The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, February 10, 1988- Page 5 Faculty, students learn at museurn (Cosdnued from Pagen 1 a student in the school of music. Assistant History Prof. Hitomi Tonomura took her Asian Studies class to a special exhibition on the Han Dynasty last September to help her students "get some visual ideas on what the culture of the period was like.". Apart from its permanent collec-. tion, the musuem's month-long "special exhibitions" include dis- plays of feature art from a specific time and place of the world. Currently, an Afro-American ex- hibit is being shown to celebrate Black History Month. The exhibit showcases paintings, collages, ce- ramics and watercolors of eleven Afro-American artists from south- eastern Michigan. Amy Wendel, a sophomore in the school of art, suggested another rea- son why visiting the museum might add to a course - "When you can see the original, it's a lot better than seeing slides in the classroom." MSU president calls for more minority faculty ,I EAST LANSING (AP) - Michigan State University will match words with results in its efforts to bring representative numbers of minorities and women into its faculty ranks, President John DiBiaggio said. In his State of the University Address, DiBiaggio said 40 percent of the faculty would reach retirement age by the year 2001, and the school needed to begin work immediately to see women and racial minority groups were fairly represented in the ranks of the new hires. "In the MSU faculty of the 21st century, we need to see the embodiment of our heritage," he said Monday. "That task starts today." Now, 25.5 percent of tenured faculty are women and minorities. "We know that these percentages can now change, we know they must change and frankly they must change very significantly," he said. "I will consider it a failure of my administration if these significant changes do not take effect." DiBiaggio also said the size of the university's teaching staff may shrink over the next 12 years. On another topic, DiBaggia said the university needed to focus on the nation's young people, citing statistics like the fact that half will drop out of high school and 18 percent were born out of wedlock, Health sciences study seeks more minority representation Editor's insight Robert Giles - executive editor of The Detroit News - offered a "sur- vival kit" for life in media to about 20 University students yesterday. Giles told the group to be prepared for "productive and natural" conflict in the newsroom and to expect change in the news business. But the prospects for one such change, the proposed Joint Operating Agreement between his paper and The Detroit Free Press, are unclear, Giles said. "The JOA, in my mind, is still a legal issue," he said. Minorities study health administration (Continued from Page 1) Students involved in the program are placed in one of several organizations, which last year included De- troit and Ann Arbor hospitals and Michigan Blue Cross andBlue Shield, and are assigned "preceptors," hospital administrators who guide interns with their projects. Joanne Lound, assistant to the University vice provost for medical affairs and a preceptor in last sum- mer's program, said that interns perform most of their work independently. Lound emphasized that the work done by interns is the same work that would normally be done by admin- istrators. ""We're not just going to make work for them," she said. Dan Edmonds, an LSA junior who worked with Lound as part of the program last summer, said the program helped him to clarify his career goals. "If someone asked me now, 'What are your career goals?', I would be able to say with confidence, 'I would like to pursue a career in health service adminis- tration.' And that's quite a gift," Edmonds said. The University Department of Health Service Man- agement and Policy will be taking applications for the program until March 15. The program has no prerequi- sites, but Lichtenstein said sophomores and juniors are given preference. The program also takes applicants from other colleges. (Cocainued from Page 1) nearly year-long study, said the task force discovered that "the University has a lot of resources. The one thing that hasn't been done effectively is to coordinate them." The study - sent to the Univer- sity's executive officers late last month - is intended to offer con- structive criticism of existing pro- grams, said Joanne Lound, executive assistant to the vice provost for medical affairs and a task force member. "It wasn't planned to be something that just sits on a shelf." "THOSE OF US that were on the task force are eager to hear what the vice provost's (for medical af- fairs) office thinks," said Margaret Warrick, director of student affairs in the School of Public Health. "I'm real optimistic that we're going to see things grow out of this." College of Pharmacy Dean Ara Paul said the deans of the health sci- ence schools are "in the process of discussing recommendations" with the vice provost. The study found that professional programs have higher minority en- rollment than other graduate' pro- grams. According to enrollment statistics for the 1985-86 year, mi- nority enrollment in the professional medical programs, like the M.D. de- gree from the Medical School or the D.D.S. from the School of Den- tistry, was slightly higher than 8 percent for Blacks, as compared to the overall University level of 5.3 percent. "The Medical School leads the other units in enrollment of His- panic and Native American students as well," the report says. BUT THE STUDY found that only three of 245 students in the medical school's Ph.D program were Black -- and all threewere in the same department. In the 1985-86 year, there were only four Hispanic and two Native American students in all other health science graduate pro- grams. The report also found that re- cruitment of students has been ham- pered because recruitment practices have become too decentralized. Hollingsworth said that by coot dinating resources, the schools could reach potential students more effec- tively. OTHER PROBLEMS include a lack of minority student retention programs, financial aid resources, and enrichmentprograms. The group recommends that its' initial requests should be met within six months. The first recommendas tion the report makes is the ap- pointment , of a committee to "initiate, administer, monitor and evaluate recruitment, retention and enrichment programs." Another goal is the creation of health career opportunity courses for undergraduates. The group also wants to establish a minority student database which would help in the recruitment pro- cess and would help chart student performance over time. r s A RTQA/RV ED CLASS RINGS 73 -0 763-1107 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 11 10PM $3.00 TPLHE CLUB ACADEMIC PRO BATION Wednesday, February 1O through Friday, February 12 lam-4pm Michigan Union Bookstore Date Time Place Deposit Required _" Wor valid oly duringdates written aboe. C 1988 AtCarved Class Rings. IF Live Entertainment Every Thursday Night 1 I, a-. kI u~hN ASA 50~ C3 jHw d' LOU I WXMP-Aw#l WIN W