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February 29, 1988 - Image 48

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-29

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Rutgers students give new
meaning to the phrase
"meals on wheels." Ev-
ery morning at 6:30, a caravan
of food trucks pulls up along
College Avenue and begins to
dish up everything from bur-
gers to bagels. Affectionately
known as "greasetrucks," the
small vehicles boast their own
ovens, grills and freezers.
A favorite of off-campus res-
idents and others unsatisfied
by institutional food, the
trucks offer variety on their
mobile menus. Hot-dog lovers
head for Willie's Wienie Wag-
on; those with more exotic
tastes prefer the Middle East-
ern truck's gyros and falafel.
The Cookie Truck bakes all day,
and Greaseman's Grease-
truck perpetrates its "Fat
Cat"-a double burger topped
with everything from fried on-
ions to tuna-until 4 a.m. Mr.
C's Munchmobile is the sole
24-hour mecca. "I used to go to
Mr. C's all the time at 3 in the
morning," says senior Rich-
ard Newell, a former dormer
who spent about $10 per week
along the snack strip. Some
schools might be heartburned
up about the competition, but
not Rutgers: the administra-
tion even offers free reserved
parking spots.
JEAN DYKSTRA in New Brunswick

'Sinking in this mass of whiteness': Screening a lesson of life

Minority Views
in California
What's it like to be a mi-
nority student at the
University of Califor-
nia, Santa Barbara? A majority
would have no idea if it
weren't for a series of innova-
tive videos being produced by
minority students. Four 20-
minute videos will chronicle
the views of black, Chicano,
Asian-American and Native
American students as they re-
late their experiences with
racism. "People don't under-

stand what it's like to feel like
you're sinking in this mass of
whiteness," says Julia Yar-
bough, a UCSB graduate inter-
viewed in the black video. The
first video, "To Be a Black Stu-
dent," premidred in October,
and more than 3,000 of the cam-
pus's 21,000 students, staff'
and faculty have seen it and
taken part in the organized
discussion that follows. Blacks,
encouraged by the response,
are pleased because the audi-
ence is often mostly white.
As students finish editing
the Chicano tape and begin pro-
duction of the Asian-Ameri-
can video, the series has pro-
voked controversy. Some

students contend that UCSB
should address racism by ad-
mitting more minorities, not fi-
nancing videos (fewer than 3
percent of undergraduates are
black). "Regardless of the in-
creased sensitivity, [the series]
won't solve the problem," says
sophomore Adam Moss. Others
insist the series, to be complet-
ed by summer, can be a step
toward increased racial un-
derstanding. Even with a price
tag of $125,000 for production
and salaries, administrators
say the cost is insignificant
compared to the value of an
open mind.
STEVEN ELZER in Santa Barbara
Raleigh Law
Suits NC State
or North Carolina State
students with legal trou-
ble, lawyers Pamarah
Gerace and Gilbert Jackson
come to the rescue. Since Au-
gust, the two have run Student
Legal Services full time. Un-
der the watchful eye of a Judge
Wapner poster, they handle
such problems as rent disputes
and traffic violations-all for
the $2 per semester built into
every student's fees.
"There was a definite
need," says Gerace. "I had a
stack of phone calls waiting
before I even started." They
cannot represent their stu-
dent-clients against the state or
in criminal cases (North Caro-
lina law prohibits the use of
state funds to sue the state),
but the lawyers have won
plane-ticket reimbursements
and defended a student veteri-
narian whose horse allegedly
attacked a car. "Students don't
feel they know the legal sys-
tem," says student-body presi-
dent Kevin Howell. "They
need someone like Pam or Gil-
bert to talk to."
Culinary convoy: Grazing on
Rutgers's snack strip


MARCH 19884

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