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February 19, 1988 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-19

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily-Friday, February 19, 1988


to recruit at

law school

The Central Intellegence Agency next Friday
will recruit University students on campus for
the second time since September - this time at
the law school.
Sign-up sheets will be posted at noon today
for first-year law students interested in
interviewing at Hutchins Hall for summer jobs
with the CIA. Representatives from two student
groups, the campus chapter of the National
Lawyer's Guild and the Latin American
Solidarity Committee, said yesterday the groups
plan to protestthe interviews. They oppose what
they call the agency's "terrorist" activities in
Central America.
CIA spokesperson Sharon Foster said the
agency will be hiring candidates for a ten-week
law clerk program in the General Counsel's
office - the CIA's legal staff - during the
summer of 1989. The agency is hiring a year
early in order to allow enough time for extensive
background checks required for all potential CIA
employees, she explained.

Although the agency's first recruiting vjiL at
the Career Planning and Placement o w'east
November was marked by protest, Nancy
Krieger, director of the law school's recruiting
department, said she was not expecting any
"They've been here (at the law school) before
without any protest," she said, referring to the
CIA's last visit to the school in 1982.
THE AGENCY may not have come to the
law school since then because of different hiring
needs or because of a concentration on r cruiting
at smaller universities, Foster said.
"Our recruiting needs change depending on
what our hiring needs are," she said.
"We don't want to create a disturbance. We are
a legitimate government employer so we think
we have a right to come to campus," Foster said.
She added that the agency does not try to interfere
with protests during their recruiting visits: "They
have a right to speak, we have a right to be

FOSTER SAID the CIA does try to reduce
its visability on campuses where there have been
protests, but said that student demonstrations on
university campuses have not interfered with
their ability to hire enough employees.
Next week's visit is scheduled at the
beginning of the law school's spring break and at
the end of LSA's vacation, when many students
will be away from campus. Foster and Krieger
said the timing was coincidental, but some
students said they think the CIA is trying to
avoid student opposition.
"It's very convenient that they've chosen to
come while the rest of us are on spring break.
Once the word gets out, they'll probably change
their plans. The CIA would rather stay away
from campus than confront the opposition to
their terrorist activites," said LASC member
Phyllis Englebert.
"They hide from publicity like cockroaches
hiding from the light," said LASC member Dean
Baker, a Rackham graduate student.

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U' feels bite of new

(Continued from Page 1)
money is not made up through state
"Iin working under the
assumption that the administration is,
telling the state legislature, 'Look, if
you want to have to increase the
number of in-state students, you're
going to have to increase appropria-
tions,"' said Mike Donahue, also an
associate director of Admissions.
State legislators last summer
expressed anger over the percentage
of non-resident students at a
University half-funded by state tax
dollars. The conflict lead to the new
Worship Schedule
(The Chaplaincy of the
Episcopal Church to the
U-M Community)
218 N. Division St.
5:00 p.m. Eucharist at Canterbury
(supper follows)

"'Cry Freedom' is powerful...An exciting
adventure of escape...A movie of passion:'

t policy
"There is no free cup of coffee,"
Swain said.
The University's new policy is
expected to lift the percentage of in-
state undergraduate enrollment to 70
percent in the next three years,
according to information presented to
the University's Board of Regents by
Vice President for Academic Affairs
James Duderstadt in December.
He said tuition may increase by
nearly 10 percent next year, although
he added, "We're going to work our
best to keep under double digits."
Duderstadt said that he has been in
close contact with Sen. William
Sederburg (R-East Lansing), who
chairs the Senate Higher Education
Sederburg could not be reached for
comment, but his legislative aide,
Kathy Wilbur, said that the senator's
office has not yet received specific
estimates of the budgetary impact of
the new policy.
State won't
meet 'UJ' needs
(continued from Page )
and students for its funding and less
and less on the state, he said.
"The growth in state appropria-
tions simply has not kept pace over
the past two decades with the very
real needs of this University nor with
the needs of the citizens of this state
for the resources provided by this
University," Duderstadt said.
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Compiled from Associated Press reports
Reagan budgets for collider
WASHINGTON - President Ronald Reagan's $1.09 trillion 1989
budget released yesterday includes millions of dollars in Michigan
spending on projects ranging from water to weapons, but includes a jab at
a Detroit mass-transit project.
The spending proposal also including the first funding, $363 million,
for construction of the superconduting super collider project.
Michigan is one of seven states being considered by the Department of
Energy as a site for the project, which would study the behavior of
subatomic particles at high velocities.
The budget message said $5.3 billion will be spent over eight years in
building the collider.
Reagan proposed ending discretionary grants for mass transit and in his
budget message cited Detroit's People Mover as a grant project gone
Israel imposes restrictions
JERUSALEM - Israel imposed new financial rules on the occupied
lands yesterday in response to an Arab economic boycott, and Prime
Minister Yitzhak Shamir said he would not trade concessions for an end
to 10 weeks of riots.
Arrests were reported y
esterday but no casualties in confrontations between soldiers and
protesters in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip, where U.N. officials
say 55 Arabs have been killed in the violence that began Dec. 8.
A senior official in the military government that administers the
territories said the new financial restrictions require Palestinians to prove
they have paid their taxes before they can travel abroad or import or
export goods, and also must register when they bring $1,000 or more into
the country. The previous limit was $5,000.
Militia search for U.S. Marine
TYRE, Lebanon - Moslem militiamen searched rain-drenched citrus
groves and valley caves yesterday for Lt. Col. William Higgins, and their
leaders threatened to go after his kidnappers unless the U.S. Marine is
freed soon.
"We want Higgins back and we have no red line as far as his case is
concerned," said Daoud of the moderate Shiite militia Amal, the dominant
force around this ancient port.
U.N. peacekeeping troops and about 1,500 Amal militiamen virtually
sealed off a 300-square-mile area.
An anonymous telephone caller said a previously unknown group
carried out the abduction Wednesday just south of Tyre. He claimed
Higgins, who commands U.N. truce observers in south Leanon, is a
CIA agent.
The abduction brings the number of foreign hostages in Lebanon to
25, including nine Americans.
Judge reduces stakes in
precedent-setting libel suit
BATTLE CREEK, Mich. - A judge yesterday reduced the stakes from
$1 million to $500,000 as a jury began deliberations in a precedent-
setting libel case.
After six days of testimony, lawyers for cereal company mechanic
David Rouch and the Battle Creek Enquirer made their closing arguments
and the four--man, two-women Calhoun County Circuit Court jury began
Rouch's attorney, John Jereck, used his summation to repeatedly blast
the newspaper for "bulldozing" over Rouch's rights.
Daily takes a deserved break
Since the real news might be happening in Tampa or Fort Lauderdale
next week and not here in dear old Ann Arbor, we at the Daily feel it's
time to take a break. We, however, will not be following Spuds
MacKenzie down to the sunny sands and the tropical tans of Florida and
Texas. We'll be catching up on our homework.
In some cases that means heading on over to Ulrich's to buy the books
we never got around to purchasing; while in others, it means finally
typing up that paper that we got a one week (thank you professor, thank
you! You don't know how much this means to me and my entire family)
extension on.
In the meantime, however, there will be no Daily for the next week
(sob!). But, fret not! We will be back on your doorsteps, back in your
dorms, back swirling around your feet in Angell Hall Auditorium C next
Monday keeping you up to date on the protests, politics, and people (and

penguins - let's not forget Opus) that keep this campus hoppin'.
So have a happy spring break, but don't you dare come around here
showing off your tan lines.
Anybody know where to pick up a copy of Hamlet?
- By Andrew Mills
If you see news happen, call 76-DAILY.


V beffict- gan ButILI
Vol. XCVIII-No. 98
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-97) is published Monday
through Friday during the fall and winter terms by students at the
University of Michigan. Subscription rates: January through April
- $15 in Ann Arbor, $22 outside the city. 1988 spring, summer,
and fall term rates not yet available.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the
National Student News Service.
Editor in Chief...................REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN -.Timothy Huet, Juliet James, Brian Jarvincn, Avra
Managing Editor...........MARTHA SEVETSON Kouffman, Preeti Malani, David Peltz, Mike Rubin, Mark
News Editor.............................EVE BECKER Shamann,
City Editor........ ...........MELISSA BIRKS Todd Shanker, Lauren Shapiro, Chuck Skarsaune, Marl
Features Editor..........................ELIZABETH ATKINS Swartz, Marc S. Taras, Marie Wesaw.
University Editor..........................KERY MURAKAMI Photo Editors............KAREN HANDELMA
NEWS STAFF: Vicki Bauer, Dov Cohen, Ken Dintzer, JOHN MUNSO!
Sheala Durant, Steve Knopper, Kristine LaLonde, Michael PHOTO STAFF: Alexandra Brez, Jessica Greene, Ellei
Lustig, Alyssa Lustigman, Dayna Lynn, Andrew Mills. Lvy, Robin Loinak, David Lubliner, Danny Stiebel, Lia
Peter Mooney, Lisa Pollak, Jim Poniewozik, Micah Schmit, Wax.
Elizabeth Stuppler, Marina Swain, Melissa Ramsdell, Weekend Editors.......................STEPHEN GREGOR'
Lawrence Rosenberg. David Schwartz, Ryan Tutak, Lisa ALAN PAUL
Winer, Rose Mary Wumml. WEEKEND STAFF: Fred zinn.
Opinion Page Editors.............JEFFREY RUTHERFORD Display Sales Manager..........................ANNI
OPINION STAFF: Muzammil Ahmed, Sarah Babb, AssistantDisplay Sales Maager......KAREN BROWN
Rosemary Chinnock, Molly Daggett, Brian Debrox, Noah DISPLAY SALES STAFF: David Bauman, Gast Belnsm
Finkel, Jim Herron. Eric L. Holt, Joshua Ray Levin, Lauren Berman, Sherri Blansky, Pam Bullock, Jeff Chan
Roderick MacNeal, Jr., I. Matthew Miller, Steve Semenuk, Tammy Christi, Milton Feld, Lisa George, Michelle Gil
Sandra Ste aMe, Mark Watte.Matt Lane, Heter Maciachlan, Jodi Manchik, Eddy Mma
Sports Editor......... ............JEFF RUSH Jackie Miller, Shelly Pleva, Debbie Ratzky, Jim Ryan, Lo
Associate Sports Editors.........JULIE HOLLMAN Schlanger, Michelle Slavik, Mary Snyder, Marie Sora
ADAM SE FfFR Cassia Vogel. Bruce Weiss.

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