FEBRUARY 1988 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 11 FEBRUARY 1988 U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 11 I Why slum it when you can budget? By Phoenicia Miracle College Heights Herald Western Kentucky U. Each year students take out loans, receive grants, have their parents send them money and search for part-time jobs-all in an attempt to get money. But once they get the money, some students don't know howto make it last. "If you want to have choices, you've got to have a budget," said Peggy Keck, a personal finance instructor. To form a budget, students need to decide what expenses they will have be- sides their room, board and tuition. If not sure of all the expenses, students should keep a list of everything they spend their money on for at least one week. This way they can categorize their expenses, said Craig Heller, chair- man of the Kentucky Society of Certi- fied Public Accountants. After the costs for all items are tal- lied, 10 percent should be added to the budget in case the figures were under- estimated. The student should total all sources of income. If expenses cannot be covered by the income, students have to in- crease the income or decrease spending. The ABC's of getting credit By Cynthia Williams College Heights Herald Western Kentucky U. Getting credit can be exasperating. It's hard to get credit unless you already owe somebody. It's a Catch-22. When students apply for loans or cre- dit cards, they're likely to find that hav- ing a blank history makes that first loan or major credit card hard to get. Long or short, good or bad, a person's credit rating will be consulted every time a loan is needed or a credit card is applied for. Lou Sepulueda, manager of the Credit Bureau in Bowling Green, said the information is provided by cre- dit granters-banks, department stores and credit card companies. Included is information about monthly payments and how they are managed. To begin a credit rating, Sepulueda suggested opening a checking or sav- ings account at a bank. "This will establish you at the bank," he said, "but they are seldom reported to Pa credit bureau." Sepulueda recommends always mak- ing loan payments on the first deadline rather than using grace periods allowed for late payments. Major credit cards may be difficult for students to obtain because they require a regular income. But department stores issue cards to students, and J.C. Penney and Sears often have special promotions to en- courage students to apply for cards. Sepulueda said the department stores report to credit bureaus, thus getting the student's credit history started. "The trick with credit is to never over- extend yourself," Sepulueda said. "Once you have messed up your credit, it will remain on your credit rating for seven years." If the computer screen shows major ,credit cards at their limit, late loan pay- ments or even too many active accounts, you may be turned down, he said. Many students do not have a written budget but keep a mental calculation of their incomes and expenses. Senior Glen Stikeleather said he doesn't have a budget. He said he keeps account of his money on a weekly basis. "I just try to keep in mind how much money I have in my account," he said. "I consider whether I really need some- thing or whether I just want it." Graduate student Mike Nichols said he doesn't keep a budget either. "I just keep an idea of how much money I have and try to think ahead." Nichols said he receives his money from his parents in one lump sum. Be- cause he doesn't have a budget, he said, "I may go hungry the last part of the semester." Junior Melissa Hester plans a budget for each week . MELISSA HESTER: Plans MIKE NICHOLS: Thinks GLEN STIKELEATHER: weekly budgets ahead; may go hungry Thinks need or want "I've got to have a budget. I've got tain amount of time," he said. payments each week," Hester said. "I The amount of a student's resources always pay my bills first." and income should have nothing to do There are a couple of ways to stick to a with whether or not the student forms a budget, said Heller. budget, said Certified Public Accoun- "A method that may work for some is tant Kim Kirby. "I think that itis impor- to set aside the money in a certain bank tant for everyone to havea budget ... to account and only check it out for a cer- be able to manage his cash flow." Until you taste KUDOS yourself this will have to describe it. You've never been here before. No one has ever put rich milk chocolate, crunchy nuts and moist, chewy granola into a snack so right. With a taste this good. In nutty fudge, chocolate chip or peanut butter. It's tomorrow's snack, today.