So, what is happening out there to colleges and universities? Most of the revisions that have been and will be put into effect go straight to the heart of the mat- ter. That "heart" is general edu- cation-the profoundly impractical body of courses intended to broad- en one's knowledge and improve the intellect. Traditionally, this has meant study in the liberal arts-an emphasis that largely distinguishes colleges from vocational schools. In a word, enlightenment. This is what Sanjay Reddy, a senior in civil engi- neering, encountered with a course on the symphony at Stanford. He took it to satisfy a requirement, but he got much more. "It was," Reddy says, "an awakening experience." Curriculum reform has helped to foster a renaissance in the liberal arts. The number of students major- ing in such areas as fine arts, human- Faculty focus: Many stillp ities, social sciences and natural sci- ences is rising (although business remains the single most popular major). Many schools, including Texas A&M, the University of Miami and Ohio State, report liberal-arts enrollments at their highest point in 10 years. History, in particular, is attracting new interest (page 14). But not all the reasons for the liberal-arts renewal are scholarly. Ironically, career-minded students now . seek more humanities because corporate chief executives have praised this preparation. (Some career counselors, however, re- port that companies end up hiring specialists.) Subjecting the liberal arts to such pragmatic tests makes many faculty members fume. "Asking the worth of a [liberal arts] education is like asking how good a Mozart symphony is," says University of Alabama English pro- fessor Jim Raymond. "How good is the Mona Lisa? If you throw it in a fire, it won't keep you warm very long. In some sense it's worthless, but it's to be valued for itself." Game-show contestants: Nevertheless, many students fail to see the point of classes that have no immediate links to a career. Jennifer Onesto, a senior in journalism at Ohio State, calls her required general-ed coursework "game-show-contestant classes." At Iowa's Grinnell College, where the only requirement is a freshman tu- torial, an internal study in 1983 deter- mined that 22.7 percent of that year's graduating class had taken not a sin- gle math course and 28.5 percent had skipped history. Says Tom Reeder, an engineering student at Brown, which . also prides itself on an open curricu- efer research to teaching lum: "I know a lot of engineering stu- dents who chose Brown because they knew no one would make them take an English class or write any kind of nonscientific papers here. I have friends who have spent the last two and a half years just doing math problems." Most commonly, students grudgingly admit the value of the liberal arts. "The [general education] courses broadened my thought," says Jeffrey Cook, a senior at SMU majoring in business, "but I would have never taken them if I hadn't been forced to." To expose more students to intellectual challenges, universities everywhere are revising the old blueprint known as the core curriculum-still requiring a minimum amount of work in each of the subdivisions of the liberal arts, but increasing the total re- r ( Tug of must who intell devel emplo focus prepa war: Students satisfy educators, want to focus on ectual opment, and yers, who want to on vocational ration