E DS Colleges Chart a New Course of Study Scholars continue the never-ending search for the perfect curriculum 0 0 Cambridge, Mass. They sit at the bar, hunch over their drinks and ignore the bowl of salted peanuts between So, these two shaggy, intellectual types go into a tavern in them. The first one, Ralph Waldo Emerson, takes a long, slow sip of his blue Margarita and proclaims, "Harvard teaches all the branches of learning." The second one, Henry David Thoreau, slugs down a shot of whisky, chases it with a gulp of beer and grimaces before responding, "Yes, indeed. All the branches and none of the roots." Sure, this sounds like a joke, but Emerson and Thoreau actually said those words about 100 years ago. And it sounds not unlike exchanges now taking place, often loudly, in classrooms, faculty meetings and cocktail parties all over the country. Once again, Americans are clashing over the goals and methods of higher education. But if the topic is eternal, the volume (in both senses of the word) has never been higher. During the past five years a regiment of committees, commissions, think tanks and assorted free-lance ex- perts has aimed a barrage of critical ver- biage at academe. Two of the critiques even turned into unlikely best sellers last year-Allan Bloom's "The Closing of the American Mind" and E. D. Hirsch Jr.'s "Cultural Literacy." Critics contend that today's college students can barely identify Plato, let alone analyze his philosophy or write a cogent essay on his works. Any reason- able person might therefore conclude that higher education wasn't doing its job-and, indeed, that's what some au- thorities say. Secretary of Education William Bennett, for one, declares that the general state of America's colleges and universities is only "fair. Better than terrible, not as good as good." Yet as many or more experts are encouraged. "Despite all their flaws, America's uni- versities are pretty terrific," says E. D. Hirsch Jr., who reserves his harshest - criticisms for elementary and secondary curricula. He concedes, however, that colleges "could be better." Disagreement, of course, has always been central to higher education. But one current fact is incontestable: colleges are 8 NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS in the midst of massive change. A survey by the American Council on Education (ACE), taken a year ago, found that 95 percent of all two- and four-year institutions in the nation had overhauled their curriculum in the past few years or were about to do so. Many of these reforms predate the wave of criticism that started in 1984 and reached a crescendo last year. Today's rethinking of college education began in the late '70s, in response to the loosening of standards that followed student protests of the '60s. Academicians finally grasped, in Thoreau's sense, that schools had branched too far from their roots, and the critical reports encouraged them to do something about it. "They gave a big push to what was already under way," says Elaine El-Khawas, the ACE's vice president for research. Perhaps the most thoughtful critic of colleges, Ernest Boyer, president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, thinks "something more interesting is going on now, which will be more consequential." I I ILLUSTRATIONS BY STEVE SALERNO