including Cognitive Science and Me- dieval / Renaissance Studies. "Stu- dents find it interesting to bridge and to cross specific disciplines," notes William Cain, director of American Studies, an interdepartmental major at Wellesley. "I think interdiscipli- nary work provides breadth, range, freedom, openness." There are other attempts to repair the fragmented curriculum. The Uni- versity of Washington has created the College Studies Program, an "inte- grated core" that will begin next fall. Students will take a sequence of linked courses in different disciplines organized around a given theme. One proposed sequence, "The Universe," would combine astronomy, physics, biochemistry and evolution through four separate courses. A similar effort 1; // / '1 / / ~1 7/y/ director of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Bennett called Brooklyn one of the few places to dem- onstrate that "colleges and universi- ties-and not just the elite ones-can become true communities of learn- ing." Since then, more than 200 visi- tors from other institutions have studied Brooklyn's methods. The ac- claim has improved faculty morale, creating "a collegiality among the faculty for the first time," says Ken Bruffee, director of the Scholars Pro- gram, an honors plan. So, what is all this change sup- posed to achieve? Obviously, the flood of action indicates more thanjustapedagogicalpatch-job is taking place. The buzzword is Mixed signals: What do employers want? is under way at the State University of New York in Stony Brook. The Federated Learning Communities combines six existing courses around a broad theme, such as world hunger. Faculty teach a core seminar that approaches the subject from different perspectives, and a seventh instructor, called a "master learner," leads a "linking seminar" that integrates the whole thing. In nearly all cases, the new reforms are being tied to a growing emphasis on basic skills, such as writing, math and foreign lan- guages. "We're looking for strong foundations," says Myles Brand, Ohio State's vice provost for academic affairs, "good communica- tion skills, good science quantitative skills, real appreciation of our own cultural heritage as well as international affairs-then, to integrate all that with a strong majors program. It is a radical departure, universitywide, from the current basic education re- quirements." OSU's proposed new general-education plan would add three freshman-level composition courses and a foreign-lan- guage requirement. Of all the places where reforms have taken hold, perhaps none has changed more dramatically than Brooklyn College. In the wake of a disastrous open-admissions experi- ment and the financial collapse of New York City, the school attacked its old curriculum in 1976. Three years and one failed proposal later, Brook- lyn adopted the Core Studies Pro- gram. This general-education plan di- vided the curriculum into 10 sections (called cores); one or two new interdis- ciplinary courses were created for each. One core-Studies in African, Asian and Latin American Culture 4 -was installed to temper the tradi- tional humanities bias toward West- ern, specifically European, thought. The overall intended purpose of Core Studies, says Provost Ethyle Wolfe, is to "strike a balance between a con- temporary perspective and the past." Brooklyn's efforts have been widely applauded. The school was one of only three praised in the report "To Re- claim a Legacy," written by Educa- tion Secretary Bennett when he was Student concerns: Getting "coherence"-giving a program. a shape, an interconnectedness, a character. It is a monumental task, considering the nation's vastly different types of colleges and universities and the widely divergent backgrounds and priorities of those involved. Not only must aschool decide what the goals of its program should be, it must decide on how to achieve them. Reaching a consensus is fiercely difficult. The establishment of priorities means that some kinds of knowledge-and, consequent- ly, departments and faculty-get emphasized and other kinds don't. That has a major impact on staffing and budgets. Since the University of Alabama started making students take foreign lan- guages in 1983, the number of languages offered has gone from seven to 17, and the number of instructors has risen up from 23 to 66. Says Michael Schnepf, who teaches Spanish at Alabama, "Core's had an effect on the entire system." Because the debate works on more than one level, the politics of the decision-making process can be ferocious. When Brooklyn College was in the process of forging its vaunted core, someone called a pre- liminary plan "a nonaggression pact among department chairs." Faculty at Stanford reacted angrily to a proposal last year to broaden cul- tural studies beyond the traditional Western-civilization approach. One of the major objections was: who will k teach this? English professor Herbert Lindenberger said there weren't enough qualified faculty "to teach 1,500 students a year." Personnel lim- itations explain why Robert King, dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas, Austin, vehe- mently opposes a move by the business school at Texas to increase its liberal- arts requirements. "Every household needs a garbage can-and [here] liber- al arts is it," he says, pointing out that faculty are already stretched beyond their capacity. "We've reached a cri- sis." Other scholars regret the limits on freedom of choice. "Students usual- ly learn more," says Grinnell histori- an Tom Hietala, "in courses that they select than in courses that they feel are foisted upon them." involved in learning Another degree of intensity has NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS 11 MARCH 1988