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February 18, 1988 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-18

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Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVIII, No. 97

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, February 18, 1988

Copyright 1988, The Michigan Doily

By Adam Schefter
special to the Daily
Frieder warned of the dangers of
unfamiliar courts.
With 19 seconds left to play, it
seemed as if Frieder's wildest dreams
were coming to life in Minnesota.
. The Gophers had the ball and
trailed by two. Overtime appeared
inevitable. But when Terry Mills
hauled down Ray Gaffney's missed
shot, Frieder was able to rest in
peace with an 82-78 win.
"It was the type of game in which
we established a lead and were never
able to sustain it," said a relieved
Frieder. "We weren't able to put
them away. Every time we had a
stretch, they made one basket after
MAKING most of those
baskets was Willie Burton. The
Detroit native helped keep the
Gophers from being buried b y
hitting six of seven shots from the
field in the second half. He finished
the night with 26 points.
Richard Coffey was Burton's best
supporting actor with 14 points and
12 rebounds. His inside muscle
changed the Wolverines' maize and
blue to black and blue.
After Mills hit for a three-point
play to open the Michigan lead to
79-72, the Gophers prepared for the
} final round of the battle.
A Walter Bond layup, and a
Gaffney jumper cut the lead to
three.After Gary Grant hit one free
throw, Kim Zurcher followed with a
jumper to set the stage for the finale.
"We can't play a lot better than
that," said Minnesota head coach
Clem Haskins. "Everybody wanted
to win, but to play this club to four
points is a win for us. Even though
our record says we are 9-13, it
should read 13-9. I'm so proud of all
my playeirs."
FRIEDER can be proud of a
few of his too. Namely Grant and
Grant's seniority stood out in the
second half last night. When the
crowd got loud, Grant's actions on
the court replied even louder. His 22
See GRANT, Page 12



in Lebanon

Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
English Prof. Stanton Garner signs a petition that the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry chapter here will send
to President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev asking for the release of a refusnik family.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -
Gunmen kidnapped a U.S. Marine
officer serving with the U.N. peace-
keeping force in south Lebanon as he
drove along a highway yesterday. It
brought to nine the number of
Americans held hostage in Lebanon.
U.N. and Pentagon officials iden-
tified the victim as Lt. Col. William
Higgins, a native of Danville, Ky.,
and chief of an observer group
attached to the U.N. Interim Force in
The 76-officer U.N. group from
16 countries monitors cease-fire vio-
lations on the Lebanon-Israel border.
Higgins was the top-ranking Ameri-
can officer assigned to the force's ob-
server group, holding the title of
senior U.S. military observer.
THERE WAS NO immediate
claim of responsibility for the ab-
duction, which occurred about 4:15
p.m. on the coastal highway between
Lebanon's southernmost port of Tyre
and the border town of Naqoura, the
location of UNIFIL's headquarters.
"Higgins was driving in a U.N.-
jeep station wagon from Tyre to
Naqoura behind a similar vehicle in
which two other observers were tra-
veling," said U.N. spokesperson
Timur Goksel.

Students honor
Soviet Jewry
International Solidarity Day for Soviet Jewry was
marked on campus by a demonstration, a petition drive,
and a symposium to increase awareness about the
plight of Soviet Jews.
The internationally recognized day is designed to
raise public awareness to the plight of Soviet Jews
who are not allowed to practice their religion or leave
the Soviet Union, said 'Phyllis Glink, co-chair of Stu-
dent Struggle for Soviet Jewry in Ann Arbor.
The group, which "adopts" Jewish families trying to
leave the Soviet Union, works for their release by cir-
culating petitions and helping other groups across the
country and in other nations organize awareness events.
As part of yesterday's events, about 35 students
gathered at the Law Club last night to hear three
speakers discuss the past and future of Soviet Jews.
Zvi Gitelman, a University political science profes-
sor, Michael Steinlauf, prof. of East European studies
from Brandeis University, and Igor Tufeld, a Soviet
Jew who recently immigrated to the United States and
whose parents have yet to receive permission, addressed
the current situation of Jews under the present Soviet
regime, as well as the writings of past Jewish authors
in the Soviet Union.
Igor Tufeld, whose family has been adopted by the
group, discussed some of the difficulties for Jews who
want to leave the Soviet Union. He said most Jewish
applicants for exit visas are refused, and that these

Goskel said UNIFIL helicopters
and ground troops were searching for
Security sources in Tyre said two
assailants in a brown Volvo passed
Higgins' car, blocked the road, forced
Higgins into their car and drove north
towards Tyre.
M They said the abduction occurred
between the villages of Ras el-Em
and Deir Qanoun. The two villages
are controlled by Justice Minister
Nabih Berri's Shiite Amal militia.
U.N. sources said Amal was helping
UNIFIL search for Higgins.
the influence of the Iranian-backed
Hezbollah, or Party of God, has been
steadily growing in the two villages.
Hezbollah is believed to be the um-
brella group for Shiite Moslem
factions holding most of the foreign
hostages in Lebanon.
The Reagan administration warned
kidnappers in Lebanon against harm-
ing Higgins and said U.S. personnel
will continue working for the United
Nations observer group in the Middle
A White House spokesperson,
Roman Popadiuk, said, "We hold the
kidnappers responsible for (Higgins')

"refuseniks" often lose their jobs and must search for
new work in a different area.
Prof. Steinlauf read the works of 20th Century So-
viet-Jewish authors, while Prof. Gitelman - who has
visited the Soviet Union three times - discussed pos-
sible developments in the future of Soviet Jews under
Gorbachev's proposed reforms.
Gitelman said that small groups in the Soviet
Union are being allowed to express themselves more
freely, but major changes in Soviet policy towards
Jews are restricted to "limited public gestures."

U~ Masrac ism
protest ends
aftr six day s

Students struggle to plant thei

Second-semester seniors are tak-
ing their last mid-terms, but the
pressure won't end when they leave
for spring break. For many seniors,
"cramming" to make plans for life
after the University is far from over.
Those who will graduate in April
are studying in the Career Planning
and Placement office instead of the
Undergraduate Library. Whether they
are interviewing with IBM or Har-
vard Law School, students in the
class of '88 are busy 'filling out
forms to decide their futures.
Many students don't know where
they will be three months after grad-
uation, said Deborah Orr May,
director of the University's Office of
Career Planning and Placement.

r futures
"It doesn't always magically hap-
pen that they (students) know what
they want to be when they grow
up," May said. "One of the chal-
lenges for the LSA student is to re-
ally do an assessment of where they
She said students need to analyze
their career goals in the same way
they would write a term paper.
"You can sell yourself better
through research," said May. The
job-search process takes time, orga-
nization, and research. To aid stu-
dents, the placement center sponsors
career-oriented seminars, speakers,
and programs.
The placement center, however, is
not the only source of help for se-
See SENIORS, Page 5

AMHERST, Mass. (AP) - A
six-day occupation of a University of
Massachusetts building by minority
students ended yesterday after pro-
testers and the school's chancellor
agreed on reforms to correct alleged
racial harassment on campus.
The takeover ended just before 1
p.m. when 150 minority students.
walked onto the steps of New Africa
House and began to sing a gospel
song, then raised their fists in a vic-
tory salute.
"We, the Third World students,
wish to acknowledge the time and
effort of the administration and the
support of those on campus and
elsewhere in the world," said
Dwayne Warren, a senior who served
as spokesperson for the protesters.
The five-page agreement was
worked out between Chancellor
Joseph Duffey and nine of the pro-
testers late Tuesday night following
nearly four hours of negotiations.
The pact included a promise to
change the school's student conduct
code to allow suspension of students

found to commit acts of racial vio-
lence or harassment.
Duffey agreed to increased funding
of the recruitment of minority stu-
dents and teachers, extensive renova-
tion of the New Africa House and
funds for educational and cultural ac-
The pact included a pro-
mise to change the
school's student conduct
code to allow suspension
of students found to com-
mit acts of racial violence
or harassment.
tivities for minority students.
He rejected a demand for student
involvement in hiring faculty mem-
bers. Duffey also consented to the
formation of a student committee to
monitor progress of the pact.
Duffey discouraged a call by stu-
dents for a moratorium on classes
next Tuesday and Wednesday to pro-
test racism, sexism, and other forms
of oppression.


'Last Emperor'

,'Broadcast News' lead Oscar race

The Last Emperor, Bernado Bertolucci's
tragic saga of China's boy emperor, captured
top honors yesterday with nine nominations,
including best picture, for the 60th Motion
Picture Academy Awards.
Emperor was followed by James L.
Brooks' Broadcast News, with seven
nominations, and Fatal Attraction,
1 Mnnnetrn,'Ir and Emnir, of the .Sun. with .ix

from some unexpected genres. Comedy and
suspense efforts, both acting and directorial,
find themselves acknowledged in greater
numbers. And, as always, the refreshing
nominations are accompanied by glaring
omissions. Yesterday's nominations are as
Best Actor:
Michael DouiIas Wall Street

prove that he can be more than just a stand-up
comedian. He could win. He might even
deserve it.
Douglas has a very good chance of
winning, too, and with his portrayal of
Lucifer-figure Gordon Gekko, he only wears
one mask - that with a "shit-eating grin" on
it. Riveting and deftly performed.
Meanwhile, Nicholson, a 1983 winner for
Terms of Endearment, and Hurt, a 1985

Glenn Close, Fatal Attraction
Holly Hunter, Broadcast News
Sally Kirkland, Anna
Meryl Streep, Ironweed
The big drawing card of Fatal Attraction
was Close and her portrayal of a psychotic
lover bent on seducing Michael Douglas; she
came across as convincingly obssessed. That,
n1nn with lncina nn thre e.dffrmnt O'cr

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