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March 01, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-03-01

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Ninety-eight years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVIII, No. 100 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, March 1, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Daily

By STEVE KNOPPER If accepted by the regents, the proposal
Interim University President Robben will become effective immediately.
Fleming has responded to criticism of his REGENTS Philip Power (D-Ann Ar-
controversial draft proposal to deter dis- bor) and Thomas Roach (D-Saline) said
criminatory student behavior with academic they have not yet seen the new document.
punishment by publicly releasing a revised At their January meeting, the regents criti-
draft yesterday. cized specific points in Fleming's first draft
And although the University's Board of of the document, but generally spoke in
Regents may approve the proposal at next favor of his efforts.
month's meeting, some students continue The new draft details academic sanctions
to oppose the draft, calling it an attempt to - disciplinary warnings, reprimands,
control student behavior outside the class- community service, mandatory class atten-
room. dance, suspension, and expulsion - for


W policy de
students judged guilty by a hearing panel of Phillips, chair of the Michigan Student
two students and one faculty member. Assembly's Student Rights Committee,
Vice President for Student Services said.
Henry Johnson said the new draft was "as Responding to criticism that his first
good a policy as probably can be at the draft would restrict constitutionally-pro-
moment," and that it was modelled on tected free speech that some may consider
other colleges' policies. "Everybody in the offensive, Fleming divided the list of pro-
community wants to see these (sexist and hibited behavior into three parts in his new
racist) acts stopped." document:
BUT SOME students say Fleming's -The Diag, Regents' Plaza, and The
new draft is the wrong approach. "It's just Daily, he said, "are dedicated public forums
a more detailed account on how the which lend themselves to facilitating the
University violates student rights," Mike free exchange of ideas... The broadest range

of speech and expression will be tolerated
in these areas," short of "physical violence
and the destruction of property which re-
sults from discrimination or discriminatory
-In academic areas, such as libraries,
classrooms, study centers, and research
laboratories, sexual or discriminatory ha-
rassment which interferes with "an individ-
ual's academic efforts" would be punished.
See DRAFT, Page 2

Union accuses

Bo declines



of hara
A group of University employees
and students will picket in front of
the Undergraduate Library at noon
today to call for the firing of two
University Building Services super-
visors, one of whom they charge
with racial harassment and assaulting
an employee.
Members of American Federation
of State, County, Federal and Mu-
nicipal Employees (AFSCME) local
1583 - which is sponsoring the
protest - also said the supervisors,
James Boyd and Tim Block, hindered
the employee's efforts to file a
grievance concerning the alleged as-
The allegations against the
supervisors were sparked by an inci-
dent on the moriing of Feb. 17,
when Building Services employee
Nelson McKuen claims his supervi-
sor, James Boyd, intentionally hit
him in the back by pushing open a
door by which he was standing while
waiting to report to work.
"He brushed up against me. I was
almost covering the door
jamb," McKuen said. "He saw me,
he had to see me... he had to walk
all that distance (to the door from the
inside of the library), you can't help
but see a body there."
Boyd refused comment on the
charges yesterday. "I don't intend to
debate this in the paper or anywhere
else," he said.
Building Services employee Ken
Howard, who said he was talking to
McKuen at the time of the alleged
incident, also said he believed the act
was intentional.
"He knocked that door open full
blast," said Howard, who also said
he saw Boyd look at McKuen before
opening the door.
McKuen, who said he has had
back problems for over two years,
said the impact of the door "knocked
sc uje
The Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment is investigating an incident in-
volving ineligible Michigan basket-
ball player Sean Higgins, according
to Sgt. Jan Suomala.
Robert Pifer, assistant director of
campus safety, said Higgins inter-
rupted a basketball game at the Cen-
tral Campus Recreation Building on
Friday, February 19, by shooting
baskets on a court being used for a
full-court game. An argument ensued

me a couple of yards" and left him in
pain for the rest of the day.
Although he was not sure of
Boyd's motivation for the alleged
assault, McKuen, who is Black, be-
lieves that the attack was racially
motivated. He and other employees
under Boyd's supervision claim that
Boyd has harassed other Black em-
ployees in the past.
Howard said he and other.
employees once overheard Boyd dis-
cussing "getting rid of' a former
Black Building Services employee,
who was eventually fired.
"He said, I guarantee you that
nigger will never make the 90," re-
ferring to the 90-day probation pe-
riod which new Building Services
employees must serve through,
Howard said.
AFSCME Bargaining Chair Judy
Levy, who has advised McKuen in
the grievance proceedings, said the
final infraction for which the em-
ployee was fired was reporting to
work one minute late.
"('Boyd's) past history leads us to
believe the assault was racially mo-
tivated," Levy said.
The protesters are also calling for
the reinstatement of Union Steward
Avis Maria, who was suspended
without pay pending further investi-
gation after a dispute with Building
Services supervisor Tim Block.
Maria said Block violated the
contract between AFSCME and the
University by not allowing her to
record a written grievance from
McKuen against Boyd at a Feb. 21
University employees' contract
entitles them to file grievances
against their supervisors. The con-
tract also states that the supervisor is
responsible for providing a union
steward to record the grievance
within eight working hours of the
employee's request.
See AFSCME, Page 2

Michigan head football coach.Bo
Schembechler turned down the op-
portunity to become athletic director,
yesterday, during a morning meeting
with Interim University President
Robben Fleming.
The offer was contingent upon
Schembechler retiring from coaching
following the 1988 season.
"I'm a football coach and always
have been. I've coached for a long
time and have never been fired. That
means I should be able to determine
myself when I give up football,"
Schembechler said.
The University's Board of Re-
gents will meet later this week with
Fleming, and authorize him to offer
the job to another candidate.


of three finalists for the athletic di-
rector position. Charles Harris, ath-
letic director at Arizona State Uni-
versity, has emerged as the leading
candidate, according to prominent
Michigan alumni connected with the
search, sources within the adminis-
tration, and athletic department per-
sonnel at ASU.
Harris has been unavailable for
Harris previously expressed inter-
est in the position, and sources at
ASU said yesterday that his feelings
remain unchanged.
ASU President Russell Nelson
confirmed that Michigan was
considering Harris.
"I understand Michigan may have
an interest in him. I hope he will
See HARRIS, Page 7

Doily Photo by DAVID L UBLINER
Head football coach Bo Schembechler yesterday declined an offer to
become athletic director, electing instead to remain with the football
team. The offer was contingent upon Schembechler resigning as football
coach at the conclusion of the 1988 football season.

SAUA condemns CIA protest methods

The faculty's Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) released a statement
yesterday condemning the action of protesters
who disrupted job interviews between students
and the CIA last week.
At the same time, however, SACUA mem-
bers said they strongly supported students' right
to protest, as long as demonstrators do not in-
fringe upon the rights of others.
"The spirit of SACUA's statement is to sup-
port a student's right to have an uninterrupted job
interview," SACUA member and English Prof.
Tom Lenaghan said.
The faculty senate drafted the statement in re-
sponse to comments made yesterday by History
Prof. Shaw Livermore, who urged the group to
take action after reading accounts of last week's
CIA protest at the Law School.
"I was dismayed that force was used to prevent
lawful interviews," Livermore said. He suggested
that SACUA make some kind of response be-

cause "free, unrestricted job interviews are some-
thing that everyone should be concerned with."
SACUA Chair and Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Harris McClamroch said the group quickly
took a stand on the protest because s o m e
SACUA members believed "the protesters went
too far."
The University should guarantee that speeches
and job interviews can occur without interrup-
tion, he said.
While the statement was prompted by the CIA
protest, McClamroch and other SACUA mem-
bers referred to a speech in January by Israeli
Consul Zvi Brosh that was also disrupted by
The statement, approved by all nine SACUA
members, says:
"A group protesting CIA recruiters on campus
recently prevented recruiting interviews at the
Law School. SACUA recognizes and supports
the right of people to protest the activities of
those with whom they disagree. At the same

time we recognize and strongly support the right
of our students to speak with whomever they
wish as they plan careers beyond the University.
We strongly oppose activities on campus which
substantially interfere with the legitimate rights
of other students. The University, morcover, has
the responsibility to provide an environment in
which protest can occur without infringing on
the rights of others."
McClamroch said a University policy written
in 1977 that protects free speech on campus al-
lowed SACUA to make its statement.
But SACUA members maintain they are not
trying to. limit protests. Group members were
not opposed to protests but to the use of "phys-
ical force to disrupt interviews," said SACUA
member and Internal Medicine Prof. William
"(The protesters) have every right to object to
the CIA's presence," McClamroch said. "That's
very different from interfering with the interviews
... We just don't think it's appropriate."

Fleming nominates
finance VP candidate

Starting this July, t h e
University's annual $1.3 billion
operating budget will be handled by
an official from the University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, if the
Board of Regents approves a
nomination by Interim President
Robben Fleming next month.
Farris Womack, vice chancellor
for business and finance at North
Carolina, accepted the nomination
last Friday, ending a year-long search
for a replacement for current Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
James Brinkerhoff.
Fleming said Womack had "very
extensive experience." The Univer-
sity of North Carolina, Fleming
said, "is very much like this

Womack, a professor of higher
education, has managed North Caro-
lina's $600 million annual operating
budget since 1983. In addition, he
has served as the controller for the
See REGENTS, Page 2


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