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February 29, 1988 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-29

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Monday, February 29, 1988
Congress faces
Contra aid debate

gress faces a confusing choice this
week between two rival versions of a
plan to help the Nicaraguan rebels.
,-A vote is scheduled for Thursday
tir Ilecide whether the U.S.-backed
Contras will get an aid package
4rAfted by House Democrats, a sim-
4lione drawn up by House Repub-
1igans, or nothing at all.
CURRENT authority to aid the
Contras expires at midnight tonight,
and the rebels are said to be rapidly
running out of items like food,
iclothing and medicine that the new
,aid plans would provide.
Both versions of the new aid
package would keep non-lethal sup-
plies flowing to the rebels at their
positions inside Nicaraguan territory.
Neither would provide new weapons.
And both would set up a $14 million
program to help war-injured children
on all sides of the conflict.
But while similar in what they
would do for the rebels in the short
term, the two versions set starkly
different ground rules for an impend-
ing rematch between the Reagan
administration and the Democratic
Congress over military aid for the
THE Democratic version, which
House leaders say they are confident
will pass, holds out the possibility
-hat a new military aid package could
be considered sometime after June 1.
But the conditions for such
vconsideration are strict: it could
happen only if the Democrat-
'controlled House Intelligence Comm-
ittee certifies that the Contras and the
4,ftist Sandinista government have
mnot reached a cease-fire and that it is
a4heSandinistas' fault.
Then, the proposal would allow

- but not require - the party's lead-
ership to bring forth an aid proposal
of its own design, and would allow
amendment of the package on the
THE GOP aid proposal would
give the president, rather than Con-
gress, the right to design the military
aid package, and would leave to the
president the determination whether a
cease-fire is in effect, and whether
any failure to reach a truce is the
fault of the Sandinista regime.
Reagan could make such a request
as soon as April 16, and it would
have to be acted on by Congress
without delay.
A similarly expedited procedure
was followed when the House on
Feb. 3 rejected Reagan's previous aid
request, which included weapons and
other military supplies, by a vote of
219 to 211.
ANOTHER difference between
the two packages is that the GOP
version would leave authority to
deliver the aid in the hands of the
Central Intelligence Agency, which
has been supervising a fairly success-
ful airdrop program.
Democrats, many of whom are
suspicious of the spy agency, would
turn the delivery program over to the
Pentagon to supervise, keeping the
same private contractors, planes and
crews now doing the work.
The showdown over the two
competing aid packages was sup-
posed to have occurred last week, but
Democrats postponed action at the
last minute, citing confusion among
lawmakers over the differences be-
tween the two bills. Republicans said
the real reason for the delay was that
the majority feared it was losing
supporters to their competing ver-

Daily Photo by LISA WAX
Jocelyn Rouse, a first-year law student, and Greg Stevens, an Eastern
Michigan University student, picket last Friday's CIA recruitment inter-
views at the Law School. The interview program was cut short because of
the protest.
Protest forces CIA
to cancel nterviews

Compiled from Associated Press reports
Delvalle vows to fight ouster
PANAMA CITY - Deposed President Eric Arturo Delvalle stayed in
hiding yesterday and defied Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega, the military
leader who ousted him and ordered him out of the country.
The ex-president's whereabouts were a well-guarded secret, but family
members said he was in a "safe and secure place" in Panama, in "good
spirits" and determined to regain his job.
"I am going to stay here (and) stick it out," Delvalle told ABC
television in a telephone interview Saturday night. "I'm going to fight it
all the way."
Roderick Esquivel, Delvalle's vice president, was also in hiding.
Both men were ousted Friday in an action by the National Legislative
Assembly orchestrated by Noriega, the Defense Forces chief, after
Delvalle tried to fire Noriega, who is charged in Florida with corruption
and narcotics trafficking.
Meese not excluded from spy
case, Justice Department says
WASHINGTON - For nine months, the Justice Department has
given the impression Attorney General Edwin Meese removed himself
from the Pollard spy case. But now it acknowledges he was briefed twice
about the case and says he was never excluded.
In what chief department spokesperson Terry Eastland called a
correction, he said Meese is only excluded from the espionage case against
the Isaeli Air Force officer who recruited navy counterterrorism analyst
Jonathan Pollard as a spy.
Meese is free to be briefed and even to make decisions in the still-open
Pollard case to the extent that they don't involve the case against Israeli
Brig. Gen. Aviem Sella, Eastland said.
Meese's own lawyer, Nathan Lewin, was unaware of that disitinction
as recently last week even though it was Lewin's work for Meese and
Sella in separate cases that triggered the exclusion.
Two die in West Bank clash
ABUD, Occupied West Bank - Jewish settlers and Israeli soldiers
clashed with Palestinians in the West Bank village, leaving two Arabs
dead, the army said yesterday. Israeli radio said one settler was jailed.
Israeli police released two American teachers jailed overnight after they
were arrested while carrying posters listing the names of slain
Details of the Saturday clash in Abud were sketchy and the army said it
was investigating to find out who fired the fatal shots in the village 20
miles northwest of Jerusalem.
Police interrogated three civilians in connection with the slayings and
arrested one, Israeli radio reported. The man, from nearby Neve Zuf
Jewish settlement, was to appear before a judge today.
Talk of sale irks auto workers
DETROIT - Chrysler Corp.'s admission that it might sell its
Acustar Inc. parts-making subsidiary may be the final log on a fire
heating its workers' long simmering anger to a boil.
Chrysler's parts operations were grouped into the subsidiary last
spring, but most of Acustar's 28,000 workers have been with Chrysler
since its battle back from the brink of bankruptcy early in the decade.
Chrysler workers see the potential sale, now that the No. 3 carmaker is
again earning billion-dollar profits, as an ill reward indicating they won't
be able to trust the company in this summer's national contract talks.
More than 1,000 workers vented their anger last week by massing
outside Chrysler's Highland Park headquarters, waving signs and shouting
"Strike! Strike!" at an emotional rally led by United Auto Workers Vice
President Marc Stepp.
Leap Year adds extra day of
gray to lengthen February
As if 28 days in February wasn't enough, today is leap year day -
when an extra day is added every fourth year to keep the Earth's calendar
in line with the sun's rotation.
The traditional observance of leap year began in 46 B.C. when Julius
Caesar adopted the Egyptian calendar and the Western world began
counting years with 365 1/4 days each.
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates about 9,600 babies were born in
the United States on Feb. 29, 1984, and a similar number of infants
should be born today.
Most people born Feb. 29 - whose actual birthday rolls around only
once every four years - celebrate their birthday March 1.

Besides those born on Leap Day, others who are happy with Feb. 29
birthdays are bakers. Every four years, it gives them an extra day to sell
But who. needs an extra day in February? Let's petition for a June 31
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.


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(Condnuedfrom Page 1)
CIA interviews. "I don't want
people dragged down the stairs
kicking and screaming," he said.
"Sometimes the use of coercion
against people can be worse than
the problem," he said referring to
last November's student protest
against CIA recruitment.
Protesters and candidate Slater
debated whether students have the
constitutional right to interview
with the CIA.
"Can't you get another job?"
one protester said.
"Isn't that a choice for me to
decide?" Slater responded. "You're
violating my rights and being
immense hypocrites."
Protesters began picketing out-
side the cubicle at 9 a.m., shortly
before the first interview, with
signs that read, "Cocaine Import-
ing Agency," "Lawless Organiza-
tions Don't Need Lawyers," and
"CIA - Just Say NO!"
When the interviews began,
protesters began chanting, "Go
back to where you're from, CIA
scum," and "Gregory Hill - war
criminal." The chanting was loud,
but first-year law student Jeffrey
Wilke said it did not affect his in-

terview by pounding on the door
and file cabinets and slipped a flier
under the door, which described
alleged illegal CIA activities.
First-year law student Richard
McDaniel said the interview was
Although neither Wilke nor
McDaniel disapproved of the
protest, first-year law student Or-
lando Smith, who was inter-
viewing with the Federal Trade
Commission at a cubicle near the
CIA interviews, said the protest
was inappropriate.
"I don't think this ought to be
permitted behavior," he said. "I'm
here to get a job."
Foster said protests have a
positive affect on the CIA because
"interest in the CIA peaks." She
said the CIA has moreapplicants
than open positions, but she
would not release statistics to
substantiate the claim.
After the interviews were can-
celled, Bollinger met with the
protesters for more than an hour to
discuss whether the CIA should be
allowed to interview at the law
school in the future.
The protesters said lawless or-
ganizations should not be allowed
to interview on campus. Bollinger
agreed but said that determining
whether the CIA has committed
serious crimes is "troublesome."

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The protesters upped the
disruption during the second in-
Fridays in The Daily
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OAS avoids
decision on
governing body of the Organization
of American States sidestepped a
position on political instability in
Panama in an extraordinary session
that showed the fragility of demo-
cracy in Latin America.
Members of the permanent
council of the OAS adjourned nearly
eight hours after being called into
emergency session, unwilling to
decide whether to permanently seatian
ambassador favored by Gen. Manuel
Antonio Noriega or one picked by
ousted President Eric Arturo Del-
BonIRDf h *Sado r. ery

Vol. XCVIII- No. 99
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
.and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
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