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February 15, 1988 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1988-02-15

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i *4.
t 9'
Randy Schemidt, LSA first year student, studies Fr
fcbelift, get m
University language lab coordinators think the
primitive and weathered facility is ready for a new be-
"This stuff is really used and old. You can barely
hear the words through the headphones," said L S A
Sophomore Roy Hamm.
Sixty to 90 students use the 40-year-old lab's
facilities - located on the second floor of the Modern
Language Building - during peak hours.
IN AN OPEN meeting with concerned students
and faculty earlier this month, Language Lab Director
Trisha Dvorak introduced proposals for the expansion
and improvement of the lab's facilities. The proposals
ranged from the removal of existing carrels to a total
reconstruction of the lab's layout.
To create a more relaxed environment, Dvorak plans
to install diagonally patterned islands - designed in
crescent shaped booths to allow easier access, added
privacy, and more open desk space - instead of the
rectangular verticals of the present carrel system.
The current language lab uses only audio tapes to
teach students, but Dvorak said the language teaching
profession has changed and requires interaction instead
of mere repetition.
PLANNERS hope to modernize the facility and
increase interaction with videos and microcomputers.
"Repetition is no longer sufficient for richer lan-
guage skills and through the combinations of comput-
ers, video, and audio the lab moves beyond primarily a
listening tool," Dvorak said.
The estimated costs of the furniture and equipment

r i

anti -racist
By JIM PONIEWOZIK the idea dul
Students in an advanced philoso- been circu
phy class discussed the most recent Fishbowl,
racist flier on campus, and they con- deuce hall
cluded that talking was not enough. students nc
- Last week, about 20 students began the petitio
o ~to circulate a campus-wide petition outside Ar
condemning the flier and warning its Angell Ha
creators that such incidents will not
be tolerated. ANDE
"Just sitting around and saying, the petitic
'that's awful, that's awful,' isn't do- gested by
ing anything," said LSA first-year cussion or
student Jon Steiger, a student in tioned the
Philosophy 355/455 (Contemporary last week.
Moral Problems), taught by Philos- The pei
ophy Prof. Elizabeth Anderson. in the cla
specific a
Doily Photo by DAVID LUBLINER THE PETITION calls the flier, flier incid
nch in the soon to be renovated NLB language labs. which was posted on kiosks and tion did nc
buildings throughout campus Feb. cause the
1, "factually incorrect, socially alienate st
to u n derg o a unacceptable, and morally reprehen- of non-aca
sible." "We're
The flier said Blacks are intellec- thrown of
_91o w eqlu ip mie ittually and genetically inferior to "We're say
whites and "belong hanging from said, we ag
trees." it, but w~
alone would be around $400,000, Dvorak said. Al- "this behavior by the 'white they're say
though lab coordinators are uncertain where they will supremacists' cannot and will not bet
obtain funding for the renovation, they have consulted tolerated in this community," states T HEC
with Interactive Learning Systems, a company based in the petition, referring to a group ner over 1
Cincinatti that has installed similar labs at Bowling calling itself "Students for White They set t
Green University and Northwestern University. Supremacy" that claimed responsi- flier's de
Dvorak could not say how long the renovation bSuprecy supremaci
would last or when it will begin. bii.o thlir members
New headphones with higher amplification will also Students in Anderson's honors the class
be installed to allow some hearing-impaired students to discussion section, who developed identified.
take advantage of the lab's resources. 1e1
MEDIA SERVICES will also be provided to Bursley Faniil
faculty for the recording, duplication, and production of
The lab's satellite network will be extended to pro- s
vide teleconferences along with the taping and rebroad-
cast of local and international television programs like By KRISTINE LALONDE Another o
the Soviet Moliniya broadcasts. A barbershop quartet, a stand-up advancer
comic, and a host of singers and communit
She said she hopes the lab's "New Beginning" will dancers drew a standing-room-only The pr
not only change its physical capabilities, but also its crowd to the Bursley Residence Hall will prov
philosophy. Lab coordinators want to steer away from Auditorium Saturday for the minority
their "language studies only" stereotype to incorporate seventeenth annual Bursley Show. academic
a variety of functions that involve other areas of studies The variety show, organized by commitm
like linguistics, cultural civilization, and literature, the Bursley Family minority group, minoritie
Planners have also discussed changing the name of enabled Black students to celebrate dedicated
the Language Lab to de-emphasize its foreign language Black achievement and unity while Black you
connotations. spotlighting individual talent. About incidenta
Dvorak hopes these ambitious reformations will es- 400 people attended. 1986.
tablish the lab as one of the University's major re- "It's a way of showing our unity, Harol
sources. By "discovering as well as mastering" the of contributing something back to emcee, st
lab's resources, she hopes to create an environment in the Black community," said LSA recognizin
which students can explore a variety of multi-media junior Michelle White, Bursley the Unive
activities. Family member and co-chair of the was not e
Committee for Campus Unity. but for

aring a class meeting, have
lating the petitions in the
in classes, and in resi-
s. They have also invited
lot in the class to circulate
ons, which are available
,nderson's office in 2214
ERSON said the idea of
an was spontaneously sug-
her sectionduring a dis-
n racism. She had men-
fliers during her lectures
%ition, drafted by a student
ss, does not call for any
action in response to the
ent. Steiger said the peti-
ot call for punishment be-
class did not want to
udents opposed to a code
demic conduct.
not saying they should be
ff campus," Steiger said.
ying we've seen what they
gree with their right to say
e don't agree with what
CLASS is hoping to gar-
1,000 signatures by today.
his goal in response to the
escription of the white
ist group as "over 1,000
strong," said a student in
, who asked not to be

"We want to show them, if there
is such a group, that they're not go-
ing to do well here," Steiger said.,
The class also wanted to use the
petition to demonstrate a broad base
of community outrage because they
were concerned the flier was "testing
the waters" for community support
of the white supremacist statements.
The class felt the distributors of
the fliers "wanted to see whether the
community would respond with
outrage or indifference," Anderson
DOROTHY Clore, an
engineering sophomore and secretary
of Ambatana, South Quad's minor-
ity council, said almost every stu-
dent she asked has agreed to sign the
The class will present the peti-
tions to the Office of Minority Af-
fairs tomorrow or Wednesday, An-
derson said.
The class has previously covered
a number of ethical issues, but is
focusing on racism this term,
Anderson said. She has emphasized
discussing University issues, such is
the fliers and Interim University
President Robben Fleming's pro-
posed plan for academic sanctions
against racism, in connection with
these broader subjects.

The Michigan Daily-Monday, February 15, 1988- Page 3
class begins
petition drive



y laughs, dances,
innual talent show
ibjective, she added, is to performances ranging from religious
members of the Black hymns to rap music with a message.
y at the University. One rap group, The Alum1i
oceeds of this year's show Crew, was made up of University
ide a scholarship for a alumni and former Bursley Family
student who has shown members. One of .their s o n gs
excellence, as well as addressed the continuing racial unreit
ent to the advancement of on campus. "(Minorities) want ,a
s. The scholarship is chance to make a valuable contri-
to Michael Griffith, the bution to society; the only way we
ith killed during the racial can make the contribution is if the
at Howard Beach, N.Y. door is open," said group member
and Rackham graduate student Nate
d Edwards, a program Carter, summarizing a song.
ressed the importance of Alumni Crew Member and LSA
ng non-academic talent at first-year student William Jones said,
ersity. He said the event "Once they start listening, they'fl
xclusively for minorities, start acting; and when they start
anyone interested in acting, things will start changing."
k it is viral in nature; we hours.
ay be food." Three students entered Health
sity Health Service doctors Services for intravenous treatmer ,
could not identify the mal- others missed mid-terms, and LSA
do not believe it is food first-year students Ken Brothers and
. Dr. Caesar Briefer, direc- Mark Sorensen of the Michigan
alth Services, said the first hockey team were forced to sit oot
omplaining of the problem the Lake Superior State University
Health Services Monday, games Friday and Saturday.
complaints continued West Quad building director Alan
riday. Dr. Albert Girz said Levy said he believes the students
soning occurs within a have stomach flu.
eriod of time, usually 24 See STUDENTS, Page 5

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What's happening in Ann Arbor today

dmistrikes 70
W Quad

By MARINA SWAIN and don't thin
RYAN TUTAK think itma
A harmless greeting to incoming Univer
students at West Quad's Allen Rum- said theyc
sey Hall - "Rumsey Fever... Catch ady, butd
It!" - came true this weekend when poisoning
more than 70 hall residents con- tor of Hea
tracted the "flu." students c
Students, complaining of frequent came into
vomiting and diarrhea, claim they and the
may have been victims of food poi- through F
soning by the dorm meals. Ken food poi
Stein, LSA sophomore, said, "We shorter p

Arthur Kinoy- attorney who
tooka leading role in the fight
against McCarthyism and the civil
rights struggle, will speak on "The
Current Constitutional Crisis" at
4;30 p.m. in room 132 Hutchins
Hall. Sponsored by the National
Lawyers Guild.
Ahmed Shawki-Editor o f
the Socialist Worker will speak on
"The Meaning of Marxism" at 7:00
p.m. at 2209 A and B in the
Michigan Union. Sponsored by the
International S o c i a l i s t
Gregory Armstrong-
Director of the University of
Wisconson Arboretum will speak
on "The Interesting History and
Exciting Future of the UW-Madison
Arborteum:The Maturing Idea of
Ecological Restoration". 7:45
p.m., Matthaei Botanical Gardens.
Sponsored. by the Huron Valley
Chapter of the Michigan Botanical
Robert Armstrong -
Chemical engineering prof. from
MIT will speak on "Analysis of
Complex Flows of Polymeric
Liquids" at 4:00 p.m., 1006 Dow
Richard Messmer -
Representative from GE Corporate
Research and Development in
Schenectady, New York will speak
on "Valence Bond Theory from
Molecules to Superconducters" at
4:00 p.m. in room 1200 of the
Natural Science Bldg. Sponsored
by the University Department of
El Salvador workshop-
South Quad West Lounge, 7:00
p.m.. Spnosored by the Michigan
Student Assembly Peace and Justice

Placement programs- On-
Campus Recruting Program Mass
Meeting 6:00-7:30 p.m. , MLB
Aud.3. Pre-registration for Summer
Job Fair, 3200 SAB.
Guild House Writers
Series- Joy Dworkin and Su
Normolle will read form their work
at 8:00 p.m., Guild House: 802
Monroe Street.
Amnesty International
Undergraduate group-
General meeting, 7:30 p.m. Room
439 Mason Hall.
Christian Science
Organization- 7:15 p.m.,
Michigan Leagu'e.
Chabad House- "G-d's
Wonders in Creation", 5:30 p.m.,
715 Hill Street.
South African Political
PrisonerBracelet Program-
Bracelet Sale in the fishbowl, 9:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. Sponsored by
International Possibilities
International Center 1988
European Travel Series-
"Surviving and Thriving in
Europe" ,Brown Bag Lunch at
12:00 p.m., International Center,
603 E. madison Street.
Ann Arbor Public Library
Guest Storyteller- Sarah
McCoy will be featured for the
sixth Evening Voyages Storytime
program. 7:15 to 8:15 p.m. in the
New Conference Room of the main
library, 343 S. Fifth Avenue.
Macintosh Basic Skills
to 11:00 a.m., 4212 SEB.
Registration Required, call 763-
Macintosh System
Utiities - 3001 SEB.
Registration Required.
0. "T r 0 T -L, I-, . .

..........................:.....:..::.. .._::.

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Candidates gear up
for Super Tuesday

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happens in New Hampshire may
decide who among the Democratic
presidential candidates get to go
South with Jesse Jackson and Albert
Gore, while Pat Robertson is
looking forward to the first Repub-
lican contest in the South no matter
what happens Tuesday.
Analysts say that Robertson, who
in Iowa pushed up between front-
runners Bob Dole and George Bush,
will be on his friendliest turf when
the presidential season moves into its
Southern phase. In New Hampshire,
polls put him in a dead heat for third
place with Rep. Jack Kemp of New
York and former Delaware Gov. Pete
du Pont.
The next main event is the Super
Tuesday primary across most of the
South and in several other states on
March 8, buy the South Carolina
primary three days before that could
emerge as a crucial GOP test.
On the Democratic side, the
presidential race in the South will be

shaped by New Hamphire's results.
Iowa winner Richard Gephardt
hopes that a second-place finish
behind local favorite Michael
Dukakis, governor of Massachusetts,
will propel the Missouri congress-
man into a strong position to face
the South's native son, Gore of Ten-
Former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart
and former Arizona Gov. Bruce Bab-
bitt have been polling at the bottom
of the Democratic pack in New
Hampshire, and are hoping Tuesday
for surprising finishes to keep their
campaigns alive long enough for
Super Tuesday.
Bush is credited with a Southern
organization far superior to that of
Dole, and polls show him far and
away the Southern leader. But a loss
in New Hampshire to the Senate
majority leader from Kansas could
leave Bush struggling to hang on to
his poll lead.

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