member committee of students,
faculty, and administrators. It must
also be ratified by MSA and the
faculty's Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
But Fleming,.in the draft, said he
See STUDENT, Page 3
Pro -Palestinian
Israeli consul g
In a speech marred by protest, Israeli Consul
General Zvi Brosch last night defended Israeli policy in
the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.
About 200 anti-Israel demonstrators, in a protest
outside of the Michigan Union, condemned Israeli
violence in the occupied territories, and some called for
a complete Israeli withdrawal from the regions.
Brosch, a former Israeli ambassador to Romania,
Burma, and Sri Lanka, was scheduled to discuss the
"Middle East Peace Prospect in Perspective." The
speech quickly deteriorated into a heated battle between
Brosch and the protesters over Israel's proper role in the
Middle East.
Repeated outbursts from protesters forced Brosch to
stop on numerous occasions during his speech.
Brosch defended Israel's actions handling of the
uprisings in the occupied territories. When asked why
the Israelis were using live ammunition, Brosch
replied, "When you try to kill soldiers by firebombs,
protesters mar
neral's speech
you must expect them to fire back."
In terms of a long-term solution for the West Bank
and Gaza Strip, Brosch said, "(Israel and the Arab
nations) must come to a joint agreement on the future
of these territories. This is not impossible."
Prior to the speech in the Pendleton Room of the
Michigan Union, the protesters assembled on the front
steps, where several demonstrators made speeches
attacking Israel.
The protesters demanded an end to Israeli violence
against Palestinians in the West Bank, recognition of
the Palestinians' right to self-determination, and an end
to the deportation and torture of Palestinians arrested
for protesting.
One speaker, an LSA junior who spoke on
condition of anonymity, said he was beaten and arrested
by Israeli soldiers while taking part in an anti-Israeli
protest in Gaza City last week.
"I'm here to save Israel," said the student, who said
he had been in Israel to visit friends and family.
See SPEAKER Page 5
Virginia Lt. Gov. sta
forum with speech oi
Society must work for progress
towards social and economic equality
for Blacks rather than "rest on the
laurels" of the achievements that
have already been made, said
Virginia Lt. Gov. Lawrence Wilder
in a keynote address yesterday.
Wilder's speech at H il1l
Auditorium was the opening event
of the University-sponsored Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Symposium
scheduled for yesterday and today.
Wilder said that Black youth, who
often "take for granted that they can
sit wherever they want in a bus
depot or restaurant," have a particular
Blacks are to achieve equality in
society, Wilder said. He said schools
and universities have a responsibility
not only to attract minority students,
but to make a greater effort to retain
the students they have, particularly
students from broken homes who
run a high risk of dropping out.
To effectively advance the cause
of Blacks, educators should "give
attention to the youngster who
cannot read, cannot write, cannot
speak properly," Wilder said.
WILDER called on people of all
races to try to achieve equality for
Blacks, but he added, "Blacks should
be prepared to work alone, if need
rts King
its equality
Professors Walter Allen and
Reynolds Farley discussed economic
and social inequalities between
Blacks and whites in American
ALLEN and Farley pointed out
gaps between the two races in such
indicators as life expectancy, infant
mortality rates, and average wages.
"The race tax, if you will,
persists. The inability of Blacks to
close the gap with comparable
whites is still with us," Allen said.
Allen said the gaps between the
races are not the fault of Blacks.
Rather, Blacks are handicapped by
the segregation in many American
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