MSA works to create
veterans holiday
By ROSE MARY WUMMEL concert on the Diag. Tackett said
May 7 was chosen as the annual date
Vietnam veteran Charles Tackett because then-president Gerald Ford
has a dream. pulled troops out of Vietnam on that
He wants to see May 7 declared a day in 1975.
na tional holiday for Vietnam Tackett, now divorced and living
veterans. in the Ann Arbor Homeless shelter,
With the help of 30 student said the project aims to heal the
v olunteers, Tackett begins wounds of Vietnam War veterans by
:etitioning today to put a proposal acknowledging the problems of
>n the Michigan Student Assembly homelessness, unemployment, and
election ballot supporting the disability that veterans face. Above
national holiday. The assembly needs all, he hopes the holiday will prevent
1,000 signatures to put the proposal a war like Vietnam from happening
on their ballot. Students will again.
:ontinue soliciting signatures until "Colonel" Tackett, as most MSA
Friday. members affectionately call him,
Cory Dolgan, MSA representative said, "I'm working for our children,
and Rackham graduate student who is laying down a warning device."
working closely with Tackett, hopes Tackett fears a war like Vietnam
that the petition will spark grass could occur in Central America.
roots support for the holiday and Tackett, who served in Vietnam in
publicize the project. the Airborne Infantry for twenty-four
MSA has also joined Tackett in months, began the crusade for the
planning an inaugural celebration of national holiday five years ago. He
the holiday on campus this May 7. wore out three pairs of hiking boots
Festivities will include an all day traveling 4,230 miles to Michigan
The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 17, 1988- Page 5
Pro-choice petitioners
still collecting names
...campaigns for holiday
and the nation's capitol, from the
woods of Kentucky, publicizing the
problems of Vietnam veterans and
campaigning for a national holiday.
Tackett had received endorsement
from many local, state, and national
leaders including, Governor James
Blanchard, Senator Donald Riegle (R-
Michigan), Congressmember Carl
Pursell, Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann
Arbor) and Sen. Lana Pollack (D-
Ann Arbor).
New 911 emnei
will speed-up
The University has switched its said.
campus phone system to the interna- Pifer said
tionally recognized emergency phone reduce the am
number, 911, said Assistant Director connect an e
of the Department of Public Safety campus phon
and Security Robert Pifer. one second b
The change from the former 123 computer pro
number will allow campus security the security di
to respond more quickly to emergen- If an eme
cies and to determine the caller's lo- campus builc
cation in case they are unable to 911 and theii
communicate it over the phone, Pifer ately connect
rgency number
response times
Supporters of extending medicaid
funded abortions in Michigan are still
working to get 35,000 more
signatures before they can submit
them to the state legislature to delay
the elimination of medicaid funded
The People's Campaign for
Choice, the pro-choice group in
Michigan, has collected 165,000
signatures. But they had hoped to
submit the 200,000 necessary
signatures this week so they would
be validated by April 1- the day
Public Act 59, which eliminates
medicaid funded abortions, goes into
effect. This would avoid any days
without medicaid abortion funding.
The Peoples' Campaign for
Choice deadline for submitting the
signatures is March 29, but.the
group has not set another specific
date for submitting the signatures.
Petition Coordinator Margy Long
said the group anticipates they will
need several more weeks to get the
200,000 signatures.
"WE'RE VERY concerned
about the gap. That's why we're
working so hard to get our
signatures," Long said.
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Long attributed the delay in 59 to state legislators last February,
collecting enough signatures to a demanding the immediate ban of
lack of volunteers and the cold state-funded abortions.
weather. Last July, the State Supreme
"It's easy to get 10, 20, or 30 Court ruled for Peoples' Campaign
signatures, but to have all that add up for Choice, stating that
to the thousands is really difficult. implementation of the act could not
You need many people on the street begin until April 1.
everyday," Long said. UNIVERSITY Right to Life
PCC s strategy to defeat Public President Debbie Matzo said the
Act 59 centers around obtaining the Campaign for Choice has had to hire
120,000 signatures necessary to place
the act on the election ballot in peopleto collect signatures. She said
November. But the group will wait they have been advertising in
until they have received 200,000 newspapers for canvassers and will
signatures to ensure validation. The pay $5 an hour and 50 cents for every
validation process, which takes six signature.
week chcksfor false signatures and Long could not confirm hiring
weeks, checks aig s petitioners, and the group's official
CAMPAIGN for Choice spokesperson could not be reached for
volunteers are working statewide to "They've (PCC) been having their
collect signatures. Long said on a problems," Matzo said.
peak day about 300 volunteers
canvass, but on a typical day, about "I don't think they stand a chance
100 volunteers work. in the state of Michigan. When
The Right to Life group in Right to Life mobilizes everyone in
Michigan submitted 450,000 the state, I don't think, quite frankly;
signatures in support of Public Act that they have a prayer," Matzo said.
" over-burdened w / loans
" '£r " working more than studying
" afraid you can't afford a U-M
The Michigan Student Assembly wants to take your
complaints to Washington D.C. To submit your
testimony attend an External Relations CommitteeI
meeting - 6:30 pm Thursdayor call the MSA office
the new system will
mount of time it takes to
mergency call from a
me from 12 seconds to
ecause a more efficient
gram was installed in
Lspatch system.
irgency occurs in a
ding, students can dial
r call will be immedi-
ed to the Public Safety
switchboard. Officers will then dis-
patch the call to Ann Arbor police,
fire, or ambulance services as needed.
"We generally have a faster re-
sponse time (for campus emergen-
cies) than the police. We have a bet-
ter awareness of campus locations
and are able to direct everyone better
than they might be," said Public
Safety Officer Peter Sutton.
By Melissa Ramsdell
... .....................,.......,,.............. .........AAsS A.sss.....,
Stockb ridge
favor bid
for collider
(continuedfrm Page i)
Robert Diebold, director of the
division of the DoE dealing with the
super collider, tried to dismiss
concerns that people brought u p
about the project. "Despite its size,
we expect the SSC to have very
little environmental impact," he
The collider will use 10,000
superconducting magnets to propel
two beams of protons at close to the
speed of light in opposite directions
around a 53-mile, underground
tunnel. At certain places around the
ring, protons will be made to
collide, breaking them apart.
Scientists will use the collider to
study subatomic particles. "The SSC
will advance our long quest to
expose vwhat our world is made of
and how it works," Diebold said.
Jackson County resident Joann
See TOWN, Page 7
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