FEBRUARY 1988 U. of Kansas prof teaches students how to stage a nuclear attack By Michael Carolan University Daily Kansan U. of Kansas John O'Brien, professor of systema- tics and ecology, teaches students how to kill millions of people. O'Brien's class, "Ecology of a Nuclear War," is planning a nuclear attack on the maior cities of the United States. "We're simply playing a game on pap- er with 2 percent of the Soviet power and wiping out 10 percent of the U.S. population: that's not even including missiles under development," said class member Eric Ratzlaff. Using a population and density list of the 100 most populated cities and a list of Soviet and U.S. weapons specifica- } tions, students calculate the greatest number of people they can kill using different configurations of weapons. The course begins by explaining the nuts and bolts of nuclear technology and capabilities. The class discusses nuclear winter, fallout, how radiation affects food supply and the medical aspects of radiation. O'Brien said that he wanted the class to think in what he calls grotesque terms. "I really want to drive home what peo- ple mean when they say 'overkill,'" O'Brien said. Overkill denotes the use of weapons whose destructive capacity far exceeds what is needed to kill all the people in a given area. O'Brien asks his students to plan two major nuclear attacks on the United States, getting as many civilian casual- ties as possible with a small percentage of the available Soviet arsenal. Projects later in the semester include bombing the Soviet Union's ground-based nuc- lear arsenal and organizing an arms re- duction treaty. O'Brien explained how to kill millions of people effectively, how submarine- launched ballistic missiles work in rela- tion to satellites, and how the chain of command for nuclear attacks operates. "There is a strange sense of humor in the class, a kind of demented sarcastic humor that makes the class interest- ing," senior Benjamin Frey said. "It's the kind of class people drop in on to see what's happening." 'U. THE NATIONAL COLLEGE NEWSPAPER 5 Abbie Hoffman speaks out against "drug hysteria" while Timothy Leary looks on. Activists, proponents trade drug testing jabs. By Janet Naylor The Diamondback U. of Maryland A boisterous crowd welcomed Timothy Leary and Yippie founder Abbie Hoffman during a two-hour lec- ture/debate at the U. of Maryland re- cently. The two activists traded jabs with Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa and former Drug Enforcement Agency director Peter Bensinger. Drug testing "is the most serious in- vasion of our privacy since the loyalty oaths of the 1950s," said Hoffman, au- thor of Steal This Urine Test. The book, with a title that plays on Hoffman's 1971 pro-drug, anti- government Steal This Book, criticizes the accuracy and effectiveness of the four most commonly used drug tests which he called "chemical McCar- thyism." "You are being led like blind sheep tc drop your zipper for the Gipper," Hoff- man said of President Reagan's pro- urine testing stand. "Just say no." Bensinger, who heads a security con- sulting firm that advises companies considering testing programs, advo- cated mandatory random testing, adding that companies and agencies that do so are not "going on witch hunts." Companies use drug tests to mini- mize safety hazards, increase produc- tivity and promote their workers' health, Bensinger said, not to cure soci- ety's ills. "Drug testing is no magic wand," he said. "It's best value is as a deterrent, as is the metal detector at the airport." Leary, 67, criticized drug-testing proponents, saying the current "drug hysteria" could be attributed to "mille- nia madness" as Western society counts down to the year 2000. Leary, who was banned from campus in 1966 while under impending crimin- al sentence, echoed Hoffman's concerns about drug-testing as an invasion of privacy. But Sliwa, who formed the Guardian Angels in 1979 to patrol New York's crime-plagued subway system, said during his hellfire-and-brimstone style address, "What do you tell my class- mates ... who for years were dropping acid and suddenly they were swinging from a rope-suicide? How many other intelligent, young creatures of the inner city and the suburban and rural areas have we seen devasted, turned into walking Mr. Potato Heads, and you're all here cheering that kind of genocide?" Convict Continued From Page 4 man that he could hide in the bedroom. Storz answered the door. It was a girl that Storz and Armstrong knew. Chastman came back in and Arm- strong introduced the two. Armstrong asked if anyone wanted a gin and tonic. "I knew we were out of tonic water, but I pretended we might have some," Armstrong said. Armstrong went downstairs and loaded the gun. "I was shaking pretty bad when I was loading the gun," Armstrong said. "When I was coming up the stairs, I thought to myself, 'What if he had re- trieved the gun from under the couch?' "So I laid the gun on top of the stair- well and went back into the living room." Armstrong explained that they were out of tonic water. After asking if they would like to drink it straight, he fixed everyone a gin on the rocks. "By this time, he was feeling pretty comfortable," Armstrong said. "When I went to make a second drink, I leaned down into the stairwell, picked up the gun and took it into the living room." Chastman wasn't looking at Arm- strong as he entered the living room. He had already cocked the gun before he came up the stairs earlier. "He was looking away and didn't see me pointingthe gun at him," Armstrong said. "I told him he had fucked up, and to get his ass on the ground, face first." Chastman said it wasn't loaded. "I told him the hell it ain't," Arm- strong said. After telling the girl to leave, Storz called 911. "I had a little trouble with 911," Storz said. "I called once and it was busy." Chastman got up slowly deciding whether to fall to the floor or just walk out. Chastman slowly made his way to the door. "He never did turn his back on me. He kept looking at me the whole time," Armstrong said. "He said, 'Go ahead and shoot me.' I just told him to get on the ground. I really couldn't shoot him." Chastman stood outside until he saw the police coming. "After the first cop arrived, there were police all over within a matter of 30 seconds," Storz said. A QUESTION EVEN STRAIGHT"A"STUDENTS FIND TOUGH TO ANSWER. You're probably going to need help filling in some of the blanks about your future. 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