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March 02, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-02

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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIIi, No. 101 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 2, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Dily

The two men rumored to be the
leading candidates to replace Michi-
gan Athletic Director Don Canham,
who is retiring in July, are not being
considered for the position, said Re-
gent James Waters (D-Muskegon).
Waters said that Arizona S tate
University Athletic Director Charles
Harris and North Carolina Athletic
Director John Swofford were not
among the finalists. This is contrary
to information provided by Michigan
alumni close to the search, sources
within the administration, and ath-
letic department personnel at ASU.
In addition to Swofford and Harris,
another rumored candidate has been
Michigan hockey coach Red Beren-
Berenson, however, when con-
tacted, said, "Nobody has talked to
me. I am not one of the other two
Waters added that of the two re-
maining finalists, "one actually did
not have any administrative experi-
ence in athletics," while the other has
worked in an athletic department.
"I don't think anyone from inside
the department or with ties to
Michigan is being considered," Wa-
ters said. Also he said that neither of
the candidates have previously asked
that their names be removed from
Athletic department personnel are
baffled about who the new athletic
director will be.
"It puzzles me as to who they
could be considering from the out-
side," said Associate Athletic Direc-
tor Don Lund after being told of what
Waters had said. He reaffirmed the
h See MICHIGAN, Page 11

Israeli heads
debate peace
Peres: Land should

University employee Carl Levine addresses a group of students and workers picketing the Undergraduate
Library yesterday. The group protested alleged incidents of racial harassment of Building Services em-
ployees and called for the firing of two supervisors.
AFSCME Protest
Woorkers pike, chgsIet argerCI"M

be* relinquished
JERUSALEM (AP) - Foreign
Minister Shimon Peres said Israel searching for protesters.
was willing to exchange for peace arrested two boys age
those parts of the occupied territories one inside and thec
not crucial to its security, but Prime entrance.
Minister Yitzhak Shamir has An army spokespers
opposed trading any land for peace. the detentions of two
The two men are partners and rivals but said an initial check
in Israel's tenuous coalition occurred at the hospita
government. He denied any doctors w
Israeli soldiers broke into, a
Ramallah hospital. yesterday, fired
tear gas and rubber bullets, beat 'The soldier hit
doctors and took away t wo
Palestinian boys suspected of throw- abdomen with th
ing stones at troops, the hospital di- his gun and se
rector said. away!" Then h(
Soldiers shot an Arab protester in Badah in the c
the shoulder at Sebastiva, a West slammed him ag
Bank town near Nablus, hospital of- wall.
ficials in Nablus reported.
A leaflet distributed by leaders of -Dr. Yas
what Arabs call "the uprising" - the
violence that began Dec. 8 - urged
Palestinians to intensify an economic Arab protesters hav
boycott of Israel through strikes and tals as hiding places dui
other actions. of riots in the occupies
At Ramallah, in the occupied and Gaza Strip, wher
West Bank eight miles north of Palestinians live. At l
Jerusalem, Dr. Yassir Obeid said have been killed in the
three soldiers burst into the hospital cording to U.N. figures,
with guns drawn shortly before noon, have been wounded.
fired tear gas and rubber bullets and Israeli soldiers have
broke several windows. hospitals at least seven
He said it was the second time in doctors say injured Ara
a week that soldiers invaded the for fear of being arrested
government-run hospital, apparently SeeVIOLENCE,

me in the
ie back of
aid, "get
e hit D r.
hest an d
gainst the
ssir Obeid
e used hospi-
ring 12 weeks
d West Bank
-e 1.5 million
east 76 Arabs
violence, ac-
and hundreds
e broken into
times. Some
bs stay away
,Page 2

He said they
d 10 and 11,
other at the
on confirmed
showed both
al's entrance.
were beaten,

Thirty workers and students
picketed yesterday in front of the
Undergraduate Library, protesting an
alleged assault in the library against
a Black employee by a white
Building Services supervisor.
The picketers called on Building
Services management to fire the
supervisor, as well as another

supervisor who they claim prevented
the worker from filing a grievance.
The group, which called itself the
Ad Hoc Worker and Student
Committee Against Racism, also
accused the supervisors of violating
the employees' contract by
preventing the worker from filing a
grievance against Supervisor James
Boyd for the alleged assault.

Union members said they believe
the alleged assault was racially
motivated. Several Building Services
workers have accused Boyd of
harassing Black employees, citing a
separate incident in which they said
he called a former Black employee a
"nigger" and vowed to "get rid" of
him. The employee was later fired.
See 'U' EMPLOYEES, Page 9


MSA: Fleming said he
would use 'U' Council

Interim University President
Robben Fleming privately told two
student officials three weeks ago that
he would send the first draft of his
anti-discrimination policy to the
University Council for review.
But when he released a second
draft on Monday, a proposal that
might be adopted by the University's
Board of Regents later this month,
the council had not seen the
Michigan Student Assembly
President Ken Weine and Vice
President Wendy Sharp said Fleming
told them three weeks ago that he
c larify
Several minority leaders on
campus said yesterday they favor an
anti-racism policy with sanctions for
students, faculty, and administrators.
But they wouldn't comment on the
revised "anti-discrimination" policy
put forth by Interim University
President Robben Fleming o n
Monday, because they had not read it.
Their stance is still at odds with
those of others students opposed to a
code of non-academic conduct. Those

would reconvene the council with a
one-month deadlineto create a new
policy that would deter student
discrimination through academic
sanctions. In addition to his first
draft, Fleming was to have sent a
copy of MSA's alternative proposal
- which would impose no sanctions
- to the council.
FLEMING was unavailable for
comment yesterday. But Vice
President for Student Services Henry
Johnson, in a memo sent to MSA
last week on Fleming's behalf, said
sending the two documents to the
council "would confuse the issue
rather than clarify it."
Johnson was out of town
yesterday and unavailable for
Fleming said the new proposal
was an "anti-discrimination" policy
and did not need to be reviewed by
the council, a nine-member body of
students, faculty and administrators
charged with reviewing changes in
student conduct policies.
THIS policy, he said, can be
passed through the regents' anti-.
discrimination bylaw 14.06,
although bylaw 7.02 mandates that
the council, as well as both the
students' and faculty's governing
body, must approve any changes in
the current conduct rules.
"We both left (the meeting) with
the impression that (Fleming) was
going to University Council," Sharp
said. "We were both under the
assumption that he agreed to send his
proposal and MSA's proposal."
"As President of. MSA, I expect
that we can take his word as Interim
President," Weine said.
"Unfortunately, we cannot. It's

The Michigan Student Assembly
last night passed a resolution urging
its members to be present during
ccnstituents time of the assembly's
weekly meetings.
But some representatives say the
resolution, although unanimously
passed, is trivial and served merely
to spark personal conflicts among
assembly members less than a
month before MSA's general
The resolution quotes MSA
Student Rights committee chair
Mike Phillips in stating that
assembly representatives should
remain in the MSA chambers to hear
constituents speak because MSA is
"...here to work for the students, and
to do our job"
During the last MSA meeting
Feb. 16, more than 30 students
blasted the assembly for
See ASSEMBLY, Page 9

Sociology lecturer Luis Sfier-You nis uses a combination of humanistic spiritual beliefs and a personal
philosophy in his teaching,
Socilo ogyprofessor explores
i n
innovative teaching techniques

Guest prostitutes and transvestites are not common
in University classrooms. That is, except in lecturer
Luis Sfeir-Younis's Sociology 101 class, "Love and
His class explores concepts of love, friendship, and
sex, including homosexuality, prostitution, and
transvestivism. He believes that these topics should be

course that instructs teaching assistants how to teach.
He also coordinates the undergraduate sociology
program and serves as a concentration advisor, while
also finding time to teach a UAC mini-course on yoga.
Despite his busy schedule, Sfeir-Younis said he sees
students at all times in his office, which is jammed
with mountains of papers and reflects his active
interests. Stacks of files loom tall over Sfeir-Younis's
two desks, and cardboard boxes scattered on the floor
serve as spare file cabinets. Books and more papers
teeter on overcrowded shelves.
His interest in relating to students come into his
teaching through "dialogue." Just talking at students,


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